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* *
* configuration information: the following variables need to be set to *
* indicate the machine configuration/capabilities. *
* *
* there are pre-defined machine types for the following machines: (1) SUN *
* (2) DOS (3) ALPHA [DEC Alpha] (4) CRAY (5) LINUX. defining any of these *
* names will produce a runnable executable. for other machines, the names *
* explained below must be individually DEFINED or UNDEFINED as needed. *
* *
* HAS_64BITS: define this for a machine that has true 64-bit hardware *
* including leading-zero hardware, population count, etc. ie, a Cray-like *
* machine. *
* *
* HAS_LONGLONG: define this for a 32-bit machine with a compiler that *
* supports the long long (64-bit) integer data and allows bitwise operations *
* on this data type. this provides significantly faster execution time as *
* the bitwise operators are done by the compiler rather than by procedure *
* calls. *
* *
* LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH: define for a 32-bit machine that mangles the way data *
* is stored within a word. This is currently true for all PC class machines *
* and false for other processors used in current workstations (SUN, etc.) *
* *
* UNIX: define this if the program is being run on a unix-based system, *
* which causes the executable to use unix-specific runtime utilities. *
* *
* SMP: this enables the symmetric multiprocessing code that allows Crafty *
* to spawn threads and execute a parallel search. Note that if this is set, *
* then the next variable must be defined as well. *
* *
* CPUS=N: this sets up data structures to the appropriate size to support *
* up to N simultaneous search engines. note that you can set this to a *
* value larger than the max processors you currently have, because the mt=n *
* command (added to the command line or your crafty.rc/.craftyrc file) will *
* control how many threads are actually spawned. *
* *
#if !defined(TYPES_INCLUDED)
#if !defined(CPUS)
# define CPUS 1
#if defined(SMP)
# if (defined(NT_i386) || defined(NT_AXP))
# include <windows.h>
# include <process.h>
# elif defined(LINUX) || defined(ALPHA) || defined(POSIX)
# include <pthread.h>
# endif
#if defined(AIX)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(ALPHA)
# define HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# undef HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# define LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(AMIGA)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# undef UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(CRAY1)
# define HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# undef HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(DOS)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# define LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# undef UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(FreeBSD)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# define LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(HP)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(LINUX)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# define LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(MIPS)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(NEXT)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(NT_AXP)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# define LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# undef UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(NT_i386)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# define LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# undef UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(OS2)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# define LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(SGI)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(SUN)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(SUN_BSD)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# define UNIX /* system is unix-based */
#if defined(__MWERKS__)
# define MACOS
#if defined(MACOS)
# undef HAS_64BITS /* machine has 64-bit integers / operators */
# define HAS_LONGLONG /* machine has 32-bit/64-bit integers */
# undef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH /* machine stores bytes in "PC" order */
# undef UNIX /* system is unix-based */
# define BOOKDIR "Books"
# define LOGDIR "Logs"
# define TBDIR "TB"
# define BOOKDIR "."
# define LOGDIR "."
# define TBDIR "./TB"
#define MAXPLY 65
#define MAX_BLOCKS 64
#define MAX_TC_NODES 300000
#if !defined(SMP)
# define lock_t int
#if defined(SMP)
#if (defined(NT_i386) || defined(NT_AXP))
# define pthread_attr_t HANDLE
# define pthread_t HANDLE
# define thread_t HANDLE
# define tfork(t,f,p) do { \
(pthread_t)_beginthreadex(0,0,(void *)(f),(void *)(p),0,0); \
} while (0)
#if (defined (_M_ALPHA) && !defined(NT_INTEREX))
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" __int64 __asm (char *, ...);
# pragma intrinsic (__asm)
# endif
typedef volatile int lock_t[1];
# define LockInit(v) ((v)[0] = 0)
# define UnLock(v) ((v)[0] = 0)
__inline void Lock (volatile int *hPtr) {
__asm ("lp: ldl_l v0,(a0);"
" xor v0,1,v0;"
" beq v0,lp;"
" stl_c v0,(a0);"
" beq v0,lp;"
" mb;",
#elif (defined (_M_IX86) && !defined(NT_INTEREX))
typedef volatile int lock_t[1];
# define LockInit(v) ((v)[0] = 0)
# define UnLock(v) ((v)[0] = 0)
__inline void Lock (volatile int *hPtr)
mov ecx, hPtr
la: mov eax, 1
xchg eax, [ecx]
test eax, eax
jz end
lb: mov eax, [ecx]
test eax, eax
jz la
jmp lb
#else /* NT non-Alpha/Intel, without assembler Lock() */
# define lock_t volatile int
# define LockInit(v) ((v) = 0)
# define Lock(v) do { \
while(InterlockedExchange((LPLONG)&(v),1) != 0); \
} while (0)
# define UnLock(v) ((v) = 0)
#endif /* architecture check */
#else /* not NT, assume SMP using POSIX threads (LINUX, etc) */
#if defined(MUTEX)
# define Lock(v) pthread_mutex_lock(&v)
# define LockInit(v) pthread_mutex_init(&v,0)
# define UnLock(v) pthread_mutex_unlock(&v)
# define lock_t pthread_mutex_t
#elif defined(ALPHA)
# include <machine/builtins.h>
# define lock_t volatile long
# define LockInit(v) ((v) = 0)
# define Lock(v) __LOCK_LONG(&(v))
# define UnLock(v) __UNLOCK_LONG(&(v))
#else /* POSIX, but not using MUTEXes */
# define exchange(adr,reg) \
({ volatile int _ret; \
asm volatile ("xchgw %0,%1" \
: "=q" (_ret), "=m" (*(adr)) /* Output %0,%1 */ \
: "m" (*(adr)), "0" (reg)); /* Input (%2),%0 */ \
_ret; \
# define LockInit(p) (p=0)
# define UnLock(p) (exchange(&p,0))
# define Lock(p) while(exchange(&p,1)) while(p)
# define lock_t volatile int
#endif /* MUTEX */
# define tfork(t,f,p) pthread_create(&t,&pthread_attr,f,(void*) p)
#endif /* NT or POSIX */
#endif /* SMP code */
#define MERGE_BLOCK 1000
#define SORT_BLOCK 400000
#define LEARN_WINDOW_LB -40
#define LEARN_WINDOW_UB +40
fractional ply extensions. these should be in units based on the
value of INCREMENT_PLY (default is 60). a value of 60 means this
extension is exactly one ply.
#define INCREMENT_PLY 60 /* 1.00 */
#define NULL_MOVE_DEPTH 120 /* 2.00 */
#define RAZORING_DEPTH 60 /* 1.00 */
#define MATE 32768
#define PAWN_VALUE 100
#define KNIGHT_VALUE 300
#define BISHOP_VALUE 300
#define ROOK_VALUE 500
#define QUEEN_VALUE 900
#define KING_VALUE 40000
#if defined(HAS_64BITS)
typedef unsigned long BITBOARD;
# if defined(NT_i386) || defined(NT_AXP)
typedef unsigned __int64 BITBOARD;
# else
typedef unsigned long long BITBOARD;
# endif
#include <time.h>
#if !defined(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
# define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000
typedef enum { A1,B1,C1,D1,E1,F1,G1,H1,
BAD_SQUARE } squares;
typedef enum {RANK1, RANK2, RANK3, RANK4, RANK5, RANK6, RANK7, RANK8} ranks;
typedef enum {empty=0, pawn=1, knight=2, king=3,
bishop=5, rook=6, queen=7} PIECE;
typedef enum {empty_v=0, pawn_v=1, knight_v=2,
bishop_v=3, rook_v=5, queen_v=9} PIECE_V;
typedef enum {no_extension=0, check_extension=1, recapture_extension=2,
passed_pawn_extension=4, one_reply_extension=8} EXTENSIONS;
typedef enum {cpu, elapsed, microseconds} TIME_TYPE;
typedef enum {think=1, puzzle=2, book=3, annotate=4} SEARCH_TYPE;
typedef enum {normal_mode, tournament_mode} PLAYING_MODE;
typedef enum {crafty, opponent} PLAYER;
typedef enum {book_learning=1, position_learning=2,
result_learning=4} LEARNING_MODE;
typedef struct {
unsigned char enpassant_target;
signed char w_castle;
signed char b_castle;
unsigned char rule_50_moves;
typedef struct {
BITBOARD w_occupied;
BITBOARD b_occupied;
BITBOARD occupied_rl90;
BITBOARD occupied_rl45;
BITBOARD occupied_rr45;
BITBOARD rooks_queens;
BITBOARD bishops_queens;
BITBOARD w_pawn;
BITBOARD w_knight;
BITBOARD w_bishop;
BITBOARD w_rook;
BITBOARD w_queen;
BITBOARD b_pawn;
BITBOARD b_knight;
BITBOARD b_bishop;
BITBOARD b_rook;
BITBOARD b_queen;
BITBOARD hash_key;
unsigned int pawn_hash_key;
int material_evaluation;
signed char white_king;
signed char black_king;
signed char board[64];
signed char white_pieces;
signed char white_minors;
signed char white_majors;
signed char white_pawns;
signed char black_pieces;
signed char black_minors;
signed char black_majors;
signed char black_pawns;
signed char total_pieces;
typedef struct {
typedef struct {
unsigned int key;
short p_score;
unsigned char black_protected;
unsigned char black_pof;
unsigned char weak_b;
unsigned char passed_b;
unsigned char black_defects_k;
unsigned char black_defects_q;
unsigned char white_protected;
unsigned char white_pof;
unsigned char weak_w;
unsigned char passed_w;
unsigned char white_defects_k;
unsigned char white_defects_q;
unsigned char outside;
typedef struct {
int path[MAXPLY];
unsigned char path_hashed;
unsigned char path_length;
unsigned char path_iteration_depth;
typedef struct {
int phase;
int remaining;
int *last;
typedef struct {
BITBOARD position;
unsigned int status_played;
float learn;
typedef struct {
unsigned char position[8];
unsigned char status;
unsigned char percent_play;
struct tree {
PAWN_HASH_ENTRY pawn_score;
NEXT_MOVE next_status[MAXPLY];
BITBOARD save_hash_key[MAXPLY+2];
BITBOARD replist_w[128];
BITBOARD replist_b[128];
BITBOARD *rephead_w;
BITBOARD *rephead_b;
BITBOARD all_pawns;
unsigned int save_pawn_hash_key[MAXPLY+2];
int current_move[MAXPLY];
int hash_move[MAXPLY];
int *last[MAXPLY];
unsigned int nodes_searched;
unsigned int fail_high;
unsigned int fail_high_first;
unsigned int evaluations;
unsigned int transposition_probes;
unsigned int transposition_hits;
unsigned int pawn_probes;
unsigned int pawn_hits;
unsigned int tb_probes;
unsigned int tb_probes_successful;
unsigned int check_extensions_done;
unsigned int recapture_extensions_done;
unsigned int passed_pawn_extensions_done;
unsigned int one_reply_extensions_done;
int killer_move1[MAXPLY];
int killer_move2[MAXPLY];
int move_list[5120];
int sort_value[256];
unsigned int root_nodes[256];
signed char in_check[MAXPLY];
signed char extended_reason[MAXPLY];
signed char current_phase[MAXPLY];
signed char searched_this_root_move[256];
int search_value;
int w_safety, b_safety;
int w_kingsq, b_kingsq;
lock_t lock;
int thread_id;
volatile char stop;
volatile char done;
struct tree *volatile siblings[CPUS], *parent;
volatile int nprocs;
int alpha;
int beta;
int value;
int wtm;
int depth;
int ply;
int threat;
int used;
typedef struct tree TREE;
#if defined(COMPACT_ATTACKS)
# define NDIAG_ATTACKS 296
# define NRANK_ATTACKS 70
# define NFILE_ATTACKS 70
# define NSHORT_MOBILITY 116
struct at {
unsigned char which_attack[8][64];
BITBOARD file_attack_bitboards[8][MAX_ATTACKS_FROM_SQUARE];
unsigned char rank_attack_bitboards[8][MAX_ATTACKS_FROM_SQUARE];
unsigned char length8_mobility[8][MAX_ATTACKS_FROM_SQUARE];
unsigned char short_mobility[NSHORT_MOBILITY];
typedef struct {
/* Fields for the diagonal */
BITBOARD *d_attacks;
unsigned char *d_mobility;
unsigned char *d_which_attack;
unsigned char d_shift;
unsigned char d_mask;
/* Fields for the anti diagonal */
unsigned char ad_shift;
unsigned char ad_mask;
unsigned char *ad_which_attack;
unsigned char *ad_mobility;
BITBOARD *ad_attacks;
DO NOT modify these. these are constants, used in multiple modules.
modification may corrupt the search in any number of ways, all bad.
#define WORTHLESS 0
#define LOWER_BOUND 1
#define UPPER_BOUND 2
#define EXACT_SCORE 3
#define NULL_MOVE 0
#define DO_NULL 1
#define NO_NULL 0
#define NONE 0
#define FIRST_PHASE 1
#define HASH_MOVE 1
#define KILLER_MOVE_1 4
#define KILLER_MOVE_2 5
#define SORT_ALL_MOVES 7
#define HISTORY_MOVES_1 8
#define HISTORY_MOVES_2 9
#define ROOT_MOVES 11
#if !defined(CRAY1)
BITBOARD Mask(int);
int PopCnt(BITBOARD);
int FirstOne(BITBOARD);
int LastOne(BITBOARD);
void Analyze();
void Annotate();
int Attacked(TREE*, int, int);
BITBOARD AttacksFrom(TREE*, int, int);
BITBOARD AttacksTo(TREE*, int);
void Bench(void);
int Book(TREE*,int,int);
int BookMask(char*);
void BookUp(TREE*, char*, int, char**);
void BookSort(BB_POSITION*, int, int);
#if defined(NT_i386) || defined(NT_AXP)
int _cdecl BookUpCompare(const void *, const void *);
int BookUpCompare(const void *, const void *);
BB_POSITION BookUpNextPosition(int, int);
int CheckInput(void);
void ClearHashTables(void);
void ComputeAttacksAndMobility(void);
void CopyFromSMP(TREE*, TREE*);
void Delay232(int);
void DisplayBitBoard(BITBOARD);
void DisplayChessBoard(FILE*, POSITION);
char* DisplayEvaluation(int);
char* DisplayEvaluationWhisper(int);
void DisplayFT(int, int, int);
char* DisplayHHMM(unsigned int);
void DisplayPieceBoards(int*, int*);
void DisplayPV(TREE*, int, int, int, int, PATH*);
char* DisplaySQ(unsigned int);
char* DisplayTime(unsigned int);
char* DisplayTimeWhisper(unsigned int);
void DisplayTreeState(TREE*, int, int, int);
void Display2BitBoards(BITBOARD, BITBOARD);
void DisplayChessMove(char*, int);
int DrawScore(int);
int Drawn(TREE*, int);
void Edit(void);
int EnPrise(int, int);
int Evaluate(TREE*, int, int, int, int);
int EvaluateDevelopment(TREE*, int);
int EvaluateDraws(TREE*);
int EvaluateKingSafety(TREE*, int);
int EvaluateMate(TREE*);
int EvaluatePassedPawns(TREE*);
int EvaluatePassedPawnRaces(TREE*, int);
int EvaluatePawns(TREE*);
void EVTest(char *);
int FindBlockID(TREE*);
char* FormatPV(TREE*,int,PATH);
int* GenerateCaptures(TREE*, int, int, int*);
int* GenerateCheckEvasions(TREE*, int, int, int*);
int* GenerateNonCaptures(TREE*, int, int, int*);
unsigned int ReadClock(TIME_TYPE);
int HasOpposition(int, int, int);
void History(TREE*, int, int, int, int);
void Initialize(int);
void InitializeAttackBoards(void);
void InitializeChessBoard(SEARCH_POSITION*);
int InitializeFindAttacks(int, int, int);
void InitializeHashTables(void);
void InitializeMasks(void);
void InitializePawnMasks(void);
void InitializePieceMasks(void);
void InitializeRandomHash(void);
void InitializeSMP(void);
void InitializeZeroMasks(void);
int InputMove(TREE*, char*, int, int, int, int);
int InputMoveICS(TREE*, char*, int, int, int, int);
BITBOARD InterposeSquares(int, int, int);
void Interrupt(int);
int Iterate(int, int, int);
int KingPawnSquare(int, int, int, int);
void LearnBook(TREE*, int, int, int, int, int);
void LearnBookUpdate(TREE*, int, int, float);
int LearnFunction(int, int, int, int);
void LearnImport(TREE*, int, char**);
void LearnImportBook(TREE*, int, char**);
void LearnImportPosition(TREE*, int, char**);
void LearnPosition(TREE*, int, int, int);
void LearnPositionLoad(TREE*);
void LearnResult(TREE*, int);
int LegalMove(TREE*, int, int, int);
int LookUp(TREE*, int, int, int, int*, int*, int*);
void MakeMove(TREE*, int, int, int);
void MakeMoveRoot(TREE*, int, int);
void NewGame(int);
int NextEvasion(TREE*, int, int);
int NextMove(TREE*, int, int);
int NextRootMove(TREE*, int);
char* Normal(void);
int Option(TREE*);
int OptionMatch(char*, char*);
void OptionPerft(TREE*, int, int, int);
char* OutputMove(TREE*, int, int, int);
char* OutputMoveICS(TREE*, int);
int OutputGood(TREE*, char*, int, int);
int ParseTime(char*);
void Pass(void);
void Phase(void);
int PinnedOnKing(TREE*, int, int);
int Ponder(int);
void PreEvaluate(TREE*,int);
void Print(int, char*, ...);
int Quiesce(TREE*, int, int, int, int);
unsigned int Random32(void);
BITBOARD Random64(void);
int Read(int, char*);
int ReadChessMove(TREE*, FILE*, int, int);
void ReadClear();
int ReadPGN(FILE*,int);
int ReadNextMove(TREE*, char*, int, int);
int ReadParse(char*, char *args[], char*);
int ReadInput();
int RepetitionCheck(TREE*, int, int);
int RepetitionDraw(TREE*, int);
void ResignOrDraw(TREE*, int, int);
void RestoreGame(void);
char* Reverse(void);
void RootMoveList(int);
int Search(TREE*, int, int, int, int, int, int);
void SearchOutput(TREE*, int, int);
int SearchRoot(TREE*, int, int, int, int);
int SearchSMP(TREE*, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
void SearchTrace(TREE*, int, int, int, int, int, char*, int);
void SetBoard(int,char**,int);
void SetChessBitBoards(SEARCH_POSITION*);
void StoreBest(TREE*, int, int, int, int, int, int);
void StorePV(TREE*, int,int);
void StoreRefutation(TREE*, int, int, int, int, int);
int Swap(TREE*, int, int, int);
BITBOARD SwapXray(TREE*, BITBOARD, int, int);
void Test(char *);
int Thread(TREE*);
void* ThreadInit(void*);
void ThreadStop(TREE*);
int ThreadWait(int, TREE*);
void TimeAdjust(int,PLAYER);
int TimeCheck(int);
void TimeSet(int);
void UnMakeMove(TREE*, int, int, int);
int ValidMove(TREE*, int, int, int);
void ValidatePosition(TREE*, int, int, char*);
BITBOARD ValidateComputeBishopAttacks(TREE*, int);
BITBOARD ValidateComputeRookAttacks(TREE*, int);
void Whisper(int, int, int, int, unsigned int, int, char*);
#if defined(HAS_64BITS) || defined(HAS_LONGLONG)
# define And(a,b) ((a) & (b))
# define Or(a,b) ((a) | (b))
# define Xor(a,b) ((a) ^ (b))
# define Compl(a) (~(a))
# define Shiftl(a,b) ((a) << (b))
# define Shiftr(a,b) ((a) >> (b))
# if defined(CRAY1)
# define PopCnt(a) _popcnt(a)
# define FirstOne(a) _leadz(a)
# define LastOne(a) _leadz((a)^(a-1))
# define Mask(a) _mask(a)
# define mask_1 _mask(1)
# define mask_2 _mask(2)
# define mask_3 _mask(3)
# define mask_4 _mask(4)
# define mask_8 _mask(8)
# define mask_16 _mask(16)
# define mask_32 _mask(32)
# define mask_72 _mask(72)
# define mask_80 _mask(80)
# define mask_85 _mask(85)
# define mask_96 _mask(96)
# define mask_107 _mask(107)
# define mask_108 _mask(108)
# define mask_112 _mask(112)
# define mask_118 _mask(118)
# define mask_120 _mask(120)
# define mask_121 _mask(121)
# define mask_127 _mask(127)
# endif
#define ABSearch(tree,alpha,beta,wtm,depth,ply,donull) \
(((depth) >= INCREMENT_PLY) ? \
Search(tree,alpha,beta,wtm,depth,ply,donull) : \
#define Max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define Min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define FileDistance(a,b) abs(((a)&7) - ((b)&7))
#define RankDistance(a,b) abs(((a)>>3) - ((b)>>3))
#define Distance(a,b) Max(FileDistance(a,b),RankDistance(a,b))
the following macro is used to determine if one side is in check. it
simply returns the result of Attacked().
#define Check(wtm) \
Attacked(tree, (wtm)?WhiteKingSQ:BlackKingSQ,ChangeSide(wtm))
Attack() is used to determine if a newly promoted pawn (queen)
attacks <square>. normally <square> will be the location of the opposing
king, but it can also be the location of the opposing side's queening
square in case this pawn prevents the other pawn from safely queening on
the next move.
#define Attack(square,queen,ply) !And(obstructed[square][queen],Occupied)
the following macros are used to construct the attacks from a square.
the attacks are computed as four separate bit vectors, one for each of the
two diagonals, and one for the ranks and one for the files. these can be
Or'ed together to produce the attack bitmaps for bishops, rooks and queens.
extern BITBOARD AttacksRookFunc(int, POSITION *);
extern BITBOARD AttacksBishopFunc(DIAG_INFO *, POSITION *);
# define AttacksRook(a) AttacksRookFunc(a,&tree->pos)
# define AttacksBishop(a) AttacksBishopFunc(&diag_info[a],&tree->pos)
# define AttacksRook(a) Or(AttacksRank(a),AttacksFile(a))
# define AttacksBishop(a) Or(AttacksDiaga1(a),AttacksDiagh1(a))
#define AttacksQueen(a) Or(AttacksBishop(a),AttacksRook(a))
#define Rank(x) (((x)>>3)&7)
#define File(x) ((x)&7)
#define ChangeSide(x) ((x)^1)
#if defined(COMPACT_ATTACKS)
On a 32 bit machine optimizes the right shift of a long long
where it is known that desired piece lies completely in one of
the 32 bit words.
# if defined(USE_SPLIT_SHIFTS)
# define SplitShiftr(value,shift) ((shift) >= 32 ? \
Shiftr ((unsigned long) Shiftr((value), 32), (shift)-32) : \
Shiftr ((unsigned long) (value), (shift)))
# else
# define SplitShiftr(value,shift) Shiftr(value,shift)
# endif
# define AttacksDiaga1Int(diagp,boardp) \
(diagp)->ad_attacks[(diagp)->ad_which_attack[ \
And (SplitShiftr((boardp)->occupied_rl45,(diagp)->ad_shift),\
# define AttacksDiagh1Int(diagp,boardp) \
(diagp)->d_attacks[(diagp)->d_which_attack[ \
And (SplitShiftr((boardp)->occupied_rr45,(diagp)->d_shift), \
On a 32 bit machine optimizes promoting a smaller value to a long
long where it is known that the smaller piece will be completely
in one of the 32 bit words.
# if defined(USE_SPLIT_SHIFTS)
# define SplitShiftl(value,shift) \
((shift) >= 32 ? Shiftl((BITBOARD) \
Shiftl((unsigned long) (value), (shift)-32), 32) : \
(BITBOARD) Shiftl((unsigned long) (value), (shift)))
# else
# define SplitShiftl(value,shift) Shiftl((BITBOARD) value,shift)
# endif
The length of the following macro is a little excessive as the
rank_attacks lookup is duplicated. Making it a function, or passing
in a temporary variable would simplify it significantly, although
hopefully the compiler recognizes the common subexpression.
# define AttacksRankInt(a,boardp) \
SplitShiftl(at.rank_attack_bitboards[File(a)][ \
at.which_attack[File(a)][And(SplitShiftr( \
Or((boardp)->w_occupied,(boardp)->b_occupied), \
The final left shift in this is optimizable, but the optimization is
a little ugly to express. There is no information that crosses the
word boundary in the shift so it can be implemented as two separate
word shifts that are joined together in a long long.
# define AttacksFileInt(a,boardp) \
Shiftl(at.file_attack_bitboards[Rank(a)] [ \
at.which_attack[Rank(a)] [ \
And(SplitShiftr((boardp)->occupied_rl90, \
(File(~(a))<<3)+1),0x3f)]],File(~(a)) )
extern BITBOARD AttacksRankFunc(int, POSITION *);
extern BITBOARD AttacksFileFunc(int, POSITION *);
extern BITBOARD AttacksDiaga1Func(DIAG_INFO *, POSITION *);
extern BITBOARD AttacksDiagh1Func(DIAG_INFO *, POSITION *);
# define AttacksRank(a) AttacksRankFunc(a,&tree->pos)
# define AttacksFile(a) AttacksFileFunc(a,&tree->pos)
# define AttacksDiaga1(a) AttacksDiaga1Func(&diag_info[a],&tree->pos)
# define AttacksDiagh1(a) AttacksDiagh1Func(&diag_info[a],&tree->pos)
# else
# define AttacksRank(a) AttacksRankInt(a,&tree->pos)
# define AttacksFile(a) AttacksFileInt(a,&tree->pos)
# define AttacksDiaga1(a) AttacksDiaga1Int(&diag_info[a],&tree->pos)
# define AttacksDiagh1(a) AttacksDiagh1Int(&diag_info[a],&tree->pos)
# endif
# define AttacksRank(a) \
# define AttacksFile(a) \
rook_attacks_rl90[(a)][And(Shiftr(tree->pos.occupied_rl90, \
# define AttacksDiaga1(a) \
bishop_attacks_rl45[(a)][And(Shiftr(tree->pos.occupied_rl45, \
# define AttacksDiagh1(a) \
bishop_attacks_rr45[(a)][And(Shiftr(tree->pos.occupied_rr45, \
#endif /* defined(COMPACT_ATTACKS) */
the following macros are used to compute the mobility for a sliding piece.
The basic idea is the same as the attack vectors above, but the result is
an integer mobility factor rather than a bitboard. this saves having to
do a PopCnt() on the attack bit vector, which is much slower.
#define MobilityRook(a) (MobilityRank(a)+MobilityFile(a))
#define MobilityBishop(a) (MobilityDiaga1(a)+MobilityDiagh1(a))
#define MobilityQueen(a) (MobilityBishop(a)+MobilityRook(a))
#if defined(COMPACT_ATTACKS)
# define MobilityDiaga1Int(diagp,boardp) \
(diagp)->ad_mobility[(diagp)->ad_which_attack[ \
And (SplitShiftr ((boardp)->occupied_rl45, \
# define MobilityDiagh1Int(diagp,boardp) \
(diagp)->d_mobility[(diagp)->d_which_attack [ \
And (SplitShiftr ((boardp)->occupied_rr45, \
# define MobilityRankInt(a,boardp) \
at.length8_mobility[File(a)][ \
at.which_attack[File(a)][ \
And(SplitShiftr(Or((boardp)->w_occupied, \
# define MobilityFileInt(a,boardp) \
at.length8_mobility[Rank(a)][ \
at.which_attack[Rank(a)] [ \
extern unsigned MobilityRankFunc(int, POSITION *);
extern unsigned MobilityFileFunc(int, POSITION *);
extern unsigned MobilityDiaga1Func(DIAG_INFO *, POSITION *);
extern unsigned MobilityDiagh1Func(DIAG_INFO *, POSITION *);
# define MobilityRank(a) MobilityRankFunc(a,&tree->pos)
# define MobilityFile(a) MobilityFileFunc(a,&tree->pos)
# define MobilityDiaga1(a) MobilityDiaga1Func(&diag_info[a],&tree->pos)
# define MobilityDiagh1(a) MobilityDiagh1Func(&diag_info[a],&tree->pos)
# else
# define MobilityRank(a) MobilityRankInt(a,&tree->pos)
# define MobilityFile(a) MobilityFileInt(a,&tree->pos)
# define MobilityDiaga1(a) MobilityDiaga1Int(&diag_info[a],&tree->pos)
# define MobilityDiagh1(a) MobilityDiagh1Int(&diag_info[a],&tree->pos)
# endif
# define MobilityRank(a) \
rook_mobility_r0[(a)][And(Shiftr(Or(tree->pos.w_occupied, \
tree->pos.b_occupied), \
# define MobilityFile(a) \
rook_mobility_rl90[(a)][And(Shiftr(tree->pos.occupied_rl90, \
# define MobilityDiaga1(a) \
bishop_mobility_rl45[(a)][And(Shiftr(tree->pos.occupied_rl45, \
# define MobilityDiagh1(a) \
bishop_mobility_rr45[(a)][And(Shiftr(tree->pos.occupied_rr45, \
#endif /* if defined(COMPACT_ATTACKS) */
the following macros are used to extract the pieces of a move that are
kept compressed into the rightmost 21 bits of a simple integer.
#define From(a) ((a)&63)
#define To(a) (((a)>>6)&63)
#define Piece(a) (((a)>>12)&7)
#define Captured(a) (((a)>>15)&7)
#define Promote(a) (((a)>>18)&7)
#define CaptureOrPromote(a) (((a)>>15)&63)
#define SetMask(a) (set_mask[a])
#define ClearMask(a) (clear_mask[a])
the following macros are used to extract the correct bits for the piece
type desired.
#define BlackPawns (tree->pos.b_pawn)
#define BlackKnights (tree->pos.b_knight)
#define BlackBishops (tree->pos.b_bishop)
#define BlackRooks (tree->pos.b_rook)
#define BlackQueens (tree->pos.b_queen)
#define BlackKing (set_mask[tree->pos.black_king])
#define BlackKingSQ (tree->pos.black_king)
#define BlackCastle(ply) (tree->position[ply].b_castle)
#define TotalBlackPawns (tree->pos.black_pawns)
#define TotalBlackPieces (tree->pos.black_pieces)
#define TotalBlackMaterial (tree->pos.black_pieces+tree->black_pawns)
#define BlackPieces (tree->pos.b_occupied)
#define BlackMinors (tree->pos.black_minors)
#define BlackMajors (tree->pos.black_majors)
#define WhitePawns (tree->pos.w_pawn)
#define WhiteKnights (tree->pos.w_knight)
#define WhiteBishops (tree->pos.w_bishop)
#define WhiteRooks (tree->pos.w_rook)
#define WhiteQueens (tree->pos.w_queen)
#define WhiteKing (set_mask[tree->pos.white_king])
#define WhiteKingSQ (tree->pos.white_king)
#define WhiteCastle(ply) (tree->position[ply].w_castle)
#define TotalWhitePawns (tree->pos.white_pawns)
#define TotalWhitePieces (tree->pos.white_pieces)
#define TotalWhiteMaterial (tree->pos.white_pieces+tree->white_pawns)
#define WhitePieces (tree->pos.w_occupied)
#define WhiteMinors (tree->pos.white_minors)
#define WhiteMajors (tree->pos.white_majors)
#define TotalPieces (tree->pos.total_pieces)
#define Material (tree->pos.material_evaluation)
#define Rule50Moves(ply) (tree->position[ply].rule_50_moves)
#define HashKey (tree->pos.hash_key)
#define PawnHashKey (tree->pos.pawn_hash_key)
#define EnPassant(ply) (tree->position[ply].enpassant_target)
#define EnPassantTarget(ply) (EnPassant(ply) ? set_mask[EnPassant(ply)] : 0)
#define PieceOnSquare(sq) (tree->pos.board[sq])
#define BishopsQueens (tree->pos.bishops_queens)
#define RooksQueens (tree->pos.rooks_queens)
#define Occupied (Or(tree->pos.w_occupied,tree->pos.b_occupied))
#define OccupiedRL90 (tree->pos.occupied_rl90)
#define OccupiedRL45 (tree->pos.occupied_rl45)
#define OccupiedRR45 (tree->pos.occupied_rr45)
#define Sliding(piece) ((piece) & 4)
#define SlidingDiag(piece) (((piece) & 5) == 5)
#define SlidingRow(piece) (((piece) & 6) == 6)
the following macros are used to Set and Clear a specific bit in the
second argument. this is done to make the code more readable, rather
than to make it faster.
#define ClearSet(a,b) b=Xor(a,b)
#define Clear(a,b) b=And(clear_mask[a],b)
#define ClearRL90(a,b) b=And(clear_mask_rl90[a],b)
#define ClearRL45(a,b) b=And(clear_mask_rl45[a],b)
#define ClearRR45(a,b) b=And(clear_mask_rr45[a],b)
#define Set(a,b) b=Or(set_mask[a],b)
#define SetRL90(a,b) b=Or(set_mask_rl90[a],b)
#define SetRL45(a,b) b=Or(set_mask_rl45[a],b)
#define SetRR45(a,b) b=Or(set_mask_rr45[a],b)
#define HashPB32(a,b) b=b_pawn_random32[a]^(b)
#define HashPW32(a,b) b=w_pawn_random32[a]^(b)
#define HashPB(a,b) b=Xor(b_pawn_random[a],b)
#define HashPW(a,b) b=Xor(w_pawn_random[a],b)
#define HashNB(a,b) b=Xor(b_knight_random[a],b)
#define HashNW(a,b) b=Xor(w_knight_random[a],b)
#define HashBB(a,b) b=Xor(b_bishop_random[a],b)
#define HashBW(a,b) b=Xor(w_bishop_random[a],b)
#define HashRB(a,b) b=Xor(b_rook_random[a],b)
#define HashRW(a,b) b=Xor(w_rook_random[a],b)
#define HashQB(a,b) b=Xor(b_queen_random[a],b)
#define HashQW(a,b) b=Xor(w_queen_random[a],b)
#define HashKB(a,b) b=Xor(b_king_random[a],b)
#define HashKW(a,b) b=Xor(w_king_random[a],b)
#define HashEP(a,b) b=Xor(enpassant_random[a],b)
#define HashCastleW(a,b) b=Xor(castle_random_w[a],b);
#define HashCastleB(a,b) b=Xor(castle_random_b[a],b);
#define SavePV(tree,ply,value,ph) do { \
tree->pv[ply-1].path[ply-1]=tree->current_move[ply-1]; \
tree->pv[ply-1].path_length=ply-1; \
tree->pv[ply-1].path_hashed=ph; \
tree->pv[ply-1].path_iteration_depth=iteration_depth;} while(0)
#define SavePVS(tree,ply,value,ph) do { \
tree->pv[ply-1].path[ply-1]=tree->current_move[ply-1]; \
tree->pv[ply-1].path_length=ply-1; \
tree->pv[ply-1].path_hashed=ph; \
tree->pv[ply-1].path_iteration_depth=iteration_depth; \
SearchOutput(tree,value,beta);} while(0)
#endif /* if defined(TYPES_INCLUDED) */