Labels:text | letter | cartoon OCR: So easy you'll think its magic! Windows Instructions 1) Insert the Shareware Studio into your CD-ROM drive. 2) Start Windows by typing WIN <enter>. 3) From the Program Manager, run X:\ACCESS\ACCESSW.EXE (where X is your CD-ROM drive letter). 4) For online help, press F1. For additional help use the Windows Notepad to view X:\HELPME.TXT. DOS Instructions 1) Insert the Shareware Studio into your CD-ROM drive. 2) Change the root directory of your CD-ROM drive by typing X: < enter>, (where X is your CD-ROM drive letter). 3) Change to the ACCESS directory by typing CD\ACCESS <enter>. 4) Run the program by typing ACCESS.EXE <enter>. 5) For online help, press F1. For additional help use DOS's EDIT to view X:\HELPME.TXT. NOTE: Additional information on running or using these programs can be found ...