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- on GetInfo theSp
- set infoNum to theSp - 19
- set VisHilight to Get_SMSelectedLine() - Get_SMCurrPlace()
- if ((VisHilight <> infoNum) or (Get_SMSelectedLine() <> EMPTY)) and (infoNum <= Get_SMNumOfLines()) then
- set TopLoc to Get_SMTopField()
- set newLoc to ((infoNum - 1) * Get_SMSizeOfLine()) + TopLoc
- set the locV of sprite Get_SMHiliteSprite() to newLoc
- Set_SMSelectedLine(Get_SMCurrPlace() + infoNum)
- Set_SMLastSp(theSp)
- set the castNum of sprite theSp to the number of cast "info-down"
- updateStage()
- ShowItemInfo()
- end if
- end
- on ShowItemInfo
- put line Get_SMSelectedLine() of Get_SMSourceField() into field "TitleFld"
- set save to the itemDelimiter
- set the itemDelimiter to "#"
- put item Get_SMSelectedLine() of field ("INFO" & Get_SMChosenSubMenu() & "-" & Get_ScreenSubject()) into field "InfoFld"
- set the itemDelimiter to save
- go("infoWD")
- end
- on CopyItem theSp
- set CopyNum to theSp - 29
- set VisHilight to Get_SMSelectedLine() - Get_SMCurrPlace()
- if ((VisHilight <> CopyNum) or (Get_SMSelectedLine() <> EMPTY)) and (CopyNum <= Get_SMNumOfLines()) then
- set TopLoc to Get_SMTopField()
- set newLoc to ((CopyNum - 1) * Get_SMSizeOfLine()) + TopLoc
- set the locV of sprite Get_SMHiliteSprite() to newLoc
- Set_SMSelectedLine(Get_SMCurrPlace() + CopyNum)
- Set_SMLastSp(theSp)
- set the castNum of sprite theSp to the number of cast "Copy-down"
- updateStage()
- CopyItemProc()
- end if
- end
- on CopyItemProc
- put line Get_SMSelectedLine() of Get_SMSourceField() into field "SelectedCopy"
- go("copying")
- end
- on Set_SMLastSp theSp
- global LastSP
- set LastSP to theSp
- end
- on Get_SMLastSP theSp
- global LastSP
- return LastSP
- end