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- on initPlace2
- setPlace2PrevLine(EMPTY)
- setPlace2PartHeight(18)
- SetPlace2ViewSprite(8)
- SetPlace2MovingSprite(7)
- puppetSprite(GetPlace2MovingSprite(), 1)
- SetPlace2MovingRate(18)
- SetPlace2SliderSprite(4)
- setPlace2ThumbSprite(3)
- SetPlace2CurrPlace(0)
- puppetSprite(GetPlace2ThumbSprite(), 1)
- SetPlace2SliderHeight(the height of sprite GetPlace2SliderSprite())
- SetPlace2Options(((1.0 * the height of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite()) - the height of sprite GetPlace2ViewSprite()) / GetPlace2MovingRate())
- SetPlace2Increment(1.0 * GetPlace2SliderHeight() / GetPlace2Options())
- SetPlace2TopLoc(the top of sprite GetPlace2SliderSprite())
- setPlace2Difference(((1.0 * the height of sprite GetPlace2ViewSprite()) - 14) / GetPlace2MovingRate())
- setPlace2StartPoint(the locV of sprite GetPlace2ViewSprite())
- setPlace2EndPoint(the bottom of sprite GetPlace2ViewSprite() - the height of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() - 47)
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() to GetPlace2StartPoint()
- PlaceSlider()
- set the puppet of sprite 20 to 1
- if GetPlace2Options() > 0 then
- set the visible of sprite 10 to 0
- set the cursor of sprite 10 to 0
- set the cursor of sprite 5 to [404, 405]
- set the cursor of sprite 6 to [404, 405]
- set the cursor of sprite 3 to [404, 405]
- set the cursor of sprite 4 to [404, 405]
- end if
- end
- on SetStepMeter direction
- checkRange(direction = "increase", GetPlace2MovingRate(), 1)
- end
- on ClickSlider toSub
- checkRange(toSub, GetPlace2Difference() * GetPlace2MovingRate(), GetPlace2Difference())
- end
- on checkRange condition, newPlace, addedValue
- set oldVal to the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite()
- if condition then
- if (oldVal - newPlace) > GetPlace2EndPoint() then
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() to oldVal - newPlace
- SetPlace2CurrPlace(GetPlace2CurrPlace() + addedValue)
- else
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() to GetPlace2EndPoint()
- SetPlace2CurrPlace(GetPlace2Options())
- end if
- else
- if (oldVal + newPlace) < GetPlace2StartPoint() then
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() to oldVal + newPlace
- SetPlace2CurrPlace(GetPlace2CurrPlace() - addedValue)
- else
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() to GetPlace2StartPoint()
- SetPlace2CurrPlace(0)
- end if
- end if
- PlaceSlider()
- end
- on changeHilite theStartPoint
- end
- on PlaceSlider
- set currentValue to GetPlace2CurrPlace()
- set newPlace to GetPlace2TopLoc() + integer(GetPlace2Increment() * currentValue)
- set newV to constrainV(GetPlace2SliderSprite(), newPlace)
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2ThumbSprite() to newV
- updateStage()
- end
- on SliderActive
- set newV to constrainV(GetPlace2SliderSprite(), the mouseV)
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2ThumbSprite() to newV
- updateStage()
- if newV = the top of sprite GetPlace2SliderSprite() then
- SetPlace2CurrPlace(0)
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() to GetPlace2StartPoint()
- else
- if newV = the bottom of sprite GetPlace2SliderSprite() then
- SetPlace2CurrPlace(GetPlace2Options())
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() to GetPlace2EndPoint()
- else
- set temp to GetPlace2CurrPlace()
- SetPlace2CurrPlace((the locV of sprite GetPlace2ThumbSprite() - GetPlace2TopLoc()) / GetPlace2Increment())
- set theNewV to the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() + ((temp - GetPlace2CurrPlace()) * GetPlace2MovingRate())
- set the locV of sprite GetPlace2MovingSprite() to theNewV
- end if
- end if
- updateStage()
- end
- on unPuppetePlace2
- puppetSprite(GetPlace2MovingSprite(), 0)
- puppetSprite(GetPlace2ThumbSprite(), 0)
- end
- on setPlace2HiliteSprite int
- global Place2HiliteSprite
- set Place2HiliteSprite to int
- end
- on GetPlace2HiliteSprite
- global Place2HiliteSprite
- return Place2HiliteSprite
- end
- on setPlace2PartHeight int
- global Place2PartHeight
- set Place2PartHeight to int
- end
- on GetPlace2PartHeight
- global Place2PartHeight
- return Place2PartHeight
- end
- on SetPlace2SliderSprite int
- global Place2SliderSprite
- set Place2SliderSprite to int
- end
- on GetPlace2SliderSprite
- global Place2SliderSprite
- return Place2SliderSprite
- end
- on setPlace2ThumbSprite int
- global Place2ThumbSprite
- set Place2ThumbSprite to int
- end
- on GetPlace2ThumbSprite
- global Place2ThumbSprite
- return Place2ThumbSprite
- end
- on SetPlace2CurrPlace int
- global Place2CurrPlace
- set Place2CurrPlace to int
- end
- on GetPlace2CurrPlace
- global Place2CurrPlace
- return Place2CurrPlace
- end
- on SetPlace2SliderHeight int
- global Place2SliderHeight
- set Place2SliderHeight to int
- end
- on GetPlace2SliderHeight
- global Place2SliderHeight
- return Place2SliderHeight
- end
- on SetPlace2Increment int
- global Place2Increment
- set Place2Increment to int
- end
- on GetPlace2Increment
- global Place2Increment
- return Place2Increment
- end
- on SetPlace2TopLoc int
- global Place2TopLoc
- set Place2TopLoc to int
- end
- on GetPlace2TopLoc
- global Place2TopLoc
- return Place2TopLoc
- end
- on SetPlace2Options int
- global Place2Options
- set Place2Options to int
- end
- on GetPlace2Options
- global Place2Options
- return Place2Options
- end
- on SetPlace2ViewSprite int
- global Place2ViewSprite
- set Place2ViewSprite to int
- end
- on GetPlace2ViewSprite
- global Place2ViewSprite
- return Place2ViewSprite
- end
- on SetPlace2MovingSprite int
- global Place2MovingSprite
- set Place2MovingSprite to int
- end
- on GetPlace2MovingSprite
- global Place2MovingSprite
- return Place2MovingSprite
- end
- on SetPlace2MovingRate int
- global Place2MovingRate
- set Place2MovingRate to int
- end
- on GetPlace2MovingRate
- global Place2MovingRate
- return Place2MovingRate
- end
- on setPlace2Difference int
- global Place2Difference
- set Place2Difference to int
- end
- on GetPlace2Difference
- global Place2Difference
- return Place2Difference
- end
- on setPlace2StartPoint int
- global Place2StartPoint
- set Place2StartPoint to int
- end
- on GetPlace2StartPoint
- global Place2StartPoint
- return Place2StartPoint
- end
- on setPlace2EndPoint int
- global Place2EndPoint
- set Place2EndPoint to int
- end
- on GetPlace2EndPoint
- global Place2EndPoint
- return Place2EndPoint
- end
- on setPlace2PrevLine int
- global Place2PrevLine
- set Place2PrevLine to int
- end
- on GetPlace2PrevLine
- global Place2PrevLine
- return Place2PrevLine
- end
- on setPlace2HiliteDif int
- global Place2HiliteDif
- set Place2HiliteDif to int
- end
- on getPlace2HiliteDif
- global Place2HiliteDif
- return Place2HiliteDif
- end