home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- on startMovie
- global SelectedTool
- Set_CDcounter(1)
- initLesson()
- CheckForTagWd()
- Set_NEXT(1)
- initScreenBTns()
- repeat with i = 27 to 33
- set the visible of sprite i to 0
- end repeat
- set SelectedTool to EMPTY
- end
- on handleReturn
- go(1, "NC_MM030.GEO")
- end
- on initScreenBTns
- set_EmailSprite(21)
- set_WWWSprite(20)
- set_NewsGroupSprite(22)
- set_InDepthSprite(35)
- set_ExitSprite(36)
- end
- on TheinitCursor
- initCursorCastNum()
- initCursorList(1)
- set CursorCastNum to getCursor(2)
- cursor([CursorCastNum, CursorCastNum + 1])
- end
- on BlinkNext
- if (the timer > getTimer()) and not soundBusy(2) then
- startTimer()
- if the name of cast the castNum of sprite get_NEXTSprite() = "NEXT" then
- set the castNum of sprite get_NEXTSprite() to the number of cast "NEXT_E"
- else
- set the castNum of sprite get_NEXTSprite() to the number of cast "NEXT"
- end if
- end if
- end
- on checkScreenStatus
- CheckRollOver()
- go(the frame)
- end
- on PressBtn theBtn
- Set_PressedLast(theBtn)
- switchButt(Get_AnsSprite() + theBtn - 1, "down" & theBtn, "HandleBtn" && theBtn)
- end
- on GoNext
- if not get_Disabled() then
- sound stop 2
- set nextVal to Get_NEXT()
- if nextVal = 1 then
- go("t1")
- else
- if nextVal = 2 then
- go("t2")
- else
- if nextVal = 7 then
- go(1, "NC_MM030.GEO")
- exit
- end if
- end if
- end if
- Set_NEXT(nextVal + 1)
- end if
- end
- on stopMovie
- sound stop 2
- setEmptyCursor()
- end
- on GoNextMovie
- set toolNum to Get_CurrentTool()
- set theVec to EMPTY
- do("put" && "get_ScreensTool" & toolNum & "()" && "into theVec")
- Set_CurrentSnakeScreens(theVec)
- do("put" && "Get_WasInPathTool" & toolNum & "()" && "into theVec")
- repeat with i = 1 to the number of items in theVec
- put value(item i of theVec) into item i of theVec
- end repeat
- Set_SeenINPath(theVec)
- set cdNum to Get_CDcounter()
- set movieName to item cdNum of Get_CurrentSnakeScreens()
- go("INIT" & Get_ScreenSubject(), movieName & ".GEO")
- end
- on handleEmail
- global SelectedTool
- ShowV()
- set SelectedTool to "Email"
- go("EMail")
- end
- on handleWWW
- global SelectedTool
- ShowV()
- set SelectedTool to "WWW"
- go("WWW")
- end
- on handleNewsGroup
- global SelectedTool
- ShowV()
- set SelectedTool to "NewsGroup"
- go("NewsGroup")
- end
- on handleIRC
- global SelectedTool
- ShowV()
- set SelectedTool to "IRC"
- go("IRC")
- end
- on handleFTP
- global SelectedTool
- ShowV()
- set SelectedTool to "FTP"
- go("FTP")
- end
- on handleGOPHER
- global SelectedTool
- ShowV()
- set SelectedTool to "GOPHER"
- go("GOPHER")
- end
- on handleIPHONE
- global SelectedTool
- ShowV()
- set SelectedTool to "IPHONE"
- go("IPHONE")
- end
- on HandleInDepth
- global SelectedTool
- if SelectedTool = "EMail" then
- Set_CurrentTool("02")
- else
- if SelectedTool = "WWW" then
- Set_CurrentTool("01")
- else
- if SelectedTool = "NewsGroup" then
- Set_CurrentTool("03")
- else
- if SelectedTool = "IRC" then
- Set_CurrentTool("04")
- else
- if SelectedTool = "FTP" then
- Set_CurrentTool("05")
- else
- if SelectedTool = "GOPHER" then
- Set_CurrentTool("07")
- else
- if SelectedTool = "IPHONE" then
- Set_CurrentTool("08")
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- GoNextMovie()
- end
- on ShowV
- global SelectedTool
- if SelectedTool = "EMail" then
- set the visible of sprite 28 to 1
- else
- if SelectedTool = "WWW" then
- set the visible of sprite 27 to 1
- else
- if SelectedTool = "NewsGroup" then
- set the visible of sprite 29 to 1
- else
- if SelectedTool = "IRC" then
- set the visible of sprite 30 to 1
- else
- if SelectedTool = "FTP" then
- set the visible of sprite 31 to 1
- else
- if SelectedTool = "GOPHER" then
- set the visible of sprite 32 to 1
- else
- if SelectedTool = "IPHONE" then
- set the visible of sprite 33 to 1
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end
- on handleExit
- sound stop 2
- ShowV()
- setWndCursors(0)
- Set_NEXT(2)
- go("t2+")
- end
- on setWndCursors whichCurs
- UpdateCursors(get_ExitSprite(), whichCurs)
- UpdateCursors(get_InDepthSprite(), whichCurs)
- end
- on set_EmailSprite int
- global EmailSprite
- set EmailSprite to int
- end
- on get_EmailSprite
- global EmailSprite
- return EmailSprite
- end
- on set_WWWSprite int
- global WWWSprite
- set WWWSprite to int
- end
- on get_WWWSprite
- global WWWSprite
- return WWWSprite
- end
- on set_NewsGroupSprite int
- global NewsGroupSprite
- set NewsGroupSprite to int
- end
- on get_NewsGroupSprite
- global NewsGroupSprite
- return NewsGroupSprite
- end
- on set_ExitSprite int
- global ExitSprite
- set ExitSprite to int
- end
- on get_ExitSprite
- global ExitSprite
- return ExitSprite
- end
- on set_InDepthSprite int
- global InDepthSprite
- set InDepthSprite to int
- end
- on get_InDepthSprite
- global InDepthSprite
- return InDepthSprite
- end