To accept the number format as selected and close the dialog, click this button.
To close the dialog without changing the number format, click this button.
Select this option to automatically use a notation that best represents the displayed number. Decimal notation will be used if the decimal representation of the number will fit in the display, otherwise scientific notation will be used.
Select this option to always use scientific notation. Scientific notation expresses the number as a base number >=1 and <10, the mantissa, multiplied by a power of 10, the exponent (ex. 1.23456E11 or 1.23456 x 100,000,000,000).
Select this option to always use engineering notation, a notation similar to scientific notation, except the exponent is always a multiple of 3 (ex. 123.456E09 or 123.456 x 1,000,000,000).
Select this option to always express numbers as a decimal, with no exponent. Note that this limits the display to numbers that can be expressed in 12 or 16 digits. For a 12 digit display the range would be ±.000000000001 to 999,999,999,999.
Select this option to use a floating decimal point.
Select this option to always display a fixed number of places after the decimal point.
Select the number of places you wish to be displayed after the decimal point if 'fixed' is selected above.
Thousands separators are single characters used to separate every three digits before the decimal point. Ex: 1,234,567.89. The actual character used is determined by the setting in the Numbers control panel.
Show thousands separators in the main and minimized displays.
Include thousands separators in the tape window.
Include thousands separators in numbers cut and copied from the calculator to the Clipboard (using Cut and Copy in the Edit menu).
Select this option to pad numbers displayed in the binary number modes (Hex, Dec, Oct, and Bin) with leading zeros to the currently selected word size.