Sorry, you can't start a New Game while the computer is thinking. If you're really in a hurry to start a new Game, Quit and then open the program again.
Sorry, you can't change the Board Size while the computer is contimplating its next move. If you're really in a hurry, then quit the game and start over.
Sorry you can't change the number of pieces to win while the computer is thinking about its move. If you're really in a hurry quit the game and start over.
Sorry, Connect 4 has run out of memory. To fix this problem either allocate more ram to the program with the get info function, or turn the number of colors in your monitors control panel down.
Connect 4 is running low on memory and may behave oddly. To fix this problem either allocate more ram to the program with the get info function, or turn the number of colors in your monitors control panel down.