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Text File  |  1996-06-18  |  3.4 KB  |  538 lines  |  [TEXT/ttxt]

  1. about
  2. above 
  3. actually
  4. added
  5. adding 
  6. after
  7. again
  8. agree
  9. aided
  10. allow
  11. allowing
  12. allows
  13. along
  14. already
  15. also
  16. although
  17. always
  18. amount 
  19. another
  20. answer
  21. answers
  22. anybody
  23. anymore
  24. anyone
  25. anything
  26. anyway
  27. apparently
  28. appear
  29. appears
  30. april
  31. auto 
  32. avoid
  33. aware
  34. away
  35. back
  36. basic
  37. because
  38. become
  39. been
  40. before
  41. begin
  42. behind
  43. being
  44. believe
  45. below
  46. benefit
  47. best
  48. better
  49. between
  50. beyond
  51. biggest
  52. board
  53. boards
  54. boot
  55. boring
  56. both
  57. bottom
  58. cable
  59. call
  60. called
  61. came
  62. cancel
  63. cannot
  64. card
  65. cards
  66. case
  67. cases
  68. cause
  69. caused
  70. causes
  71. causing
  72. center
  73. certain
  74. certainly
  75. chance
  76. change
  77. changed
  78. changes
  79. channel
  80. characters
  81. charset
  82. check
  83. checks
  84. choose
  85. chooser
  86. chris
  87. class
  88. clean
  89. click
  90. clicking
  91. close
  92. closes
  93. closing
  94. code
  95. color
  96. colors
  97. come
  98. comes
  99. comm
  100. command
  101. common
  102. complete
  103. completely
  104. cost
  105. could
  106. counted
  107. data
  108. date
  109. days
  110. deal
  111. default
  112. delete
  113. does
  114. doesn
  115. doing
  116. domain
  117. done
  118. double
  119. down
  120. each
  121. earlier
  122. ease
  123. easily
  124. east
  125. easy
  126. edit
  127. effect
  128. either
  129. else
  130. empty
  131. ends
  132. enough
  133. ensure
  134. enter
  135. entire
  136. even
  137. every
  138. everyone
  139. everything
  140. exact
  141. exactly
  142. example
  143. except
  144. exchange
  145. exist
  146. existing
  147. exists
  148. fast
  149. faster
  150. feel
  151. figure
  152. file
  153. files
  154. film
  155. final
  156. find
  157. finding
  158. fine
  159. finished
  160. first
  161. five
  162. fixed
  163. fixes
  164. floppy
  165. folder
  166. folders
  167. follow
  168. following
  169. force
  170. forget
  171. forgot
  172. form
  173. found
  174. four
  175. frame
  176. free
  177. frequently
  178. from
  179. front
  180. further
  181. future
  182. game
  183. gene
  184. general
  185. gets
  186. getting
  187. give
  188. given
  189. gives
  190. global
  191. glue
  192. goes
  193. going
  194. good
  195. grade
  196. great
  197. greater
  198. green
  199. gripes
  200. group
  201. grove
  202. guess
  203. hands
  204. have
  205. having
  206. headers
  207. hear
  208. heard
  209. hello
  210. help
  211. here
  212. high
  213. higher
  214. hitting
  215. hold
  216. input
  217. insert
  218. inside
  219. install
  220. installed
  221. instead
  222. into
  223. item
  224. items
  225. itself
  226. just
  227. keep
  228. kind
  229. know
  230. known
  231. last
  232. later
  233. latest
  234. least
  235. left
  236. less
  237. lets
  238. level
  239. light
  240. like
  241. likely
  242. limit
  243. limited
  244. line
  245. lines
  246. list
  247. listed
  248. listing
  249. lists
  250. little
  251. load
  252. loaded
  253. local
  254. lock
  255. logic
  256. logo
  257. long
  258. longer
  259. look
  260. loose
  261. lots
  262. made
  263. mail
  264. make
  265. makes
  266. making
  267. many
  268. march
  269. market
  270. maximum
  271. maybe
  272. means
  273. media
  274. meet
  275. might
  276. mime
  277. mind
  278. minimum
  279. minor
  280. minutes
  281. missing
  282. mode
  283. model
  284. models
  285. modem
  286. modify
  287. modules
  288. moment
  289. money
  290. monitor
  291. monitors
  292. months
  293. more
  294. most
  295. mouse
  296. move
  297. much
  298. multiple
  299. must
  300. name
  301. named
  302. names
  303. native
  304. nature
  305. near
  306. necessary
  307. need
  308. needed
  309. needs
  310. never
  311. newer
  312. news
  313. next
  314. nice
  315. note
  316. notes
  317. nothing
  318. notice
  319. november
  320. nowhere
  321. number
  322. numbers
  323. object
  324. objects
  325. obtain
  326. obtaining
  327. obvious
  328. obviously
  329. occur
  330. occurs
  331. october
  332. offer
  333. offers
  334. office
  335. older
  336. once
  337. onto
  338. open
  339. opened
  340. opening
  341. opinion
  342. other
  343. over
  344. page
  345. pages
  346. panel
  347. panels
  348. part
  349. particular
  350. particularly
  351. perhaps
  352. personal
  353. persue
  354. phone
  355. place
  356. placed
  357. plain
  358. plan
  359. play
  360. player
  361. please
  362. plug
  363. point
  364. pointer
  365. port
  366. porting
  367. possible
  368. post
  369. posted
  370. potential
  371. price
  372. print
  373. quick
  374. quickly
  375. quit
  376. quite
  378. range
  379. rather
  380. read
  381. readme
  382. reads
  383. real
  384. really
  385. reason
  386. reasonably
  387. recently
  388. reduce
  389. refer
  390. remote
  391. remove
  392. removed
  393. removing
  394. replace
  395. replaced
  396. replacing
  397. replied
  398. reports
  399. request
  400. require
  401. required
  402. requirements
  403. requires
  404. reset
  405. respond
  406. responses
  407. responsible
  408. result
  409. resulting
  410. results
  411. retrieve
  412. return
  413. reviewed
  414. revised
  415. right
  416. ring
  417. road
  418. roads
  419. room
  420. rough
  421. runs
  422. same
  423. save
  424. saved
  425. saying
  426. scan
  427. seems
  428. seen
  429. self
  430. selling
  431. should
  432. show
  433. shown
  434. shut
  435. side
  436. similar
  437. simple 
  438. single
  439. size
  440. sizes
  441. step
  442. steps
  443. still
  444. such
  445. take
  446. takes
  447. taking
  448. talk 
  449. tell
  450. tend
  451. terms
  452. test
  453. text
  454. than
  455. thanks
  456. that
  457. their
  458. them
  459. then
  460. there
  461. these
  462. they
  463. thing
  464. things
  465. think
  466. third
  467. this
  468. those
  469. though
  470. three
  471. through
  472. throw
  473. thus
  474. time
  475. times
  476. title
  477. titled
  478. told
  479. trash
  480. trick
  481. tricky
  482. tried
  483. trying
  484. turn
  485. turned
  486. turning
  487. type
  488. types
  489. typically
  490. unable
  491. under
  492. unless
  493. unplug
  494. until
  495. usage
  496. used
  497. useful
  498. using
  499. usually
  500. wait
  501. wall
  502. want
  503. wants
  504. water
  505. ways
  506. weeks
  507. well
  508. were
  509. what
  510. when
  511. whenever
  512. where
  513. whether
  514. which
  515. while
  516. whirl
  517. wide
  518. will
  519. window
  520. wish
  521. with
  522. within
  523. without
  524. word
  525. work
  526. worked
  527. working
  528. works
  529. would
  530. write
  531. writes
  532. writing
  533. written
  534. wrong
  535. wrote
  536. year
  537. your