• The "Disk Images" folder contains disk images that you can use to update your DOS Compatibility Software. The instructions for working with these disk images are in the online DOS Compatibility Card Software Update User's Manual.
• The "User's Manual" folder contains the DOS Compatibility Card Software Update User's Manual in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. To open this manual, you need Acrobat Reader, which is available for free on most online services and at the Adobe Systems World Wide Web site (http://www.adobe.com). If you ordered the DOS Compatibility Software Update on floppy disks, Acrobat Reader is already included. You can install it by double-clicking the ACROREAD.MAC icon in the Acrobat Reader folder.
System Software Compatibility
If you are using a Power Macintosh or Performa 6100 series DOS Compatible computer, you can use Operating System 7.1.2 or 7.5.3 with the DOS Compatibility Software Update.
If you are using a Macintosh Performa 630, Quadra 630, or Performa 640CD DOS Compatible, you should use System 7.5.3 with the DOS Compatibility Software Update.
If you are currently using System 7.5, 7.5.1, or 7.5.2, you can install the System 7.5 Update 2.0 to update to System 7.5.3. You can order System 7.5 Update 2.0 on a CD or a high-density floppy disk set from the Apple Order Center by calling 1-800-293-6617. You can also download System 7.5 Update 2.0 from many online services or the Apple Support and Information World Wide Web site (http://www.info.apple.com).
LaserWriter Software Compatibility
If you are using System 7.1.2 with a Power Macintosh or Performa 6100 series DOS Compatible computer that is connected to a PostScript printer, you need to install the LaserWriter 8.3.3 software. You can download this software from an online service or the Apple Support and Information World Wide Web site (http://www.info.apple.com). If you ordered the DOS Compatibility Software Update on floppy disks, you already have this software in the "LaserWriter 8.3.3" folder.
If you are using System 7.5.3, you do not have to install LaserWriter 8.3.3 because System 7.5.3 already includes it.
Additional Information
The rest of this Read Me file contains information that could not be included in the online DOS Compatibility Card Software Update User's Manual.
Configuring Sound Blaster Properly
To configure Sound Blaster properly for Windows 95, refer to "Sound Problems" in the troubleshooting chapter of the DOS Compatibility Card Software Update User's Manual. Otherwise, your system may crash when attempting to play 16-bit sounds.
Berkeley Systems After Dark for DOS
Do not use the After Dark screen saver for DOS in the PC environment. Once the screen saver activates, it is not possible to return to the PC environment.
If you are using System 7.5.3 with any of the Macintosh computer models listed at the beginning of this Read Me file, use the Network Software Selector to select the "Use classic networking" option, which is the default setting. Do not use Open Transport.
Shared Memory
Windows 95 performance will be much better on a 6100 series Macintosh computer if there is 8MB or more memory installed on the DOS Compatibility Card itself. Though the 6100 series Macintosh supports shared memory between the Macintosh and the DOS Compatibility Card, system performance will be better if you install memory directly on the DOS card instead of using the shared memory feature.
The updated DOS Compatibility software no longer supports shared memory with the Macintosh Performa 630 and 640CD DOS Compatible computers. If you removed the memory that was initially installed on the DOS Compatibility Card in one of these computer models, you must re-install the memory in order to use the new software.
Serial Port
The DOS Compatibility Card does not support Carrier Detect (CD). You must configure your communications applications so they do not use CD. Most communications applications can be set to respond to the CARRIER string sent back by most modems.
DOS Clipboard not Supported
The original DOS Compatibility Card software included a DOS Clipboard feature. This feature is no longer supported in the current software.
Power Macintosh or Performa 6100 Series DOS Compatible
Shut down a 6100 series DOS Compatible Macintosh before connecting a new monitor. (If you connect a monitor while this computer is running, you may not be able to configure the monitor properly in the PC Setup control panel. To correct the problem, shut down your computer and then restart.)