Why does ARA give me an error whenever I launch it?
You need to turn on AppleTalk. ARA cannot function without AppleTalk being turned on in the Chooser. It will give a number of artificial errors if AppleTalk is inactive, such as:
- "Every time I try to use ARA, my computer tells me to reinstall. I've
tried reinstalling several times, to no avail."
- "I keep getting some sort of weird error on startup or launch of ARA"
Common ones are no description, inits turned off, Error number -5555
or larger.
- "AppleTalk Remote Access Setup Error: No Description"
My modem is not on the list of ARA scripts, where can I get the script for my modem?
If your Modem is not listed in the default set of ARA modem Scripts, please contact your modem manufacturer's technical support staff for information on their specific ARA script. Some modem companies provide a Bulletin Board Service (BBS) and others will mail you a modem script.
When I use ARA to dial the another computer, it connects for a few seconds, then hangs up.
This is most likely a script problem. You need to call the manufacturer of your modem, and get the latest script. Refer to the answer above.
My modem will not connect at high speed. It is a 14.4 kbps modem and I have selected the appropriate modem script, but I can only connect at 9600 bps. What can I do?
Make sure you are using a hardware handshake cable. You can check with the modem manufacturer to verify this.
I'm connected via ARA, but where is the stuff on my other computer?
Connecting via ARA is just like being connected to the network. You still need to go to the Chooser, click on AppleShare, select a server, and so on. Do the things you would normally do if you were connected to the network. Note: Other computers cannot see you. Refer to the question below.
I can see the host network but the host network machines cannot see me. Why is this?
ARA only acts as a half router, it only goes one way. The caller can see the remote network but the remote network cannot see the callers network. If you want to set up a full router that will join the two networks you need to use the wide area features of the Apple Internet Router 3.0.
Why can my 1.0 ARA not connect to my 2.0 server.
You need to download the ARA 1.0 Client Enabler which will let a 1.0 client call into a 2.0 server. Otherwise, ARA 1.0 is incompatible with 2.0 servers. However, you can put the 2.0 client into compatibility mode and dial into a 1.0 server.
Why does my ARA software refuses to launch?
You need to be using at least AppleTalk version 57.04. Old installers will sometimes install an old version. Just reinstalling using the ARA installer after running an older installer will fix the problem.
I am using AppleShare and ARA and I cannot access my Users and Groups control panel.
ARA uses the same Users and Groups file that is used by file sharing unless you have installed the AppleShare file server. In order to change the users and groups information under AppleShare you must run AppleShare Admin. The users dialog will have an "allow this user to log in" option below the standard preferences information if ARA has been installed. ARA is incompatible with AppleShare 2.0 and with AppleShare Pro.