This document contains the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about PowerTalk.
Questions in this FAQ
• I just did a Clean Install. What files should be dragged over from the old system to the new one to retain the PowerTalk settings, passwords, and Mail?
• Either through the Key Chain, or initially setting up PowerTalk, I select to search for a PowerShare server where I have an account setup, but it tells me that there are no PowerShare services. I know that the server is up. What is going on?
• There are items in my Out Tray whose status show as "waiting." I need these mailed immediately. What's wrong?
• I forgot my Access Code (keychain password). How can I reset it?
• I cannot find the Mailbox or the Catalogs icon, they are gone. What happened?
• My AppleTalk or PowerShare catalogs are dimmed in the Catalogs window. What is wrong?
• I get a message that the system can no longer access a server on my network. In some cases a Resolve button appears in the notification dialog box. What do I do?
• When I try to open mail or delete mail from the In Tray, a message comes up "The Command can't be completed because it cannot be Found." What is happening?
• How do I recover missing mail?
• How do I use PowerTalk to retrieve mail from other services (Internet, fax, other mail applications)?
Question: I just did a Clean Install. What files should be dragged over from the old system to the new one to retain the PowerTalk settings, passwords, and Mail?
Answer: Be sure that PowerTalk has been installed on the new System Folder. Drag the PowerTalk Data Folder from the root level of the System Folder, and the PowerTalk Setup and PowerTalk Startup preferences from the Preferences folder to the new System Folder.
Question: Either through the Key Chain, or initially setting up PowerTalk, I select to search for a PowerShare server where I have an account setup, but it tells me that there are no PowerShare services. I know that the server is up. What is going on?
• Check to make sure that they are in fact connected to the network.
• Check Network control panel and make sure the Chooser does see at least a LaserWriter Printer or other servers.
• Check that your Date & Time Control Panel is correct (PowerTalk services will not work if your date is reset to 1904)
Question: There are items in my Out Tray whose status show as "waiting." I need these mailed immediately. What's wrong?
Answer: See Question #2 above. When there are problems with the Out Tray, a Problem Alert box will sometimes appear in the upper right corner of the In Tray and or Out Tray window. Selecting the button will bring up the "MailBox Problems" window, describing the problem and also some solutions. There is also a button called Resolve that will attempt to correct the issue.
Question: I forgot my Access Code (keychain password). How can I reset it?
Answer: Follow these steps to reset your password:
Step 1
Turn off collaboration services in the PowerTalk control panel.
Step 2
Throw the two PowerTalk Setup Preferences files in the Preferences folder away.
Step 3
Restart the computer.
Step 4
Double-click on the mailbox to re-define PowerTalk services.
WARNING: All key chain information is lost when you delete the PowerTalk Setup Preferences.
Question: I cannot find the Mailbox or the Catalogs icon, they are gone. What happened?
Answer: PowerTalk may be turned off or the PowerTalk extensions may have been removed from the system folder. Try troubleshooting with the following suggestions:
• Check to see that the PowerTalk Extension and PowerTalk Manager are present in the Extensions Folder.
• Check to see if Extension Manager was used to deactivate the PowerTalk Extension and PowerTalk Manager.
• Go to the PowerTalk Setup Control Panel and make sure it is active.
Question: My AppleTalk or PowerShare catalogs are dimmed in the Catalogs window. What is wrong?
Answer: AppleTalk is inactive. Go to the Chooser and activate AppleTalk.
Question: I get a message that the system can no longer access a server on my network. In some cases a Resolve button appears in the notification dialog box. What do I do?
• Click the button to reconnect.
• Check the cable connection on the back of your computer.
• Check that your Date & Time Control Panel is correct (PowerTalk services will not work if your date is reset to 1904)
Question: When I try to open mail or delete mail from the In Tray, the following message appeared, "The Command can't be completed because it cannot be Found." What is happening?
Answer: You have an account on a PowerShare Server, and have two PowerTalk-equipped systems accessing the same account. The mail has been removed from the In Tray on one system, yet the In Tray of the other system shows the mail. Two solutions:
• Click "OK" when throwing away the item to remove it from the system.
• See "How to recover missing mail" (question 10) for details. Basically, drag the blank icon(s) from the IPM Bin folder on top of the AppleMail application, and AppleMail will launch and either show the document, or enclose the item that was mailed.
Question: How do I recover missing mail?
Answer: There are two ways to recover the missing mail:
• Look in System Folder:PowerTalk Data:IPM Bin folder path. All of the messages are still there with blank icons and 8-digit file names. You can simply drag the files over the AppleMail application and they will launch and display your messages, attachments included. You can also open the files within AppleMail, and do a Save As to restore the original type and creator so the files are double-click able AppleMail documents again. Although untested, this procedure should apply to messages created by other PowerTalk applications.
• Change the file type and creator of the files with the 8-digit file names found in System Folder:PowerTalk Data:IPM Bin using a file utility such as FileType, Disk Top or ResEdit. Original type: lttr and creator:lap2. Then move the files out of "IPM Bin", and open them with AppleMail (or appropriate mail application). NOTE: Disk and resource editors are not supported by Ask Apple or 800-SOS-APPL.
Question: How do I use PowerTalk to retrieve mail from other services (Internet, fax, other mail applications)?
Answer: You need a PSAM. PSAM stands for Personal Message Access Module. These are extensions that offer connections to other mail services, such as QuickMail and Internet gateways. To the PowerTalk user, the MailBox metaphor remains the same but data is seemlessly passed to other services. Two examples of PSAMs would be StarNine's Mail*Link for PowerTalk/QM and Mail*Link for PowerTalk/MS