•Finally, you are now able to draw your own levels to play with.
The tool that DAPPSoft is giving to registered users for this purpose is our wonderful Level Editor.
First, you must create a level file (note that you cannot edit the level files you've found in the archive, those are created by our developers and only DAPPSofters or Official Testers can modify them). Each level file can contain up to 99 diferent levels.
On the screen, you'll see a grid made up by 20 x 15 cells representing the game area. Here is where you can put walls, pills to eat ghosts with and coloured dots to eat.
•Anything you need to draw your levels is on the screen.
On the bottom side, there's a palette depicting all the pieces we made to create levels with: walls, dots and pills. All you have to do is to choose the piece you want to use by clicking on it on the palette and start drawing with it on the grid.
You can even "pick up" the pieces directly from the main grid simply by keeping the Option key down when clicking on a piece on the map.