Woden was written for the Power Mac. It requires an PowerPC601 or better CPU,
6 megabytes of RAM and 256 colors or 16 grays.
Version 1.3
BGM is added.
Version 1.2
Change some graphics
You can select easy game on Difficulty on Game menu.
Always display operation of key list
scenery becomes black
Change voice when you get Power Up Item
Version 1.1.1
add Key Config
(if you choose to accept it)
Woden is a very cool arcade shareware shooting game. Your mission, as the pilot of the spaceship `Woden', is to destory the enemy ships(who are looking to destroy you), avoid collissions and face other big and hard dangers(asteroids, bullets, etc...) to clear all the stages in order to defeat the final boss.
-Speed and Power-
Various Power Up Item will be sent down to aid you in your quest to destroy the enemy. They will come down from top of the screen while you’re playing. The item will be either a ‘S’ or a ‘P’, changing from one or the other every few seconds. If you get the Power Up while it is a ‘S’, then the speed of Woden increases. If you get it while it is a ‘P’, then the power of your shot increases.
‘Fireworks’ are special weapons that damage all the enemies on the screen(very useful). You begin the game with 3 ‘Fireworks’. Certain enemies that have 'Fireworks' Power Ups. If you destroy them, a ‘Fireworks’ Power Up apears. If you get it, your ‘Fireworks’ will increase by 1.
Your score is increased when you shoot enemies and other bad guys. Power Ups are originally worth 500 points. If you continue getting the same of that same Power Up, your score increases by an extra 500 points until they are worth 5000 points(500, 1000, 1500, 2000....5000). If you get another type of item or you miss a Power Up, the worth of the Power Up returns to 500 points.
-High Scores-
If your score is a High Score when your game is over, you get to put your name in the Woden Top 8 List. You can input your name. You can change a character by Left and Right key on Key Config, and select it by Fireworks Key. If you select 'del' character, then you can change your previous input.
Quit - Quit this Application
No use
New Game - Start new game
Continue - Play on the stage where your game was over of your previous game
High Score - Show Woden Top 8
Key Config - Change the default Keys to whatever you prefer
Difficulty Setting - You can select an Easy or Normal game
The key settings are located on the right hand side of the main screen. You can change the default keys to whatever you would prefer through the "Key Config" in "Game" menu. But there is one small bug. If you select SPACE BAR as the shoot key, you may not move and shoot simultaneously. Your changes to the key configuration are saved.
Woden was written for the Power Mac. It requires an PowerPC601 or better CPU, 6 megabytes of RAM and 256 colors or 16 grays.
The program has been tested on the following machines:
Woden runs under Macintosh KT(JAPAN System) or System 7.1 and System 7.5
There are all together 5 Stages, but only Stage 1 is playable without registering. If you like this game, please send the registration fee of 2000 yen(Japan) or $20(U.S.) to the following address:
Yuuki Hashimoto
M6 Mansion room 203,
40-16 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran-shi, Hokkaido, 050
(E-Mail : hashi@abacus.csse.muroran-it.ac.jp)
You can contact me until March, 1997.
How to pay
1. enclose a $20(U.S.) bill by airmail to the address above. It is very easy, but you must not enclose 2000 yen(Japan). It is illegal in JAPAN. Please make sure it is a legal bill.
2. Use International Postal Money Order
You will understand what it is when you go to a large post office and ask about what is International Postal Money Order. You just say "I want to send 2000 Yen to JAPAN". So then, you recieve the proof that money was sent. Please send it to me. I think commision is about $10.
Don't use check!! It needs $25 as commission to recieve $20.
Either method will need about 1 month to return airmail.
Please also send your suggestions or bug reports to the same address.
Copyright, Distribution and Limitations on Liability The woden software is copyrighted by Yuuki Hashimoto with all rights reserved. You may distribute the software and all accompanying files free of charge, provided that all copyright information is included intactly and that it is unregistered.
Any commercial distribution of Woden is prohibited.