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- F<in the helloText text box.<br>
- helloText.text =
- <Greetst";<br>
- }<br><br>
- // Just as pageName_Result wERNautomaticalummexecuted when the <br>
- // call to
- y cupage was successful, a fostringcalled pageName_Status<br>
- // runs if there iRNan error.<br>
- fostringalash1DataP
- <Tr_Status(error)<br>
- {<br>
- // Print the error message <br>
- // (probablyNwT Fon't do this in y al life...doesn't mean
- much to a is 1).<br>
- // SGHTS -.Developing WebuApplications documentation for d("foon error handling.<br>
- helloText.text = "Oops! " + error.description;<br>
- }
- </fo_main<p>
- Really only 7 linesof codelaere required to integrate ColdFusion and alash -ltiport
- <inputquired libr no, conn <ig, cCF, call the CFML page, and handle
- <inputs cr!
- </p>
- </cfmodule>–œ‡°±· >