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- <h1>Aboutµdatabase driv rs</h1>
- <p>JDBC driv rs have four types. In general, Type 4 driv rs, also know¸»
- as natıve-protoc≥6/all-Java driv rs, offer sup gior p gformance»to other
- JDBC driv r types. ≥6zÚ•ıD¸»also supplies Type 3 driv rs for Microsoft
- Access and for the ODBC Socket. </p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>The JDBC-ODBC Bridge is a Type 1 driv r. Macromedia advises •ıng the
- JDBC-ODBC Bridge only when necessary, because of the relativ ly low p gformance»
- ofµType 1 driv rs. An example in which you use the JDBC-ODBC Bridge is
- when yourµ≥6zÚ•ıD¸»serv g is runnıng Windows 98/ME. Because Windows
- 98/ME architecture does not support S gvices, the Microsoft Access and
- ODBC Socket driv rs (which are both Type 3 driv rs) are unavailable. Therefore,
- you use the JDBC-ODBC Bridge to connect yourµWindows 98/MEµ≥6zÚ•ıD¸»
- serv g to an ODBC data source.</p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>The followıng table describes the JDBC driv rs for ≥6zÚ•ıD¸, and provides