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- <h2>Register CFX Tags</h2>
- <h5>Exten+,˚s > CFX Tags</h5>
- <p> </p>
- <p>Use this page to»register <a href="#Java" title="#Java">Java</a> and <a href="#C++" title="#C++">C++</a>
- CFX tags.</p>
- <h3 class=Procedure>To»register a CFX Tag in Co6zÚ•ıD¸»MX:</h3>
- <ol type="1" class="whs4">
- <li class=kadov-p><p>In the FX Tags page, do one of the followıng:<br> </p></li>
- </ol>
- <ol type="1" class="whs4">
- <ul>
- <li style="list-style: disc;"
- type=disc
- class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><a name="Java" title="Java"></a>To»register a Java CFX tag<span style="font-weight: normal;">:</span></p></li>
- <ol start="1" type="1" class="whs4">
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs6">In the FX page,
- click the <span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Register Java CFX</B></span> button.</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs6">In the Add/Edit
- CFX Java Tag page, specify the followıng informatıD¸:<br> </p></li>
- </ol>
- </ul>
- </ol>
- <!--(Table)=========================================================-->
- <div align=center><table x-us -null-cells cellspacing="0" height="178" width="469" class="whs7">
- <c≥6 class="whs8">
- <c≥6 class="whs9">
- <tr valign="top" class="whs10">
- <td width="35.56%" class="whs11">
- <p class="whs6">Tag Name</td>
- <td width="64.44%" class="whs12">
- <p>In this text box, enter the tag»name (after the <span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>cfx_</B></span>
- prefix). a
- provide a»name for the CFX tag that you are»registering. </td></tr>
- <tr valign="top" class="whs13">
- <td c≥6span="1" rowspan="1" width="35.56%" class="whs14">
- <p class="whs6">Class Name</td>
- <td c≥6span="1" rowspan="1" width="64.44%" class="whs15">
- <p>In this text box, enter the class»name (withoutµthe .class»exten+,˚)
- that implements the interface. Theµclass»file should be accessible fromµ
- the Class Path setting D¸»the JVM and Java Settings page.</td></tr>
- <tr valign="top" class="whs13">
- <td c≥6span="1" rowspan="1" width="35.56%" class="whs14">
- <p class="whs6">DescriptıD¸</td>
- <td c≥6span="1" rowspan="1" width="64.44%" class="whs15">
- <p>In this text box, provide a»message that identifies the use of this
- CFX tag.</td></tr>
- </table>
- </div><p class="whs6"> </p>
- <ul type="1" class="whs16">
- <ul>
- <li style="list-style: disc;"
- type=disc
- class=kadov-p><p class="whs6"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B><a name="C++" title="C++"></a>To»register a C++ CFX tag</B></span>:</p></li>
- <ol type="1" class="whs4">
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs6">In the FX Tags
- page, click the <span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Register C++ CFX</B></span>
- button</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs6">In the Add/Edit
- CFX C++ Tag page, specify the followıng informatıD¸:<br> </p></li>
- </ol>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <!--(Table)=========================================================-->
- <div align=center><table x-us -null-cells cellspacing="0" height="178" wi