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- ## Language file for analog 5.30. May not work with any other version.
- ##
- ## This is a language file for analog. Lines beginning with ## are comments.
- ## Each language should have one language file in its own character set,
- ## and can have an additional one for ASCII (7 bit) output.
- ##
- ## If your language doesn't seem to fit into this pattern, explain the problem
- ## to me, and I can adjust the source code if necessary.
- ##
- ## Translation into Greek and transliteration into (terrible) 'Greenglish':
- ## Dimitris Xenakis, June 1998 and October 1999.
- ## For the tranliteration of greek to ASCII, I just followed the position
- ## of the keys on the US keyboard. Hope that makes sense.
- ##
- ## The character set of this language file. Prefix with a * to indicate a
- ## multibyte character set: e.g. *ISO-2022-JP
- ## Abbreviations for the day and month names.
- Kyr
- Deu
- Tri
- Tet
- Pem
- Par
- Sab
- Ian
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- Mai
- Ion
- Iol
- Ayg
- Sep
- Okt
- Noe
- Dek
- ## Next some standard common words.
- ## Abbreviation for "week beginning"
- ebd. arx.
- ++year++
- ## Quarter of a year
- ++quarter++
- mhnas
- hmera
- hmeres
- vr
- lepto
- lepta
- deyterolepto
- deyterolepta
- chfiolejh
- chfiolejeis
- ## ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.
- ++?bytes++
- aithsh
- aithseis
- hmeromhnia
- ## This has the right spacing for a column like 23/Mar/98 15:00-15:05
- hmeromhnia vra
- ++time++
- prvth hmeromhnia
- prvth vra
- prohgoymenh hmeromhnia
- prohgoymenh vra
- arxeio
- arxeia
- jenisths
- jenistes
- eikonikos jenisths
- eikonikoi jenistes
- fakelos
- fakeloi
- perioxh
- perioxes
- organismos
- organismoi
- epektash
- epektaseis
- URLs
- fyllometrhths
- fyllometrhtes
- leitoyrgiko
- leitoyrgika
- ## (= operating system, operating systems)
- megeuos
- oros anazhthshs
- oroi anazhthshs
- topos
- topoi
- xrhsths
- xrhstes
- kvdikos katastashs
- kvdikoi katastashs
- Statistika stoixeia ejyphrethth Web toy
- ## Prefixes kilo, mega etc. to make kilobytes, megabytes etc.
- kilo
- mega
- giga
- tera
- peta
- exa
- zeta
- yotta
- ## Shorter versions of the same prefixes for column headings
- k
- M
- G
- T
- P
- E
- Z
- Y
- ## Names for the rows in the File Size Report. Note that changing these will
- ## NOT change the boundaries! These are just labels for predetermined buckets.
- ## They should line up nicely when right-aligned.
- 0
- 1B- 10B
- 11B- 100B
- 101B- 1kB
- 1kB- 10kB
- 10kB-100kB
- 100kB- 1MB
- 1MB- 10MB
- 10MB-100MB
- 100MB- 1GB
- > 1GB
- ## Now the names of reports
- Genikh Synoch
- ## The time reports, plus "busiest" strings (at the bottom of each report)
- ++Yearly Report++
- ++Busiest year:++
- ++Quarterly Report++
- ++Busiest quarter:++
- Mhniaia Anafora
- Mhnas me thn ychloterh drasthriothta:
- Ebdomadiaia Anafora
- Ebdomada me thn ychloterh drasthriothta: Ebdomada poy arxizei apo
- Kauhmerinh Synoch
- Kauhmerinh Anafora
- Hmera me thn ychloterh drasthriothta:
- Vriaia Anafora
- Vriaia Synoch
- ++Hour of the Week Summary++
- Vra me thn ychloterh drasthriothta:
- Anafora ana tetarto
- ++Quarter-Hour Summary++
- Tetarto me thn ychloterh drasthriothta:
- Anafora ana pentalepto
- ++Five-Minute Summary++
- Pentalepto me thn ychloterh drasthriothta:
- ## The non-time reports. In each case, we have the name of the report,
- ## followed by the type of item in the report, once in the singular and once
- ## in the plural. These are used in phrases like "including all ??? with at
- ## least 200 requests". (The words higher up are used for column headings.)
- ## Finally we have the gender of this type of object, which can be m, f or n.
- ##
- ## So for example, in German a directory is Verzeichnis (neuter gender), which
- ## was given above. But "listing the top directory" is "Ausgabe des ersten
- ## Verzeichnisses" and "listing the top two directories" is "Ausgabe der
- ## ersten zwei Verzeichnisse". So here, we would have for the directory report:
- ##
- ## Verzeichnis-Bericht
- ## Verzeichnisses
- ## Verzeichnisse
- ## n
- ##
- ## I hope that makes sense!
- Anafora Jenistvn
- jenisth
- jenistvn
- m
- ++Host Redirection Report++
- ++host++
- ++hosts++
- ++n++
- ++Host Failure Report++
- ++host++
- ++hosts++
- ++n++
- Anafora Fakelvn
- fakeloy
- fakelvn
- m
- Anafora Eidvn Arxeioy
- epektashs
- epektasevn
- f
- Anafora aithsevn
- arxeioy
- arxeivn
- n
- Anafora anadromologhsevn
- arxeioy
- ·rxeivn
- n
- Anafora apotyxivn
- arxeioy
- ·rxeivn
- n
- Anafora Parapompvn
- URL parapomphs
- URL parapomphs
- n
- Anafora topouesivn poy parepemcan
- topouesias poy parepemce
- topouesivn poy parepemcan
- f
- Anafora Anadromologhmenoy Parapempth
- URL parapomphs
- URL parapomphs
- n
- Anafora Apotyxhmenvn Parapompvn
- URL parapomphs
- URL parapomphs
- n
- Anafora Ervthmatvn
- ervthmatos
- ervthmatvn
- n
- Anafora Lexevn Anazhthshs
- lejhs ervthmatos
- lejevn ervthmatos
- f
- ++Internal Search Query Report++
- ++query++
- ++queries++
- ++n++
- ++Internal Search Word Report++
- ++query word++
- ++query words++
- ++n++
- Anafora Eikonikvn Jenistvn
- eikonikoy jenisth
- eikonikvn jenistvn
- m
- ++Virtual Host Redirection Report++
- ++virtual host++
- ++virtual hosts++
- ++n++
- ++Virtual Host Failure Report++
- ++virtual host++
- ++virtual hosts++
- ++n++
- Anafora Xrhstvn
- xrhsth
- xrhstvn
- m
- ++User Redirection Report++
- ++user++
- ++users++
- ++n++
- Anafora Sfalmatvn Xrhsth
- xrhsth
- xrhstvn
- m
- Synoch Fyllometrhtvn
- fyllometrhth
- fyllometrhtvn
- m
- Anafora Fyllometrhtvn
- fyllometrhth
- fyllometrhtvn
- m
- Anafora Leitoyrgikvn Systhmatvn
- leitoyrgikoy systhmatos
- leitoyrgikvn systhmatvn
- n
- Anafora Perioxvn
- perioxhs
- perioxvn
- f
- Anafora Organismvn
- organismoy
- organismvn
- m
- Anafora Kvdikvn Katastashs
- kvdikoy katastashs
- kvdikvn katastashs
- m
- Anafora Xronoy Epejergasias
- Anafora megeuoys arxeivn
- ## Used at the bottom of the report
- Ayth h analysh parhxuh apo to
- Xronos ekteleshs
- Ligotero apo 1
- ## Used in the time reports
- Kaue monada
- antistoixei se
- h meros
- aithsh gia istioselida
- aithseis gia istioselides
- ## Used at the bottom of each non-time report: need m, f & n genders
- den fainontai analytika
- den fainontai analytika
- den fainontai analytika
- ## Used on the pie charts: again need m, f & n genders
- ++*++
- ++*++
- ++Other++
- ## Used at the top of the report
- To programma jekinhse
- Analyuhkan aithseis apo
- evs
- ## Used in the General Summary
- Epityxhmenes aithseis
- Mesos oros epityxhmenvn aithsevn ana hmera
- Epityxhmenes aithseis gia istioselides
- Mesos oros epityxhmenvn aithsevn gia istioselides ana hmera
- Grammes arxeioy Logfile xvris kvdiko katastashs
- Apotyxhmenes aithseis
- Anadromologhmenes aithseis
- Aithseis me plhroforiako kvdiko katastashs
- Jexvrista arxeia poy anazhthuhkan
- Jexvristoi jenistes poy ejyphrethuhkan
- Katestrammenes grammes arxeioy logfile
- Mh xrhsimes kataxvrhseis arxeioy logfile
- Synolo dedomenvn poy metaferuhkan
- Mesos oros dedomenvn poy metaferuhkan ana hmera
- Oi ariumoi se parenuesh anaferontai se
- 7 hmeres evs
- teleytaies 7 hmeres
- Phgaine
- Koryfh
- ## Some special phrases for particular reports.
- [ariumhtikes dieuynseis xvris antistoixia]
- [den douhke perioxh]
- [agvsth perioxh]
- [arxikos (root) fakelos]
- [xvris fakelo]
- [xvris epektash]
- [fakeloi]
- Agnvsto Windows
- Allo Unix
- ++Robots++
- Leitoyrgiko agnvsto
- ## Column headings for requests, pages, bytes and number (ie position in list)
- ## and percentages and last-7-day versions of these.
- ## Should be as short as possible -- abbreviate if necessary.
- ## (The ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.)
- #ait.
- ++7-day reqs++
- %ait.
- ++%7-day reqs++
- sel.
- ++7-day pages++
- %sel.
- ++%7-day pages++
- lejeis
- ++?bytes++
- ++7-day bytes++
- ++7-day ?bytes++
- %lejevn
- ++%7-day bytes++
- ar.
- ## Now we need to know how to say "listing the top <whatever>", "listing
- ## the top <n> <whatevers>", and "listing <whatevers>". The %s and %d
- ## will be replaced by the appropriate things. There may be three of each of
- ## these statements, for the genders m, f and n. Any genders that aren't used,
- ## you can just put a * there instead. So, for example, French starts
- ## Affichage du premier %s
- ## Affichage de la première %s
- ## *
- ## with entries for m & f, but not n
- Ektypvsh tvn prvtvn %s
- Ektypvsh tvn prvtvn %s
- Ektypvsh tvn prvtvn %s
- Ektypvsh tvn prvtvn %d %s
- Ektypvsh tvn prvtvn %d %s
- Ektypvsh tvn prvtvn %d %s
- Ektypvsh %s
- Ektypvsh %s
- Ektypvsh %s
- ## "by" in the phrase "listing the top 3 files BY number of requests"
- kata
- ## All requests WITH AT LEAST 10 requests
- me toylaxiston
- ## Different ways of doing floors
- ++request in the last 7 days++
- ++requests in the last 7 days++
- ++request for a page in the last 7 days++
- ++requests for pages in the last 7 days++
- anadromologhmenh aithsh
- anadromologhmenes aithseis
- ++redirected request in the last 7 days++
- ++redirected requests in the last 7 days++
- apotyxhmenh aithsh
- apotyxhmenes aithseis
- ++failed request in the last 7 days++
- ++failed requests in the last 7 days++
- % toy fortioy
- ++% of the traffic in the last 7 days++
- % toy megistoy megeuoys fortioy
- ++% of the maximum amount of traffic in the last 7 days++
- ++byte of traffic++
- chfiolejeis kinhshs
- ## ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.
- ++?bytes of traffic++
- ++byte of traffic in the last 7 days++
- ++bytes of traffic in the last 7 days++
- ++?bytes of traffic in the last 7 days++
- aithuhkan apo
- me mia andromologhmenh aithsh apo
- me mia apotyxhmenh aithsh apo
- ++with first request since++
- ++with first redirected request since++
- ++with first failed request since++
- ## Now "sorted by": again, in m, f & n (only needed in plural though)
- tajinomhmemoi kata
- tajinomhmenes kata
- tajinomhmena kata
- ## Used at the top of each report
- ++This report contains data from++
- ## Used in pie charts
- ++The wedges are plotted by++
- ## different ways of sorting
- to megeuos toy fortioy
- ++the amount of traffic in the last 7 days++
- % tvn aithsevn
- ++% of the requests in the last 7 days++
- % toy megistoy ariumoy aithsevn
- ++% of the maximum number of requests in the last 7 days++
- ton ariumo aithsevn
- ++the number of requests in the last 7 days++
- % tvn aithsevn gia istioselides
- ++% of the requests for pages in the last 7 days++
- % toy megistoy ariumoy aithsevn gia istioselides
- ++% of the maximum number of requests for pages in the last 7 days++
- ton ariumo aithsevn gia istioselides
- ++the number of requests for pages in the last 7 days++
- % tvn anadromologhmenvn aithsevn
- ++% of the redirected requests in the last 7 days++
- % toy megistoy ariumoy anadromologhmenvn aithsevn
- ++% of the maximum number of redirected requests in the last 7 days++
- ton ariumo anadromologhmenvn aithsevn
- ++the number of redirected requests in the last 7 days++
- % tvn apotyxhmenvn aithsevn
- ++% of the failed requests in the last 7 days++
- % toy megistoy ariumoy apotyxhmenvn aithsevn
- ++% of the maximum number of failed requests in the last 7 days++
- ton ariumo apotyxhmenvn aithsevn
- ++the number of failed requests in the last 7 days++
- o xronos ths teleytaias aithshs
- o xronos ths teleytaias anadromologhmenhs aithshs
- o xronos ths teleytaias apotyxhmenhs aithshs
- ++the time of the first request++
- ++the time of the first redirected request++
- ++the time of the first failed request++
- ## 3 other ways of sorting in m, f, & n
- tajinomhmenoi alfabhtika
- tajinomhmenes alfabhtika
- tajinomhmena alfabhtika
- tajinomhmenoi ariumhtika
- tajinomhmenes ariumhtika
- tajinomhmena ariumhtika
- atajinomhtoi
- atajinomhtes
- atajinomhta
- ## The separators to use between thousands, and as a decimal point. For
- ## example, English generally uses "3,000.25" so has , and . here. French uses
- ## "3 000,25", so has space and , instead.
- ++,++
- ++.++
- ## There's a colon here, because the French like to put a space before a colon,
- ## so they have space-colon instead here.
- :
- ## am and pm in the sense of morning and afternoon.
- ++am++
- ++pm++
- ## Some date formats. E.g. for 9am on 1st January 1997 use
- ## %d for date " 1"
- ## %D for 0-padded date "01"
- ## %m for month "Jan"
- ## %l for month at end of time interval (where this makes sense)
- ## %y for short year "97"
- ## %q for quarter of the year "1"
- ## %Y for long year "1997"
- ## %h for hour in 24-hour clock " 9"
- ## %H for 0-padded hour "09"
- ## %j for hour in 12-hour clock " 9"
- ## %n for minute "00"
- ## %a for am or pm "am"
- ## %i for hour at end of time interval (where this makes sense)
- ## %I for 0-padded hour at end of time interval
- ## %k for 12-hour hour at end of time interval
- ## %o for minute at end of time interval
- ## %b for am or pm at end of time interval
- ## %w for weekday "Wed"
- ## %x for a dash in a range e.g. in 14:00-14:15. This is necessary because in
- ## proper typesetting, this should be an en-dash not a regular dash.
- ##
- ## So for a date, English might have %d/%m/%y for 1/Jan/97, whereas German
- ## would have %d.%m %y for 1.Jan 97). Note: the month number is not available
- ## because it can produce ambiguous dates.
- ##
- ## The different date formats are as follows
- ## "refer to the 7 days to [date]"
- %D-%m-%Y %H:%n
- ## "Program started at" and "Analysed requests from"
- %w-%D-%m-%Y %H:%n
- ## In Daily Report
- %d/%m/%y
- ## In Daily Summary
- ++%w++
- ## In Hourly Report
- %d/%m/%y %H:%n%x%I:%o
- ## In Hourly Summary
- ++%h++
- ## In Hour of the Week Summary
- ++%w %H:%n%x%I:%o++
- ## In Quarter-Hour and Five-Minute Reports
- %d/%m/%y %H:%n%x%I:%o
- ## In Quarter-Hour and Five-Minute Summaries
- ++%H:%n%x%I:%o++
- ## In Weekly Report
- %d/%m/%y
- ## In Monthly Report
- %m %Y
- ## In Quarterly Report
- ++%m%x%l %Y++
- ## An alternative for Quarterly Report: %Y Q%q
- ## In Yearly Report
- ++%Y++
- ## The date (d) column in non-time reports
- %d/%m/%y
- ## The date & time (D) column in non-time reports
- %d/%m/%y %H:%n
- ## In non-time reports: "including all files with requests since [date]"
- %d/%m/%y at %H:%n
- ## Finally, definitions of the HTTP status codes (see
- ## ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2616.txt). You're welcome to leave these in
- ## English if you think they look better that way.
- 100 Synexeia aithshs
- 101 Metagvgh prvtokolon
- 1xx [Diafora plhroforiaka]
- 200 OK
- 201 Dhmioyrghuhke
- 202 Apodekto gia mellontikh epejergasia
- 203 Mh ejoysiodothmenh plhroforia
- 204 OK, alla tipota pros apostolh
- 205 Epanauesh (reset) eggrafoy
- 206 Meriko periexomeno
- 2xx [Diafores epityxies]
- 300 Pollapla eggrafa diauesima
- 301 To eggrafo metakinhuhke monima
- 302 To eggrafo breuhke alloy
- 303 Deite allo eggrafo
- 304 Den exei allaxei apo thn prohgoymenh anaklhsh
- 305 Xrhsimopoihste endiameso diakomisth
- 306 Metagvgh endiamsoy diakomisth
- 307 To eggrafo metakinhuhke prosvrina
- 3xx [Diafores anadromologhseis]
- 400 Lauos aithsh
- 401 Aparaithth h ejakribvsh taytothtas
- 402 Aparaithth h plhrvmh
- 403 Apagoreymenh h prosbash
- 404 To eggrafo den breuhke
- 405 Mh epitrepth meuodos
- 406 To eggrafo den einai apodekto apo ton pelath
- 407 Xreiazetai ejakribvsh taytothtas endiamesoy diakomisth
- 408 Lhjh xronikoy orioy aithshs
- 409 H aithsh sygkroyetai me thn katastash toy poroy
- 410 To eggrafo exei fygei monima
- 411 Aparaithto to mhkos
- 412 Proypouesh apetyxe
- 413 H aithsh poly megalh
- 414 To zhtoymeno onoma arxeioy poly megalo
- 415 To eidos mesoy den yposthrizetai
- 416 To aitoymeno eyros timvn den isxyei
- 417 H prosdokia apetyxe
- 4xx [Diafora sfalmata pelath/xrhsth]
- 500 Esvteriko sfalma diakomisth
- 501 To eidos aithshs den yposthrizetai
- 502 Sfalma se prohgoymeno (upstream) diakomisth
- 503 H yphresia prosvrina den einai diauesimh
- 504 Lhjh xronikoy orioy pylhs
- 505 H ekdosh HTTP den yposthrizetai
- 506 H anadromologhsh apetyxe
- 5xx [Diafora sfalmata diakomisth]
- xxx [Agnvsto]