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/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Important notes: - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons. This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it. Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* File: httrack.c subroutines: */ /* backing system (multiple socket download) */ /* Author: Xavier Roche */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "htsback.h" /* specific definitions */ #include "htsbase.h" #include "htsnet.h" #include "htsthread.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> /* END specific definitions */ //#if HTS_WIN #include "htsftp.h" #if HTS_USEZLIB #include "htszlib.h" #endif //#endif #if HTS_WIN #ifndef __cplusplus // DOS #include <process.h> /* _beginthread, _endthread */ #endif #else #endif #undef test_flush #define test_flush if (opt->flush) { if (opt->log) { fflush(opt->log); } if (opt->errlog) { fflush(opt->errlog); } } #define VT_CLREOL "\33[K" // --- // routines de backing // retourne l'index d'un lien dans un tableau de backing int back_index(lien_back* back,int back_max,char* adr,char* fil,char* sav) { int i=0; int index=-1; while( i<back_max ) { if (back[i].status>=0) // rÈception OU prÍt if (strfield2(back[i].url_adr,adr)) { if (strcmp(back[i].url_fil,fil)==0) { if (index==-1) /* first time we meet, store it */ index=i; else if (strcmp(back[i].url_sav,sav)==0) { /* oops, check sav too */ index=i; return index; } } } i++; } return index; } // nombre d'entrÈes libres dans le backing int back_available(lien_back* back,int back_max) { int i; int nb=0; for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) if (back[i].status==-1) /* libre */ nb++; return nb; } // retourne estimation de la taille des html et fichiers stockÈs en mÈmoire LLint back_incache(lien_back* back,int back_max) { int i; LLint sum=0; for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) if (back[i].status!=-1) if (back[i].r.adr) // ne comptabilier que les blocs en mÈmoire sum+=max(back[i].r.size,back[i].r.totalsize); return sum; } // le lien a-t-il ÈtÈ mis en backing? HTS_INLINE int back_exist(lien_back* back,int back_max,char* adr,char* fil,char* sav) { return (back_index(back,back_max,adr,fil,sav)>=0); } // nombre de sockets en t‚che de fond int back_nsoc(lien_back* back,int back_max) { int n=0; int i; for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) if (back[i].status>0) // rÈception uniquement n++; return n; } // objet (lien) tÈlÈchargÈ ou transfÈrÈ depuis le cache // // fermer les paramËtres de transfert, // et notamment vÈrifier les fichiers compressÈs (dÈcompresser), callback etc. int back_finalize(httrackp* opt,cache_back* cache,lien_back* back,int p) { if ( (back[p].status == 0) // ready && (!back[p].testmode) // not test mode && (back[p].r.statuscode>0) // not internal error ) { char* state="unknown"; /* dÈcompression */ #if HTS_USEZLIB if (gz_is_available && back[p].r.compressed) { if (back[p].r.size > 0) { //if ( (back[p].r.adr) && (back[p].r.size>0) ) { // stats back[p].compressed_size=back[p].r.size; // en mÈmoire -> passage sur disque if (!back[p].r.is_write) { back[p].tmpfile[0]='\0'; strcpybuff(back[p].tmpfile,tempnam(NULL,"httrz")); if (back[p].tmpfile[0]) { back[p].r.out=fopen(back[p].tmpfile,"wb"); if (back[p].r.out) { if ((back[p].r.adr) && (back[p].r.size>0)) { if ((INTsys)fwrite(back[p].r.adr,1,(INTsys)back[p].r.size,back[p].r.out) != back[p].r.size) { back[p].r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"Write error when decompressing"); } } else { back[p].tmpfile[0]='\0'; back[p].r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"Empty compressed file"); } } else { back[p].tmpfile[0]='\0'; back[p].r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"Open error when decompressing"); } } } // fermer fichier sortie if (back[p].r.out!=NULL) { fclose(back[p].r.out); back[p].r.out=NULL; } // dÈcompression if (back[p].tmpfile[0] && back[p].url_sav[0]) { LLint size; filecreateempty(back[p].url_sav); // filenote & co if ((size = hts_zunpack(back[p].tmpfile,back[p].url_sav))>=0) { back[p].r.size=back[p].r.totalsize=size; // fichier -> mÈmoire if (!back[p].r.is_write) { back[p].r.adr=readfile(back[p].url_sav); if (!back[p].r.adr) { back[p].r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"Read error when decompressing"); } remove(back[p].url_sav); } } remove(back[p].tmpfile); } // stats HTS_STAT.total_packed+=back[p].compressed_size; HTS_STAT.total_unpacked+=back[p].r.size; HTS_STAT.total_packedfiles++; // unflag } } back[p].r.compressed=0; #endif /* Stats */ if (cache->txt) { char flags[32]; char s[256]; time_t tt; struct tm* A; tt=time(NULL); A=localtime(&tt); strftime(s,250,"%H:%M:%S",A); flags[0]='\0'; /* input flags */ if (back[p].is_update) strcatbuff(flags, "U"); // update request else strcatbuff(flags, "-"); if (back[p].range_req_size) strcatbuff(flags, "R"); // range request else strcatbuff(flags, "-"); /* state flags */ if (back[p].r.is_file) // direct to disk strcatbuff(flags, "F"); else strcatbuff(flags, "-"); /* output flags */ if (!back[p].r.notmodified) strcatbuff(flags, "M"); // modified else strcatbuff(flags, "-"); if (back[p].r.is_chunk) // chunked strcatbuff(flags, "C"); else strcatbuff(flags, "-"); if (back[p].r.compressed) strcatbuff(flags, "Z"); // gzip else strcatbuff(flags, "-"); /* Err I had to split these.. */ fprintf(cache->txt,"%s\t", s); fprintf(cache->txt,LLintP"/", (LLint)back[p].r.size); fprintf(cache->txt,LLintP,(LLint)back[p].r.totalsize); fprintf(cache->txt,"\t%s\t",flags); } if (back[p].r.statuscode==200) { if (back[p].r.size>=0) { if (strcmp(back[p].url_fil,"/robots.txt") !=0 ) { HTS_STAT.stat_bytes+=back[p].r.size; HTS_STAT.stat_files++; } if ( (!back[p].r.notmodified) && (opt->is_update) ) { HTS_STAT.stat_updated_files++; // page modifiÈe if (opt->log!=NULL) { fspc(opt->log,"info"); if (back[p].is_update) { fprintf(opt->log,"engine: transfer-status: link updated: %s%s -> %s"LF,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil,back[p].url_sav); } else { fprintf(opt->log,"engine: transfer-status: link added: %s%s -> %s"LF,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil,back[p].url_sav); } test_flush; } if (cache->txt) { if (back[p].is_update) { state="updated"; } else { state="added"; } } } else { if ( (opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt->log,"info"); fprintf(opt->log,"engine: transfer-status: link recorded: %s%s -> %s"LF,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil,back[p].url_sav); test_flush; } if (cache->txt) { if (opt->is_update) state="untouched"; else state="added"; } } } else { if ( (opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt->log,"info"); fprintf(opt->log,"engine: transfer-status: empty file? (%d, '%s'): %s%s"LF,back[p].r.statuscode,back[p].r.msg,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); test_flush; } if (cache->txt) { state="empty"; } } } else { if ( (opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt->log,"info"); fprintf(opt->log,"engine: transfer-status: link error (%d, '%s'): %s%s"LF,back[p].r.statuscode,back[p].r.msg,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); } if (cache->txt) { state="error"; } } if (cache->txt) { fprintf(cache->txt, "%d\t" "%s ('%s')\t" "%s\t" "%s%s\t" "%s%s\t%s\t" "(from %s%s)" LF, back[p].r.statuscode, state, escape_check_url_addr(back[p].r.msg), escape_check_url_addr(back[p].r.contenttype), ((back[p].r.etag[0])?"etag:":((back[p].r.lastmodified[0])?"date:":"")), escape_check_url_addr((back[p].r.etag[0])?back[p].r.etag:(back[p].r.lastmodified)), escape_check_url_addr(back[p].url_adr),escape_check_url_addr(back[p].url_fil),escape_check_url_addr(back[p].url_sav), escape_check_url_addr(back[p].referer_adr),escape_check_url_addr(back[p].referer_fil) ); if (opt->flush) fflush(cache->txt); } /* Cache */ cache_mayadd(opt,cache,&back[p].r,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil,back[p].url_sav); // status finished callback #if HTS_ANALYSTE hts_htmlcheck_xfrstatus(&back[p]); #endif return 0; } return -1; } // effacer entrÈe int back_delete(lien_back* back,int p) { if (p>=0) { // on sait jamais.. // VÈrificateur d'intÈgritÈ #if DEBUG_CHECKINT _CHECKINT(&back[p],"Appel back_delete") #endif #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK char info[256]; sprintf(info,"back_delete: #%d\n",p); DEBUG_W2(info); #endif // LibÈrer tous les sockets, handles, buffers.. if (back[p].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_delete: deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[p].r); back[p].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; } #if HTS_USEOPENSSL /* Free OpenSSL structures */ if (SSL_is_available && back[p].r.ssl_con) { SSL_shutdown(back[p].r.ssl_con); SSL_free(back[p].r.ssl_con); back[p].r.ssl_con=NULL; } /* if (back[p].r.ssl_soc) { BIO_free_all(back[p].r.ssl_soc); back[p].r.ssl_soc=NULL; } */ #endif if (back[p].r.adr!=NULL) { // reste un bloc ‡ dÈsallouer freet(back[p].r.adr); back[p].r.adr=NULL; } if (back[p].chunk_adr!=NULL) { // reste un bloc ‡ dÈsallouer freet(back[p].chunk_adr); back[p].chunk_adr=NULL; back[p].chunk_size=0; back[p].is_chunk=0; } // if (back[p].r.is_file) { // fermer fichier entrÈe if (back[p].r.fp!=NULL) { fclose(back[p].r.fp); back[p].r.fp=NULL; } // } /* fichier de sortie */ if (back[p].r.out!=NULL) { // fermer fichier sortie fclose(back[p].r.out); back[p].r.out=NULL; } if (back[p].r.is_write) { // ecriture directe /* Ècrire date "remote" */ if (strnotempty(back[p].url_sav)) // normalement existe si on a un fichier de sortie if (strnotempty(back[p].r.lastmodified)) // last-modified existe if (fexist(back[p].url_sav)) // ainsi que le fichier set_filetime_rfc822(back[p].url_sav,back[p].r.lastmodified); /* executer commande utilisateur aprËs chargement du fichier */ usercommand(0,NULL,back[p].url_sav); back[p].r.is_write=0; } // Tout nettoyer memset(&back[p], 0, sizeof(lien_back)); back[p].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[p].r.location=back[p].location_buffer; // Le plus important: libÈrer le champ back[p].status=-1; } return 0; } /* Space left on backing stack */ int back_stack_available(lien_back* back,int back_max) { int p=0,n=0; for( ; p < back_max ; p++ ) if ( back[p].status == -1 ) n++; return n; } // ajouter un lien en backing int back_add(lien_back* back,int back_max,httrackp* opt,cache_back* cache,char* adr,char* fil,char* save,char* referer_adr,char* referer_fil,int test,int* pass2_ptr) { int p=0; // vÈrifier cohÈrence de adr et fil (non vide!) if (strnotempty(adr)==0) { if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->errlog!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->errlog,"debug"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"error: adr is empty for back_add"LF); } return -1; // erreur! } if (strnotempty(fil)==0) { if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->errlog!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->errlog,"debug"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"error: fil is empty for back_add"LF); } return -1; // erreur! } // FIN vÈrifier cohÈrence de adr et fil (non vide!) // rechercher emplacement while((p<back_max) && back[p].status!=-1) p++; if (back[p].status==-1) { // ok on a de la place back[p].send_too[0]='\0'; // Èventuels paramËtres supplÈmentaires ‡ transmettre au serveur // ne sert ‡ rien normalement if (back[p].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_add: deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[p].r); } // effacer r memset(&(back[p].r), 0, sizeof(htsblk)); back[p].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[p].r.location=back[p].location_buffer; // crÈer entrÈe strcpybuff(back[p].url_adr,adr); strcpybuff(back[p].url_fil,fil); strcpybuff(back[p].url_sav,save); back[p].pass2_ptr=pass2_ptr; // copier referer si besoin strcpybuff(back[p].referer_adr,""); strcpybuff(back[p].referer_fil,""); if ((referer_adr) && (referer_fil)) { // existe if ((strnotempty(referer_adr)) && (strnotempty(referer_fil))) { // non vide if (referer_adr[0]!='!') { // non dÈtruit if (strcmp(referer_adr,"file://")) { // PAS file:// if (strcmp(referer_adr,"primary")) { // pas referer 1er lien strcpybuff(back[p].referer_adr,referer_adr); strcpybuff(back[p].referer_fil,referer_fil); } } } } } // sav ne sert ‡ rien pour le moment back[p].r.size=0; // rien n'a encore ÈtÈ chargÈ back[p].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; // pas de socket back[p].r.adr=NULL; // pas de bloc de mÈmoire back[p].r.is_write=0; // ‡ priori stockage en mÈmoire back[p].maxfile_html=opt->maxfile_html; back[p].maxfile_nonhtml=opt->maxfile_nonhtml; back[p].testmode=test; // mode test? if (!opt->http10) // option "forcer 1.0" dÈsactivÈe back[p].http11=1; // autoriser http/1.1 back[p].head_request=0; if (strcmp(back[p].url_sav,BACK_ADD_TEST)==0) // HEAD back[p].head_request=1; else if (strcmp(back[p].url_sav,BACK_ADD_TEST2)==0) // test en GET back[p].head_request=2; // test en get /* Stop requested - abort backing */ if (opt->state.stop) { back[p].r.statuscode=-1; // fatal strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"mirror stopped by user"); back[p].status=0; // terminÈ if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"warning"); fprintf(opt->log,"File not added due to mirror cancel: %s%s"LF,adr,fil); test_flush; } return 0; } // tester cache if ((strcmp(adr,"file://")) /* pas fichier */ && ( (!test) || (cache->type==1) ) /* cache prioritaire, laisser passer en test! */ && ( (strnotempty(save)) || (strcmp(fil,"/robots.txt")==0) ) ) { // si en test on ne doit pas utiliser le cache sinon telescopage avec le 302.. //if ((!test) && (strcmp(adr,"file://")) //if ((!test) && (strncmp(adr,"ftp://",6)) && (strcmp(adr,"file://")) #if HTS_FAST_CACHE long int hash_pos; int hash_pos_return=0; #else char* a=NULL; #endif #if HTS_FAST_CACHE if (cache->hashtable) { #else if (cache->use) { #endif char buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*4]; #if HTS_FAST_CACHE strcpybuff(buff,adr); strcatbuff(buff,fil); hash_pos_return=inthash_read((inthash)cache->hashtable,buff,(long int*)&hash_pos); #else buff[0]='\0'; strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); strcatbuff(buff,adr); strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); strcatbuff(buff,fil); strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); a=strstr(cache->use,buff); #endif // Ok, notÈ en cache->. mais bien prÈsent dans le cache ou sur disque? #if HTS_FAST_CACHE if (hash_pos_return) { #else if (a) { #endif if (!test) { // non mode test #if HTS_FAST_CACHE int pos=hash_pos; #else int pos=-1; a+=strlen(buff); sscanf(a,"%d",&pos); // lire position #endif if (pos<0) { // pas de mise en cache data, vÈrifier existence if (fsize(antislash(save)) <= 0) { // fichier existe pas ou est vide! #if HTS_FAST_CACHE hash_pos_return=0; #else a=NULL; #endif // dÈvalider car non prÈsent sur disque dans structure originale!!! // sinon, le fichier est ok ‡ priori, mais on renverra un if-modified-since pour // en Ítre s˚r if (opt->norecatch) { // tester norecatch if (!fexist(antislash(save))) { // fichier existe pas mais dÈclarÈ: on l'a effacÈ FILE* fp=fopen(antislash(save),"wb"); if (fp) fclose(fp); if (opt->log!=NULL) { fspc(opt->log,"warning"); fprintf(opt->log,"File must have been erased by user, ignoring: %s%s"LF,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); test_flush; } } } } } } } // } else #if HTS_FAST_CACHE hash_pos_return=0; #else a=NULL; #endif // Existe pas en cache, ou bien pas de cache prÈsent #if HTS_FAST_CACHE if (hash_pos_return) { // OK existe en cache (et donnÈes aussi)! #else if (a!=NULL) { // OK existe en cache (et donnÈes aussi)! #endif if (cache->type==1) { // cache prioritaire (pas de test if-modified..) // dans ce cas on peut Ègalement lire des rÈponses cachÈes comme 404,302... // lire dans le cache if (!test) back[p].r=cache_read(opt,cache,adr,fil,save); else back[p].r=cache_read(opt,cache,adr,fil,NULL); // charger en tÍte uniquement du cache if (!back[p].r.location) back[p].r.location=back[p].location_buffer; else { /* recopier */ strcpybuff(back[p].location_buffer,back[p].r.location); back[p].r.location=back[p].location_buffer; } /* Interdiction taille par le wizard? --> dÈtruire */ if (back[p].r.statuscode != -1) { // pas d'erreur de lecture if (!back_checksize(opt,&back[p],0)) { back[p].status=0; // FINI back[p].r.statuscode=-1; if (!back[p].testmode) strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"Cached file skipped (too big)"); else strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"Test: Cached file skipped (too big)"); return 0; } } if (back[p].r.statuscode != -1) { // pas d'erreur de lecture if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { if (!test) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File immediately loaded from cache: %s%s"LF,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); test_flush; } else { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File immediately tested from cache: %s%s"LF,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); test_flush; } } back[p].r.notmodified=1; // fichier non modifiÈ back[p].status=0; // OK prÍt // finalize transfer if (!test) { if (back[p].r.statuscode>0) { back_finalize(opt,cache,back,p); } } return 0; } else { // erreur // effacer r memset(&(back[p].r), 0, sizeof(htsblk)); back[p].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[p].r.location=back[p].location_buffer; // et continuer (chercher le fichier) } } else if (cache->type==2) { // si en cache, demander de tester If-Modified-Since htsblk* r=cache_header(opt,cache,adr,fil); /* Interdiction taille par le wizard? */ { LLint save_totalsize=back[p].r.totalsize; back[p].r.totalsize=r->totalsize; if (!back_checksize(opt,&back[p],1)) { r=NULL; // back[p].status=0; // FINI deletehttp(&back[p].r); back[p].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; if (!back[p].testmode) strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"File too big"); else strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"Test: File too big"); return 0; } back[p].r.totalsize=save_totalsize; } if (r) { if (r->statuscode==200) { // uniquement des 200 (OK) if (strnotempty(r->etag)) { // ETag (RFC2616) /* - If both an entity tag and a Last-Modified value have been provided by the origin server, SHOULD use both validators in cache-conditional requests. This allows both HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 caches to respond appropriately. */ if (strnotempty(r->lastmodified)) sprintf(back[p].send_too,"If-None-Match: %s\r\nIf-Modified-Since: %s\r\n",r->etag,r->lastmodified); else sprintf(back[p].send_too,"If-None-Match: %s\r\n",r->etag); } else if (strnotempty(r->lastmodified)) sprintf(back[p].send_too,"If-Modified-Since: %s\r\n",r->lastmodified); else if (strnotempty(cache->lastmodified)) sprintf(back[p].send_too,"If-Modified-Since: %s\r\n",cache->lastmodified); /* this is an update of a file */ if (strnotempty(back[p].send_too)) back[p].is_update=1; back[p].r.req.nocompression=1; /* Do not compress when updating! */ } /* else if (strnotempty(cache->lastmodified)) sprintf(back[p].send_too,"If-Modified-Since: %s\r\n",cache->lastmodified); */ } #if DEBUGCA printf("..is modified test %s\n",back[p].send_too); #endif } // Okay, pas trouvÈ dans le cache // Et si le fichier existe sur disque? // Pas dans le cache: fichier n'a pas ÈtÈ transfÈrÈ du tout, donc pas sur disque? } else { if (fexist(save)) { // fichier existe? aghl! LLint sz=fsize(save); // Bon, l‡ il est possible que le fichier ait ÈtÈ partiellement transfÈrÈ // (s'il l'avait ÈtÈ en totalitÈ il aurait ÈtÈ inscrit dans le cache ET existerait sur disque) // PAS de If-Modified-Since, on a pas connaissance des donnÈes ‡ la date du cache // On demande juste les donnÈes restantes si le date est valide (206), tout sinon (200) if ((ishtml(save) != 1) && (ishtml(back[p].url_fil)!=1)) { // NON HTML (liens changÈs!!) if (sz>0) { // Fichier non vide? (question bÍte, sinon on transfert tout!) if (strnotempty(cache->lastmodified)) { /* pas de If-.. possible */ /*if ( (!opt->http10) && (strnotempty(cache->lastmodified)) ) { */ /* ne pas forcer 1.0 */ #if DEBUGCA printf("..if unmodified since %s size "LLintP"\n",cache->lastmodified,(LLint)sz); #endif if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File partially present ("LLintP" bytes): %s%s"LF,(LLint)sz,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); test_flush; } /* impossible - don't have etag or date if (strnotempty(back[p].r.etag)) { // ETag (RFC2616) sprintf(back[p].send_too,"If-None-Match: %s\r\n",back[p].r.etag); back[p].http11=1; // En tÍte 1.1 } else if (strnotempty(back[p].r.lastmodified)) { sprintf(back[p].send_too,"If-Unmodified-Since: %s\r\n",back[p].r.lastmodified); back[p].http11=1; // En tÍte 1.1 } else */ if (strlen(cache->lastmodified)) { sprintf(back[p].send_too, "If-Unmodified-Since: %s\r\nRange: bytes="LLintP"-\r\n" ,cache->lastmodified,(LLint)sz); back[p].http11=1; // En tÍte 1.1 back[p].range_req_size=sz; back[p].r.req.range_used=1; back[p].r.req.nocompression=1; } else { if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"warning"); fprintf(opt->log,"Could not find timestamp for partially present file, restarting (lost "LLintP" bytes): %s%s"LF,(LLint)sz,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); test_flush; } } } else { if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->errlog!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->errlog,"warning"); /* if (opt->http10) fprintf(opt->errlog,"File partially present (%d bytes) retransfered due to HTTP/1.0 settings: %s%s"LF,sz,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); else */ fprintf(opt->errlog,"File partially present ("LLintP" bytes) retransfered due to lack of cache: %s%s"LF,(LLint)sz,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); test_flush; } /* Sinon requÍte normale... */ back[p].http11=0; } } else if (opt->norecatch) { // tester norecatch filenote(save,NULL); // ne pas purger tout de mÍme back[p].status=0; // OK prÍt back[p].r.statuscode=-1; // erreur strcpybuff(back[p].r.msg,"Null-size file not recaught"); return 0; } } else { if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->errlog!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"HTML file ("LLintP" bytes) retransfered due to lack of cache: %s%s"LF,(LLint)sz,back[p].url_adr,back[p].url_fil); test_flush; } /* Sinon requÍte normale... */ back[p].http11=0; } } } } { ///htsblk r; non directement dans la structure-rÈponse! T_SOC soc; // ouvrir liaison, envoyer requËte // ne pas traiter ou recevoir l'en tÍte immÈdiatement memset(&(back[p].r), 0, sizeof(htsblk)); back[p].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[p].r.location=back[p].location_buffer; // recopier proxy memcpy(&(back[p].r.req.proxy), &opt->proxy, sizeof(opt->proxy)); // et user-agent strcpybuff(back[p].r.req.user_agent,opt->user_agent); strcpybuff(back[p].r.req.lang_iso,opt->lang_iso); back[p].r.req.user_agent_send=opt->user_agent_send; // et http11 back[p].r.req.http11=back[p].http11; back[p].r.req.nocompression=opt->nocompression; // mode ftp, court-circuit! if (strfield(back[p].url_adr,"ftp://")) { if (back[p].testmode) { if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->errlog!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->errlog,"debug"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"error: forbidden test with ftp link for back_add"LF); } return -1; // erreur pas de test permis } if (!(back[p].r.req.proxy.active && opt->ftp_proxy)) { // connexion directe, gÈrÈe en thread back[p].status=1000; // connexion ftp #if USE_BEGINTHREAD launch_ftp(&(back[p])); #else { char nid[32]; sprintf(nid,"htsftp%d-in_progress.lock",p); strcpybuff(back[p].location_buffer,fconcat(opt->path_log,nid)); } launch_ftp(&(back[p]),back[p].location_buffer,opt->exec); #endif return 0; } } #if HTS_USEOPENSSL else if (SSL_is_available && strfield(back[p].url_adr,"https://")) { // let's rock back[p].r.ssl = 1; // back[p].r.ssl_soc = NULL; back[p].r.ssl_con = NULL; } #endif #if HTS_XGETHOST #if HDEBUG printf("back_solve..\n"); #endif back[p].status=101; // tentative de rÈsolution du nom de host soc=INVALID_SOCKET; // pas encore ouverte back_solve(&back[p]); // prÈparer if (host_wait(&back[p])) { // prÍt, par ex fichier ou dispo dans dns #if HDEBUG printf("ok, dns cache ready..\n"); #endif soc=http_xfopen(0,0,0,back[p].send_too,adr,fil,&(back[p].r)); if (soc==INVALID_SOCKET) { back[p].status=0; // fini, erreur } } // #else // #if CNXDEBUG printf("XFopen..\n"); #endif if (strnotempty(back[p].send_too)) // envoyer un if-modified-since #if HTS_XCONN soc=http_xfopen(0,0,0,back[p].send_too,adr,fil,&(back[p].r)); #else soc=http_xfopen(0,0,1,back[p].send_too,adr,fil,&(back[p].r)); #endif else #if HTS_XCONN soc=http_xfopen(test,0,0,NULL,adr,fil,&(back[p].r)); #else soc=http_xfopen(test,0,1,NULL,adr,fil,&(back[p].r)); #endif #endif if (opt->timeout>0) { // gestion du opt->timeout back[p].timeout=opt->timeout; back[p].timeout_refresh=time_local(); } else { back[p].timeout=-1; // pas de gestion (default) } if (opt->rateout>0) { // gestion d'un taux minimum de transfert tolÈrÈ back[p].rateout=opt->rateout; back[p].rateout_time=time_local(); } else { back[p].rateout=-1; // pas de gestion (default) } // Note: on charge les code-page erreurs (erreur 404, etc) dans le cas o˘ cela est // rattrapable (exemple: 301,302 moved xxx -> refresh sur la page!) //if ((back[p].statuscode!=200) || (soc<0)) { // ERREUR HTTP/autre #if CNXDEBUG printf("Xfopen ok, poll..\n"); #endif #if HTS_XGETHOST if (soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) if (back[p].status==101) { // pas d'erreur if (!back[p].r.is_file) back[p].status=100; // connexion en cours else back[p].status=1; // fichier } #else if (soc==INVALID_SOCKET) { // erreur socket back[p].status=0; // FINI //if (back[p].soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) deletehttp(back[p].soc); back[p].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; } else { if (!back[p].r.is_file) #if HTS_XCONN back[p].status=100; // connexion en cours #else back[p].status=99; // chargement en tÍte en cours #endif else back[p].status=1; // chargement fichier #if BDEBUG==1 printf("..loading header\n"); #endif } #endif } // note: si il y a erreur (404,etc) status=2 (terminÈ/Èchec) mais // le lien est considÈrÈ comme traitÈ //if (back[p].soc<0) // erreur // return -1; return 0; } else { if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->errlog!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->errlog,"debug"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"error: no space left in stack for back_add"LF); } return -1; // plus de place } } #if HTS_XGETHOST #if USE_BEGINTHREAD // lancement multithread du robot PTHREAD_TYPE Hostlookup(void* iadr_p) { char iadr[256]; t_dnscache* cache=_hts_cache(); // adresse du cache t_hostent* hp; int error_found=0; // recopier (aprËs id:pass) #if DEBUGDNS printf("resolv in background: %s\n",jump_identification(iadr_p)); #endif strcpybuff(iadr,jump_identification(iadr_p)); // couper Èventuel : { char *a; if ( (a=jump_toport(iadr)) ) *a='\0'; // get rid of it } freet(iadr_p); // attendre que le cache dns soit prÍt while(_hts_lockdns(-1)); // attendre libÈration _hts_lockdns(1); // locker while(cache->n) { if (strcmp(cache->iadr,iadr)==0) { error_found=1; } cache=cache->n; // calculer queue } if (strcmp(cache->iadr,iadr)==0) { error_found=1; } if (!error_found) { // en gros copie de hts_gethostbyname sans le return cache->n=(t_dnscache*) calloct(1,sizeof(t_dnscache)); if (cache->n!=NULL) { t_fullhostent fullhostent_buffer; strcpybuff(cache->n->iadr,iadr); cache->n->host_length=0; /* pour le moment rien */ cache->n->n=NULL; _hts_lockdns(0); // dÈlocker /* resolve */ #if DEBUGDNS printf("gethostbyname() in progress for %s\n",iadr); #endif cache->n->host_length=-1; memset(cache->n->host_addr, 0, sizeof(cache->n->host_addr)); hp=vxgethostbyname(iadr, &fullhostent_buffer); if (hp!=NULL) { memcpy(cache->n->host_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); cache->n->host_length = hp->h_length; } } else _hts_lockdns(0); // dÈlocker } else { #if DEBUGDNS printf("aborting resolv for %s (found)\n",iadr); #endif _hts_lockdns(0); // dÈlocker } // fin de copie de hts_gethostbyname #if DEBUGDNS printf("quitting resolv for %s (result: %d)\n",iadr,(cache->n!=NULL)?cache->n->host_length:(-999)); #endif return PTHREAD_RETURN; /* _endthread implied */ } #endif // attendre que le host (ou celui du proxy) ait ÈtÈ rÈsolu // si c'est un fichier, la rÈsolution est immÈdiate // idem pour ftp:// void back_solve(lien_back* back) { if ((!strfield(back->url_adr,"file://")) && (!strfield(back->url_adr,"ftp://"))) { //## if (back->url_adr[0]!=lOCAL_CHAR) { // qq chose ‡ prÈparer char* a; if (!(back->r.req.proxy.active)) a=back->url_adr; else a=back->r.req.proxy.name; a = jump_protocol(a); if (!hts_dnstest(a)) { // non encore testÈ!.. // inscire en thread #if HTS_WIN // Windows #if USE_BEGINTHREAD { char* p = calloct(strlen(a)+2,1); if (p) { strcpybuff(p,a); _beginthread( Hostlookup , 0, p ); } } #else /*t_hostent* h=*/ /*hts_gethostbyname(a);*/ // calcul #endif #else #if USE_BEGINTHREAD char* p = calloct(strlen(a)+2,1); if (p) { strcpybuff(p,a); _beginthread( Hostlookup , 0, p ); } #else // Sous Unix, le gethostbyname() est bloquant.. /*t_hostent* h=*/ /*hts_gethostbyname(a);*/ // calcul #endif #endif } } } // dÈtermine si le host a pu Ítre rÈsolu int host_wait(lien_back* back) { if ((!strfield(back->url_adr,"file://")) && (!strfield(back->url_adr,"ftp://"))) { //## if (back->url_adr[0]!=lOCAL_CHAR) { if (!(back->r.req.proxy.active)) { return (hts_dnstest(back->url_adr)); } else { return (hts_dnstest(back->r.req.proxy.name)); } } else return 1; // prÍt, fichier local } #endif // Èlimine les fichiers non html en backing (anticipation) // cleanup non-html files in backing to save backing space // and allow faster "save in cache" operation void back_clean(httrackp* opt,cache_back* cache,lien_back* back,int back_max) { int i; for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { if (back[i].status == 0) { // ready if (!back[i].testmode) { // not test mode if (strnotempty(back[i].url_sav)) { // filename exists if (back[i].r.is_write) { // not in memory (on disk, ready) if (back[i].r.size>0) { // size>0 if (back[i].r.statuscode==200) { // HTTP "OK" if (!is_hypertext_mime(back[i].r.contenttype)) { // not HTML/hypertext if (!may_be_hypertext_mime(back[i].r.contenttype)) { // may NOT be parseable mime type if (back[i].pass2_ptr) { // finalize // // back_finalize(opt,cache,back,i); // stats //HTS_STAT.stat_bytes+=back[i].r.size; //HTS_STAT.stat_files++; //if ( (!back[i].r.notmodified) && (opt->is_update) ) { // HTS_STAT.stat_updated_files++; // page modifiÈe //} //cache_mayadd(opt,cache,&back[i].r,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,back[i].url_sav); *back[i].pass2_ptr=-1; // Done! back_delete(back,i); // Delete backing entry if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"info"); fprintf(opt->log,"File successfully written in background: %s"LF,back[i].url_sav); test_flush; } } } } } } } } } } } } // attente (gestion des buffers des sockets) void back_wait(lien_back* back,int back_max,httrackp* opt,cache_back* cache,TStamp stat_timestart) { int i; T_SOC nfds=INVALID_SOCKET; fd_set fds,fds_c,fds_e; // fds pour lecture, connect (write), et erreur int nsockets; // nbre sockets LLint max_read_bytes; // max bytes read per sockets struct timeval tv; int do_wait=0; int gestion_timeout=0; int busy_recv=0; // pas de donnÈes pour le moment int busy_state=0; // pas de connexions int max_loop; // nombre de boucles max ‡ parcourir.. #if HTS_ANALYSTE int max_loop_chk=0; #endif // max. number of loops max_loop=8; #if 1 // Cleanup the stack to save space! back_clean(opt,cache,back,back_max); #endif // recevoir tant qu'il y a des donnÈes (avec un maximum de max_loop boucles) do_wait=0; gestion_timeout=0; do { int max_c; busy_state=busy_recv=0; #if 0 check_rate(stat_timestart,opt->maxrate); // vÈrifier taux de transfert #endif // inscrire les sockets actuelles, et rechercher l'ID la plus ÈlevÈe FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_ZERO(&fds_c); FD_ZERO(&fds_e); nsockets=0; max_read_bytes=TAILLE_BUFFER; // maximum bytes that can be read nfds=INVALID_SOCKET; max_c=1; for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { // en cas de gestion du connect prÈemptif #if HTS_XCONN if (back[i].status==100) { // connexion do_wait=1; // noter socket write FD_SET(back[i].r.soc,&fds_c); // noter socket erreur FD_SET(back[i].r.soc,&fds_e); // calculer max if (max_c) { max_c=0; nfds=back[i].r.soc; } else if (back[i].r.soc>nfds) { // ID socket la plus ÈlevÈe nfds=back[i].r.soc; } } else #endif #if HTS_XGETHOST if (back[i].status==101) { // attente // rien ‡ faire.. } else #endif // poll pour la lecture sur les sockets if ((back[i].status>0) && (back[i].status<100)) { // en rÈception http #if BDEBUG==1 //printf("....socket in progress: %d\n",back[i].r.soc); #endif // non local et non ftp if (!back[i].r.is_file) { //## if (back[i].url_adr[0]!=lOCAL_CHAR) { // vÈrification de sÈcuritÈ if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { // hey, you never know.. do_wait=1; // noter socket read FD_SET(back[i].r.soc,&fds); // noter socket error FD_SET(back[i].r.soc,&fds_e); // incrÈmenter nombre de sockets nsockets++; // calculer max if (max_c) { max_c=0; nfds=back[i].r.soc; } else if (back[i].r.soc>nfds) { // ID socket la plus ÈlevÈe nfds=back[i].r.soc; } } else { back[i].r.statuscode=-4; if (back[i].status==100) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Connect Error"); else strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Receive Error"); back[i].status=0; // terminÈ if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"warning"); fprintf(opt->log,"Unexpected socket error during pre-loop"LF); test_flush; } } #if WIDE_DEBUG else { DEBUG_W("PANIC!!! Socket is invalid in a poll test!\n"); } #endif } } } nfds++; if (do_wait) { // attendre // temps d'attente max: 2.5 seconde tv.tv_sec=HTS_SOCK_SEC; tv.tv_usec=HTS_SOCK_MS; #if BDEBUG==1 printf("..select\n"); #endif // poller les sockets-attention au noyau sous Unix.. #if HTS_WIDE_DEBUG DEBUG_W("select\n"); #endif select(nfds,&fds,&fds_c,&fds_e,&tv); #if HTS_WIDE_DEBUG DEBUG_W("select done\n"); #endif } // maximum data which can be received for a socket, if limited if (nsockets) { if (opt->maxrate>0) { max_read_bytes = ( check_downloadable_bytes(opt->maxrate) / nsockets ); } } if (!max_read_bytes) busy_recv=0; // recevoir les donnÈes arrivÈes for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { if (back[i].status>0) { if (!back[i].r.is_file) { // not file.. if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { // hey, you never know.. int err=FD_ISSET(back[i].r.soc,&fds_e); if (err) { if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait: deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); } back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r.statuscode=-4; if (back[i].status==100) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Connect Error"); else strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Receive Error"); back[i].status=0; // terminÈ } } } } // ---- FLAG WRITE MIS A UN?: POUR LE CONNECT if (back[i].status==100) { // attendre connect int dispo=0; // vÈrifier l'existance de timeout-check if (!gestion_timeout) if (back[i].timeout>0) gestion_timeout=1; // connectÈ? dispo=FD_ISSET(back[i].r.soc,&fds_c); if (dispo) { // ok connected!! busy_state=1; #if HTS_USEOPENSSL /* SSL mode */ if (SSL_is_available && back[i].r.ssl) { // handshake not yet launched if (!back[i].r.ssl_con) { SSL_CTX_set_options(openssl_ctx, SSL_OP_ALL); // new session back[i].r.ssl_con = SSL_new(openssl_ctx); if (back[i].r.ssl_con) { SSL_clear(back[i].r.ssl_con); if (SSL_set_fd(back[i].r.ssl_con, back[i].r.soc) == 1) { SSL_set_connect_state(back[i].r.ssl_con); back[i].status = 102; /* handshake wait */ } else back[i].r.statuscode=-6; } else back[i].r.statuscode=-6; } /* Error */ if (back[i].r.statuscode == -6) { strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg, "bad SSL/TLS handshake"); deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r.statuscode=-5; back[i].status=0; } } #endif #if BDEBUG==1 printf("..connect ok on socket %d\n",back[i].r.soc); #endif if ((back[i].r.soc != INVALID_SOCKET) && (back[i].status==100)) { /* limit nb. connections/seconds to avoid server overload */ if (opt->maxconn>0) { Sleep(1000/opt->maxconn); } if (back[i].timeout>0) { // refresh timeout si besoin est back[i].timeout_refresh=time_local(); } if (back[i].rateout>0) { // le taux de transfert de base sur le dÈbut de la connexion back[i].rateout_time=time_local(); } // envoyer header //if (strcmp(back[i].url_sav,BACK_ADD_TEST)!=0) // vrai get if (!back[i].head_request) http_sendhead(opt->cookie,0,back[i].send_too,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,back[i].referer_adr,back[i].referer_fil,&back[i].r); else if (back[i].head_request==2) // test en GET! http_sendhead(opt->cookie,0,back[i].send_too,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,back[i].referer_adr,back[i].referer_fil,&back[i].r); else // test! http_sendhead(opt->cookie,1,back[i].send_too,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,back[i].referer_adr,back[i].referer_fil,&back[i].r); back[i].status=99; // attendre en tÍte maintenant } } // attente gethostbyname } #if HTS_USEOPENSSL else if (SSL_is_available && back[i].status==102) { // wait for SSL handshake /* SSL mode */ if (back[i].r.ssl) { int conn_code; if ((conn_code = SSL_connect(back[i].r.ssl_con)) <= 0) { /* non blocking I/O, will retry */ int err_code = SSL_get_error(back[i].r.ssl_con, conn_code); if ( (err_code != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) && (err_code != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) ) { char tmp[256]; tmp[0]='\0'; ERR_error_string(err_code, tmp); back[i].r.msg[0]='\0'; strncatbuff(back[i].r.msg, tmp, sizeof(back[i].r.msg) - 2); if (!strnotempty(back[i].r.msg)) { sprintf(back[i].r.msg, "SSL/TLS error %d", err_code); } deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r.statuscode=-5; back[i].status=0; } } else { /* got it! */ back[i].status=100; // back to waitconnect } } else { strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg, "unexpected SSL/TLS error"); deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r.statuscode=-5; back[i].status=0; } } #endif #if HTS_XGETHOST else if (back[i].status==101) { // attendre gethostbyname #if DEBUGDNS //printf("status 101 for %s\n",back[i].url_adr); #endif if (!gestion_timeout) if (back[i].timeout>0) gestion_timeout=1; if (host_wait(&back[i])) { // prÍt back[i].status=100; // attente connexion if (back[i].timeout>0) { // refresh timeout si besoin est back[i].timeout_refresh=time_local(); } if (back[i].rateout>0) { // le taux de transfert de base sur le dÈbut de la connexion back[i].rateout_time=time_local(); } back[i].r.soc=http_xfopen(0,0,0,back[i].send_too,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,&(back[i].r)); if (back[i].r.soc==INVALID_SOCKET) { back[i].status=0; // fini, erreur if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(2): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); } back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r.statuscode=-5; if (strnotempty(back[i].r.msg)==0) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Unable to resolve host name"); } } // ---- FLAG READ MIS A UN?: POUR LA RECEPTION } #endif #if USE_BEGINTHREAD // ..rien ‡ faire, c'est magic les threads #else else if (back[i].status==1000) { // en rÈception ftp if (!fexist(back[i].location_buffer)) { // terminÈ FILE* fp; fp=fopen(fconcat(back[i].location_buffer,".ok"),"rb"); if (fp) { int j=0; fscanf(fp,"%d ",&(back[i].r.statuscode)); while(!feof(fp)) { int c = fgetc(fp); if (c!=EOF) back[i].r.msg[j++]=c; } back[i].r.msg[j++]='\0'; fclose(fp); remove(fconcat(back[i].location_buffer,".ok")); strcpybuff(fconcat(back[i].location_buffer,".ok"),""); } else { strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Unknown ftp result, check if file is ok"); back[i].r.statuscode=-1; } back[i].status=0; // finalize transfer if (back[i].r.statuscode>0) { back_finalize(opt,cache,back,i); } } } #endif else if ((back[i].status>0) && (back[i].status<1000)) { // en rÈception http int dispo=0; // vÈrifier l'existance de timeout-check if (!gestion_timeout) if (back[i].timeout>0) gestion_timeout=1; // donnÈes dispo? //## if (back[i].url_adr[0]!=lOCAL_CHAR) if (!back[i].r.is_file) { dispo=FD_ISSET(back[i].r.soc,&fds); } else dispo=1; // Check transfer rate! if (!max_read_bytes) dispo=0; // limit transfer rate if (dispo) { // donnÈes dispo LLint retour_fread; busy_recv=1; // on rÈcupËre encore #if BDEBUG==1 printf("..data available on socket %d\n",back[i].r.soc); #endif // range size hack old location #if HTS_DIRECTDISK // Court-circuit: // Peut-on stocker le fichier directement sur disque? // Ahh que ca serait vachement mieux et que ahh que la mÈmoire vous dit merci! if (back[i].status) { if (back[i].r.is_write==0) { // mode mÈmoire if (back[i].r.adr==NULL) { // rien n'a ÈtÈ Ècrit if (!back[i].testmode) { // pas mode test if (strnotempty(back[i].url_sav)) { if (strcmp(back[i].url_fil,"/robots.txt")) { if (back[i].r.statuscode==200) { // 'OK' if (!is_hypertext_mime(back[i].r.contenttype)) { // pas HTML if (opt->getmode&2) { // on peut ecrire des non html back[i].r.is_write=1; // Ècrire if (back[i].r.compressed && /* .gz are *NOT* depacked!! */ (strfield(get_ext(back[i].url_sav),"gz") == 0) ) { back[i].tmpfile[0]='\0'; strcpybuff(back[i].tmpfile,tempnam(NULL,"httrZ")); if (back[i].tmpfile[0]) back[i].r.out=fopen(back[i].tmpfile,"wb"); } else { back[i].r.compressed=0; back[i].r.out=filecreate(back[i].url_sav); } #if HDEBUG printf("direct-disk: %s\n",back[i].url_sav); #endif if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File received from net to disk: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } if (back[i].r.out==NULL) { if (opt->errlog) { fspc(opt->errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"Unable to save file %s"LF,back[i].url_sav); test_flush; } back[i].r.is_write=0; // erreur, abandonner #if HDEBUG printf("..error!\n"); #endif } #if HTS_WIN==0 else chmod(back[i].url_sav,HTS_ACCESS_FILE); #endif } else { // on coupe tout! if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File cancelled (non HTML): %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } back[i].status=0; // terminÈ if (!back[i].testmode) back[i].r.statuscode=-10; // EUHH CANCEL else back[i].r.statuscode=-10; // "TEST OK" if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(3): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); } back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; } } } } } } } } } #endif // rÈception de donnÈes depuis socket ou fichier if (back[i].status) { if (back[i].status==99) // recevoir par bloc de lignes retour_fread=http_xfread1(&(back[i].r),0); else if (back[i].status==98) { // recevoir longueur chunk en hexa caractËre par caractËre // backuper pour lire dans le buffer chunk htsblk r; memcpy(&r, &(back[i].r), sizeof(htsblk)); back[i].r.is_write=0; // mÈmoire back[i].r.adr=back[i].chunk_adr; // adresse back[i].r.size=back[i].chunk_size; // taille taille chunk back[i].r.totalsize=-1; // total inconnu back[i].r.out=NULL; back[i].r.is_file=0; // // ligne par ligne retour_fread=http_xfread1(&(back[i].r),-1); // modifier et restaurer back[i].chunk_adr=back[i].r.adr; // adresse back[i].chunk_size=back[i].r.size; // taille taille chunk memcpy(&(back[i].r), &r, sizeof(htsblk)); // restaurer vÈritable r } else if (back[i].is_chunk) { // attention chunk, limiter taille ‡ lire #if CHUNKDEBUG==1 printf("read %d bytes\n",(int)min(back[i].r.totalsize-back[i].r.size,max_read_bytes)); #endif retour_fread=(int) http_xfread1(&(back[i].r),(int) min(back[i].r.totalsize-back[i].r.size,max_read_bytes)); } else retour_fread=(int) http_xfread1(&(back[i].r),(int) max_read_bytes); // retour_fread=http_fread1(&(back[i].r)); } else retour_fread=-1; // interruption ou annulation interne (peut ne pas Ítre une erreur) // Si rÈception chunk, tester si on est pas ‡ la fin! if (back[i].status==1) { if (back[i].is_chunk) { // attendre prochain chunk if (back[i].r.size==back[i].r.totalsize) { // fin chunk! //printf("chunk end at %d\n",back[i].r.size); back[i].status=98; // prochain chunk if (back[i].chunk_adr!=NULL) { freet(back[i].chunk_adr); back[i].chunk_adr=NULL; } back[i].chunk_size=0; retour_fread=0; // pas d'erreur #if CHUNKDEBUG==1 printf("waiting for next chunk header (soc %d)..\n",back[i].r.soc); #endif } } } if (retour_fread < 0) { // erreur rÈception back[i].status=0; // terminÈ if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(4): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); } back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; #if CHUNKDEBUG==1 if (back[i].is_chunk) printf("must be the last chunk for %s (connection closed) - %d/%d\n",back[i].url_fil,back[i].r.size,back[i].r.totalsize); #endif //if ((back[i].r.statuscode==-1) && (strnotempty(back[i].r.msg)==0)) { if ((back[i].r.statuscode<0) && (strnotempty(back[i].r.msg)==0)) { #if HDEBUG printf("error interruped: %s\n",back[i].r.adr); #endif if (back[i].r.size>0) strcatbuff(back[i].r.msg,"Interrupted transfer"); else strcatbuff(back[i].r.msg,"No data (connection closed)"); back[i].r.statuscode=-4; } // finalize transfer if (back[i].r.statuscode>0) { back_finalize(opt,cache,back,i); } if (back[i].r.totalsize>0) { // tester totalsize //if ((back[i].r.totalsize>0) && (back[i].status==99)) { // tester totalsize if (back[i].r.totalsize!=back[i].r.size) { // pas la mÍme! if (!opt->tolerant) { //#if HTS_CL_IS_FATAL if (back[i].r.adr) freet(back[i].r.adr); back[i].r.adr=NULL; if (back[i].r.size<back[i].r.totalsize) back[i].r.statuscode=-4; // recatch sprintf(back[i].r.msg,"Incorrect length ("LLintP" Bytes, "LLintP" expected)",(LLint)back[i].r.size,(LLint)back[i].r.totalsize); } else { //#else // Un warning suffira.. if (cache->errlog!=NULL) { fspc(cache->errlog,"warning"); fprintf(cache->errlog,"Incorrect length ("LLintP"!="LLintP" expected) for %s%s"LF,(LLint)back[i].r.size,(LLint)back[i].r.totalsize,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); } //#endif } } } #if BDEBUG==1 printf("transfer ok\n"); #endif } else if (retour_fread > 0) { // pas d'erreur de rÈception et data if (back[i].timeout>0) { // refresh timeout si besoin est back[i].timeout_refresh=time_local(); } // Traitement des en tÍtes chunks ou en tÍtes if (back[i].status==98) { // rÈception taille chunk en hexa ( aprËs les en tÍtes, peut ne pas if (back[i].chunk_size>=2) { int chunk_size=-1; // Ítre prÈsent) if (back[i].chunk_adr[back[i].chunk_size-1]==10) { // LF, fin ligne chunk char chunk_data[64]; if (back[i].chunk_size<32) { // pas trop gros back[i].chunk_adr[ back[i].chunk_size-1]='\0'; // octet nul strcpybuff(chunk_data,""); // hex number strcatbuff(chunk_data,back[i].chunk_adr); #if CHUNKDEBUG==1 printf("chunk received and read: %s\n",chunk_data); #endif if (back[i].r.totalsize<0) back[i].r.totalsize=0; // initialiser ‡ 0 if (sscanf(chunk_data,"%x",&chunk_size) == 1) { back[i].r.totalsize+=chunk_size; // noter taille back[i].r.adr=(char*) realloct(back[i].r.adr,(INTsys) back[i].r.totalsize + 1); if (!back[i].r.adr) { if (cache->errlog!=NULL) { fprintf(cache->errlog,"Error: Not enough memory ("LLintP") for %s%s"LF,(LLint)back[i].r.totalsize,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); } } #if CHUNKDEBUG==1 printf("chunk length: %d - next total "LLintP":\n",(int)chunk_size,(LLint)back[i].r.totalsize); #endif } else if (cache->errlog!=NULL) { fprintf(cache->errlog,"Warning: Illegal chunk (%s) for %s%s"LF,back[i].chunk_adr,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); } } else { if (cache->errlog!=NULL) { fprintf(cache->errlog,"Warning: Chunk too big ("LLintP") for %s%s"LF,(LLint)back[i].chunk_size,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); } } // ok, continuer sur le body // si chunk non nul continuer (ou commencer) if (chunk_size>0) { back[i].status=1; // continuer body #if CHUNKDEBUG==1 printf("waiting for body (chunk)\n"); #endif } else { // chunk nul, c'est la fin #if CHUNKDEBUG==1 printf("chunk end, total: %d\n",back[i].r.size); #endif back[i].status=0; // fin // finalize transfer back_finalize(opt,cache,back,i); if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(5): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; /* Tester totalsize en fin de chunk */ if ((back[i].r.totalsize>0)) { // tester totalsize if (back[i].r.totalsize!=back[i].r.size) { // pas la mÍme! #if HTS_CL_IS_FATAL if (back[i].r.adr) { freet(back[i].r.adr); back[i].r.adr=NULL; } back[i].r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Incorrect length"); #else // Un warning suffira.. if (cache->errlog!=NULL) { fspc(cache->errlog,"warning"); fprintf(cache->errlog,"Incorrect length ("LLintP"!="LLintP" expected) for %s%s"LF,(LLint)back[i].r.size,(LLint)back[i].r.totalsize,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); } #endif } } } } // effacer buffer (chunk en tete) if (back[i].chunk_adr!=NULL) { freet(back[i].chunk_adr); back[i].chunk_adr=NULL; back[i].chunk_size=0; } } // chunk LF? } // taille buffer chunk>2 // } else if (back[i].status==99) { // en tÍtes (avant le chunk si il est prÈsent) // if (back[i].r.size>=2) { // double LF if ( ((back[i].r.adr[back[i].r.size-1]==10) && (back[i].r.adr[back[i].r.size-2]==10)) || (back[i].r.adr[0] == '<') /* bogus server */ ) { char rcvd[2048]; int ptr=0; int noFreebuff=0; #if BDEBUG==1 printf("..ok, header received\n"); #endif /* Hack for zero-length headers */ if (back[i].r.adr[0] != '<') { // ---------------------------------------- // traiter en-tÍte! // status-line ‡ rÈcupÈrer ptr+=binput(back[i].r.adr+ptr,rcvd,2000); if (strnotempty(rcvd)==0) ptr+=binput(back[i].r.adr+ptr,rcvd,2000); // "certains serveurs buggÈs envoient un \n au dÈbut" (RFC) // traiter status-line treatfirstline(&back[i].r,rcvd); #if HDEBUG printf("(Buffer) Status-Code=%d\n",back[i].r.statuscode); #endif if (_DEBUG_HEAD) { if (ioinfo) { fprintf(ioinfo,"response for %s%s:\r\ncode=%d\r\n",jump_identification(back[i].url_adr),back[i].url_fil,back[i].r.statuscode); fprintfio(ioinfo,back[i].r.adr,">>> "); fprintf(ioinfo,"\r\n"); fflush(ioinfo); } // en-tÍte } // header // ** !attention! HTTP/0.9 non supportÈ do { ptr+=binput(back[i].r.adr+ptr,rcvd,2000); #if HDEBUG printf("(buffer)>%s\n",rcvd); #endif /* if (_DEBUG_HEAD) { if (ioinfo) { fprintf(ioinfo,"(buffer)>%s\r\n",rcvd); fflush(ioinfo); } } */ if (strnotempty(rcvd)) treathead(opt->cookie,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,&back[i].r,rcvd); // traiter // parfois les serveurs buggÈs renvoient un content-range avec un 200 if (back[i].r.statuscode==200) // 'OK' if (strfield(rcvd,"content-range:")) // Avec un content-range: relisez les RFC.. back[i].r.statuscode=206; // FORCER A 206 !!!!! } while(strnotempty(rcvd)); // ---------------------------------------- // libÈrer mÈmoire -- aprËs! -- if (back[i].r.adr!=NULL) { freet(back[i].r.adr); back[i].r.adr=NULL; } } else { // assume text/html, OK treatfirstline(&back[i].r, back[i].r.adr); noFreebuff=1; } /* Status code and header-response hacks */ // Check response : 203 == 200 if (back[i].r.statuscode==203) { // 'Non-Authoritative Information' back[i].r.statuscode=200; // forcer "OK" } else if (back[i].r.statuscode == 100) { back[i].status=99; back[i].r.size=0; back[i].r.totalsize=0; back[i].chunk_size=0; back[i].r.statuscode=-1; back[i].r.msg[0]='\0'; if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"Status 100 detected for %s%s, continuing headers"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } continue; } /* Solve "false" 416 problems */ if (back[i].r.statuscode==416) { // 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable' // Example: // Range: bytes=2830- // -> // Content-Range: bytes */2830 if (back[i].range_req_size == back[i].r.crange) { deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].status=0; // READY back[i].r.size=back[i].r.totalsize=back[i].range_req_size; filenote(back[i].url_sav,NULL); back[i].r.statuscode=304; // NOT MODIFIED if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File seems complete (good 416 message), breaking connection: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } } } // transform 406 into 200 ; we'll catch embedded links inside the choice page if (back[i].r.statuscode==406) { // 'Not Acceptable' back[i].r.statuscode=200; } // Various hacks to limit re-transfers when updating a mirror // Force update if same size detected if (opt->sizehack) { // We already have the file // and ask the remote server for an update // Some servers, especially dynamic pages severs, always // answer that the page has been modified since last visit // And answer with a 200 (OK) response, and the same page // If the size is the same, and the option has been set, we assume // that the file is identical - and therefore let's break the connection if (back[i].is_update) { // mise ‡ jour if (back[i].r.statuscode==200) { // 'OK' htsblk r = cache_read(opt,cache,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,NULL); // lire entrÈe cache if (r.statuscode == 200) { // OK pas d'erreur cache LLint len1,len2; len1=r.totalsize; len2=back[i].r.totalsize; if (r.size>0) len1=r.size; if (len1>0) { if (len1 == len2) { // tailles identiques back[i].r.statuscode=304; // forcer NOT MODIFIED deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File seems complete (same size), breaking connection: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } } } } else { if (opt->errlog!=NULL) { fspc(opt->errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"File seems complete (same size), but there was a cache read error: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } } if (r.adr) { freet(r.adr); } } } } // Various hacks to limit re-transfers when updating a mirror // Detect already downloaded file (with another browser, for example) if (opt->sizehack) { if (!back[i].is_update) { // mise ‡ jour if (back[i].r.statuscode==200) { // 'OK' if (!is_hypertext_mime(back[i].r.contenttype)) { // not HTML if (strnotempty(back[i].url_sav)) { // target found int size = fsize(back[i].url_sav); // target size if (size >= 0) { if (back[i].r.totalsize == size) { // same size! deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].status=0; // READY back[i].r.size=back[i].r.totalsize; filenote(back[i].url_sav,NULL); back[i].r.statuscode=304; // NOT MODIFIED if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File seems complete (same size file discovered), breaking connection: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } } } } } } } } // Various hacks to limit re-transfers when updating a mirror // Detect bad range: header if (opt->sizehack) { // We have request for a partial file (with a 'Range: NNN-' header) // and received a complete file notification (200), with 'Content-length: NNN' // it might be possible that we had the complete file // this is the case in *most* cases, so break the connection if (back[i].r.is_write==0) { // mode mÈmoire if (back[i].r.adr==NULL) { // rien n'a ÈtÈ Ècrit if (!back[i].testmode) { // pas mode test if (strnotempty(back[i].url_sav)) { if (strcmp(back[i].url_fil,"/robots.txt")) { if (back[i].r.statuscode==200) { // 'OK' if (!is_hypertext_mime(back[i].r.contenttype)) { // pas HTML if (back[i].r.statuscode==200) { // "OK" if (back[i].range_req_size>0) { // but Range: requested if (back[i].range_req_size == back[i].r.totalsize) { // And same size #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(skip_range): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].status=0; // READY back[i].r.size=back[i].r.totalsize; filenote(back[i].url_sav,NULL); back[i].r.statuscode=304; // NOT MODIFIED if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File seems complete (reget failed), breaking connection: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } } } } } } } } } } } } // END - Various hacks to limit re-transfers when updating a mirror /* End of status code and header-response hacks */ /* Interdiction taille par le wizard? */ if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { if (!back_checksize(opt,&back[i],1)) { back[i].status=0; // FINI deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; if (!back[i].testmode) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"File too big"); else strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Test: File too big"); } } /* sinon, continuer */ /* if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { // ok rÈcupÈrer body? */ // head: terminÈ if (back[i].head_request) { if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"Tested file: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(head request): deletehttp\n"); #endif // Couper connexion deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].status=0; // terminÈ } // traiter une Èventuelle erreur 304 (cache ‡ jour utilisable) else if (back[i].r.statuscode==304) { // document ‡ jour dans le cache // lire dans le cache // ** NOTE: pas de vÈrif de la taille ici!! #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(file is not modified): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r=cache_read(opt,cache,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,back[i].url_sav); if (!back[i].r.location) back[i].r.location=back[i].location_buffer; else { /* recopier */ strcpybuff(back[i].location_buffer,back[i].r.location); back[i].r.location=back[i].location_buffer; } // hack: // In case of 'if-unmodified-since' hack, a 304 status can be sent // then, force 'ok' status if (back[i].r.statuscode == -1) { if (fexist(back[i].url_sav)) { back[i].r.statuscode=200; // OK if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"Not-modified status without cache guessed: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } } } // Status is okay? if (back[i].r.statuscode!=-1) { // pas d'erreur de lecture back[i].status=0; // OK prÍt back[i].r.notmodified=1; // NON modifiÈ! if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File loaded after test from cache: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } // finalize if (back[i].r.statuscode>0) { back_finalize(opt,cache,back,i); } #if DEBUGCA printf("..document ‡ jour aprËs requËte: %s%s\n",back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); #endif //printf(">%s status %d\n",back[p].r.contenttype,back[p].r.statuscode); } else { // erreur back[i].status=0; // terminÈ //printf("erreur cache\n"); } } else if ((back[i].r.statuscode==301) || (back[i].r.statuscode==302) || (back[i].r.statuscode==303) || (back[i].r.statuscode==307) || (back[i].r.statuscode==412) || (back[i].r.statuscode==416) ) { // Ne pas prendre le html, erreurs connues et gÈrÈes #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(301,302,303,307,412,416..): deletehttp\n"); #endif // Couper connexion deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].status=0; // terminÈ // finalize if (back[i].r.statuscode>0) { back_finalize(opt,cache,back,i); } } else { // il faut aller le chercher // effacer buffer (requËte) if (!noFreebuff) { if (back[i].r.adr!=NULL) { freet(back[i].r.adr); back[i].r.adr=NULL; } back[i].r.size=0; } // traiter 206 (partial content) // xxc SI CHUNK VERIFIER QUE CA MARCHE?? if (back[i].r.statuscode==206) { // on nous envoie un morceau (la fin) coz une partie sur disque! LLint sz=fsize(back[i].url_sav); #if HDEBUG printf("partial content: "LLintP" on disk..\n",(LLint)sz); #endif if (sz>=0) { if (!is_hypertext_mime(back[i].r.contenttype)) { // pas HTML if (opt->getmode&2) { // on peut ecrire des non html **sinon ben euhh sera interceptÈ plus loin, donc rap sur ce qui va sortir** filenote(back[i].url_sav,NULL); // noter fichier comme connu back[i].r.out=fopen(fconv(back[i].url_sav),"ab"); // append if (back[i].r.out) { back[i].r.is_write=1; // Ècrire back[i].r.size=sz; // dÈja Ècrit back[i].r.statuscode=200; // Forcer 'OK' if (back[i].r.totalsize>0) back[i].r.totalsize+=sz; // plus en fait fseek(back[i].r.out,0,SEEK_END); // ‡ la fin #if HDEBUG printf("continue interrupted file\n"); #endif } else { // On est dans la m** back[i].status=0; // terminÈ (voir plus loin) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Can not open partial file"); } } } else { // mÈmoire FILE* fp=fopen(fconv(back[i].url_sav),"rb"); if (fp) { LLint alloc_mem=sz + 1; if (back[i].r.totalsize>0) alloc_mem+=back[i].r.totalsize; // AJOUTER RESTANT! if ( (back[i].r.adr=(char*) malloct((INTsys) alloc_mem)) ) { back[i].r.size=sz; if (back[i].r.totalsize>0) back[i].r.totalsize+=sz; // plus en fait if (((int) fread(back[i].r.adr,1,(INTsys)sz,fp)) != sz) { back[i].status=0; // terminÈ (voir plus loin) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Can not read partial file"); } else { back[i].r.statuscode=200; // Forcer 'OK' #if HDEBUG printf("continue in mem interrupted file\n"); #endif } } else { back[i].status=0; // terminÈ (voir plus loin) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"No memory for partial file"); } fclose(fp); } else { // Argh.. back[i].status=0; // terminÈ (voir plus loin) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Can not open partial file"); } } } else { // Non trouvÈ?? back[i].status=0; // terminÈ (voir plus loin) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Can not find partial file"); } // Erreur? if (back[i].status==0) { if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(206 solve problems): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); } back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; //back[i].r.statuscode=206; ???????? back[i].r.statuscode=-5; if (strnotempty(back[i].r.msg)) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Error attempting to solve status 206 (partial file)"); } } if (back[i].status!=0) { // non terminÈ (erreur) if (!back[i].testmode) { // fichier normal if (back[i].r.empty && back[i].r.statuscode==200) { // empty response // Couper connexion deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].status=0; // terminÈ if ( (back[i].r.adr=(char*) malloct((INTsys) 2)) ) { back[i].r.adr[0] = 0; } back_finalize(opt,cache,back,i); } else if (!back[i].r.is_chunk) { // pas de chunk //if (back[i].r.http11!=2) { // pas de chunk back[i].is_chunk=0; back[i].status=1; // start body } else { #if CHUNKDEBUG==1 printf("chunk encoding detected %s..\n",back[i].url_fil); #endif back[i].is_chunk=1; back[i].chunk_adr=NULL; back[i].chunk_size=0; back[i].status=98; // start body wait chunk back[i].r.totalsize=0; /* devalidate size */ } if (back[i].rateout>0) { back[i].rateout_time=time_local(); // refresh pour transfer rate } #if HDEBUG printf("(buffer) start body!\n"); #endif } else { // mode test, ne pas passer en 1!! back[i].status=0; // READY #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(test ok): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; if (back[i].r.statuscode==200) { strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Test: OK"); back[i].r.statuscode=-10; // test rÈussi } else { // test a ÈchouÈ, on ne change rien sauf que l'erreur est ‡ titre indicatif char tempo[1000]; strcpybuff(tempo,back[i].r.msg); strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Test: "); strcatbuff(back[i].r.msg,tempo); } } } } /*}*/ } // si LF } // r.size>2 } // si == 99 } // si pas d'erreurs #if BDEBUG==1 printf("bytes overall: %d\n",back[i].r.size); #endif } // donnÈes dispo // en cas d'erreur cl, supprimer Èventuel fichier sur disque #if HTS_REMOVE_BAD_FILES if (back[i].status<0) { if (!back[i].testmode) { // pas en test remove(back[i].url_sav); // Èliminer fichier (endommagÈ) //printf("&& %s\n",back[i].url_sav); } } #endif /* funny log for commandline users */ //if (!opt->quiet) { // petite animation if (opt->verbosedisplay==1) { if (back[i].status==0) { if (back[i].r.statuscode==200) printf("* %s%s ("LLintP" bytes) - OK"VT_CLREOL"\r",back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,(LLint)back[i].r.size); else printf("* %s%s ("LLintP" bytes) - %d"VT_CLREOL"\r",back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil,(LLint)back[i].r.size,back[i].r.statuscode); fflush(stdout); } } //} } // status>0 } // for // vÈrifier timeouts if (gestion_timeout) { TStamp act; act=time_local(); // temps en secondes for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { if (back[i].status>0) { // rÈception/connexion/.. if (back[i].timeout>0) { //printf("time check %d\n",((int) (act-back[i].timeout_refresh))-back[i].timeout); if (((int) (act-back[i].timeout_refresh))>=back[i].timeout) { if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(timeout): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); } back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r.statuscode=-2; if (back[i].status==100) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Connect Time Out"); else if (back[i].status==101) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"DNS Time Out"); else strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Receive Time Out"); back[i].status=0; // terminÈ } else if ((back[i].rateout>0) && (back[i].status<99)) { if (((int) (act-back[i].rateout_time))>=HTS_WATCHRATE) { // checker au bout de 15s if ( (int) ((back[i].r.size)/(act-back[i].rateout_time)) < back[i].rateout ) { // trop lent back[i].status=0; // terminÈ if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("back_wait(rateout): deletehttp\n"); #endif deletehttp(&back[i].r); } back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r.statuscode=-3; strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Transfer Rate Too Low"); } } } } } } } max_loop--; #if HTS_ANALYSTE max_loop_chk++; #endif } while((busy_state) && (busy_recv) && (max_loop>0)); #if HTS_ANALYSTE if ((!busy_recv) && (!busy_state)) { if (max_loop_chk>=1) { Sleep(10); // un tite pause pour Èviter les lag.. } } #endif } int back_checksize(httrackp* opt,lien_back* eback,int check_only_totalsize) { LLint size_to_test; if (check_only_totalsize) size_to_test=eback->r.totalsize; else size_to_test=max(eback->r.totalsize,eback->r.size); if (size_to_test>=0) { /* Interdiction taille par le wizard? */ if (hts_testlinksize(opt,eback->url_adr,eback->url_fil,(eback->r.totalsize+1023)/1024)==-1) { return 0; /* interdit */ } /* vÈrifier taille classique (heml et non html) */ if ((istoobig(size_to_test,eback->maxfile_html,eback->maxfile_nonhtml,eback->r.contenttype))) { return 0; /* interdit */ } } return 1; } // octets transfÈrÈs + add LLint back_transfered(LLint nb,lien_back* back,int back_max) { int i; // ajouter octets en instance for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) if ((back[i].status>0) && (back[i].status<99)) nb+=back[i].r.size; return nb; } // infos backing // j: 1 afficher sockets 2 afficher autres 3 tout afficher void back_info(lien_back* back,int i,int j,FILE* fp) { if (back[i].status>=0) { char s[256]; s[0]='\0'; back_infostr(back,i,j,s); strcatbuff(s,LF); fprintf(fp,"%s",s); } } // infos backing // j: 1 afficher sockets 2 afficher autres 3 tout afficher void back_infostr(lien_back* back,int i,int j,char* s) { if (back[i].status>=0) { int aff=0; if (j & 1) { if (back[i].status==100) { strcatbuff(s,"CONNECT "); } else if (back[i].status==99) { strcatbuff(s,"INFOS "); aff=1; } else if (back[i].status==98) { strcatbuff(s,"INFOSC"); // infos chunk aff=1; } else if (back[i].status>0) { #if HTS_ANALYSTE==2 strcatbuff(s,"WAIT "); #else strcatbuff(s,"RECEIVE "); #endif aff=1; } } if (j & 2) { if (back[i].status==0) { switch (back[i].r.statuscode) { case 200: strcatbuff(s,"READY "); aff=1; break; #if HTS_ANALYSTE==2 default: strcatbuff(s,"ERROR "); break; #else case -1: strcatbuff(s,"ERROR "); aff=1; break; case -2: strcatbuff(s,"TIMEOUT "); aff=1; break; case -3: strcatbuff(s,"TOOSLOW "); aff=1; break; case 400: strcatbuff(s,"BADREQUEST "); aff=1; break; case 401: case 403: strcatbuff(s,"FORBIDDEN "); aff=1; break; case 404: strcatbuff(s,"NOT FOUND "); aff=1; break; case 500: strcatbuff(s,"SERVERROR "); aff=1; break; default: { char s2[256]; sprintf(s2,"ERROR(%d)",back[i].r.statuscode); strcatbuff(s,s2); } aff=1; #endif } } } if (aff) { { char s2[1024]; sprintf(s2,"\"%s",back[i].url_adr); strcatbuff(s,s2); if (back[i].url_fil[0]!='/') strcatbuff(s,"/"); sprintf(s2,"%s\" ",back[i].url_fil); strcatbuff(s,s2); sprintf(s,LLintP" "LLintP" ",(LLint)back[i].r.size,(LLint)back[i].r.totalsize); strcatbuff(s,s2); } } } } // -- backing -- #undef test_flush