home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Important notes: - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons. This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it. Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* File: httrack.c subroutines: */ /* main routine (first called) */ /* Author: Xavier Roche */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "htscoremain.h" #include "htsglobal.h" #include "htscore.h" #include "htsdefines.h" #include "htsalias.h" #include "htswrap.h" #include "htsmodules.h" #include <ctype.h> #if HTS_WIN #else #ifndef HTS_DO_NOT_USE_UID /* setuid */ #include <pwd.h> #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #endif #endif extern int exit_xh; // sortir prÈmaturÈment /* Resolver */ extern int IPV6_resolver; // Add a command in the argc/argv #define cmdl_add(token,argc,argv,buff,ptr) \ argv[argc]=(buff+ptr); \ strcpybuff(argv[argc],token); \ ptr += (strlen(argv[argc])+2); \ argc++ // Insert a command in the argc/argv #define cmdl_ins(token,argc,argv,buff,ptr) \ { \ int i; \ for(i=argc;i>0;i--)\ argv[i]=argv[i-1];\ } \ argv[0]=(buff+ptr); \ strcpybuff(argv[0],token); \ ptr += (strlen(argv[0])+2); \ argc++ #define htsmain_free() do { if (url != NULL) { free(url); } } while(0) #define ensureUrlCapacity(url, urlsize, size) do { \ if (urlsize < size || url == NULL) { \ urlsize = size; \ if (url == NULL) { \ url = (char*) malloct(urlsize); \ if (url != NULL) url[0]='\0'; \ } else { \ url = (char*) realloct(url, urlsize); \ } \ if (url == NULL) { \ HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("* memory exhausted"); \ htsmain_free(); \ return -1; \ } \ } \ } while(0) // Main, rÈcupËre les paramËtres et appelle le robot #if HTS_ANALYSTE HTSEXT_API int hts_main(int argc, char **argv) { #else int main(int argc, char **argv) { #endif char* x_argv[999]; // Patch pour argv et argc: en cas de rÈcupÈration de ligne de commande char* x_argvblk=NULL; // (reprise ou update) int x_ptr=0; // offset /* char* x_argv2[999]; // Patch pour config char* x_argvblk2=NULL; */ // int argv_url=-1; // ==0 : utiliser cache et doit.log char* argv_firsturl=NULL; // utilisÈ pour nommage par dÈfaut char* url = NULL; // URLS sÈparÈes par un espace int url_sz = 65535; //char url[65536]; // URLS sÈparÈes par un espace // the parametres httrackp httrack; int httrack_logmode=3; // ONE log file int recuperer=0; // rÈcupÈrer un plantage (n'arrive jamais, ‡ supprimer) #if HTS_WIN #if HTS_ANALYSTE!=2 WORD wVersionRequested; /* requested version WinSock API */ WSADATA wsadata; /* Windows Sockets API data */ #endif #else #ifndef HTS_DO_NOT_USE_UID int switch_uid=-1,switch_gid=-1; /* setuid/setgid */ #endif int switch_chroot=0; /* chroot ? */ #endif // ensureUrlCapacity(url, url_sz, 65536); // #if HTS_ANALYSTE // custom wrappers hts_htmlcheck_init = (t_hts_htmlcheck_init) htswrap_read("init"); hts_htmlcheck_uninit = (t_hts_htmlcheck_uninit) htswrap_read("free"); hts_htmlcheck_start = (t_hts_htmlcheck_start) htswrap_read("start"); hts_htmlcheck_end = (t_hts_htmlcheck_end) htswrap_read("end"); hts_htmlcheck_chopt = (t_hts_htmlcheck_chopt) htswrap_read("change-options"); hts_htmlcheck = (t_hts_htmlcheck) htswrap_read("check-html"); hts_htmlcheck_query = (t_hts_htmlcheck_query) htswrap_read("query"); hts_htmlcheck_query2 = (t_hts_htmlcheck_query2) htswrap_read("query2"); hts_htmlcheck_query3 = (t_hts_htmlcheck_query3) htswrap_read("query3"); hts_htmlcheck_loop = (t_hts_htmlcheck_loop) htswrap_read("loop"); hts_htmlcheck_check = (t_hts_htmlcheck_check) htswrap_read("check-link"); hts_htmlcheck_pause = (t_hts_htmlcheck_pause) htswrap_read("pause"); hts_htmlcheck_filesave = (t_hts_htmlcheck_filesave) htswrap_read("save-file"); hts_htmlcheck_linkdetected = (t_hts_htmlcheck_linkdetected) htswrap_read("link-detected"); hts_htmlcheck_xfrstatus = (t_hts_htmlcheck_xfrstatus) htswrap_read("transfer-status"); hts_htmlcheck_savename = (t_hts_htmlcheck_savename) htswrap_read("save-name"); #endif // options par dÈfaut memset(&httrack, 0, sizeof(httrackp)); httrack.wizard=2; // wizard automatique httrack.quiet=0; // questions // httrack.travel=0; // mÍme adresse httrack.depth=9999; // mirror total par dÈfaut httrack.extdepth=0; // mais pas ‡ l'extÈrieur httrack.seeker=1; // down httrack.urlmode=2; // relatif par dÈfaut httrack.debug=0; // pas de dÈbug en plus httrack.getmode=3; // linear scan httrack.maxsite=-1; // taille max site (aucune) httrack.maxfile_nonhtml=-1; // taille max fichier non html httrack.maxfile_html=-1; // idem pour html httrack.maxsoc=8; // nbre socket max httrack.fragment=-1; // pas de fragmentation httrack.nearlink=0; // ne pas prendre les liens non-html "adjacents" httrack.makeindex=1; // faire un index httrack.kindex=0; // index 'keyword' httrack.delete_old=1; // effacer anciens fichiers httrack.makestat=0; // pas de fichier de stats httrack.maketrack=0; // ni de tracking httrack.timeout=120; // timeout par dÈfaut (2 minutes) httrack.cache=1; // cache prioritaire httrack.shell=0; // pas de shell par defaut httrack.proxy.active=0; // pas de proxy httrack.user_agent_send=1; // envoyer un user-agent strcpybuff(httrack.user_agent,"Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)"); httrack.savename_83=0; // noms longs par dÈfaut httrack.savename_type=0; // avec structure originale httrack.parsejava=1; // parser classes httrack.hostcontrol=0; // PAS de control host pour timeout et traffic jammer httrack.retry=2; // 2 retry par dÈfaut httrack.errpage=1; // copier ou gÈnÈrer une page d'erreur en cas d'erreur (404 etc.) httrack.check_type=1; // vÈrifier type si inconnu (cgi,asp..) SAUF / considÈrÈ comme html httrack.all_in_cache=0; // ne pas tout stocker en cache httrack.robots=2; // traiter les robots.txt httrack.external=0; // liens externes normaux httrack.passprivacy=0; // mots de passe dans les fichiers httrack.includequery=1; // include query-string par dÈfaut httrack.mirror_first_page=0; // pas mode mirror links httrack.accept_cookie=1; // gÈrer les cookies httrack.cookie=NULL; httrack.http10=0; // laisser http/1.1 httrack.nocompression=0; // pas de compression httrack.tolerant=0; // ne pas accepter content-length incorrect httrack.parseall=1; // tout parser (tags inconnus, par exemple) httrack.norecatch=0; // ne pas reprendre les fichiers effacÈs par l'utilisateur httrack.verbosedisplay=0; // pas d'animation texte strcpybuff(httrack.footer,HTS_DEFAULT_FOOTER); httrack.ftp_proxy=1; // proxy http pour ftp strcpybuff(httrack.filelist,""); strcpybuff(httrack.lang_iso,"en, *"); strcpybuff(httrack.mimedefs,"\n"); // aucun filtre mime (\n IMPORTANT) // httrack.log=stdout; httrack.errlog=stderr; httrack.flush=1; // flush sur les fichiers log httrack.aff_progress=0; httrack.keyboard=0; // strcpybuff(httrack.path_html,""); strcpybuff(httrack.path_log,""); strcpybuff(httrack.path_bin,""); // httrack.maxlink=100000; // 100,000 liens max par dÈfaut (400Kb) httrack.maxfilter=200; // 200 filtres max par dÈfaut httrack.maxcache=1048576*32; // a peu prËs 32Mo en cache max -- OPTION NON PARAMETRABLE POUR L'INSTANT -- //httrack.maxcache_anticipate=256; // maximum de liens ‡ anticiper httrack.maxtime=-1; // temps max en secondes httrack.maxrate=-1; // pas de taux maxi httrack.maxconn=10; // nombre connexions/s httrack.waittime=-1; // wait until.. hh*3600+mm*60+ss // httrack.exec=argv[0]; httrack.is_update=0; // not an update (yet) httrack.dir_topindex=0; // do not built top index (yet) // httrack.state.stop=0; // stopper // _DEBUG_HEAD=0; // pas de debuggage en tÍtes #if HTS_WIN #if HTS_ANALYSTE!=2 { int stat; wVersionRequested = 0x0101; stat = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsadata ); if (stat != 0) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Winsock not found!\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else if (LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1 && HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("WINSOCK.DLL does not support version 1.1\n"); WSACleanup(); htsmain_free(); return -1; } } #endif #endif /* Init root dir */ hts_rootdir(argv[0]); #if HTS_WIN #else /* Terminal is a tty, may ask questions and display funny information */ if (isatty(1)) { httrack.quiet=0; httrack.verbosedisplay=1; } /* Not a tty, no stdin input or funny output! */ else { httrack.quiet=1; httrack.verbosedisplay=0; } #endif /* First test: if -#R then only launch ftp */ if (argc > 2) { if (strcmp(argv[1],"-#R")==0) { if (argc==6) { lien_back r; char* path; FILE* fp; strcpybuff(r.url_adr,argv[2]); strcpybuff(r.url_fil,argv[3]); strcpybuff(r.url_sav,argv[4]); path=argv[5]; r.status=1000; run_launch_ftp(&r); fp=fopen(fconv(path),"wb"); if (fp) { fprintf(fp,"%d %s",r.r.statuscode,r.r.msg); fclose(fp); fp=NULL; rename(fconv(path),fconcat(path,".ok")); } else remove(fconv(path)); } else { printf("htsftp error, wrong parameter number (%d)\n",argc); } exit(0); // pas _exit() } } // ok, non ftp, continuer // Binary program path? #ifndef HTS_HTTRACKDIR { char* path=fslash(argv[0]); char* a; if ((a=strrchr(path,'/'))) { httrack.path_bin[0]='\0'; strncatbuff(httrack.path_bin,argv[0],(int) a - (int) path); } } #else strcpybuff(httrack.path_bin, HTS_HTTRACKDIR); #endif /* filter CR, LF, TAB.. */ { int na; for(na=1;na<argc;na++) { char* a; while( (a=strchr(argv[na],'\x0d')) ) *a=' '; while( (a=strchr(argv[na],'\x0a')) ) *a=' '; while( (a=strchr(argv[na],9)) ) *a=' '; /* equivalent to "empty parameter" */ if ((strcmp(argv[na],HTS_NOPARAM)==0) || (strcmp(argv[na],HTS_NOPARAM2)==0)) // (none) strcpybuff(argv[na],"\"\""); if (strncmp(argv[na],"-&",2)==0) argv[na][1]='%'; } } /* create x_argvblk buffer for transformed command line */ { int current_size=0; int size; int na; for(na=0;na<argc;na++) current_size += (strlen(argv[na]) + 1); if ((size=fsize("config"))>0) current_size += size; x_argvblk=(char*) malloct(current_size+32768); if (x_argvblk == NULL) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Error, not enough memory"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } x_argvblk[0]='\0'; x_ptr=0; } /* Create new argc/argv, replace alias, count URLs, treat -h, -q, -i */ { char _tmp_argv[2][HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; char* tmp_argv[2]; char tmp_error[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; int tmp_argc; int x_argc=0; int na; tmp_argv[0]=_tmp_argv[0]; tmp_argv[1]=_tmp_argv[1]; // argv_url=0; /* pour comptage */ // cmdl_add(argv[0],x_argc,x_argv,x_argvblk,x_ptr); na=1; /* commencer aprËs nom_prg */ while(na<argc) { int result=1; tmp_argv[0][0]=tmp_argv[1][0]='\0'; /* VÈrifier argv[] non vide */ if (strnotempty(argv[na])) { /* VÈrifier Commande (alias) */ result=optalias_check(argc,(const char * const *)argv,na, &tmp_argc,(char**)tmp_argv,tmp_error); if (!result) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(tmp_error); htsmain_free(); return -1; } /* Copier */ cmdl_add(tmp_argv[0],x_argc,x_argv,x_argvblk,x_ptr); if (tmp_argc > 1) { cmdl_add(tmp_argv[1],x_argc,x_argv,x_argvblk,x_ptr); } /* Compter URLs et dÈtecter -i,-q.. */ if (tmp_argc == 1) { /* pas -P & co */ if (!cmdl_opt(tmp_argv[0])) { /* pas -c0 & co */ if (argv_url<0) argv_url=0; // -1==force -> 1=one url already detected, wipe all previous options //if (argv_url>=0) { argv_url++; if (!argv_firsturl) argv_firsturl=x_argv[x_argc-1]; //} } else { if (strcmp(tmp_argv[0],"-h")==0) { help(argv[0],!httrack.quiet); htsmain_free(); return 0; } else { if (strncmp(tmp_argv[0],"--",2)) { /* pas */ if ((strchr(tmp_argv[0],'q')!=NULL)) httrack.quiet=1; // ne pas poser de questions! (nohup par exemple) if ((strchr(tmp_argv[0],'i')!=NULL)) { // doit.log! argv_url=-1; /* forcer */ httrack.quiet=1; } } } } } else if (tmp_argc == 2) { if ((strcmp(tmp_argv[0],"-%L")==0)) { // liste d'URLs if (argv_url<0) argv_url=0; // -1==force -> 1=one url already detected, wipe all previous options //if (argv_url>=0) argv_url++; /* forcer */ } } } na+=result; } if (argv_url<0) argv_url=0; /* Nouveaux argc et argv */ argv=x_argv; argc=x_argc; } // Ici on ajoute les arguments de config /* if (fexist("config")) { // configuration x_argvblk2=(char*) calloct(32768,1); if (x_argvblk2!=NULL) { FILE* fp; int x_argc2; //strcpybuff(x_argvblk2,"httrack "); fp=fopen("config","rb"); if (fp) { linput(fp,x_argvblk2+strlen(x_argvblk2),32000); fclose(fp); fp=NULL; // calculer arguments selon derniers arguments x_argv2[0]=argv[0]; x_argc2=1; { char* p=x_argvblk2; do { x_argv2[x_argc2++]=p; p=strchr(p,' '); if (p) { *p=0; // octet nul (tableau) p++; } } while(p!=NULL); } // recopier arguments actuels (pointeurs uniquement) { int na; for(na=1;na<argc;na++) { x_argv2[x_argc2++]=argv[na]; } } argc=x_argc2; // nouvel argc argv=x_argv2; // nouvel argv } } } */ // Option O and includerc { int loops=0; while (loops<2) { char* com; int na; for(na=1;na<argc;na++) { if (argv[na][0]=='"') { char tempo[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; strcpybuff(tempo,argv[na]+1); if (tempo[strlen(tempo)-1]!='"') { char s[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; sprintf(s,"Missing quote in %s",argv[na]); HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(s); htsmain_free(); return -1; } tempo[strlen(tempo)-1]='\0'; strcpybuff(argv[na],tempo); } if (cmdl_opt(argv[na])) { // option com=argv[na]+1; while(*com) { switch(*com) { case 'O': // output path if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option O needs to be followed by a blank space, and a path (or path,path)"); printf("Example: -O /binary/\n"); printf("Example: -O /binary/,/log/\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else { char* a; na++; strcpybuff(httrack.path_html,""); strcpybuff(httrack.path_log,""); a=strstr(argv[na],"\",\""); // rechercher en premier, au cas ou -O "c:\pipo,test","c:\test" if (!a) a=strchr(argv[na],','); // 2 path else a++; // position , if (a) { strncatbuff(httrack.path_html,argv[na],(int) (a-argv[na])); strcatbuff(httrack.path_log,a+1); } else { strcpybuff(httrack.path_log,argv[na]); strcpybuff(httrack.path_html,argv[na]); } // Eliminer les cas comme -O "C:\mirror\" if (httrack.path_log[0]=='"') { // Guillemets char tmp[256]; strcpybuff(tmp,httrack.path_log+1); if (tmp[strlen(tmp)-1]=='"') tmp[strlen(tmp)-1]='\0'; strcpybuff(httrack.path_log,tmp); } if (httrack.path_html[0]=='"') { char tmp[256]; strcpybuff(tmp,httrack.path_html+1); if (tmp[strlen(tmp)-1]=='"') tmp[strlen(tmp)-1]='\0'; strcpybuff(httrack.path_html,tmp); } check_path(httrack.path_log,argv_firsturl); if (check_path(httrack.path_html,argv_firsturl)) { httrack.dir_topindex=1; // rebuilt top index } //printf("-->%s\n%s\n",httrack.path_html,httrack.path_log); } break; } // switch com++; } // while } // arg } // for /* if doit.log exists, or if new URL(s) defined, then DO NOT load standard config files */ /* (config files are added in doit.log) */ #if DEBUG_STEPS printf("Loading httrackrc/doit.log\n"); #endif /* recreate a doit.log (no old doit.log or new URLs (and parameters)) */ if ((strnotempty(httrack.path_log)) || (strnotempty(httrack.path_html))) loops++; // do not loop once again and do not include rc file (O option exists) else { if ( (!fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/doit.log"))) || (argv_url>0) ) { if (!optinclude_file(fconcat(httrack.path_log,HTS_HTTRACKRC),&argc,argv,x_argvblk,&x_ptr)) if (!optinclude_file(HTS_HTTRACKRC,&argc,argv,x_argvblk,&x_ptr)) { if (!optinclude_file(fconcat(hts_gethome(),"/"HTS_HTTRACKRC),&argc,argv,x_argvblk,&x_ptr)) { #ifdef HTS_HTTRACKCNF optinclude_file(HTS_HTTRACKCNF,&argc,argv,x_argvblk,&x_ptr); #endif } } } else loops++; // do not loop once again } loops++; } // while } // traiter -O /* load doit.log and insert in current command line */ if ( fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/doit.log")) && (argv_url<=0) ) { FILE* fp=fopen(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/doit.log"),"rb"); if (fp) { int insert_after=1; /* insÈrer aprËs nom au dÈbut */ // char buff[8192]; char *p,*lastp; linput(fp,buff,8000); fclose(fp); fp=NULL; p=buff; do { int insert_after_argc; // read next lastp=p; if (p) { p=next_token(p,1); if (p) { *p=0; // null p++; } } /* Insert parameters BUT so that they can be in the same order */ if (lastp) { if (strnotempty(lastp)) { insert_after_argc=argc-insert_after; cmdl_ins(lastp,insert_after_argc,(argv+insert_after),x_argvblk,x_ptr); argc=insert_after_argc+insert_after; insert_after++; } } } while(lastp!=NULL); //fclose(fp); } } // Existence d'un cache - pas de new mais un old.. renommer #if DEBUG_STEPS printf("Checking cache\n"); #endif if ( (!fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))) || (!fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx"))) ) { if ( (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"))) ) { remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")); remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); //remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst")); rename(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"),fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")); rename(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"),fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); //rename(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.lst"),fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst")); } } /* Interrupted mirror detected */ if (!httrack.quiet) { if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress.lock"))) { /* Old cache */ if ( (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"))) ) { if (httrack.log != NULL) { fprintf(httrack.log,"Warning!\n"); fprintf(httrack.log,"An aborted mirror has been detected!\nThe current temporary cache is required for any update operation and only contains data downloaded during the last aborted session.\nThe former cache might contain more complete information; if you do not want to lose that information, you have to restore it and delete the current cache.\nThis can easily be done here by erasing the hts-cache/new.* files\n"); fprintf(httrack.log,"Please restart HTTrack with --continue (-iC1) option to override this message!\n"); } exit(0); } } } // remplacer "macros" comme --spider // permet de lancer httrack sans a avoir ‡ se rappeler de syntaxes comme p0C0I0Qc32 .. #if DEBUG_STEPS printf("Checking last macros\n"); #endif { int i; for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { #if DEBUG_STEPS printf("Checking #%d:\n",argv[i]); printf("%s\n",argv[i]); #endif if (argv[i][0]=='-') { if (argv[i][1]=='-') { // --xxx if ((strfield2(argv[i]+2,"clean")) || (strfield2(argv[i]+2,"tide"))) { // nettoyer strcpybuff(argv[i]+1,""); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-log.txt"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-log.txt")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-err.txt"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-err.txt")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_html,"index.html"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_html,"index.html")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.lst"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.lst")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.txt"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.txt")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.txt"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.txt")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/doit.log"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/doit.log")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress.lock"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress.lock")); rmdir(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache")); // } else if (strfield2(argv[i]+2,"catchurl")) { // capture d'URL via proxy temporaire! argv_url=1; // forcer a passer les parametres strcpybuff(argv[i]+1,"#P"); // } else if (strfield2(argv[i]+2,"updatehttrack")) { #ifdef _WIN32 char s[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; sprintf(s,"%s not available in this version",argv[i]); HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(s); htsmain_free(); return -1; #else #if 0 char _args[8][256]; char *args[8]; printf("Cheking for updates...\n"); strcpybuff(_args[0],argv[0]); strcpybuff(_args[1],"--get"); sprintf(_args[2],HTS_UPDATE_WEBSITE,HTS_PLATFORM,""); strcpybuff(_args[3],"--quickinfo"); args[0]=_args[0]; args[1]=_args[1]; args[2]=_args[2]; args[3]=_args[3]; args[4]=NULL; if (execvp(args[0],args)==-1) { } #endif #endif } // else { char s[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; sprintf(s,"%s not recognized",argv[i]); HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(s); htsmain_free(); return -1; } } } } } // Compter urls/jokers /* if (argv_url<=0) { int na; argv_url=0; for(na=1;na<argc;na++) { if ( (strcmp(argv[na],"-P")==0) || (strcmp(argv[na],"-N")==0) || (strcmp(argv[na],"-F")==0) || (strcmp(argv[na],"-O")==0) || (strcmp(argv[na],"-V")==0) ) { na++; // sauter nom de proxy } else if (!cmdl_opt(argv[na])) { argv_url++; // un de plus } else if (strcmp(argv[na],"-h")==0) { help(argv[0],!httrack.quiet); htsmain_free(); return 0; } else { if ((strchr(argv[na],'q')!=NULL)) httrack.quiet=1; // ne pas poser de questions! (nohup par exemple) if ((strchr(argv[na],'i')!=NULL)) { // doit.log! argv_url=0; na=argc; } } } } */ // Ici on ajoute les arguments qui ont ÈtÈ appelÈs avant au cas o˘ on rÈcupËre une session // Exemple: httrack www.truc.fr -L0 puis ^C puis httrack sans URL : ajouter URL prÈcÈdente /* if (argv_url==0) { //if ((fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")))) { // il existe dÈja un cache prÈcÈdent.. renommer if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/doit.log"))) { // un cache est prÈsent x_argvblk=(char*) calloct(32768,1); if (x_argvblk!=NULL) { FILE* fp; int x_argc; //strcpybuff(x_argvblk,"httrack "); fp=fopen(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/doit.log"),"rb"); if (fp) { linput(fp,x_argvblk+strlen(x_argvblk),8192); fclose(fp); fp=NULL; } // calculer arguments selon derniers arguments x_argv[0]=argv[0]; x_argc=1; { char* p=x_argvblk; do { x_argv[x_argc++]=p; //p=strstr(p," "); // exemple de chaine: "echo \"test\"" c:\a "\$0" p=next_token(p,1); // prochain token if (p) { *p=0; // octet nul (tableau) p++; } } while(p!=NULL); } // recopier arguments actuels (pointeurs uniquement) { int na; for(na=1;na<argc;na++) { if (strcmp(argv[na],"-O") != 0) // SAUF le path! x_argv[x_argc++]=argv[na]; else na++; } } argc=x_argc; // nouvel argc argv=x_argv; // nouvel argv } } //} } */ // VÈrifier quiet /* { int na; for(na=1;na<argc;na++) { if (!cmdl_opt(argv[na])) { if ((strcmp(argv[na],"-P")==0) || (strcmp(argv[na],"-N")==0) || (strcmp(argv[na],"-F")==0) || (strcmp(argv[na],"-O")==0) || (strcmp(argv[na],"-V")==0)) na++; // sauter nom de proxy } else { if ((strchr(argv[na],'q')!=NULL) || (strchr(argv[na],'i')!=NULL)) httrack.quiet=1; // ne pas poser de questions! (nohup par exemple) } } } */ // Pas d'URL #if DEBUG_STEPS printf("Checking URLs\n"); #endif if (argv_url==0) { // PrÈsence d'un cache, que faire?.. if ((fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")))) { // il existe dÈja un cache prÈcÈdent.. renommer if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/doit.log"))) { // un cache est prÈsent if (x_argvblk!=NULL) { int m; // Ètablir mode - mode cache: 1 (cache valide) 2 (cache ‡ vÈrifier) if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress.lock"))) { // cache prioritaire m=1; recuperer=1; } else { m=2; } httrack.cache=m; if (httrack.quiet==0) { // sinon on continue automatiquement HT_REQUEST_START; HT_PRINT("A cache (hts-cache/) has been found in the directory "); HT_PRINT(httrack.path_log); HT_PRINT(LF); if (m==1) { HT_PRINT("That means that a transfer has been aborted"LF); HT_PRINT("OK to Continue "); } else { HT_PRINT("That means you can update faster the remote site(s)"LF); HT_PRINT("OK to Update "); } HT_PRINT("httrack "); HT_PRINT(x_argvblk); HT_PRINT("?"LF); HT_REQUEST_END; if (!ask_continue()) { htsmain_free(); return 0; } } } else { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Error, not enough memory"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } } else { // log existe pas HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("A cache has been found, but no command line"); printf("Please launch httrack with proper parameters to reuse the cache\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } } else { // aucune URL dÈfinie et pas de cache #if HTS_ANALYSTE!=2 if (httrack.quiet) { #endif help(argv[0],!httrack.quiet); htsmain_free(); return -1; #if HTS_ANALYSTE!=2 } else { help_wizard(&httrack); htsmain_free(); return -1; } #endif htsmain_free(); return 0; } } else { // plus de 2 paramËtres // un fichier log existe? if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress.lock"))) { // fichier lock? //char s[32]; httrack.cache=1; // cache prioritaire if (httrack.quiet==0) { if ((fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")))) { // il existe dÈja un cache prÈcÈdent.. renommer HT_REQUEST_START; HT_PRINT("There is a lock-file in the directory "); HT_PRINT(httrack.path_log); HT_PRINT(LF"That means that a mirror has not been terminated"LF); HT_PRINT("Be sure you call httrack with proper parameters"LF); HT_PRINT("(The cache allows you to restart faster the transfer)"LF); HT_REQUEST_END; if (!ask_continue()) { htsmain_free(); return 0; } } } } else if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_html,"index.html"))) { //char s[32]; httrack.cache=2; // cache vient aprËs test de validitÈ if (httrack.quiet==0) { if ((fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")))) { // il existe dÈja un cache prÈcÈdent.. renommer HT_REQUEST_START; HT_PRINT("There is an index.html and a hts-cache folder in the directory "); HT_PRINT(httrack.path_log); HT_PRINT(LF"A site may have been mirrored here, that could mean that you want to update it"LF); HT_PRINT("Be sure parameters are ok"LF); HT_REQUEST_END; if (!ask_continue()) { htsmain_free(); return 0; } } else { HT_REQUEST_START; HT_PRINT("There is an index.html in the directory "); HT_PRINT(httrack.path_log); HT_PRINT(" but no cache"LF); HT_PRINT("There is an index.html in the directory, but no cache"LF); HT_PRINT("A site may have been mirrored here, and erased.."LF); HT_PRINT("Be sure parameters are ok"LF); HT_REQUEST_END; if (!ask_continue()) { htsmain_free(); return 0; } } } } } // Treat parameters // Traiter les paramËtres #if DEBUG_STEPS printf("Analyze parameters\n"); #endif { char* com; int na; for(na=1;na<argc;na++) { if (argv[na][0]=='"') { char tempo[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; strcpybuff(tempo,argv[na]+1); if (tempo[strlen(tempo)-1]!='"') { char s[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; sprintf(s,"Missing quote in %s",argv[na]); HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(s); htsmain_free(); return -1; } tempo[strlen(tempo)-1]='\0'; strcpybuff(argv[na],tempo); } if (cmdl_opt(argv[na])) { // option com=argv[na]+1; while(*com) { switch(*com) { case ' ': case 9: case '-': case '\0': break; // case 'h': help(argv[0],0); htsmain_free(); return 0; // dÈja fait normalement // case 'g': // rÈcupÈrer un (ou plusieurs) fichiers isolÈs httrack.wizard=2; // le wizard on peut plus s'en passer.. //httrack.wizard=0; // pas de wizard httrack.cache=0; // ni de cache httrack.makeindex=0; // ni d'index httrack_logmode=1; // erreurs ‡ l'Ècran httrack.savename_type=1003; // mettre dans le rÈpertoire courant httrack.depth=0; // ne pas explorer la page httrack.accept_cookie=0; // pas de cookies break; case 'w': httrack.wizard=2; // wizard 'soft' (ne pose pas de questions) httrack.travel=0; httrack.seeker=1; break; case 'W': httrack.wizard=1; // Wizard-Help (pose des questions) httrack.travel=0; httrack.seeker=1; break; case 'r': // n'est plus le recurse get bestial mais wizard itou! if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.depth); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } else httrack.depth=3; break; /* case 'r': httrack.wizard=0; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.depth); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } else httrack.depth=3; break; */ // // note: les tests httrack.depth sont pour Èviter de faire // un miroir du web (:-O) accidentelement ;-) case 'a': /*if (httrack.depth==9999) httrack.depth=3;*/ httrack.travel=0+(httrack.travel&256); break; case 'd': /*if (httrack.depth==9999) httrack.depth=3;*/ httrack.travel=1+(httrack.travel&256); break; case 'l': /*if (httrack.depth==9999) httrack.depth=3;*/ httrack.travel=2+(httrack.travel&256); break; case 'e': /*if (httrack.depth==9999) httrack.depth=3;*/ httrack.travel=7+(httrack.travel&256); break; case 't': httrack.travel|=256; break; case 'n': httrack.nearlink=1; break; case 'x': httrack.external=1; break; // case 'U': httrack.seeker=2; break; case 'D': httrack.seeker=1; break; case 'S': httrack.seeker=0; break; case 'B': httrack.seeker=3; break; // case 'Y': httrack.mirror_first_page=1; break; // case 'q': case 'i': httrack.quiet=1; break; // case 'Q': httrack_logmode=0; break; case 'v': httrack_logmode=1; break; case 'f': httrack_logmode=2; if (*(com+1)=='2') httrack_logmode=3; while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; // //case 'A': httrack.urlmode=1; break; //case 'R': httrack.urlmode=2; break; case 'K': httrack.urlmode=0; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.urlmode); if (httrack.urlmode == 0) { // in fact K0 ==> K2 // and K ==> K0 httrack.urlmode=2; } while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } //if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.urlmode=2; com++; } break; // case 'c': if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.maxsoc); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; httrack.maxsoc=max(httrack.maxsoc,1); // FORCER A 1 } else httrack.maxsoc=8; break; // case 'p': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.getmode); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; // case 'G': sscanf(com+1,LLintP,&httrack.fragment); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'M': sscanf(com+1,LLintP,&httrack.maxsite); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'm': sscanf(com+1,LLintP,&httrack.maxfile_nonhtml); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; if (*(com+1)==',') { com++; sscanf(com+1,LLintP,&httrack.maxfile_html); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } else httrack.maxfile_html=-1; break; // case 'T': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.timeout); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'J': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.rateout); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'R': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.retry); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'E': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.maxtime); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'H': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.hostcontrol); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'A': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.maxrate); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'j': httrack.parsejava=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.parsejava=0; com++; } break; // case 'I': httrack.makeindex=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.makeindex=0; com++; } break; // case 'X': httrack.delete_old=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.delete_old=0; com++; } break; // case 'b': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.accept_cookie); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; // case 'N': if (strcmp(argv[na],"-N")==0) { // Tout seul if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { // erreur HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option N needs a number, or needs to be followed by a blank space, and a string"); printf("Example: -N4\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else { na++; if (strlen(argv[na])>=127) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Userdef structure string too long"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } strcpybuff(httrack.savename_userdef,argv[na]); if (strnotempty(httrack.savename_userdef)) httrack.savename_type = -1; // userdef! else httrack.savename_type = 0; // -N "" : par dÈfaut } } else { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.savename_type); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } break; case 'L': { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.savename_83); switch(httrack.savename_83) { case 0: httrack.savename_83=1; break; case 1: httrack.savename_83=0; break; default: httrack.savename_83=2; break; } while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } break; case 's': if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.robots); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } else httrack.robots=1; #if DEBUG_ROBOTS printf("robots.txt mode set to %d\n",httrack.robots); #endif break; case 'o': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.errpage); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'u': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.check_type); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; // case 'C': if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.cache); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } else httrack.cache=1; break; case 'k': httrack.all_in_cache=1; break; // case 'z': httrack.debug=1; break; // petit debug case 'Z': httrack.debug=2; break; // GROS debug // case '&': case '%': { // deuxiËme jeu d'options com++; switch(*com) { case 'x': httrack.passprivacy=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.passprivacy=0; com++; } break; // No passwords in html files case 'q': httrack.includequery=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.includequery=0; com++; } break; // No passwords in html files case 'I': httrack.kindex=1; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.kindex); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } break; // Keyword Index case 'c': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.maxconn); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'e': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.extdepth); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'B': httrack.tolerant=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.tolerant=0; com++; } break; // HTTP/1.0 notamment case 'h': httrack.http10=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.http10=0; com++; } break; // HTTP/1.0 case 'z': httrack.nocompression=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.nocompression=0; com++; } break; // pas de compression case 'f': httrack.ftp_proxy=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.ftp_proxy=0; com++; } break; // proxy http pour ftp case 'P': httrack.parseall=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.parseall=0; com++; } break; // tout parser case 'n': httrack.norecatch=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.norecatch=0; com++; } break; // ne pas reprendre fichiers effacÈs localement case 's': httrack.sizehack=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { httrack.sizehack=0; com++; } break; // hack sur content-length case 'v': httrack.verbosedisplay=2; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.verbosedisplay); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } break; // preserve: no footer, original links case 'p': httrack.footer[0]='\0'; httrack.urlmode=4; break; case 'L': // URL list if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option %L needs to be followed by a blank space, and a text filename"); printf("Example: -%%L \"mylist.txt\"\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else{ na++; if (strlen(argv[na])>=254) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("File list string too long"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } strcpybuff(httrack.filelist,argv[na]); } break; case 'S': // Scan Rules list if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option %S needs to be followed by a blank space, and a text filename"); printf("Example: -%%S \"myfilterlist.txt\"\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else{ int fz; na++; fz = fsize(argv[na]); if (fz < 0) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("File url list could not be opened"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else { FILE* fp = fopen(argv[na], "rb"); if (fp != NULL) { int cl = (int) strlen(url); ensureUrlCapacity(url, url_sz, cl + fz + 8192); if ((int) fread(url + cl, 1, fz, fp) != fz) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("File url list could not be read"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } fclose(fp); *(url + cl + fz) = '\0'; } } } break; case 'A': // assume if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option %A needs to be followed by a blank space, and a filesystemtype=mimetype/mimesubtype parameters"); printf("Example: -%%A php3=text/html,asp=text/html\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else{ char* a; na++; if ( (strlen(argv[na]) + strlen(httrack.mimedefs) + 4) >= sizeof(httrack.mimedefs)) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Mime definition string too long"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } // --assume standard if (strcmp(argv[na],"standard") == 0) { strcpybuff(httrack.mimedefs,"\n"); strcatbuff(httrack.mimedefs,HTS_ASSUME_STANDARD); strcatbuff(httrack.mimedefs,"\n"); } else { strcatbuff(httrack.mimedefs,argv[na]); strcatbuff(httrack.mimedefs,"\n"); } a=httrack.mimedefs; while(*a) { switch(*a) { case ',': case ' ': case '\r': case ';': case '\t': *a='\n'; break; } a++; } } break; // case 'l': if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option %l needs to be followed by a blank space, and an ISO language code"); printf("Example: -%%l \"en\"\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else{ na++; if (strlen(argv[na])>=62) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Lang list string too long"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } strcpybuff(httrack.lang_iso,argv[na]); } break; // case 'F': // footer id if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option %F needs to be followed by a blank space, and a footer string"); printf("Example: -%%F \"<!-- Mirrored from %%s by HTTrack Website Copier/"HTTRACK_AFF_VERSION" "HTTRACK_AFF_AUTHORS", %%s -->\"\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else{ na++; if (strlen(argv[na])>=254) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Footer string too long"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } strcpybuff(httrack.footer,argv[na]); } break; case 'H': // debug headers _DEBUG_HEAD=1; break; case 'O': #if HTS_WIN printf("Warning option -%%O has no effect in this system (chroot)\n"); #else switch_chroot=1; #endif break; case 'U': // setuid if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option %U needs to be followed by a blank space, and a username"); printf("Example: -%%U smith\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else { na++; #if HTS_WIN printf("Warning option -%%U has no effect on this system (setuid)\n"); #else #ifndef HTS_DO_NOT_USE_UID /* Change the user id and gid */ { struct passwd* userdef=getpwnam((const char*)argv[na]); if (userdef) { /* we'll have to switch the user id */ switch_gid=userdef->pw_gid; switch_uid=userdef->pw_uid; } } #else printf("Warning option -%%U has no effect with this compiled version (setuid)\n"); #endif #endif } break; default: { char s[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; sprintf(s,"invalid option %%%c\n",*com); HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(s); htsmain_free(); return -1; } break; } } break; // case '@': { // troisiËme jeu d'options com++; switch(*com) { case 'i': #if HTS_INET6==0 printf("Warning, option @i has no effect (v6 routines not compiled)\n"); #else { int res=0; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&res); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } switch(res) { case 1: case 4: IPV6_resolver=1; break; case 2: case 6: IPV6_resolver=2; break; case 0: IPV6_resolver=0; break; default: printf("Unknown flag @i%d\n", res); htsmain_free(); return -1; break; } } #endif break; default: { char s[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; sprintf(s,"invalid option %%%c\n",*com); HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(s); htsmain_free(); return -1; } break; //case 's': httrack.sslengine=1; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.sslengine); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } break; } } break; // case '#': { // non documentÈ com++; switch(*com) { case 'C': // list cache files : httrack -#C '*spid*.gif' will attempt to find the matching file { int hasFilter = 0; int found = 0; char* filter=NULL; cache_back cache; inthash cache_hashtable=inthash_new(HTS_HASH_SIZE); int backupXFR = htsMemoryFastXfr; int sendb = 0; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) { sscanf(com+1,"%d",&sendb); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; } else sendb=0; if (!((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-'))) { na++; hasFilter = 1; filter=argv[na]; } htsMemoryFastXfr = 1; /* fast load */ memset(&cache, 0, sizeof(cache_back)); cache.type=1; // cache? cache.log=stdout; // log? cache.errlog=stderr; // err log? cache.ptr_ant=cache.ptr_last=0; // pointeur pour anticiper cache.hashtable=(void*)cache_hashtable; /* copy backcache hash */ cache.ro = 1; /* read only */ if (cache.hashtable) { char adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char url[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char linepos[256]; int pos; char* cacheNdx = readfile(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); cache_init(&cache,&httrack); /* load cache */ if (cacheNdx != NULL) { char firstline[256]; char* a = cacheNdx; a+=cache_brstr(a, firstline); a+=cache_brstr(a, firstline); while ( a != NULL ) { a=strchr(a+1,'\n'); /* start of line */ if (a) { htsblk r; /* */ a++; /* read "host/file" */ a+=binput(a,adr,HTS_URLMAXSIZE); a+=binput(a,fil,HTS_URLMAXSIZE); url[0]='\0'; if (!link_has_authority(adr)) strcatbuff(url, "http://"); strcatbuff(url, adr); strcatbuff(url, fil); /* read position */ a+=binput(a,linepos,200); sscanf(linepos,"%d",&pos); if (!hasFilter || (strjoker(url, filter, NULL, NULL) != NULL) ) { r = cache_read(&httrack, &cache, adr, fil, NULL); // lire entrÈe cache if (r.statuscode != -1) { // No errors found++; if (!hasFilter) { fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s\r\n", (link_has_authority(adr)) ? "" : "http://", adr, fil); } else { char msg[256], cdate[256]; char sav[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; infostatuscode(msg, r.statuscode); time_gmt_rfc822(cdate); fprintf(stdout, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", r.statuscode, r.msg[0] ? r.msg : msg ); fprintf(stdout, "X-Host: %s\r\n", adr); fprintf(stdout, "X-File: %s\r\n", fil); fprintf(stdout, "X-URL: %s%s%s\r\n", (link_has_authority(adr)) ? "" : "http://", adr, fil); if (url_savename(adr, fil, sav, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &httrack, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &cache, NULL, 0, 0)!=-1) { if (fexist(sav)) { fprintf(stdout, "Content-location: %s\r\n", sav); } } fprintf(stdout, "Date: %s\r\n", cdate); fprintf(stdout, "Server: HTTrack Website Copier/"HTTRACK_VERSION"\r\n"); if (r.lastmodified[0]) { fprintf(stdout, "Last-Modified: %s\r\n", r.lastmodified); } if (r.etag[0]) { fprintf(stdout, "Etag: %s\r\n", r.etag); } if (r.totalsize >= 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Content-Length: "LLintP"\r\n", r.totalsize); } fprintf(stdout, "X-Content-Length: "LLintP"\r\n", (r.size >= 0) ? r.size : (-r.size) ); if (r.contenttype >= 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", r.contenttype); } if (r.cdispo[0]) { fprintf(stdout, "Content-Disposition: %s\r\n", r.cdispo); } if (r.contentencoding[0]) { fprintf(stdout, "Content-Encoding: %s\r\n", r.contentencoding); } if (r.is_chunk) { fprintf(stdout, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"); } #if HTS_USEOPENSSL if (r.ssl) { fprintf(stdout, "X-SSL: yes\r\n"); } #endif if (r.is_write) { fprintf(stdout, "X-Direct-To-Disk: yes\r\n"); } if (r.compressed) { fprintf(stdout, "X-Compressed: yes\r\n"); } if (r.notmodified) { fprintf(stdout, "X-Not-Modified: yes\r\n"); } if (r.is_chunk) { fprintf(stdout, "X-Chunked: yes\r\n"); } fprintf(stdout, "\r\n"); /* Send the body */ if (sendb) { } } } } } } freet(cacheNdx); } } if (!found) { fprintf(stderr, "No cache entry found%s%s%s\r\n", (hasFilter)?" for '":"", (hasFilter)?filter:"", (hasFilter)?"'":"" ); } htsMemoryFastXfr = backupXFR; return 0; } break; case 'X': htsMemoryFastXfr=1; if (*(com+1)=='0') { htsMemoryFastXfr=0; com++; } break; case '~': /* internal lib test */ { char thisIsATestYouShouldSeeAnError[12]; strcpybuff(thisIsATestYouShouldSeeAnError, "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"); return 0; } break; case 'f': httrack.flush=1; break; case 'h': printf("HTTrack version "HTTRACK_VERSION"%s\n", WHAT_is_available); return 0; break; case 'p': httrack.aff_progress=1; break; case 'S': httrack.shell=1; break; // stdin sur un shell case 'K': httrack.keyboard=1; break; // vÈrifier stdin // case 'L': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.maxlink); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'F': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.maxfilter); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'Z': httrack.makestat=1; break; case 'T': httrack.maketrack=1; break; case 'u': sscanf(com+1,"%d",&httrack.waittime); while(isdigit((unsigned char)*(com+1))) com++; break; case 'R': // ohh ftp, catch->ftpget HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Unexpected internal error with -#R command"); htsmain_free(); return -1; break; case 'P': { // catchurl help_catchurl(httrack.path_log); htsmain_free(); return 0; } break; case '0': /* test #0 : filters */ if (na+2>=argc) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option #0 needs to be followed by a filter string and a string"); printf("Example: '-#0' '*.gif' 'foo.gif'\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else { if (strjoker(argv[na+2],argv[na+1],NULL,NULL)) printf("%s does match %s\n",argv[na+2],argv[na+1]); else printf("%s does NOT match %s\n",argv[na+2],argv[na+1]); htsmain_free(); return 0; } break; case '!': if (na+1>=argc) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option #! needs to be followed by a commandline"); printf("Example: '-#!' 'echo hello'\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else { system(argv[na+1]); } break; default: printf("Internal option %c not recognized\n",*com); break; } } break; case 'O': // output path na++; // sauter, dÈja traitÈ break; case 'P': // proxy if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option P needs to be followed by a blank space, and a proxy proxy:port or user:id@proxy:port"); printf("Example: -P proxy.myhost.com:8080\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else { char* a; na++; httrack.proxy.active=1; // Rechercher MAIS en partant de la fin ‡ cause de user:pass@proxy:port a = argv[na] + strlen(argv[na]) -1; // a=strstr(argv[na],":"); // port while( (a > argv[na]) && (*a != ':') && (*a != '@') ) a--; if (*a == ':') { // un port est prÈsent, <proxy>:port sscanf(a+1,"%d",&httrack.proxy.port); httrack.proxy.name[0]='\0'; strncatbuff(httrack.proxy.name,argv[na],(int) (a - argv[na])); } else { // <proxy> httrack.proxy.port=8080; strcpybuff(httrack.proxy.name,argv[na]); } } break; case 'F': // user-agent field if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option F needs to be followed by a blank space, and a user-agent name"); printf("Example: -F \"my_user_agent/1.0\"\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else{ na++; if (strlen(argv[na])>=126) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("User-agent length too long"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } strcpybuff(httrack.user_agent,argv[na]); if (strnotempty(httrack.user_agent)) httrack.user_agent_send=1; else httrack.user_agent_send=0; // -F "" dÈsactive l'option } break; // case 'V': // execute command if ((na+1>=argc) || (argv[na+1][0]=='-')) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("Option V needs to be followed by a system-command string"); printf("Example: -V \"tar uvf some.tar \\$0\"\n"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else{ na++; if (strlen(argv[na])>=2048) { HTS_PANIC_PRINTF("System-command length too long"); htsmain_free(); return -1; } strcpybuff(httrack.sys_com,argv[na]); if (strnotempty(httrack.sys_com)) httrack.sys_com_exec=1; else httrack.sys_com_exec=0; // -V "" dÈsactive l'option } break; // default: { char s[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; sprintf(s,"invalid option %c\n",*com); HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(s); htsmain_free(); return -1; } break; } // switch com++; } // while } else { // URL/filters char tempo[1024]; if (strnotempty(url)) strcatbuff(url," "); // espace de sÈparation strcpybuff(tempo,unescape_http_unharm(argv[na],1)); escape_spc_url(tempo); strcatbuff(url,tempo); } // if argv=- etc. } // for } #if BDEBUG==3 printf("URLs/filters=%s\n",url); #endif #if DEBUG_STEPS printf("Analyzing parameters done\n"); #endif #if HTS_WIN #else #ifndef HTS_DO_NOT_USE_UID /* Chroot - xxc */ if (switch_chroot) { uid_t userid=getuid(); //struct passwd* userdef=getpwuid(userid); //if (userdef) { if (!userid) { //if (strcmp(userdef->pw_name,"root")==0) { char rpath[1024]; //printf("html=%s log=%s\n",httrack.path_html,httrack.path_log); // xxc if ((httrack.path_html[0]) && (httrack.path_log[0])) { char *a=httrack.path_html,*b=httrack.path_log,*c=NULL,*d=NULL; c=a; d=b; while ((*a) && (*a == *b)) { if (*a=='/') { c=a; d=b; } a++; b++; } rpath[0]='\0'; if (c != httrack.path_html) { if (httrack.path_html[0]!='/') strcatbuff(rpath,"./"); strncatbuff(rpath,httrack.path_html,(int) (c - httrack.path_html)); } { char tmp[1024]; strcpybuff(tmp,c); strcpybuff(httrack.path_html,tmp); strcpybuff(tmp,d); strcpybuff(httrack.path_log,tmp); } } else { strcpybuff(rpath,"./"); strcpybuff(httrack.path_html,"/"); strcpybuff(httrack.path_log,"/"); } if (rpath[0]) { printf("[changing root path to %s (path_data=%s,path_log=%s)]\n",rpath,httrack.path_html,httrack.path_log); if (chroot(rpath)) { printf("ERROR! Can not chroot to %s!\n",rpath); return -1; } if (chdir("/")) { /* new root */ printf("ERROR! Can not chdir to %s!\n",rpath); return -1; } } else printf("WARNING: chroot not possible with these paths\n"); } //} } /* Setuid */ if (switch_uid>=0) { printf("[setting user/group to %d/%d]\n",switch_uid,switch_gid); if (setgid(switch_gid)) printf("WARNING! Can not setgid to %d!\n",switch_gid); if (setuid(switch_uid)) printf("WARNING! Can not setuid to %d!\n",switch_uid); } /* Final check */ { uid_t userid=getuid(); if (!userid) { /* running as r00t */ printf("WARNING! You are running this program as root!\n"); printf("It might be a good idea to use the -%%U option to change the userid:\n"); printf("Example: -%%U smith\n\n"); } } #endif #endif //printf("WARNING! This is *only* a beta-release of HTTrack\n"); io_flush; #if DEBUG_STEPS printf("Cache & log settings\n"); #endif // on utilise le cache.. // en cas de prÈsence des deux versions, garder la version la plus avancÈe, // cad la version contenant le plus de fichiers if (httrack.cache) { if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress.lock"))) { // problemes.. if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")) && fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx"))) { if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat")) && fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"))) { // switcher si new<32Ko et old>65Ko (tailles arbitraires) ? // ce cas est peut Ítre une erreur ou un crash d'un miroir ancien, prendre // alors l'ancien cache if (fsize(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))<32768) { if (fsize(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"))>65536) { if (fsize(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat")) > fsize(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))) { remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")); remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); rename(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"),fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")); rename(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"),fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); //} else { // ne rien faire // remove("hts-cache/old.dat"); // remove("hts-cache/old.ndx"); } } } } } } } // DÈbuggage des en tÍtes if (_DEBUG_HEAD) { ioinfo=fopen(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-ioinfo.txt"),"wb"); } { char n_lock[256]; // on peut pas avoir un affichage ET un fichier log // ca sera pour la version 2 if (httrack_logmode==1) { httrack.log=stdout; httrack.errlog=stderr; } else if (httrack_logmode>=2) { // deux fichiers log structcheck(httrack.path_log); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-log.txt"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-log.txt")); if (fexist(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-err.txt"))) remove(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-err.txt")); httrack.log=fopen(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-log.txt"),"w"); if (httrack_logmode==2) httrack.errlog=fopen(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-err.txt"),"w"); else httrack.errlog=httrack.log; if (httrack.log==NULL) { char s[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; sprintf(s,"Unable to create log file %s",fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-log.txt")); HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(s); htsmain_free(); return -1; } else if (httrack.errlog==NULL) { char s[HTS_CDLMAXSIZE]; sprintf(s,"Unable to create log file %s",fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-err.txt")); HTS_PANIC_PRINTF(s); htsmain_free(); return -1; } } else { httrack.log=NULL; httrack.errlog=NULL; } // un petit lock-file pour indiquer un miroir en cours, ainsi qu'un Èventuel fichier log { FILE* fp=NULL; //int n=0; char t[256]; time_local_rfc822(t); // faut bien que ca serve quelque part l'heure RFC1945 arf' /* readme for information purpose */ { FILE* fp=fopen(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/readme.txt"),"wb"); if (fp) { fprintf(fp,"What's in this folder?"LF); fprintf(fp,""LF); fprintf(fp,"This folder (hts-cache) has been generated by WinHTTrack "HTTRACK_VERSION"%s"LF, WHAT_is_available); fprintf(fp,"and is used for updating this website."LF); fprintf(fp,"(The HTML website structure is stored here to allow fast updates)"LF""LF); fprintf(fp,"DO NOT delete this folder unless you do not want to update the mirror in the future!!"LF); fprintf(fp,"(you can safely delete old.dat, old.ndx and old.lst files, however)"LF); fprintf(fp,""LF); fprintf(fp,HTS_LOG_SECURITY_WARNING); fclose(fp); } } sprintf(n_lock,fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress.lock")); //sprintf(n_lock,fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress.lock"),n); /*do { if (!n) sprintf(n_lock,fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress.lock"),n); else sprintf(n_lock,fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-in_progress%d.lock"),n); n++; } while((fexist(n_lock)) && httrack.quiet); if (fexist(n_lock)) { if (!recuperer) { remove(n_lock); } }*/ // vÈrifier existence de la structure structcheck(httrack.path_html); structcheck(httrack.path_log); // reprise/update if (httrack.cache) { FILE* fp; int i; #if HTS_WIN mkdir(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache")); #else mkdir(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache"),HTS_PROTECT_FOLDER); #endif fp=fopen(fconcat(httrack.path_log,"hts-cache/doit.log"),"wb"); if (fp) { for(i=0+1;i<argc;i++) { if ( ((strchr(argv[i],' ')!=NULL) || (strchr(argv[i],'"')!=NULL) || (strchr(argv[i],'\\')!=NULL)) && (argv[i][0]!='"') ) { int j; fprintf(fp,"\""); for(j=0;j<(int) strlen(argv[i]);j++) { if (argv[i][j]==34) fprintf(fp,"\\\""); else if (argv[i][j]=='\\') fprintf(fp,"\\\\"); else fprintf(fp,"%c",argv[i][j]); } fprintf(fp,"\""); } else if (strnotempty(argv[i])==0) { // "" fprintf(fp,"\"\""); } else { // non critique fprintf(fp,"%s",argv[i]); } if (i<argc-1) fprintf(fp," "); } fprintf(fp,LF); fprintf(fp,"File generated automatically on %s, do NOT edit"LF,t); fprintf(fp,LF); fprintf(fp,"To update a mirror, just launch httrack without any parameters"LF); fprintf(fp,"The existing cache will be used (and modified)"LF); fprintf(fp,"To have other options, retype all parameters and launch HTTrack"LF); fprintf(fp,"To continue an interrupted mirror, just launch httrack without any parameters"LF); fprintf(fp,LF); fclose(fp); fp=NULL; //} else if (httrack.debug>1) { // printf("! FileOpen error, \"%s\"\n",strerror(errno)); } } // petit message dans le lock if ( (fp=fopen(n_lock,"wb"))!=NULL) { int i; fprintf(fp,"Mirror in progress since %s .. please wait!"LF,t); for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { if (strchr(argv[i],' ')==NULL) fprintf(fp,"%s ",argv[i]); else // entre "" fprintf(fp,"\"%s\" ",argv[i]); } fprintf(fp,LF); fprintf(fp, "To pause the engine: create an empty file named 'hts-stop.lock'"LF); fclose(fp); fp=NULL; } // fichier log if (httrack.log) { int i; fprintf(httrack.log,"HTTrack"HTTRACK_VERSION"%s launched on %s at %s"LF, WHAT_is_available, t, url); fprintf(httrack.log,"("); for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { if ((strchr(argv[i],' ')==NULL) || (strchr(argv[i],'\"'))) fprintf(httrack.log,"%s ",argv[i]); else // entre "" (si espace(s) et pas dÈja de ") fprintf(httrack.log,"\"%s\" ",argv[i]); } fprintf(httrack.log,")"LF); fprintf(httrack.log,LF); fprintf(httrack.log,"Information, Warnings and Errors reported for this mirror:"LF); fprintf(httrack.log,HTS_LOG_SECURITY_WARNING ); fprintf(httrack.log,LF); } if (httrack_logmode) { printf("Mirror launched on %s by HTTrack Website Copier/"HTTRACK_VERSION"%s "HTTRACK_AFF_AUTHORS""LF,t,WHAT_is_available); if (httrack.wizard==0) { printf("mirroring %s with %d levels, %d sockets,t=%d,s=%d,logm=%d,lnk=%d,mdg=%d\n",url,httrack.depth,httrack.maxsoc,httrack.travel,httrack.seeker,httrack_logmode,httrack.urlmode,httrack.getmode); } else { // the magic wizard printf("mirroring %s with the wizard help..\n",url); } } } io_flush; /* Info for wrappers */ if ( (httrack.debug>0) && (httrack.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(httrack.log,"info"); fprintf(httrack.log,"engine: init"LF); } #if HTS_ANALYSTE hts_htmlcheck_init(); #endif // dÈtourner SIGHUP etc. #if HTS_WIN signal( SIGINT , sig_ask ); // ^C signal( SIGTERM , sig_finish ); // kill <process> #else signal( SIGHUP , sig_back ); // close window signal( SIGTSTP , sig_back ); // ^Z signal( SIGTERM , sig_finish ); // kill <process> signal( SIGINT , sig_ask ); // ^C signal( SIGPIPE , sig_brpipe ); // broken pipe (write into non-opened socket) /* deprecated - see SIGCHLD #ifndef HTS_DO_NOT_SIGCLD signal( SIGCLD , sig_ignore ); // child change status #endif */ signal( SIGCHLD , sig_ignore ); // child change status #endif #if DEBUG_STEPS printf("Launching the mirror\n"); #endif // Lancement du miroir // ------------------------------------------------------------ if (httpmirror(url, &httrack)==0) { printf("Error during operation (see log file), site has not been successfully mirrored\n"); } else { if (httrack.shell) { HTT_REQUEST_START; HT_PRINT("TRANSFER DONE"LF); HTT_REQUEST_END } else { printf("Done.\n"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // // Build top index if (httrack.dir_topindex) { char rpath[1024*2]; char* a; strcpybuff(rpath,httrack.path_html); if (rpath[0]) { if (rpath[strlen(rpath)-1]=='/') rpath[strlen(rpath)-1]='\0'; } a=strrchr(rpath,'/'); if (a) { *a='\0'; hts_buildtopindex(rpath,httrack.path_bin); if (httrack.log) { fspc(httrack.log,"info"); fprintf(httrack.log,"Top index rebuilt (done)"LF); } } } if (exit_xh ==1) { if (httrack.log) { fprintf(httrack.log,"* * MIRROR ABORTED! * *\nThe current temporary cache is required for any update operation and only contains data downloaded during the present aborted session.\nThe former cache might contain more complete information; if you do not want to lose that information, you have to restore it and delete the current cache.\nThis can easily be done here by erasing the hts-cache/new.* files]\n"); } } /* Info for wrappers */ if ( (httrack.debug>0) && (httrack.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(httrack.log,"info"); fprintf(httrack.log,"engine: free"LF); } #if HTS_ANALYSTE hts_htmlcheck_uninit(); #endif if (httrack_logmode!=1) { if (httrack.errlog == httrack.log) httrack.errlog=NULL; if (httrack.log) { fclose(httrack.log); httrack.log=NULL; } if (httrack.errlog) { fclose(httrack.errlog); httrack.errlog=NULL; } } // DÈbuggage des en tÍtes if (_DEBUG_HEAD) { if (ioinfo) { fclose(ioinfo); } } // supprimer lock remove(n_lock); } if (x_argvblk) freet(x_argvblk); #if HTS_WIN #if HTS_ANALYSTE!=2 // WSACleanup(); // ** non en cas de thread tjs prÈsent!.. #endif #endif #ifdef HTS_TRACE_MALLOC hts_freeall(); #endif printf("Thanks for using HTTrack!\n"); io_flush; htsmain_free(); return 0; // OK } // main() subroutines // vÈrifier chemin path int check_path(char* s,char* defaultname) { int i; int return_value=0; // Replace name: ~/mywebsites/# -> /home/foo/mywebsites/# expand_home(s); for(i=0;i<(int) strlen(s);i++) // conversion \ -> / if (s[i]=='\\') s[i]='/'; // remove ending / if (strnotempty(s)) if (s[strlen(s)-1]=='/') s[strlen(s)-1]='\0'; // Replace name: /home/foo/mywebsites/# -> /home/foo/mywebsites/wonderfulsite if (strnotempty(s)) { if (s[(i=strlen(s))-1]=='#') { if (strnotempty((defaultname?defaultname:""))) { char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char* a=strchr(defaultname,'#'); // we never know.. if (a) *a='\0'; tempo[0]='\0'; strncatbuff(tempo,s,i-1); strcatbuff(tempo,defaultname); strcpybuff(s,tempo); } else s[0]='\0'; // Clear path (no name/default url given) return_value=1; // expanded } } // ending / if (strnotempty(s)) if (s[strlen(s)-1]!='/') // ajouter slash ‡ la fin strcatbuff(s,"/"); return return_value; } // dÈtermine si l'argument est une option int cmdl_opt(char* s) { if (s[0]=='-') { // c'est peut Ítre une option if (strchr(s,'.')!=NULL) return 0; // sans doute un -www.truc.fr (note: -www n'est pas compris) else if (strchr(s,'/')!=NULL) return 0; // idem, -*cgi-bin/ else if (strchr(s,'*')!=NULL) return 0; // joker, idem else return 1; } else return 0; }