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- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /*
- HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
- Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Important notes:
- - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
- emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
- This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.
- Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com
- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* File: htsnostatic.c subroutines: */
- /* thread-safe routines for reentrancy */
- /* Author: Xavier Roche */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /*
- Okay, with these routines, the engine should be fully reentrant (thread-safe)
- All static references have been changed:
- from
- function foo() {
- static bartype bar;
- }
- to:
- function foo() {
- bartype* bar;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(bar, bartype, 1);
- }
- */
- #include "htscore.h"
- #include "htsthread.h"
- /*
- #if HTS_WIN
- #else
- #endif
- #else
- #endif
- */
- #define HTS_VAR_MAIN_HASH 127
- /*
- MutEx
- */
- /* Magic per-thread variables functions
- Example:
- hts_lockvar();
- hts_setvar("MyFoo", (long int)(void*)&foo);
- hts_unlockvar();
- ..
- foo=(void*)(long int)hts_directgetvar("MyFoo");
- Do not forget to initialize (hts_initvar()) the library once per thread
- */
- int hts_initvar(void);
- int hts_freevar(void);
- HTSEXT_API int hts_resetvar(void);
- int hts_maylockvar(void);
- int hts_lockvar(void);
- int hts_unlockvar(void);
- int hts_setvar(char* name, long int value);
- int hts_getvar(char* name, long int* ptrvalue);
- long int hts_directgetvar(char* name);
- int hts_setblkvar(char* name, void* value);
- int hts_getblkvar(char* name, void** ptrvalue);
- void* hts_directgetblkvar(char* name);
- /* Internal */
- int hts_setextvar(char* name, long int value, int flag);
- int hts_getextvar(char* name, long int* ptrvalue, int flag);
- void hts_destroyvar(void* ptrkey);
- void hts_destroyvar_key(void* adr);
- /*
- Ensure that the variable 'name' has 'nelts' of type 'type' reserved
- fnc is an UNIQUE function name
- */
- #define NOSTATIC_RESERVE(name, type, nelt) NOSTATIC_XRESERVE(name, type, nelt)
- /*
- Note:
- Yes, we first read the localInit flag variable without MutEx protection,
- for optimization purpose, because the flag is set once initialization DONE.
- If the first read fails, we *securely* re-check and initialize *if* necessary.
- The abort() things should NEVER be called, and are here for safety reasons
- */
- /*
- function-specific static cKey:
- cKey = { localKey, localInit }
- || \
- \/ \ ==1 upon initialization
- thread variable
- ||
- \/
- void*
- ||
- \/
- 'thread-static' value
- the function-specific static cKey is also referenced in the global
- hashtable for free() purpose: (see hts_destroyvar())
- global static key variable
- 'hts_static_key'
- ||
- \/
- thread variable
- ||
- \/
- void*
- ||
- \/
- hashtable
- ||
- \/
- function-specific hash key
- ||
- \/
- &cKey
- */
- #if HTS_WIN
- /* Windows: handled by the compiler */
- #define NOSTATIC_XRESERVE(name, type, nelt) do { \
- __declspec( thread ) static type thValue[nelt]; \
- __declspec( thread ) int static initValue = 0; \
- name = thValue; \
- if (!initValue) { \
- initValue = 1; \
- memset(&thValue, 0, sizeof(thValue)); \
- } \
- } while(0)
- #else
- /* Un*x : slightly more complex, we have to create a thread-key */
- typedef struct {
- unsigned char localInit;
- } hts_NostaticComplexKey;
- #define NOSTATIC_XRESERVE(name, type, nelt) do { \
- static hts_NostaticComplexKey cKey={0,0}; \
- name = NULL; \
- if ( cKey.localInit ) { \
- PTHREAD_KEY_GET(cKey.localKey, &name, type*); \
- } \
- if ( ( ! cKey.localInit ) || ( name == NULL ) ) { \
- if (!hts_maylockvar()) { \
- abortLog("unable to lock mutex (not initialized?!)"); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- hts_lockvar(); \
- { \
- { \
- name = (type *) calloc((nelt), sizeof(type)); \
- if (name == NULL) { \
- abortLog("unable to allocate memory for variable!"); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- { \
- char elt_name[64+8]; \
- sprintf(elt_name, #name "_%d", (int) __LINE__); \
- PTHREAD_KEY_CREATE(&(cKey.localKey), NULL); \
- hts_setblkvar(elt_name, &cKey); \
- } \
- PTHREAD_KEY_SET(cKey.localKey, name, type*); \
- name = NULL; \
- PTHREAD_KEY_GET(cKey.localKey, &name, type*); \
- if (name == NULL) { \
- abortLog("unable to load thread key!"); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- if ( ! cKey.localInit ) { \
- cKey.localInit = 1; \
- } \
- } \
- } \
- hts_unlockvar(); \
- } \
- else { \
- PTHREAD_KEY_GET(cKey.localKey, &name, type*); \
- if (name == NULL) { \
- abortLog("unable to load thread key! (2)"); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- } \
- } while(0)
- #endif
- #endif