home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // infoend.cpp : implementation file
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Shell.h"
- #include "infoend.h"
- #include "iplog.h"
- #include "NewProj.h"
- extern CNewProj* dialog0;
- extern "C" {
- #include "htsbase.h"
- HTS_INLINE int fspc(FILE* fp,char* type);
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- extern HICON httrack_icon;
- #include "winhttrack.h"
- extern CWinHTTrackApp* this_app;
- #include "inprogress.h"
- extern Cinprogress* inprogress;
- /* Externe C */
- extern "C" {
- #include "htslib.h"
- }
- ///extern "C" int fexist(char*);
- //extern char* fconcat(char*,char*);
- // Helper
- extern LaunchHelp* HtsHelper;
- /* Main splitter frame */
- #include "DialogContainer.h"
- #include "splitter.h"
- extern CSplitterFrame* this_CSplitterFrame;
- /* Main WizTab frame */
- #include "WizTab.h"
- extern CWizTab* this_CWizTab;
- extern CWizTab* this_intCWizTab2;
- /* Objet lui mÍme */
- Cinfoend* this_Cinfoend=NULL;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Cinfoend dialog
- IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(Cinfoend, CPropertyPage)
- Cinfoend::Cinfoend()
- : CPropertyPage(Cinfoend::IDD)
- {
- this_Cinfoend=this;
- //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(Cinfoend)
- }
- Cinfoend::~Cinfoend() {
- this_Cinfoend=NULL;
- }
- void Cinfoend::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
- {
- CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX);
- //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(Cinfoend)
- }
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(Cinfoend, CPropertyPage)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(Cinfoend)
- ON_BN_CLICKED(IDlog, Onlog)
- ON_BN_CLICKED(IDbrowse, Onbrowse)
- ON_NOTIFY_EX( TTN_NEEDTEXT, 0, OnToolTipNotify )
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Cinfoend message handlers
- BOOL Cinfoend::OnInitDialog()
- {
- UpdateData(false); // force to call DoDataExchange
- //CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
- SetIcon(httrack_icon,false);
- SetIcon(httrack_icon,true);
- EnableToolTips(true); // TOOL TIPS
- SetForegroundWindow(); // yop en premier plan!
- // Patcher l'interface pour les FranÁais ;-)
- if (LANG_T(-1)) { // Patcher en franÁais
- //SetDlgItemText(,"");
- //SetWindowText(LANG(LANG_D6) /*"Fin du miroir"*/);
- SetDlgItemText(IDlog,LANG(LANG_D7) /*"Voir fichier d'audit"*/);
- SetDlgItemText(IDbrowse,LANG(LANG_D8) /*"Lancer Web"*/);
- this_CWizTab->SetDlgItemText(IDCANCEL,LANG_QUIT);
- //SetDlgItemText(IDC_NewProject,LANG_D9);
- //SetDlgItemText(IDOK,LANG_OK);
- }
- int error = HTS_STAT.stat_errors;
- if (error) {
- SetDlgItemText(IDlog,LANG_O14);
- tm=SetTimer(WM_TIMER,250,NULL);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- void Cinfoend::Onlog()
- {
- char pathlog[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- strcpybuff(pathlog,dialog0->GetPath());
- Ciplog form;
- if (strlen(pathlog)>0)
- if ((pathlog[strlen(pathlog)-1]!='/') && (pathlog[strlen(pathlog)-1]!='\\'))
- strcatbuff(pathlog,"/");
- // fichier log existe ou on est tÈlÈcommandÈ par un !
- if ( (fexist(fconcat(pathlog,"hts-err.txt"))) || (fexist(fconcat(pathlog,"hts-log.txt"))) ) {
- strcpybuff(form.pathlog,pathlog);
- form.DoModal();
- } else {
- char s[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- sprintf(s,LANG(LANG_D1 /*"No log files in %s!"*/ ),pathlog);
- }
- }
- void Cinfoend::Onbrowse()
- {
- char pathlog[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- strcpybuff(pathlog,dialog0->GetPath());
- if (strlen(pathlog)==0)
- strcpybuff(pathlog,dialog0->GetPath());
- Ciplog form;
- if (strlen(pathlog)>0)
- if ((pathlog[strlen(pathlog)-1]!='/') && (pathlog[strlen(pathlog)-1]!='\\'))
- strcatbuff(pathlog,"\\");
- if ( fexist(fconcat(pathlog,"index.html")) ) {
- ShellExecute(this->m_hWnd,"open",fconcat(pathlog,"index.html"),"","",SW_RESTORE);
- } else {
- char s[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- sprintf(s,LANG(LANG_D2 /*"No index.html file in %s!"*/ ),pathlog);
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // ajouter dans le .cpp:
- // remplacer les deux Wid1:: par le nom de la classe::
- // dans la message map, ajouter
- // ON_NOTIFY_EX( TTN_NEEDTEXT, 0, OnToolTipNotify )
- // dans initdialog ajouter
- // EnableToolTips(true); // TOOL TIPS
- //
- // ajouter dans le .h:
- // char* GetTip(int id);
- // et en generated message map
- // afx_msg BOOL OnToolTipNotify( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult );
- BOOL Cinfoend::OnToolTipNotify( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult )
- {
- UINT nID =pNMHDR->idFrom;
- if (pTTT->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND)
- {
- // idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool
- nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)nID);
- if(nID)
- {
- char* st=GetTip(nID);
- if (st != "") {
- pTTT->lpszText = st;
- pTTT->hinst = AfxGetResourceHandle();
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- char* Cinfoend::GetTip(int ID)
- {
- switch(ID) {
- case IDOK: return LANG(LANG_D3 /*"Click to quit WinHTTrack"*/ ); break;
- case IDlog: return LANG(LANG_D4 /*"View log files"*/ ); break;
- case IDbrowse: return LANG(LANG_D5 /*"Browse html start page"*/ ); break;
- //case : return ""; break;
- }
- return "";
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // Appel aide
- BOOL Cinfoend::OnHelpInfo2() {
- return OnHelpInfo(NULL);
- }
- BOOL Cinfoend::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* dummy)
- {
- //return CPropertyPage::OnHelpInfo(pHelpInfo);
- HtsHelper->Help("step5.html");
- return true;
- //AfxGetApp()->WinHelp(0,HELP_FINDER); // Index du fichier Hlp
- //return true;
- }
- void Cinfoend::OnBye()
- {
- //this_CSplitterFrame->SetNewView(0,1,RUNTIME_CLASS(CDialogContainer));
- // // // this_CWizTab2->DestroyWindow(); // crash!!
- //delete this_intCWizTab2->m_tabprogress; // agh..
- //this_intCWizTab2->m_tabprogress=NULL; inprogress=NULL; this_app->m_tabprogress=NULL; // re agh..
- /* tout effacer */
- //##while(this_intCWizTab2->GetPageCount()>0)
- //## this_intCWizTab2->RemovePage(0);
- //##this_intCWizTab2=NULL;
- AfxGetMainWnd()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND,wm_ViewRestart,0);
- }
- BOOL Cinfoend::OnQueryCancel( ) {
- //if (AfxMessageBox(LANG(LANG_J1),MB_OKCANCEL)==IDOK) {
- /* Envoyer un WM_CLOSE ‡ notre fenÍtre principale */
- AfxGetMainWnd()->SendMessage(WM_CLOSE,0,0);
- //}
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL Cinfoend::OnSetActive( ) {
- // dÈtruire ICI sinon crash!!!!
- WHTT_LOCATION("Infoend");
- if (this_intCWizTab2) {
- this_intCWizTab2->DestroyWindow();
- delete this_intCWizTab2;
- this_intCWizTab2=NULL;
- }
- this_CWizTab->SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_FINISH);
- this_app->GetMainWnd()->SetWindowText(LANG_F18b);
- this_CWizTab->SetDlgItemText(IDCANCEL,LANG_QUIT);
- return 1;
- }
- BOOL Cinfoend::OnWizardFinish( ) {
- OnBye();
- return 0;
- }
- void Cinfoend::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
- {
- static wflag=FALSE;
- wflag=!wflag;
- CWnd* wnd=GetDlgItem(IDlog);
- if (wnd) {
- CString st="";
- if (wflag)
- st=LANG_O14;
- SetDlgItemText(IDlog,st);
- }
- CPropertyPage::OnTimer(nIDEvent);
- }
- void Cinfoend::OnDestroy()
- {
- if (tm!=0) {
- KillTimer(tm);
- tm=-1;
- }
- CPropertyPage::OnDestroy();
- }