swCHIP 1991 January
Text File
122 lines
The following files are distributed with Carbon Copy for Windows:
acs.txt Documentation about using Carbon Copy for Windows with an ACS.
buffer14.exe Utility for use with INT14 ACS drivers.
callback.dll Dynamic Link Library for communications.
cc8514.drv 8514 display driver.
cccga.drv CGA color display driver.
cccomm.drv Communications driver for Windows.
ccdguest.exe Carbon Copy for DOS main guest program.
ccdguest.pif Carbon Copy for DOS PIF file.
ccdmodem.dsc Carbon Copy for DOS modem descriptor file.
ccdsetup.exe Carbon Copy for DOS setup and configuration program.
ccega.drv EGA color display driver.
ccega31.drv EGA color display driver for Windows 3.1.
ccegabw.drv EGA black and white display driver.
ccegamon.drv EGA monochrome display driver.
ccfxlib.dll Dynamic Link Library used by file transfer.
ccherc.drv Hercules display driver.
ccia.drv Cornerstone display driver.
cckbd.drv Keyboard driver.
ccm32.drv Mach32 large font display driver.
ccm32s.drv Mach32 small font display driver.
ccmed2.drv Cornerstone MEDIUM2.DRV microchannel display driver.
ccmmsoun.drv Sound driver for Windows 3.1.
ccmou80.drv Mouse driver for mouse.drv 8.0.
ccmou90.drv Mouse driver for mouse.drv 9.0 or later.
ccmouse.drv Mouse driver for mouse.drv versions before 8.0.
ccnmouse.drv Mouse driver for use with nomouse.drv.
ccplasma.drv Compaq plasma display driver.
ccrch.dll Dynamic Link Library used by remote control.
ccsmall2.drv Cornerstone SMALL2.DRV microchannel display driver.
ccsound.drv Sound driver.
ccsvga.drv Generic SVGA display driver.
ccv16.drv VGA large font display driver.
ccv16s.drv VGA small font display driver.
ccv256.drv SVGA large font display driver.
ccv256s.drv SVGA small font display driver.
ccvan.dll Dynamic Link Library used for interactive dialing.
ccvga.drv VGA color display driver.
ccvga31.drv VGA color display driver for Windows 3.1.
ccvgamon.drv VGA monochrome display driver.
ccvgap.drv VGA pen display driver.
ccvxd.386 Windows support virtual device driver.
ccw.hlp Carbon Copy for Windows help file.
ccw.ini Carbon Copy for Windows initialization file.
ccwapi.dll Dynamic Link Library interface for communications.
ccwoldap.mod Standard mode replacement for WINOLDAP.MOD
ccwterm.exe Carbon Copy Terminal.
ccwterm.hlp Carbon Copy Terminal help file.
ccwterm.ini Carbon Copy Terminal initialization file.
ccxga.drv XGA display driver.
cdcom.drv Serial port driver.
cdebios.drv EBIOS/INIT14 ACS driver.
cdipx.drv IPX LAN driver.
cdncsi.drv NCSI/NASI ACS driver.
cdnetb.drv NetBIOS driver.
chat.win Chat program.
cmasync.drv Serial, EBIOS/INT14, and NCSI/NASI connection manager.
cmlan.drv IPX LAN connection manager.
compusrv.msl Carbon Copy Terminal scripting file for CompuServe.
convert.exe Conversion for Carbon Copy Plus files.
ctasync.dll Dynamic Link Library for Carbon Copy Terminal
ctcom.drv Carbon Copy Terminal serial communications driver.
ctebios.drv Carbon Copy Terminal EBIOS/Int 14 communications driver.
ctl3dv2.dll User interface dynamic link library.
ctncsi.drv Carbon Copy Terminal NCSI communications driver.
dosguest.exe DOS guest remote control program.
dosguest.pif PIF file for DOSGUEST.EXE
doshost.exe DOS host remote control program.
dosker.dos DOS kernel overlay.
dosload.dos DOS loader.
doslui.dos DOS user interface overlay.
dosmod.dos DOS modem management overlay.
dospopup.dos DOS video support overlay.
dosvideo.dos DOS video support overlay.
expand.exe File expansion program.
filelist.txt File containing a list of all files on distribution disks.
filexfer.win File transfer program.
host.msl Carbon Copy Terminal scripting file for host mode.
loop.msl Carbon Copy Terminal scripting file loop command sample.
lzexpand.dll Dynamic Link Library used by EXPAND.EXE
mchook.dll Dynamic Link Library used for hooking driver API functions.
mcmodem.dsc Modem descriptor file.
mcmodem.exe Modem descriptor modification utility.
mcmeter.dll Dynamic Link Library used for progress display.
mcmsgbox.dll Dynamic Link Library used for message display.
mcvcomm.386 Microcom's virtual COM port driver.
modems.dat Carbon Copy Terminal modem descriptor file.
modems.mld Gateway modem descriptors file.
modindex.dat Gateway modem descriptors index file.
msglog.dll Dynamic Link Library used for message logging.
muscroll.dll Dynamic Link Library for user interface functions.
netbios.txt Documentation about using Carbon Copy for Windows with NetBIOS.
password.dat Password table data file.
phonebk.win Phone book program.
pwtbl.win Password table program.
rcg.dos DOS guest remote control program.
rcguest.win Windows guest remote control program.
rchcga.dos DOS remote control overlay for CGA graphics.
rcherc.dos DOS remote control overlay for Hercules graphics.
rchost.win Host remote control program.
rchtext.dos DOS remote control overlay for text mode.
rchvga.dos DOS remote control overlay for VGA graphics.
rclip.win Remote clipboard program.
readme.txt Documentation not found in User Guide and other helpful hints.
sbpipx.dos DOS IPX LAN Driver.
sbpnetb.dos DOS NetBIOS LAN Driver.
setcom.exe Utility for setting BIOS COM port addresses.
setcom.txt Documentation not found in manual on using SETCOM.EXE.
setup.exe Loader for application installation program.
setup.inf Script file used by SETUP.EXE.
setupccw.exe Application installation program.
vdesk.win Virtual desktop program.
vdhook.dll Dynamic Link Library used by VDESK.WIN.
winguest.exe Carbon Copy for Windows Guest Main program.
winhost.exe Carbon Copy for Windows Host Main program.
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