Crocodile object is a .cob converted from Wavefront's .obj file format.
This object was provided by Viewpoint Datalabs.
I ftp'd the object to the site with NO changes other than converting it to a .cob
This object consists of over 21000 polygons, so if you don't have much memory, it probably would do you much good to ftp it. I am running 24meg on my system and I can't raytrace it. If I render it at all, the rest of the scene has to stay simple. It is a very well done object... as most of Viewpoint's objects are...
Their Web site it worth checking out as they have an online catalog of 3D objects. A large enough variety to fit your needs. They also offer digitizing services as well (I think).
I don't work for them, I just dig 'em. Check out their site at: