swCHIP 1991 January
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176 lines
# Make file for POV-Ray Version 2.12 for use with Intel's "Code Builder Kit"
# compiler to produce a 32 bit protected mode version.
# This is the make file that the "official" POV-Ray team executable was
# created from.
# This version will link in the coprocessor emulation module. The EXE
# will use a coprocessor if one is detected in the machine.
# The Virtual Memory Manager will also be linked in by default.
# IMPORTANT: When editing this file do NOT replace the TAB's at the
# beginnng of the lines with all spaces, it seems to break the OPUS
# "make" utility shipped with Code Builder.
# (In the HDRS, OBJS & SRCS lists for example.)
# Bill Pulver --- 1/94
CC = icc
CFLAGS = /O3 /znosignedchar /zmod486 /znoansi /zfloatsync
#/D_mathh_builtin This switch will force the compiler to use the
# Library math functions instead of the faster
# inline functions.
DEST = .
HDRS = config.h extend.h frame.h parse.h povproto.h texture.h \
tiga.h tigadefs.h vector.h
LINKFLAGS = /e$(PROGRAM) /xiobuf=64k /s90000
# ------------------- LINKFLAGS options -------------------------------------
# /sxxxxxx Use higher stack values to increase the maximum number of
# levels that reflections can be calculated for. The default
# CB stack allows a max_trace_level of about 20 -> 25. 512K
# raises it to over 500, depending on the image, but trace
# times get -REAL- long.
# /xiobuf Sets the size of the I/O buffer for the EXE. Range >=4k to <=64k
# Use /n to generate no copro code with version 1.0x of ICB.
# 1.1x links the FPU emulator in by default. Use the /F switch for 1.1x
# versions of ICB to suppress linking of the FPU emulator.
# Use /xnovm to generate an EXE without the virtual memory manager linked in.
LDMAP = # Optional - to name the linker map file
LIBS = # Optional - library files (full pathnames)
OBJS = bezier.obj blob.obj bound.obj boxes.obj camera.obj \
colour.obj cones.obj csg.obj discs.obj dump.obj \
express.obj gif.obj gifdecod.obj hfield.obj ibm.obj \
iff.obj image.obj lighting.obj matrices.obj normal.obj \
objects.obj parse.obj pigment.obj planes.obj point.obj \
poly.obj povray.obj quadrics.obj raw.obj ray.obj \
render.obj spheres.obj targa.obj texture.obj tokenize.obj \
triangle.obj txttest.obj vect.obj _get_ebx.obj
SRCS = bezier.c blob.c bound.c boxes.c camera.c colour.c cones.c \
csg.c discs.c dump.c express.c gif.c gifdecod.c hfield.c \
ibm.c iff.c image.c lighting.c matrices.c normal.c \
objects.c parse.c pigment.c planes.c point.c poly.c \
povray.c quadrics.c raw.c ray.c render.c spheres.c targa.c \
texture.c tokenize.c triangle.c txttest.c vect.c
# This is the only required target. It states that the PROGRAM depends
# on all files listed in the OBJS and LIBS macros. The command for updating
# the library is the line following the dependency line.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create linker response file since the command line is too long for DOS.
# Link program.
# Erase linker response file so that later runs are not >> echoed into
# the x.LRF file & confuse the linker.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo $(OBJS) > $(CB_LINK_RESP)
@echo Link completed. Now clean things up.....
erase $(CB_LINK_RESP)
@echo ********** D O N E ************
### MKMF: Do not remove this line! Automatic dependencies follow.
bezier.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
blob.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
bound.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
boxes.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
camera.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
colour.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
cones.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
csg.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
discs.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
dump.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h
express.obj: config.h frame.h parse.h povproto.h vector.h
gif.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h
gifdecod.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h
hfield.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
ibm.obj: config.h extend.h frame.h povproto.h tiga.h tigadefs.h
iff.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h
image.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h texture.h vector.h
lighting.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
matrices.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
normal.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h texture.h vector.h
objects.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
parse.obj: config.h frame.h parse.h povproto.h vector.h
pigment.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h texture.h vector.h
planes.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
point.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
poly.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
povray.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h
quadrics.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
raw.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h
ray.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
render.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
spheres.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
targa.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h
texture.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h texture.h vector.h
tokenize.obj: config.h frame.h parse.h povproto.h
triangle.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h
txttest.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h texture.h vector.h
vect.obj: config.h frame.h povproto.h vector.h