swCHIP 1991 January
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This file contains the documentation specific to UNIX systems. Due to the
wide variety of UNIX systems available, POV-Ray may not compile directly
as is. Every effort has been made to make it compile on as many systems as
we have access to. If you have problems compiling, try checking with a
local UNIX guru first. If you still have problems, contact the POV-Ray team.
If you are trying to compile POV-Ray on an unsupported platform, the UNIX
version is the best one to use as a base.
Differences from original distribution:
The original distribution of POV-Ray is in ZIP format. For UNIX,
this has been converted to compressed TAR format. In addition, the UNIX
distribution of POV-Ray has CR-LF pairs converted to only LF's for text
files. Otherwise, this distribution is identical to the ZIP
Note: PLEASE SEE POVLEGAL.DOC. The UNIX version in tar-compress format is an
officially supported format and can be distributed as is. You MAY NOT
re-package the archive file or distribute any changes to it. If you
do post it on a BBS or network, you must provide at least the scene
files and documentation files with the executables. See POVLEGAL.DOC
for complete details.
No executables are provided for the UNIX version of POV-Ray since there
are so many possible executable formats. In general, however, UNIX
systems come bundled with a C compiler, so recompiling the source for
your target system shouldn't cause a problem. You may not distribute
an executable that you have compiled. It is for your personal use only.
Display Formats:
There are two different ways to create a UNIX system. The first way has
no display options (i.e., it cannot display the image as it's rendering it).
Alternatively, if you have X-Windows, you can compile in the X-Windows
drivers. See the section on building the source.
Additionally, there is some full-colour X Windows source in the VAX specific
files that are part of the POV source. See VAX.C and XWIND.C. You can use
VAX.C as a template for a new UNIX.C. XWIND.C is not VMS or MOTIF specific.
Also see the note at the end of this file.
File Formats:
The default file format for UNIX is "dump" format (+fd). Targa or
raw may be specified on the command line or in the povray.def file.
Building the source:
POV-Ray should compile as is with most ANSI or non-ANSI UNIX compilers.
No changes should be needed in the core of the raytracer.
To compile POV-Ray from the original source, follow the following
1) copy the files in the "source" directory into a "build" directory
2) copy the files in machine/unix to the build directory
(note, if your archive is in ZIP format, you probably have CR-LF
pairs in the source code. These should be translated to LF's
only before you compile)
3) rename config.h to config.h
(This file may need to be editted on a system by system basis)
For the non-X-Windows version:
4) rename unix.mak to makefile
For the X-Windows version,
4) rename xwindows.mak to makefile
5) Type "make"
Your executable will be called povray.
Post-processing Images:
POV-Ray images can be post-processed using the same utilities as DKBTrace
used. For UNIX systems, the PBM utilities are an excellent choice for
post-processing utilities. The 'dump' format of POV-Ray is the same as
QRT format, so the QRTTOPPM utility can be used to convert these files
to PPM format.
Questions and problems in the UNIX version can be directed to David Buck.
David Buck
Internet: dbuck@ccs.carleton.ca
CompuServe: 70521,1371
Questions and problems with the VAX/VMS X code can be directed to Chris Cason
on Compuserve via mail or in the POV source section of GRAPHDEV. (currently 8).
He will continue to enhance this code and test it other machines.
If you had to make any modifications to get it to compile, please let him know
so that he may update the source accordingly. This particularly applies to
the build files. By doing so, you will be helping others.
You may like to check the POV section of GRAPHDEV on Compuserve to see if there
are updated X files, which may occur from time to time.
Try scanning for the keyword XWINDOWS.
Expect to find a significantly enhanced X version in the near future.
(Sometime in late 1993 or early 1994). This will include a Motif shell.
Chris Cason.