swCHIP 1991 January
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Text File
3,308 lines
Environmental Visualization Software
User Guide
ConSolve Incorporated
Lexington, Massachusetts
The information contained in this documentation is
confidential and proprietary information of ConSolve
Incorporated. Any reproduction of its contents, whether
in whole or in part, without the prior written consent
of ConSolve Incorporated is prohibited.
Copyrightc 1994 ConSolve Incorporated.
All rights reserved.
How To Use This Manual
This manual has the following chapters:
Chapter 1, OIntroduction,O provides an overview of
SiteView functionality and of this manual.
Chapter 2, OGetting Started,O introduces the major
SiteView components.
Chapter 3, OObjects, and Attributes,O introduces
the concepts of SiteViewOs classes, objects, and
data types.
Chapter 4, OCreating, Importing, and Viewing
Objects,O describes how to create and list objects
in a SiteView site.
Chapter 5, OSelecting Objects,O describes how to
select objects graphically, perform selections
(queries) with the Select window, Selection History
window, and Registers.
Chapter 6, OPotatoes in space (iso-shells),O
describes how to create, combine, modify, edit, and
change the appearance of iso-shells in three-
dimensional space.
Chapter 7, OSurfaces,O describes how SiteView
creates 2-1/2 dimensional surfaces from your data.
Chapter 8, OStratigraphy,O describes how to import,
model, and visualize stratigraphic information in
cuts, fence diagrams, and as solids.
Chapter 9, OPrinting,O describes how to print
views, the various printing options, and how to
save views to file for transfer to other
applications such as word processing.
Chapter 10, "SiteView Classes and Attributes,"
lists SiteView's default object classes and their
Table of Contents
How To Use This Manual iii
Table of Contents iv
Introduction 1
What is SiteView? 1
What is a VirtualSite? 1
Getting Started 4
Installing SiteView 4
Installing SiteView 4
The Keyboard and Mouse 6
Mudville Airport 7
3D Views 10
Objects and Attributes 16
Objects and Classes 16
Attributes and Attribute Values 17
Data Types and Units 17
Sources, samples, and measurements 18
Coordinate Systems 19
Creating, Importing, and Viewing Objects 21
Creating objects 21
Creating objects with palette tools 21
Creating Derived Objects 22
Deleting Objects 23
Moving Objects 23
Importing from a spreadsheet 24
Importing from a DXF File 28
Selecting Objects 29
Select objects 30
Selection History_ 32
Store/recall selection 35
Potatoes in space (iso-shells) 36
Iso-shell Modeling 37
Creating iso-shells 40
Iso-shell properties 41
Surfaces 46
Surface Modeling 46
Surface display properties 47
Stratigraphy 53
Stratigraphic Modeling 53
Importing and viewing stratigraphic information5
Stratigraphic Modeling 54
Fence diagrams in 3D views 54
Selection properties 55
Printing 57
Printing to a Windows supported printer 57
Printing to file 57
SiteView Classes and Attributes 59
Annotation 59
Boring 59
DXF layer 60
Monitoring Well 60
Sample 60
Measurement 60
Stratigraphy Sample 61
Value Point 62
Water Level 62
Index 63
Chapter 1
This chapter introduces you to
¥ SiteViewª data visualization, and
¥ VirtualSiteª data manipulation.
What is SiteView?
SiteView is a computer software tool that helps
engineers, scientists, and managers visualize
environmental information. It combines
VirtualSite object-oriented data manipulation with
features that allow you to integrate, analyze, and
view environmental data. SiteView helps you
visualize and communicate soil, groundwater, air
quality, water body, and other natural conditions
at real-world sites.
What is a VirtualSite?
When you assess a site whether to rank its hazard
potential, to ascertain the feasibility of
alternative remediation measures, or to map the
distributions of air pollutants, you build a
conceptual model of the site in your mind. This
conceptual model describes the site and reflects
any hypotheses regarding natural or man-made
conditions in a geographic and geometric rendering.
As you continue collecting different data, the
conceptual model changes to reflect these incoming
data. At times, the model can become unwieldy due
to the sheer volume of data required for an
accurate site assessment. Often, this mental
picture blurs because it must be revised so
The VirtualSite data model computerizes the
conceptual model of an environmental site in a
compelling three-dimensional picture or
Ovisualization.O The result of this
computerization is a spatial model which contains
all the data from the site.
Part of the power of the VirtualSite data model
lies in the fact that SiteView treats data as
objects. Objects have values for location,
contaminant or pollution data, stratigraphy, and
any other information that characterizes the site.
Most objects are represented by symbols that you
can handle directly. For example, you can display
a stratigraphic profile based on a series of
borings simply by selecting the symbols for borings
with the mouse in any view then choosing a command
to create a Section Line.
With SiteView, you can
· integrate data which have been recorded in
different formats,
· visualize the site in a variety of ways,
· manipulate and analyze the site data, and
· prepare presentations about the site.
Data Integration
Environmental site assessments require data that
are recorded in a variety of formats. Just a few
of the data you collect are survey data, geologic
borings, historical affidavits, and soil, air, and
surface samples. The data come in every form from
handwritten boring logs and photographs to
spreadsheet files and electronically transmitted
lab data. The consolidation of these data is a
large task.
SiteView helps you integrate data from these
different sources. You can take data in
spreadsheet or AutoCADÖ drawing interchange file
format (DXF) and populate a VirtualSite. As more
data are collected, you simply repeat the import
process and the VirtualSite is revised, reflecting
the new data that have been merged.
With SiteView, you can combine data collected at
different times and from disparate sources to form
a single, consistent picture of the site. This
model is refined as you visualize and analyze the
VirtualSite data.
Site Visualization
Although SiteView provides a central, consistent
representation of site data, you can view these
data in a variety of ways. SiteView views are
dynamic snapshots of data.
When you first use the system, you can create a
terrain contour map on which field samples are
represented by symbols. You can delve into the
details of a site by displaying data objectsO
attribute values, or you can build a better
conceptual picture of the site by displaying
different views such as analyte contours and color
maps, 3D solid models, and stratigraphic profiles.
After youOve displayed a view, you can adjust it to
suit your needs. For example, you can specify the
grid size on which plumes are interpolated and the
interval between 3D contours showing thresholds of
pollution concentration.
An important part of your job is showing the
results of your site assessment to colleagues,
clients, and the public. All of the graphics in
SiteView can be printed. In minutes, you can
produce maps, profiles, and 3D views suitable for
presentation.. You can also save all these views
to file and use them as inserts for reports or
slide shows.
Chapter 2
Getting Started
This chapter introduces the ways you can use
SiteView's environmental visualization capabilities
to explore your 3D spatial data. In this chapter
we describe:
· How to install SiteView,
· The Mudville Airport data shipped with your copy
of SiteView,
· How to view and move around a 3D site
· How to select and change the display of objects
at the site, and
· How to work with multiple views of your data.
Installing SiteView
This section describes how to install SiteView on
your computer, and the minimum hardware and
software requirements you need to use SiteView.
Installing SiteView
To install SiteView, first check to see that the
hardware and operating system configuration on the
PC on which you want to install SiteView is
adequate to support the SiteView application.
Minimum PC configuration
Your PC should have at least the following hardware
and operating system configuration,
Hardware: 486 or Pentium PC running at 33MHz or
5MB of free space on your hard disk for
20MB of swap space on your hard disk
VGA monitor
Software: Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher
Win 32S enhancement to Windows (provided
with SiteView)
Installation procedure SiteView is delivered on
five 3-1/4 inch diskettes. Two of these diskettes
contain the SiteView application and sample files.
Two contain the Win 32S enhancement for Microsoft
Windows 3.1 which is required to run SiteView's
graphics. The final diskette contains an
electronic version of the SiteView User's Guide in
Microsoft Word for Windows format.
Before installing SiteView, first install Win 32 S
by following the instructions on the diskettes.
Next, install SiteView.
Intallation of Microsoft Win32SÖ
1. Start Microsoft Windows
2. Insert Disk 1 of Microsoft Win32S
3. From Program Manager, select File menu, and
choose Run
4. Type a:\setup and press Enter
5. Follow Directions
Intallation of SiteViewÖ 1.0
1. Return to DOS prompt c:\
2. Type mkdir siteview and press Enter
3. Type cd\siteview and press Enter
4. Insert Disk 2 of SiteView
5. Type a:pkunzip -d a:siteview and press Enter
6. Follow Directions
Viewing or Printing This Document
1. Start Microsoft WORDÖ for Windows or compatible
word processor software
3. Open a:siteview.doc
4. View or Print
Starting SiteViewÖ 1.0 from Program manager
1.From Program Manager, select File menu, and
choose Run
2.Type c:\siteview\sv.exe and press Enter
3.Once in SiteView, select File menu, and choose
4.Type c:\siteview\mudville\mudville.sws and
select Open
Starting SiteViewÖ 1.0 from an Icon
1.Start Microsoft Windows
2.From Program Manager, select File menu, and
choose New
3.Choose Program Group and press OK
4.Complete the fields in the Program Group
Properties dialog box in the following way:
Description: SiteView
5.Press OK.
6.From Program Manager, select File menu, and
choose New
7.Choose Program Item and press OK
8.Complete the fields in the Program Item
Properties dialog box in the following way:
Description: SiteView 1.0
Command Line: C:\siteview\siteview.exe
Working Directory: C:\siteview
9.Select the Change Icon button and choose desired
icon. Press OK.
10. Double click on the SiteView Icon
11. Once in SiteView, select File menu, and
choose Open
12. Type c:\siteview\mudville\mudville.sws and
select Open
The Keyboard and Mouse
When using SiteView, you enter information with the
keyboard and mouse. The keyboard has standard
typewriter keys, a number pad, and additional
special keys.
The mouse lets you manipulate things on the
computer screen. A pointer appears on the screen
to show the location of the mouse. When you move
the mouse, the pointer moves. SiteView supports a
two-button mouse, which allows you three selection
alternatives: Left (Select), Control-Left (Adjust
Selection), and Right. When your system is
installed with a three-button mouse, SiteView
ignores the middle button.
As you use this manual, youOll be asked to perform
the following mouse operations.
This Means
Press Push the mouse button and
hold it down.
Release Let go of a pressed mouse
Click on Press and release the left
mouse button quickly before
you move the pointer.
Click-left Press and release the left
mouse button quickly before
you move the pointer.
Control-click- Press and release the control
left button while pressing the
left mouse button quickly
before you move the pointer.
Click-right Press and release the right
mouse button quickly before
you move the pointer.
Double-click Quickly press and release the
mouse button twice before
moving the pointer.
Move the Slide the mouse with no
pointer buttons pressed.
Drag the Slide the mouse with one or
pointer more buttons pressed.
Graphically Move the pointer over the
select object and click-left. To
objects adjust your selection, move
the pointer over an object
and control-click-left. If
the object is selected, it
becomes unselected; if the
object is unselected, it
becomes selected.
You can also select objects
by pressing the left mouse
button and dragging the
pointer to create a rectangle
around the area that youOd
like displayed in the window.
Release the button and all
the objects enclosed by the
square are selected.
Display menus Click-right on a menu to
and choose display it. Click-left on a
commands command to choose it. To
choose a menuOs default
command, click-left on the
Mudville Airport
The hypothetical Mudville Airport site is a 500-
acre regional airport bordered by light industry
and residential areas. Approximately 30 borings
and monitoring wells lie within a 4000-foot radius
of the site. Chemical samples taken in these wells
have been used to characterize the extent of
groundwater contamination in the environs. A small
river lies some distance from the site but is not
used for public water supply.
All of the data for the Mudville site are, in fact,
real, although they have been combined from
different projects and renamed. All the data are
in the public domain and may be used for
demonstrations and presentations of SiteView's
environmental visualization capabilities.
Mudville data set
The data set that was shipped with SiteView
contains the following files:
mudville.sws This is a SiteView workspace of the
Mudville Airport, into which have
already been imported the
mudville.dxf CAD drawings,
borings.tsv geotechnical boring
locations, chem.tsv chemical
samples taken in the borings, and
the gwl.tsv groundwater levels.
mudville.dxf CAD drawings of the Mudville
Airport and surrounding areas saved
in AutoCAD DXF format (these have
already been imported into the
workspace, but are saved in a
pointer file with the workspace;
when you open a saved site,
SiteView searches for the DXF files
and automatically re-imports them;
if you delete or move DXF files,
SiteView will not be able to
reimport them).
borings.tsv Tab-separated-value (TSV) ascii
file containing the original soil
borings and their locations
(already imported into the
chem.tsv TSV file of chemical analyte values
(already imported into the
gwl.tsv TSV file of groundwater levels
across the site (already imported
into the workspace).
measure.tsv TSV file of chemical measurements.
strat.tsv TSV file of stratigraphic interval
observations for the monitoring
well data in the wells.tsv file,
consists of well name, from-depth,
to-depth, and material type data
(not yet imported).
wells.tsv TSV file of monitoring well names,
locations, and depths (not imported
into the workspace yet)
Viewing Mudville
Starting SiteView
To start SiteView:
· Start or login to your computer.
· Start Windows by typing win at the prompt.
· Double-click-left on the icon for SiteView in
the Program Manager.
Opening the Mudville Site
· From SiteView's File menu, click on Open.
· In the file browser, double click on the
mudville.sws file.
· SiteView will open the Mudville site and
reconstruct the saved view.
Note: To conserve hard disk space so that you can
store large amounts of site information, when you
save a workspace with SiteView only the imported
data and instructions for recreating the
VirtualSite are saved. When you open a site,
SiteView recalculates the various surfaces, iso-
shells, and other objects that have been specified.
SiteView also recreates the lighting, smoothing,
and other conditions of the site. On a typical 486-
PC, this rebuilding may last for as long as one or
two minutes. Be patient. Remind yourself, this is
much cheaper than buying a fancy graphics
What's in the Mudville workspace
When you open the Mudville workspace, you will see
that a number of objects have already been created.
The idea is that you can use these already created
features to explore SiteView's environmental
visualization capabilities before you need to learn
more detailed topics such as how to import raw data
or how to create iso-shells and surfaces.
The original Mudville workspace contains, among
other things,
· Planimetric maps of the Mudville Airport and
environs, lying on top of a 3D bounding box
which circumscribes the subsurface space.
· A set of borings shown by their locations and
centerlines. Along the length of the borings,
triangle symbols show the locations of chemical
· A 3D groundwater plume of chemical
concentrations based on downhole samples in the
set of borings.
· Groundwater surface.
The various files of data for monitoring wells,
stratigraphy, and other information about the site
will be used later in this manual to illustrate
importing new data and creating new site features.
3D Views
The principal way most people want to view their
data is in full three dimensions. In SiteView,
this is called the 3D view. When you opened the
Mudville workspace, a single 3D view was present.
You can create a new 3D view of your workspace by
selecting New 3D View from the Window menu. Within
the hardware limits of your computer, there is no
limitation to the number of simultaneous views you
can have of your workspace.
Note: Because all of the views by necessity share
the same set of colors that Windows supports,
usually only the active window has the correct
colors you have chosen from the object properties
dialog box. The inactive views often do not keep
their correct colors when another window has been
made active. For the time being, this is a system
limitation and there is little SiteView can do
about it.
A 3D view allows to see your data in three
dimensions. Depending on where in space the
observer is, this picture will appear differently.
You can "look down" on your site from above, "look
up" from below, or "look across" from some oblique
angle. Also, you can look at the site from
different azimuth directions. You control the
point in space from which you see the workspace by
using the Viewpoint... window which is found under
the View menu. The Viewpoint... window allows you
to set or increment the azimuth, inclination, and
perspective of a view. It allows you to move the
observation point in to (closer) or out of (further
away from) the site.
Bounding box
The Bounding Box... command found within the
Options... window under the View menu allows you to
put a box around your site. You can change the
color and size of this box, and mark its edges with
scales. Most people find it easier to perceive
three dimensional objects rendered on the monitor
screen when a bounding box surrounds the image.
The command Fit Bbox Around Selection makes the
bounding box just circumscribe the selected
objects. If all objects are selected, Fit To
Selection puts a box around the entire site. If
only a few objects are selected, Fit To Selection
can be used to highlight those objects.
Clip View causes SiteView to trim the image at the
faces of the box. This allows you to isolate one
part of the site and "cut away" everything outside
the box which surrounds it.
You can rotate the site clockwise away from the
observer or counter-clockwise toward the observer
using the up and down arrow buttons on the
Viewpoint... window. These same buttons appear on
the tool bar at the top of the view. Each time you
click on one of these buttons, SiteView rotates the
image by the increment shown on the Viewpoint...
window. You can change this angular increment by
typing over the number in the window between the
Similarly, you can rotate the site to the left or
right by clicking on the left and right arrows
either on the Viewpoint... window or on the
toolbar. SiteView rotates the view by the
increment shown on the Viewpoint... window.
Moving in and out
You can move the viewpoint in toward or out away
from the site objects using the In/Out buttons.
Moving the viewpoint in toward the site has the
effect of moving the observer closer toward the
image, and finally inside the set of objects that
make up the workspace. Moving out has the opposite
effect. In/out is the same as "walking through the
site," as is often done in architectural graphics.
Note: Moving the viewpoint in and out is not
equivalent to zooming-in and zooming-out of the
view. Zooming magnifies the image on the screen (
that is, blows up a part of the picture so that all
the features are larger); it does not change the
angles of view among the elements of the picture.
Moving in or out changes the relative angles of
different site objects within the view.
Zoom, pan, and scaling to fit
You can zoom in on (magnify) or out of the site
display in any view.
To enlarge (zoom in on) a view:
· Choose the Zoom tool in the window pallet
(magnifying glass).
· Click-left in the area that youOd like in the
center of the display. The view is redrawn,
magnified at 1.2 times the original.
· Or, drag-left and pull the pointer to create a
rectangle around an area. Release the button
and the view is redrawn so that the area in the
rectangle fills the window.
To reduce (zoom out of) a view:
· Choose the Zoom tool.
· Control-click-left in the area that youOd like
in the center of the display. The view is
redrawn, reduced 1.2 times the original.
· Or, control-drag-left and pull the pointer to
create a rectangle around an area. Release the
button and the view is redrawn so that the site
display is reduced to the size of the rectangle.
You can move the site display in a window using the
Pan tool or using the Center on Selection command
under the View menu. To move the site display with
the Pan tool:
· Choose the Pan tool (the hand).
· Drag-left on the desired location; as you drag
the mouse, a line appears.
· Drag the pointer to a new location, the line is
drawn from the original to the new location.
· Release the button and the display moves toward
the new location.
To center the site display on the current
selection: Choose the Center on Selection command
from the View menu.
Scaling to fit
You can display the entire site so it all appears
in the Plan view window. To resize the site to
fill the window: Choose the Scale to Fit All
command from the View menu. The site display is
resized so it appears in the window completely.
You can display the site so all the currently
selected objects appear in the Plan view window.
To resize the site to display all currently
selected objects: Choose the Scale to Fit
Selection command from the View menu. The site
display is resized so the objects appear in the
window completely.
You can adjust the display of the site in the
window by zooming in or out on the site, sizing the
site to fit the window, or moving the site within
the window.
3D views with iso-shells and surfaces can be
lighted to enhance the degree of discrimination you
perceive in visualizing a site. SiteView can apply
a light source at any direction and in any color,
and can smooth the reflectance of shells and
surfaces in a variety of ways.
Light direction
You can set the direction toward which the light
source strikes the images by clicking on the
respective button in the lighting window. Clicking
on North means that the light shines toward the
north, and so forth. The positive y-axis points
north; the positive x-axis points east. U, C, and
D mean that the light shines from the top (upper),
center, or bottom (down) direction.
Light color
The Light Color selection allow you to change the
color of the light that illuminates the image.
SiteView provides a set of 30 default colors. You
can also select custom colors by clicking on Custom
at the end of the list. Colored light has little
effect when color ramps are turned on, and have
maximum effect when the color ramps are turned off
(i.e., index interpolation is turned off) and the
surface edge color is set to a neutral value such
as white or light gray.
Lighting algorithm
SiteView provides three lighting algorithms:
· Flat--reflects light at the angle of incidence
off each planar facet of the surface.
· Gouraud--linearly smoothes the reflectance of
the light off the facets of the surface.
· Phong--Non-linearly smoothes the reflectance of
the light off the facets of the surface.
Flat lighting calculates faster than Gouraud or
Phong lighting, but shows the edges of the surface
facets more readily. Phone lighting provides the
most smoothing, but takes the longest to calculate.
Plan views or "maps"
SiteView uses a 3D view of your site data. To see
a plan view similar to a standard map or GIS
picture, you can set the Viewpoint to look down on
the site (Top Down View), turn off Perspective, and
turn off hidden surfaces in the View menu,
Options... window. This give you a Planimetric map
of the site, and also allows you to render 3D iso-
shells or surfaces in the same picture. In the
plan view, Send to Front and Send to Back change
the drawing order of objects at the site to enhance
the view you want to achieve.
Fence diagrams
A fence diagram is a projected view of
stratigraphic panels in three-dimensions. SiteView
supports arbitrary fence diagrams passing through
borings, wells, or other vertical sets of
stratigraphic data. Fence diagrams can be cross-
cutting (e.g., a figure-eight section line),
multiplicative (i.e., more than one sequence of
borings), and can intersect iso-shells. You can
use colors and/or stipples categorized by
geological material type to represent the different
strata in a fence diagram, and can make fences
opaque or transparent to illustrate the attribute
levels in an iso-shell figure.
To create a Fence Diagram:
· Select the borings or the section line for which
you want to make a Fence Diagram.
· Choose Create..., Section Line from the Edit
To change the way a fence diagram looks, choose
Selection Properties... from the Edit menu, and
change the properties of interest.
Working with fence diagrams
A Fence Diagram provides an oblique, three-
dimensional view of the site.
You can manipulate the Fence Diagram in the same
ways you manipulate any other 3D view. For example
you can:
· Change the area of the Fence Diagram display by
zooming in and out, panning, centering on the
selection, scaling to fit the entire Fence
Diagram, or scaling to fit the current selection
within the Fence Diagram.
· Create annotations within the Fence Diagram.
· Change the appearance of individual site objects
displayed within the Fence Diagram..
Working with multiple views
You can create multiple SiteView views and display
them simultaneously. For example, you can display
different parts of a site in two separate views.
You can display a plan surface in one 3D view, and
examine the same attribute with a profile surface
in a Fence Diagram, and see iso-shells in another
3D view all simultaneously.
As before, Windows allows SiteView to use only a
single color ramp. Usually, only the active window
has the "true" colors that you selected. Inactive
windows may have colors that change when the window
is made inactive. When the window is again made
active, the "true" colors reappear. This is a
limitation of the PC hardware and operating system
and cannot be avoided.
Chapter 3
Objects and Attributes
Working with objects is the fundamental way of
manipulating data in SiteView. This chapter
describes how objects are organized and used by
SiteView; it describes
· objects and object classes,
· attributes and attribute values,
· data types, and
· samples and sources.
Objects and Classes
Objects are organized groups of data values that
are the basis of all data management, analysis, and
visualization in SiteView. Classes organize the
data associated with an object. Classes can be
thought of as a template for objects. The objects
themselves are instances of a class, created from
these templates. Classes and objects consist of
groups of attributes which organize the data
values. In an object, at least some values for the
attributes are filled in.
The following table gives examples of classes and
Class Objects
Boring B1, B5, B3
Surface terrain, groundwater
Sample sample SO-4, SO-3,
There are two kinds of classes in SiteView:
· default classes in SiteView are defined in the
object dictionary and can be grouped into
subclasses by the naming convention you use.
· derived classes are special classes SiteView
creates for such things as surfaces, iso-shells,
and DXF layers.
Some classes have special meaning in SiteView and
are used to create the various views or new objects
of derived classes. SiteView looks for specific
attributes in the objects created from these
classes to find the values from which to compute
views or derived objects. For example, to create
Profile views and Fence Diagrams, SiteView looks
for the material attribute in a stratigraphy sample
object which is associated with a boring.
Attributes and Attribute Values
Classes and the objects defined by them contain
attributes. Attributes hold the objectOs data
values; attributes have names and data types.
Attribute names allow you to refer to specific
attributes. In an object created from a class
template, attributes can be filled with data values
that correspond to their attributeOs data type.
These values are called attribute values.
The following table gives a few examples of
attributes and their data type.
Attribute Data Type/Description
Name String.
Source References to boring or sample
Elevation x Floating point number
Comments String. Allows users to
associate text with an object.
The following table shows the attributes for the
Boring Class and the attribute values for a
specific boring, named B-100.
Class Attributes Attribute Values
Name B-100
X 22620 ft
Y 36280 ft
Z 603 ft
If you created a new boring object, you would
specify values for the same attributes.
Data Types and Units
Data types determine the valid values for a
attribute. SiteView supports the following data
· integer
· floating point
· string
Valid values for strings are any sequence of
alphanumeric characters. For integers and floating
point numbers valid values are numeric quantities.
SiteView does not associate units with the data
types. Examples of string, integer, and floating
point values are shown below.
Data Type Valid Values
Cadmium Surface
Boring log
Integer 12345
Floating Point +0.5
-1.3 e 2
SiteView recognizes not-specified (blank) as a
valid value for all types. Not-specified values
have meaning during data import and are otherwise
ignored. Importing a specified value into a
attribute which was previously not-specified
overwrites the attribute value; otherwise a
conflict is reported. Blanks indicate a value is
not-specified for import.
Sources, samples, and measurements
Objects can be
¥ sources
¥ samples, or
¥ measurements.
Sources are the spatially referenced objects or
locations such as borings at which samples and
measurements have been taken. Samples are the
spatially referenced objects such as a soil sample
or groundwater sample which observations have been
made. Measurements are the non-spatially
referenced pairs of measurement-type and
measurement-result which constitute the analytical
result of sampling. For example, one related set
of source, sample, measurement could be:
Source: Boring B-1, x=1000, y=1521, z=345
Sample: Water sample at depth 10 feet
Measurement: pH, 7.2
The relationship of source to sample and of sample
to measurement are parametric ones in which some of
the sampleOs attribute values are determined in
relationship to its source, and some of the
measurement's attribute values are determined in
relationship to its sample.
In the example above, a water sample with a boring
as its source has an associated pH measurement of
7.2. The soil sample has a "depth" attribute of 10
feet which describes its distance down hole
relative to the top of the boring. The sample also
has an elevation attribute Z that is parametrically
determined from the top of the boring elevation and
the sample depth: z (sample) = z (boring) - depth
(sample) = 345-10 = 245. The x and y locations of
the sample are directly inherited from those of the
boring. The measurement of pH has x, y, and z
locations that are inherited from those of the
sample, so that x=1000, y=1521, and z=245.
The connections between sample objects and source
objects and between measurement and sample objects
are created during import by specifying the name of
the source object in the sample data or the name of
the sample object in the measurement data. If a
sample object is imported before its source object,
or the measurement before the sample object, the
data will reside within SiteView's data set but the
object will not be able to be visualized. Once the
source object is imported, the sample can inherit
data from it, and consequently be shown in spatial
views. Similarly for the sample and measurement.
Water level samples
Water levels are a particular class of sample in
SiteView. Water level samples have five
attributes: Name, Source, Depth, Water Elevation.
The depth is the depth at which the measurements
was made. Water Elevation is the piezometric
potential of the water measurement value, expressed
as elevation head. Graphically, water level
samples show the piezomentric potential as an
inverted triangle along the boring or well depth.
Coordinate Systems
Survey data and other site objects specify their
position with respect to a coordinate system.
SiteView uses a reference coordinate system that it
constructs from the xyz values of objects you
import or create. The data you import or manually
enter into SiteView must have consistent coordinate
values. SiteView is not a cartographic system and
does not internally support coordinate
transformation. However, objects in SiteView can
be translated, scaled, and rotated with the pallet
tools and mouse.
Chapter 4
Creating, Importing, and Viewing Objects
You can create, edit, and delete objects using
commands from the File and Edit menus. This
chapter describes how to
· create new objects by importing data from
· delete objects already in the VirtualSite,
· import CAD layers from DXF files,
· create derived objects, and
· move objects.
Creating objects
There are several ways of creating objects in
SiteView. You can
· create points, polylines, squares, and polygons
with the palette tools,
· import objects from a spreadsheet,
· create derived objects using the CreateÉ
commands, and
· import layers from a DXF file.
This section describes how to create and import
basic objects. Later chapters describe how to
create derived objects, and how to import
stratigraphic data.
Creating objects with palette tools
You can create points, surface points, polylines,
and polygons using the Palette tools.
Creating points
To create a point:
1.Click on the Point tool along the left hand side
of any view.
2.Click on a location in the view, and a point is
Note, SiteView attempts to interpret all three x,y,
and z coordinates of the point. However, because
any spot on the 2D monitor window corresponds to an
infinite number of collinear points in the 3D
VirtualSite, SiteView needs to make assumptions
about where the new point is to be located. It
does so by fitting a plane perpendicular to the
line of view at the mid-point of the current
selection, and placing the newly defined point on
that plane. This may not be the point in xyz space
that you have in mind. SiteView shows the point
coordinates in the selection box at the top of the
view. If these coordinates are not what you want,
you can move the newly created point using the Move
Creating polylines, polygons, and squares
To create a polyline or polygon:
· Click on the Polygon tool.
· Click-left on the appropriate locations in the
diagram to create vertices. You can click-right
to remove the last vertex.
· Control-click-left, or close the polygon, to
finish drawing the object.
Again, the note above applies to the xyz
coordinates that SiteView interprets from your
graphical input.
Creating Derived Objects
SiteView creates three types of geometric objects
that it derives from other objects and attribute
¥ Iso-Shells of 3D data fields in xyz,
· Attribute surfaces over x,y space, and
¥ Section lines for fence diagrams.
Objects of each of these classes are based on other
data in the VirtualSite, and they may not be
Iso-shells of 3D data fields are mathematical
representations of the relationships between a
chosen attribute value and the xyz locations of
those values in space. An iso-shell is the locus
of points of constant attribute value in 3D space.
Examples of iso-shells are the threshold value of a
groundwater contaminant plume having come from
downhole samples, or a specified value of pollutant
concentration in the air having come from the
results of an air dispersion calculation. Details
on creating iso-shells are found in the chapter
entitled, OIso-Shells.O
Surfaces are mathematical representations of the
relationship between a chosen attribute value and
the x,y locations of those values in space.
Examples of surfaces are terrain elevation, depth
to groundwater, and concentration of some chemical
contaminant on the ground surface. Details on
creating surfaces are found in the chapter
entitled, OSurfaces.O
Section lines are the polylines on the ground
surface connecting borings that are used in
constructing a geologic profile or fence (i.e.,
traverse lines). A section line shows the cutting
(poly-)plane used to display geology in a fence
diagram. Details on section lines are found in the
chapter entitled, OStratigraphy.O
Deleting Objects
To delete an object or group of objects:
· Make sure the object or group is the first
element on the stack.
· Choose the Delete command from the Edit menu. A
dialog box appears asking you to confirm the
Delete operation.
· Choose the Yes button to delete the object or
Note: Deleting an object is permanent. You may
not undelete once the operation has been executed.
If you only want to hide an object from view but
not delete it, select the object or group in
question and choose Hide from the Edit menu.
Moving Objects
You can move or adjust the location or scale of
objects in the VirtualSite using a set of pallet
tools. These include the move tool, horizontal
scale tool, vertical scale tool, and rotation tool.
Move tool
You can move selected objects on the Plan view with
the Move tool. To move an object:
1. Click on the Move tool.
2. Select an object by clicking left on it.
3. Drag-right the object to the new location.
The next time you select that object, its location
coordinates will reflect the move.
Horizontal scale tool
The Horizontal scale selection tool allows you to
change the horizontal scale of an object or group.
Clicking-left on the object selects, control-left
adjusts the selection, and dragging-right changes
the horizontal (xy) scale of the object. Dragging
to the left makes the horizontal extent of the
object smaller, dragging to the right makes the
horizontal extent larger.
The Restore Position command under the Edit menu
allows you to restore the original scale and
position if no other action has been executed since
the change scale.
Vertical scale tool
The Vertical scale selection tool allows you to
change the vertical scale of an object or group.
Clicking-left on the object selects, control-left
adjusts the selection, and dragging-right in the
up/down direction changes the vertical scale of the
object. Dragging toward the top makes the vertical
exaggeration of the object larger, dragging toward
the bottom makes the vertical exaggeration smaller.
The Restore Position command under the Edit menu
allows you to restore the original scale and
Rotation tool
The Rotation tool allows you to rotate the angular
position of a selected object or group. Clicking-
left on the object selects, control-left adjusts
the selection, and dragging-right changes the
angular position of the object. Dragging to the
left rotates the object counter-clockwise, dragging
to the right rotates the object clockwise.
The Restore Position command under the Edit menu
allows you to restore the original scale and
Importing from a spreadsheet
SiteView allows you to integrate different types of
data from various sources into a single
VirtualSite. You can import site data from
spreadsheets, databases, or other applications by
storing your data in a tab-separated-value (.tsv)
array file. The order in which attributes appear
in the array is unimportant. SiteView allows you
to map the relationship between incoming data
columns or rows and corresponding SiteView objects
or attributes.
After importing, the data become VirtualSite
objects. You can then use SiteViewOs features to
manipulate, analyze, and visualize your site data.
The data you import from spreadsheets describes
site objects and their attribute values. For
example, the following spreadsheet data describe
three monitoring wells in the VirtualSite: MW-3,
MW-3A, and MW-4.
Monitoring Wells
X Y Z Name
7850 10200 233.03 MW-3
7530 10350 193.18 MW-3A
7300 10275 190.29 MW-4
For each object you import from the spreadsheet,
SiteView creates a temporary object, then searches
the VirtualSite for a previously existing object
with the same name. If SiteView finds such an
object, it merges the newly imported attribute
values into the existing object's attribute values.
If SiteView does not find such an existing object,
it creates a new object using the attribute values
(including the value of the Name attribute) you
provided on the spreadsheet.
Not: You need not include the Name attribute for
all site objects imported from the spreadsheet.
SiteView checks for an existing object only if you
do provide a name for the incoming object.
When you import one or more samples from the
spreadsheet, you can include for each sample the
name of the associated source object, thereby
establishing the relationship between the imported
sample and its source. (Recall that each source
can have many samples, but that each sample has at
most one source.)
For example, the following spreadsheet data are
chemistry samples related to the three monitoring
Sample Source Depth
A B-1 10
B B-1 20
C B-2 10
The following spreadsheet data are the analyte
measurements made in the three chemistry samples.
Measurement Sample Value
TRANS-1, 2- A 6500
TRANS-1, 2- B 6043
TRANS-1, 2- C 6498
You should arrange the data on your spreadsheet so
that each row or column of an imported range
represents a single site object. Within such a row
or column, individual cells represent values for
the objects' attributes.
Preparing Data for Import
Before importing spreadsheet data into SiteView,
you should prepare your data according to the
following guidelines:
· Group data of similar class together. For
example, keep monitoring wells together on the
· Remember that objects with no associated x-, y-,
and z-coordinate data do not appear in views.
· Store your data in an ASCII file that is tab
delimited (.tsv).
· Make sure that your data use the same coordinate
system as the virtual site into which they are
being imported.
Importing Data
The Import process has the following steps:
1. Specify the .tsv file to import.
2. Specify the import format (columns or rows).
3. Specify the class of object to import in the
scrolling list.
4. Map the data layout to the list of attributes.
5. Select ranges of rows to be imported.
6. Click OK or Apply.
Specifying the File
To begin the import process, choose the ImportÉ
Import Spreadsheet command from the File menu. The
Import Spreadsheet dialog box appears when you
first choose the Import SpreadsheetÉ command. It
allows you to specify the name of the spreadsheet
There are two ways of specifying a file in this
dialog box:
¥ Type the file path in the File Name field.
¥ Click on a file in the scrolling list.
After you specify the file name and click on the OK
button, the Import Spreadsheet dialog box appears
with the data from the file to be imported.
Specifying the Class of Object
To specify the class of object to import, click on
it in the pull-down list of object classes. The
list beneath displays the classO attributes and
changes according to the object class you select.
Note that the class list excludes derived classes
such as surfaces, iso-shells, and section lines
because you cannot import derived objects.
Describing the Spreadsheet's Layout
Next, you need to describe the spreadsheet's layout
to SiteView. That is, tell SiteView which
attributes you are importing and where on the
spreadsheet the values of those attributes are
Along the top of the data table is a set of blank
fields. Each blank field corresponds to a column
of data in the table. In each blank field, one of
the attribute names listed in the scrolling list
will be mapped. This tells SiteView that the data
in that column correspond to whatever attribute
name is mapped there.
To make the mapping, select the appropriate blank
field above a column. Click on the corresponding
attribute in the scrolling list to the left. That
attribute name will appear in the blank field, and
the selection will move to the right. If you want
to pass over a column, click on Skip Column.
When you have finished mapping the attributes to
data columns, highlight the rows of data that you
want to import. Then click OK or Apply and the
data will be imported, and new objects will be
created in SiteView.
Note: Unmapped rows or columns are not imported.
Importing from a DXF File
You can import two- and three-dimensional DXF
layers as SiteView graphic overlay objects.
Graphic objects are represented as overlays on the
3D view; they do not have attributes. SiteView can
import the following DXF entity types:
· points,
· lines,
· polylines,
· arcs,
· circles,
· 3-dimensional objects,
· solid (entity),
· blocks/inserts, and
· text (with scale and rotation)
SiteView's import capability does not include the
· binary DXF files,
· shape (entity),
· trace (entity),
· extended entity data,
· line attributes (e.g., width, style), and
Because each DXF layer is imported as a static
graphic object, the contents of an imported layer
cannot be edited or converted to SiteView objects.
To ensure maximum performance of SiteView, import
as few layers as possible, or hide layers that do
not need to be visible all the time. To make this
as easy as possible, group in one layer all
entities that you want to hide or reveal as a unit.
To import DXF files:
1.Choose the Import DXF command from the Import...
command under the File menu. The Import DXF
dialog box appears.
2.Specify the path and file name of the DXF file
in the Import DXF dialog box and click on the OK
button. The Import DXF Layers dialog box
3.Choose layers from the scrolling list.
4.Click on the OK button. SiteView imports the
layers as editable graphic objects.
Chapter 5
Selecting Objects
Many SiteView operations require single objects,
groups of objects, or attribute values as
functional arguments. When SiteView operations
require this input, SiteView gets the input from
whatever is currently selected. The current
selection and selection history is a scratch pad
for arguments-to and results-from operations.
When you perform an operation that requires input
from the selection history, the first element is
used. Some operations require more than one input
in which case the first, second, third, and so on
elements are used.
Operations that require input remove the elements
(arguments) from the selection history and place
the operation results as the finalÑmost
recentÑelement(s) in the history. For example,
suppose that the selection history contained the
elements on the left, below, with a group of 20
groundwater elevation points as the last selection.
You can ask SiteView to create a groundwater
elevation surface from the 20 points by choosing
Create... Surface from the Edit menu. After doing
so, the selection history would contain the
elements on the right.
List order Selection history: Selection
-4 Object 1 (1)
-3 Object 1 (1) Object 2 (1)
-2 Object 2 (1) Object 3 (1)
-1 Object 3 (1) Points (20)
0 Points (20) Surface (1)
This chapter describes how to,
· select objects,
· manipulate groups of objects,
· work with the selection history,
· store objects and groups in registers, and
· query for attribute values.
Select objects
You can select objects by
· graphically selecting in views,
· using the SelectÉ window under the Edit menu,
· or using the Selection HistoryÉ window under the
Select... window.
Selecting objects graphically
You can select objects graphically in any view. To
select objects, move the pointer over the object
and click-left. You can also select objects by
pressing the left mouse button and dragging the
pointer to create a rectangle to surround the
objects, then release the button and all the
objects enclosed by the rectangle are selected.
To adjust a selection, move the pointer over an
object and control-click-left. If the object is
selected, it becomes unselected; if the object is
unselected, it becomes selected. If you already
had selected other objects, control-click-left adds
or removes the new object from the group.
SelectÉ window
The SelectÉ window is found under the Edit menu.
The SelectÉ dialog window has three boxes within
it: a Choose From box at the top, a list of object
classes along the left, and a list of individual
objects along the right. What you choose in each
of these boxes affects what appears in the other
Select by class
In the Choose From box you can choose either from
¥ All, or
¥ Current Selection.
All, means that you are selecting from the entire
VirtualSite, and all of the objects and data that
have been imported or entered into the site.
Current Selection, means that you are selecting
only from those objects that occupy the current
When you choose All, a scrolling list of all object
classes that exist in the entire VirtualSite
appears in the object list on the left hand side.
The respective number of objects of each class is
shown in parentheses next to the class name. When
you choose Current Selection, the object list
contains only those object classes and numbers that
exist in the then current selection. You can
toggle back and forth between All and Current
Selection, and the left hand side list will change.
Clicking on one of the object classes in the left
hand side list, and then clicking on OK or on
Apply, tells SiteView to select all the objects
that are of the class you have just highlighted.
You may aggregate different types of objects by
adjusting the selection (using control-click-left
with the mouse) in the left hand side. Clicking on
OK or Apply tells SiteView to select the group of
all objects of all the classes that were
simultaneously highlighted in the left hand side
When you highlight a class of object in the left
hand side list, all the individual instances of
that object class(es) appear in the scrolling list
to the right. Toggling between All and Current
Selection in the Choose From box causes the list of
individual instances of objects in the right hand
side list to change. When you highlight individual
objects in the right hand side list, and then click
on OK or Apply, SiteView selects the group of
individual objects that you have highlighted.
Select by value
You can also select objects by the values of
attributes associated with them. Beneath the
scrolling list of object classes and object
instances is a query bar entitled, "Where," that
allows you to select an attribute to query on and
to set a logical query relationship. Clicking
Filter causes this query to be executed on whatever
set of objects has been chosen in the select class
or object scrolling lists.
For example, say that you have selected all
measurement objects in the scrolling list at the
top of the Selection window. Now set the query
attribute to "Name," the logical relation to "=,"
and the value to "TCE." SiteView will find all of
the measurements of TCE within the group you have
selected. Now setting the query attribute to
"value," the logical relation to ">," and the value
to "100," and SiteView will find the subset of all
TCE measurements for which the measured value is
greater that 100. In this way you can sequentially
query the data in the VirtualSite to find only
those objects that you want to analyze or
Selection HistoryÉ
The Selection HistoryÉ button under the Select...
window displays an expanded window showing the
complete history of selections in the current
SiteView session. The current selection is at the
bottom of the list, and earlier selections are
shown in sequential order moving upward. The
Selection History window allows you too retrieve
earlier selections, and to perform Boolean
operations on those selections (i.e., on groups of
objects). Boolean operations are powerful aides in
manipulating sets of objects because they allow you
to combine and compare groups of objects, and allow
you to subselect only the set you want to deal
Manipulating Groups of Objects
The Boolean operations that you can execute from
the Selection HistoryÉ window are,
¥ UnionÑcombining two groups into an aggregate
which includes all of the objects in either or
both of the groups;
¥ IntersectionÑfinding the set of objects which
are common to two groups (i.e., the overlap);
¥ DifferenceÑfinding the set of objects which are
in one group but not in another.
Finding the Union of Two Groups
You can combine the contents of two groups into one
group using the Union function from the Selection
HistoryÉ window. The following example shows the
union of two groups of objects.
First Element: Second Element:
group (4)* *Sample (4)*
*Boring B-1* *SampleSO-3*
*Boring B-2* *SampleSO-4*
*Boring B-3* *SampleSO-5*
*SampleSO-3* *SampleSO-6*
First Element:
*Group (8)*
*Boring B-1*
*Boring B-2*
*Boring B-3*
Finding the Intersection of Two Groups
You can find the objects that are common to two
groups and place them as a single object or group
using the Intersection function from the Selection
HistoryÉ window. The following example shows the
intersection of two groups of objects.
First Element: Second Element:
*Group (4)* *Sample: Soil
*Boring B-1* *SampleSO-3*
*Boring B-2* *SampleSO-4*
*Boring B-3* *SampleSO-5*
*SampleSO-3* *SampleSO-6*
First Element:
Finding the Difference between Two Groups
You can subtract the objects in the first group
from those in the second using the Difference
function from the Main keypad. The following
example shows the difference between two groups of
First Element: Second Element:
*Group (4)* *Sample: Soil
*Boring B-1* *Sample SO-3*
*Boring B-2* *Sample SO-4*
*Boring B-3* *Sample SO-5*
*Sample SO-3* *Sample SO-6*
First Element:
*Sample SO-4*
*Sample SO-5*
*Sample SO-6*
Separating the Contents of an Group
You can separate the objects that make up the group
by selecting the group of objects, and then from
the Edit menu choosing SelectÉ. In the Choose From
window elect From Selection, and click on the
object class(es) in the left hand list. The group
of individual objects constituting the selection is
show in the right hand list.
Manipulating the Selection History
The Selection HistoryÉ window allows you to
¥ change the order of selection elements,
¥ move elements from to the beginning of the stack,
¥ duplicate stack elements, and
You can change the stack positions of elements
easily. To move an element to the first stack
position, display the element in the Selection
HistoryÉ scrolling list and click on it. The
selected element is moved to the first position;
the first element is moved to the second position;
the second element to the third position, and so
Find related
For any group of objects that you highlight in the
scrolling lists of the Select... window, you can
find all the related sources, samples, and
measurements. The group for which you find related
objects can be all of the same object type, or can
be a mixed group.
You can find the objects related to a group in the
Selection... window, by using the "Find Related"
option in the Selection History... window.
Highlight in the scrolling lists the group of
objects for which you want to find related objects.
In the Find Related pull-down window choose the
class of related object you want to find. Click on
the Apply button to find the related objects.
For example, in the last section you found all the
TCE measurements with values greater than 100. To
find the borings those measurements came from,
leave those TCE measurements highlighted in the
scrolling lists, and choose "borings" in the Find
Related window. Click on Apply and the related
borings are selected. To find, in turn, all the
samples related to these boringsÑwhether of TCE or
notÑchoose "samples" in the Find Related window and
click on Apply.
Store/recall selection
When you use a group, object, or value often, you
can store it in a register to use again. Registers
are stored stack elements. Using the Store/Recall
SelectionÉ. window, you can perform the following
¥ store objects or groups in registers you define
¥ recall objects or groups from registers, and
¥ delete a specific stored register.
To open the Store/Recall Selection window, choose
the Store/Recall... command from the Edit menu.
To store stack elements in a register, type the
name with which you would like to store the first
stack element in the Name text line and click the
Store button. To recall stored registers, choose
the register name to recall by clicking it in the
scrolling list or typing it in the Name text line
and click the Recall button.
To delete a specific register, choose the register
name by clicking it in the scrolling list or typing
it in the Name text line and click the Delete
Chapter 6
Potatoes in space (iso-shells)
SiteView allows you to create and visualize iso-shells of
three-dimensional continuous and discrete fields. At
ConSolve, we jokingly call these things, "Potatoes in
space," because that's what they look like. Some other
people call them "Onions" or "Blobs." More prosaic people
call them "iso-shells" or "iso-surfaces." You can call
them whatever makes you happiest.
A 3D field is a spatial distribution of an attribute or
attributes which has a value at every xyz point with some
spatial domain of interest. For example, the
concentration of TCE within the 3D subsurface underlying a
site is a fields. So is the NOx concentration in the air
above the site. Every point in the domain has a
concentration value associated with it, although many of
these may be zero. An iso-shell of this TCE field is the
locus of xyz points at which the concentration of TCE
equals some fixed value, for example, 100 ppb.
An iso-shell is the 3D analog of an iso-line (i.e.,
contour) on an xy-attribute surface in two-dimensions.
Just as contour lines can be set at any value, iso-shells
can be set at any value. SiteView calls this value an
"iso-value." Just as contours form a nested set of closed
loops on a 2D map, iso-shells form a nested set of closed
boundaries in a 3D visualization. These nested boundaries
appear much like the layers of an onion.
Using SiteView, you can start from a set of arbitrarily
located measurements points, interpolate a 3D grid of
points within an attribute field, and then generate iso-
shells of that field at any iso-value. You can slice
these iso-shells along planes parallel to your axes, and
visualize the results in many ways.
This Chapter discusses the following topics:
¥ SiteView's algorithms for creating iso-shells
¥ How you can create iso-shells
¥ Iso-shell selection properties.
Iso-shell Modeling
SiteView creates an iso-shell by starting with a set of
attribute measurements located in three-dimensional space.
These measurements need not be regularly positioned in
xyz. Form this set of measurements, SiteView creates a 3D
grid and interpolates values of the attribute at all of
the grid points, using a set of measurements. Once the
gridded values are obtained, SiteView interpolates
linearly within each grid cell to fit small planar facets
of constant attribute value those data. These small
planar facets are connected to build an iso-shell. You
can choose the way these shells are visualized by changing
their iso-values, there colors, the way light shines on
and is reflected from them, where they are sliced, whether
they are made to look solid, and in many other ways.
Data Requirements
To create an iso-shell, SiteView requires a group of
attribute measurements located in xyz space. As with any
interpolation scheme, there is no minimum number of
required measurements, but the more measurements you have,
the more accurately the interpolation will reflect site
conditions. Typical attributes you may want to
interpolate could include,
¥ Total volatile organics in soil and groundwater,
¥ Mercury concentration in lake waters, or
¥ NOx concentration in the air.
When you import objects and attribute data into SiteView,
they are usually positioned irregularly in space. To
regularize the data, SiteView creates a spatial grid of
attribute values from the irregular points. A grid is a
3D regularly spaced lattice of points. SiteView creates a
uniform grid parallel to the axes of the site. This grid
has the same spacing between points in each principal
Grid spacing
The default grid generated automatically when you create a
new iso-shell has ten (10) grid points in the largest
dimension, or 1000 or fewer in total. Depending on the
complexity of your data, more grid points may be required
to provide a realistic representation of your data. You
can change the number of grid points by adjusting the
MaxGridDimension option in the Selection Properties
Grid location
It is sometimes convenient to move the principal axes of
the grid used to interpolate data to a different region of
the site. You can change the location of the window that
the grid uses to interpolate within to create iso-shells
by using the move tool on the view tool pallet. To move
the grid, first orient the viewpoint from which you are
looking at the iso-shell to be perpendicular to the plane
in which you want the movement to occur. Select the iso-
shell, and click on the Move pallet tool. You can move
the iso-shell grid by dragging the mouse. When you
release the mouse, the grid will be relocated, and the iso-
shell will be reinterpolated.
SiteView interpolates attribute data for iso-shells using
a gravity weighted sum approach. For the sparse data sets
typical of most environmental visualization problems,
gravity weighting is generally thought to provide
interpolations reasonably similar to other weighted sum
algorithms, including Kriging. Gravity interpolation is
reasonably fast and does not require user intervention in
estimating complex model coefficients.
All weighted sum interpolation algorithms are based on an
equation of the form:
zo = wi zi such that, 0 wi 1
in which zo is the interpolated value of the attribute at
some grid point, wi is a set of weights corresponding to
each of the i=1, ..., n measured attribute values, and zi
is the set of measured values. SiteView uses all of the
measurement points for interpolation.
SiteView's gravity interpolation model assigns weights to
the measured values in proportion to the inverse of the
square of the distance between the measurement location in
3D and the location of the grid point to be interpolated.
That is,
wi = constant/(distance)2
in which distance is the three-dimensional distance
between the interpolated grid point zo and the measurement
point zi, and the constant normalizes the sum of weights
to be 1.0.
When SiteView creates a new iso-shell it defaults to
isotropic weights. That is, the weight assigned to a
measurement in interpolating a grid point depends on the
distance from the measurement to the grid point but not on
the direction of the distance.
You can add vertical anisotropy to the interpolation by
adjusting the Anisotropy factor in the Selection
Properties window. Factors greater than zero increase the
influence of measurements in the horizontal direction and
decrease the influence of measurements in the vertical
direction. Factors less than zero increase the influence
of measurements in the vertical direction and decrease the
influence of measurements in the horizontal direction.
Setting the anisotropy factor to the value k changes the
directional influences by an amount proportional to 2k.
Iso-shell construction
Once SiteView has created a 3D grid of interpolated
attribute values, it sequentially looks at each grid cell
and finds those whose vertex attribute values bound the
current iso-value in the Selection Preferences window.
These are the grid cells through which the iso-shell
In each of these grid cells, SiteView linearly
interpolates between the grid points and calculates
triangular surface patches of constant iso-value. Several
such triangular patches may be required in a single grid
cell. The group of all such surface patches throughout
the gridded domain is connected together into a continuous
surface to create the iso-shell. You can see these
surface patches by choosing Edges Visible with the
Selection Properties window.
When you visualize a shell in a 3D view, you can make the
shell appear either solid or hollow. When you slice a
solid shell, the plane of the slice shows a continuous
interpolation of attribute value, as if you were slicing a
solid object which was colored according to attribute
When you slice a hollow shell, the shell appears as a
manifold with an empty inside. To see multiple hollow
shells at different iso-values, create as many shells as
you wish with the same attribute data set, and them give
each iso-shell the same Selection Properties, but with
different iso-values.
Note: The time it takes your computer to paint the screen
depends on the number of polygons that it has to render.
Adding multiple iso-shells multiplies this number of
polygons and causes the computer to take longer to paint a
Creating iso-shells
An iso-shell is created in SiteView using a four step
1.Import the objects and attribute data you want to use to
create an iso-shell.
2.Select those objects whose attributes you want to create
a shell form.
3.Tell SiteView to create an iso-shell from the selected
groups of objects.
4.Use the Selection Properties window to adjust the visual
properties of the iso-shell as desired.
Import data
SiteView can create iso-shells from any attribute data.
These data are imported into SiteView using normal
spreadsheet import. They can be imported either as
attributes associated with samples or other objects, or as
plain value points. A value point is a measurement that
has only (x,y,z,value) information.
Select group of objects
To create an iso-shell, first you must select the group of
objects whose attributes you want to use to create the iso-
shell. You can select these objects by clicking on them
with the mouse, or by using the Select command from the
View menu. At this stage you need only select the objects
you are interested in; SiteView will later ask you what
attributes you want to use.
Create iso-shell
Once you have the objects of interest selected, from the
Edit menu choose Create and pull-right to see the sub-menu
of derived objects that you can create. Choose Iso-shell.
When you choose Iso-shell from the Create sub-menu, a
dialog box appears which shows a scrolling list of all the
attributes associated with the current selection of
objects. From this list, click on the attribute of which
you want to create an iso-shell. Then click on OK.
SiteView creates an iso-shell of the attribute data using
a set of default properties which you can later adjust to
suit your tastes.
Adjust properties
When SiteView creates an iso-shell it uses a set of
default parameters for grid size, color ramp, anisotropy,
and other properties. Usually, you will want to adjust at
least some of these properties to obtain the visualization
that you think best reflects true field conditions. You
should pay particular attention to grid size and
anisotropy as these can have important influence on your
final result.
Note: When adjusting Selection Properties, it is always a
good idea to put your view in Quick mode. Rendering a
complex visualization with many features on a PC takes
time. Drawing a wire frame figure is much quicker.
Therefore, make all the changes you want with the view in
quick mode, and then when you want to see a fully rendered
version, switch to normal mode.
Iso-shell properties
Shell model
This section discusses those Selection Properties which
pertain to the way SiteView constructs its mathematical
model of a 3D field for constructing iso-shells.
The iso-value is the value of the 3D attribute field at
which you want to visualize the iso-shell. The iso-value
is analogous to contour value in an xy-attribute surface
Max grid dimension
The maximum grid dimension is the maximum number of grid
intervals in any principal direction. SiteView sets the
number of grid intervals in the longest principal
direction to equal this number and adjusts the number of
grid intervals in the other two principal directions
accordingly. The amount of time it takes SiteView to
numerically interpolate a grid is proportional to the cube
of the grid dimension.
Anisotropy factor
In the natural world many processes are inherently
anisotropic. That is, their extent or behavior in one
principal direction, say one axis in the horizontal plane,
is different from their behavior in other directions.
This difference is captured by anisotropy in the way
SiteView interpolates attribute values on a grid.
SiteView accommodates anisotropy between the horizontal
plane and the vertical axis using an anisotropy factor.
For no anisotropy (i.e., isotropic interpolation) SiteView
sets this factor to zero (0). Positive values of the
anisotropy factor give increasing importance to horizontal
neighbors; negative factors give increasing importance to
vertical neighbors.
Solid value below
An iso-shell divides space into two (not necessarily
continuous) regions: that region in which attribute
values are greater than the iso-value, and that region in
which attribute values are less than the iso-value.
Toggling-on Solid Value Below causes SiteView to display
the region in which the attribute values are less than the
iso-value. Toggling-off Solid Value Below causes SiteView
to display the region in which the attribute values are
greater than the iso-value.
Min/Max Planes
The minimum and maximum planes in each of the x, y, and z
directions set the bounds within which SiteView displays
an iso-shell. These can be thought of a cutting planes
Min/Max Caps
You can make the shell appear either solid or hollow.
When you slice a solid shell, the plane of the slice shows
a continuous interpolation of attribute value, as if you
were slicing a solid object which was colored according to
attribute value. Toggling-on the minimum or maximum cap
causes the corresponding cutting plane to show a solid
interpolation of attribute value as if the shell were a
solid body. Toggling-off causes the corresponding cutting
plane to be transparent so the shell appears hollow.
This section discusses those Selection Properties of iso-
shells which pertain to the way iso-shells can be
Toggling-on Hidden causes the iso-shell not to be seen in
the view. Toggling-off causes the iso-shell to show.
The various Color-Shading options allow you to change the
way the iso-shell coloring is graded to reflect attribute
Color Map
The Color Map chooser allows you to select one of four
color ramps: Standard, gray, rainbow, and cyan/yellow.
Standard is a continuous ramp (purple to yellow) which
many people find a pleasing and visually compelling
gradation for visualizing contaminant distributions. Gray
is a continuous gradation (white to black) through the
gray tones. Rainbow is a banded ramp of six colors (royal
blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red) which can be used
to show step-wise gradations of attribute value. Cyan-to-
Yellow is a two band ramp.
Color interpolation
The Color Interpolation option allows you to smooth any of
the color maps. For example, choosing color interpolation
with the Cyan-to-Yellow color map yields a smooth
transition of colors between cyan and yellow.
Color shading auto
Color Shading Auto automatically adjusts the minimum and
maximum values of a color ramp to be the same as the
minimum and maximum attribute values in the attribute
field. Toggling-off Color Shading Auto causes SiteView to
look for the values in the Color Shading Min and Color
Shading Max options.
Color shading min and max
Color Shading Min and Color Shading Max allow you to fix
the minimum and maximum attribute values for the color map
in the case where Color Shading Auto is turned off. You
can set the minimum and maximum to have any value you
want. This provides flexibility to choose exactly which
parts of the chosen color ramp you want to use to
visualize an iso-shell. SiteView will uniformly grade the
color ramp over the interval between the minimum and
maximum color shading values.
Color shading factor
The color shading factor provides a way of compressing or
expanding intervals of the color map.
Index Interpolation
Index Interpolation is a toggle which allows you to choose
between color interpolations of an attribute field
according to the color map as opposed to a constant
coloring of the faces of the iso-shell. When Index
Interpolation is turned on, SiteView uses the color map to
visualize a shell. When Index Interpolation is turned
off, SiteView colors the shell according to the selection
under Face Color. Turning Index Interpolation off, and
setting the face color to white, allows you to experiment
with light colors and reflectivity.
Color legend visible
The Color Legend Visible option allows you to place an
automatic color legend on any view. The legend shows
whatever color map is chosen, the range of attribute
values, and smoothes the color map is Color Interpolation
is turned on. The legend can be moved or scaled using the
pallet tools. To bring the legend back to its original
position and shape, used Reset Position from the Edit
Faces, edges, and lines
This section discusses those Selection Properties of iso-
shells which pertain to the ways faces, edges, and lines
of shells can be visualized.
The color option provides a color chooser from which you
can set the color of the faces, edges, and lines of an iso-
shell. The color choose provides 30 assorted colors. At
the bottom you can choose a custom pallet of colors.
Custom colors can also be added to the standard list from
the pallet.
The Visible toggle allows you to hide or show faces,
edges, and lines.
The Width toggle allows you to change the width of faces,
edges, and lines. The default is one (1). Higher
integers increase edge or line width.
Perimeter edges only
Each surface patch in an iso-shell has an edge and face
color. Toggling-on Perimeter Edges Only causes the edges
of all the faces except those on the perimeter of the iso-
shell to be hidden. Toggling-off Perimeter Edges Only
causes the faces of all the edges to be visible.
Chapter 7
Surfaces provide an easy means of visualizing large
quantities of data; they show the values of
attributes as they change based on their location.
SiteView allows you to create surfaces in 3D views.
Surfaces show the values of attributes as they
change with x,y location. They provide an easy
means of visualizing large quantities of data and
of estimating values at points where no value is
known. This chapter describes the methods by which
SiteView creates surfaces.
Surface Modeling
The following sections describe how (x,y,
attribute)-surfaces are generated. Three steps are
necessary to create surfaces:
1.You specify a group of data points or samples
(by selecting it) and a dependent variable (in a
dialog box).
2.SiteView triangulates the corresponding x,y
location data.
3.SiteView creates a continuous surface by
piecing together the triangles.
4.To smooth the surface, SiteView interpolates
values of the surface on a regular grid, and
then contours the interpolated values.
Data Requirements
To create a plan surface, SiteView requires an
group of objects that have both location and
attribute data. Location data are x- and y-
coordinates that indicate the objectsO placement in
the xy plane.
Attribute data are the dependent variable values,
the data that youOd like to visualize. These data
correspond to object attribute values that are
numeric, or NS (not specified). Some examples of
attributes that contain attribute data include: z
(the elevation or depth of an object), total
volatile organics, and the concentration of
After SiteView verifies that its data requirements
are met, it creates a triangulated irregular
network (TIN) of the location data using the
Delaunay triangulation method. That is, SiteView
creates nearly-equilateral triangles whose vertices
are the location points, such that the
circumscribing circle of each triangle contains no
other points. Triangles form the basis for the
interpolation of attribute data unless the surface
is smoothed.
To create a smooth surface, SiteView interpolates
attribute data among the points at which the
attributes are known. It does this using Natural
Neighbor interpolation. Surfaces are created using
Natural Neighbor interpolation on the grid spacing
that the user specifies, and then contour lines
linearly interpolated on the surfaces.
Surface display properties
You can select surfaces by clicking on them or
using the SelectÉ dialog box. When a surface is
selected, SiteView displays a polygon surrounding
the surface (i.e., the convex hull of the surface
defining points).
After surfaces are created and selected, you can
change their appearance. SiteView supports the
following surface display properties:
· contours are lines along which the dependent
values of the surface are equal.
· color-shading helps you visualize the dependent
values of a surface by mapping ranges of values
to colors and coloring the surface accordingly.
The following sections describe the options you can
set in the Selection PropertiesÉ. dialog box when
displaying surfaces. You can choose more than one
style for a surface.
Hidden is an on/off setting which shows or hides
the surface in its entirety.
You can arbitrarily set a number of visualizations
for contours. These are each separate options
within the Selection PropertiesÉ. dialog box.
Contours visible
On/off toggle to make the contours visible in the
Contour color
Provides a color chooser from which to select a
color for the contours.
Contour linear spacing
Toggles between linear and logarithmic spacing for
the contours. Linear calculates contour lines for
the base value and any value differing from the
base value by a multiple of the interval. For
example, if you specify 0 for the Base Value and 5
for the Interval, the first value in the series is
0; the adjacent contours are 5 and -5. Subsequent
contours are 10 and -10, 15 and -15, and so on.
Logarithmic calculates contour lines for the base
value and any value that equals the base value
multiplied by an integer power of the factor. For
example, if you specify 1 for the Base Value and 2
for the Factor, the base contour in the series is
1; the adjacent contours are 2 (21) and 0.5 (2-1).
Subsequent contours are 4 (22) and 0.25 (2-2), 8
(23) and 0.125 (2-3), and so on.
Contour base
Sets the base attribute value from which contour
spacings are calculated.
Contour interval
Sets the numerical interval between contour values.
Contour below base
Yes/no toggle to hide or display contour lines
whose values are below the base value.
Yes/no toggle allowing you to choose smooth or
angular contours. If you choose Yes for smooth
contours, SiteView connects the points on the
interpolated grid to construct contours. If you
choose No, SiteView uses the Delaunay triangulation
to construct contours.
Contour emphasis
Yes/no toggle allowing you to emphasize certain
contours. Choose Yes, indicate how frequently to
color, and choose the emphasis color.
Contour emphasis every
Lets you set the frequency of highlighting
contours. To emphasize every fifth contour, enter
5 in the field and press on return.
Contour emphasis color
Provides a color pallet for selecting the color of
the emphasized contour.
Contour emphasis width
Lets you set the line width of the emphasized
contours. A line width of one (1) is default.
The text options refer to contour labels, their
color, frequency, position, and so on.
Text visible
Allows you to choose to label values for all, none,
or only color-emphasized contours.
Text color
Provides a color pallet for changing the color of
the contour labels.
Contour label placement
Choose where the labels are placed (right, lower-
right, bottom, lower-left, left) for each labeled
contour. Click pull-down list to choose the
Contour label frequency
Allows you to set the spacing of the contour
Every surface is made up of both of triangular
cells which are defined by the Delaunay
triangulation of the data points and of grid cells
that are generated by SiteView when smoothing a
surface. Normally, these cells are not visible in
the 3D views, but are part of the underlying
mathematics of the surface model. Using the Cell
properties you can make the cells visible and
change the way they look.
Cells visible
This is a yes/no toggle which makes the cell
boundaries visible or invisible.
Face color
Provides a color chooser with which to select the
color cell faces.
Cell color
Provides a color pallet with which to color the
cell lines.
Cell index interpolation
Yes/no toggle that turns of and off the attribute-
driven color shading of the cell lines.
Cell quads only
Yes/no toggle that shows only the square cell
elements making up the surface (i.e., hides the
diagonal segments). Quad-cells-only often provides
a more visually appealing surface net than the full
triangles do. This property is only applicable to
smooth surfaces.
The color shading options allow you to color a
surface with a gradient or color ramp, where the
color of the surface at any point corresponds to
the interpolated attribute value at that point.
For presentation purposes, you may also place a
color legend on any view, which shows the scale of
the attribute vs. color.
Color map
Note that you can choose among four color ramps for
color shaded surfaces. These are found under the
OColor MapO property. The four choices are:
¥ StandardÑSmooth ramp, dark blue through red to
¥ GrayÑSmooth ramp, dark through light gray,
¥ RainbowÑBanded ramp from ... through ...
¥ Cyan to YellowÑStepped ramp, cyan-yellow
Color interpolation
Turning color interpolation on sometimes creates a
much smoother gradation of colors on a surface, but
also increases the rendering time.
Color shading automatic
This is a yes/no toggle which sets the scale of the
attribute surface to run from the minimum attribute
value in the data set to the maximum attribute
value in the data set. If you turn Color Shading
Automatic off, then the surface scale is set to run
between the Color Shading Minimum and Color Shading
Maximum (below).
Color shading minimum/maximum
These two properties allow you to specify the
minimum and maximum values for the color shading.
For example, using the standard color ramp, minimum
values are drawn in deep purple, maximum in yellow.
Dramatic effects can sometimes be obtained by
altering minimum and maximum values.
Color shading factor
The color shading factor is a number between
centered on zero that allows you to exaggerate or
compress the color ramp. At zero, the color ramp
is the default gradient of colors. As the color
shading factor becomes larger, the color ramp is
shifted toward higher colors; as the color shading
factor becomes smaller, the color ramp is shifted
toward lighter colors.
Color shading index interpolation
Yes/no toggle that turns on and off the color
shading ramp on the surface. Turning index
interpolation off makes the surface all the same
face color.
Check the Show Color Legend box if you want the
view to include a legend for the surface's color
ramp. As you make changes in the surface color
ramp, the legend automatically updates to reflect
Z from attribute
An x,y-attribute surface forms a mathematical model
for the attribute value over space and colors the
surface corresponding to the attribute value. The
spatial location or elevation of the surface,
however, corresponds to the elevation values (z-
values) of the objects used to form the surface. Z-
from-attribute causes the surface elevation to
follow the attribute value, normalized to appear
within the bounding box of the surface.
Chapter 8
This chapter describes how to import geologic
information and build stratigraphic representations
in SiteView
Stratigraphic Modeling
SiteView displays site stratigraphy as
stratigraphic panels in both 3D and Profile views
using data from the boringsO stratigraphic samples.
Stratigraphy can also be depicted using colored
solid models (iso-shells) in 3D views.
In 3D views, stratigraphic panels have a three-
dimensional, oblique projections, and thus behave
as fence diagrams. Iso-shell solid modeling can
also be used in 3D views to give a more visually
compelling, if slightly less accurate, depiction of
Importing and viewing stratigraphic
SiteView represents stratigraphic information in
borings, monitoring wells, or other downhole
observations as a set of from-to samples of
material type. To import stratigraphic samples,
you should first enter the source, from-value, to-
value, and material type in rows or columns of a
spreadsheet. You may also name each stratigraphic
sample if you wish. Save the information as a .tsv
file, and open the file in SiteView by choosing the
Import SpreadsheetÉ. command from the File menu.
The stratigraphy samples are represented by from-to
boxes along the borings from which they come.
These representations have edges, the color and
thickness of which can be varied, and faces the
background color of which can be varied. On the
faces you can show stipple patterns keyed to the
material type represented by the stratigraphy
Stratigraphic Modeling
SiteView uses linear stratigraphic modeling to
construct stratigraphic panels. SiteView builds a
stratigraphic model by matching stratigraphic
samples that are of the same material and either
are in borings that are adjacent in the section
line, or are in non-adjacent borings but that are
deeper than the bottoms of all intervening borings.
SiteView uses the following conventions when
interpolating stratigraphy in fence diagrams:
· For the stratigraphic modeling of two borings
with the same sequence of materials, the top and
bottom of each material are joined by straight
· For the stratigraphic modeling of two borings
when one boring contains a material that does
not exist in the other boring, the material is
pinched out half way between the borings.
· For the stratigraphic modeling of three or more
borings when the two extreme borings are deeper
than an interlying boring and have strata at
deeper levels, these deeper strata are
interpolated beneath the intervening borings.
· When two borings have materials that are not in
the same sequence, SiteView interprets the
materials as lenses, and pinches these out half
way between the two borings.
· SiteView fills in concave regions beneath a
shallow boring if the adjacent deep borings
suggest this case.
· SiteView ends a stratum part way between two
borings when there is no data to suggest how the
stratum is resolved.
Fence diagrams in 3D views
In 3D views you can create a fence diagram by
¥ selecting the borings through which the fence
diagram will run, and
¥ choosing Create Section Line from the Create...
window of the Edit menu.
This will create a fence diagram which interpolates
the stratigraphy among the borings you have
selected. In the plan map a new section line is
created, whose properties can be modified by using
the Selection PropertiesÉ. window.
Selection properties
Stratigraphy samples and thus the fence diagrams
they are part of have the following adjustable
properties in the Selection PropertiesÉ. window.
Yes/no toggle that hides or shows the stratigraphy
Pixel width
Allows you to set the width of the stratigraphic
sample bounding boxes
Edges visible
Yes/no toggle that shows or hides the edges of the
stratigraphic sample bounding boxes.
Edge color
Provides a color chooser for the edge bounding box
of the sample.
Edge width
Allows you to set the width of the edge line.
Faces visible
Yes/no toggle that shows or hides the flat faces of
the stratigraphic sample bounding boxes.
Face color
Provides a color chooser for the background color
of the face of the stratigraphy sample
Face pattern
Allows you to show or hide the stipple pattern for
the stratigraphic sample.
If face pattern is ON, then transparent makes the
background invisible; if face pattern is not ON,
then transparent has no affect.
Pattern color
Provides a color chooser for the stratigraphic
stipple pattern.
Chapter 9
You can print any SiteView view to a color or
monochrome printer that is supported by Windows,
and you can save a view to file to be later
incorporated in a report, slide presentation or
some other application.
This chapter describes how to
¥ print to a printer and
¥ same to file.
Printing to a Windows supported
When you print a SiteView view, the printed image
is identical to the one displayed on your screen.
To print a view to a printer:
1.Choose Page Setup... from the File menu. The
Page Setup dialog box appears. Choose the
margins you want.
2. Choose Print... from the File menu. The Print
dialog box appears.
3.Adjust the options in the Print dialog box as
desired, and click OK.
Printing to file
SiteView produces graphics files in a number of
common formats when you use the Print to File
command. You can use the file with text processing
or drawing applications that can import
encapsulated PostScript files, to save specific
figures that might appear in reports or
presentations, or to create a file to be passed to
other computers or users.
To create a graphics file of a view, under the File
menu choose Print to File... , and specify the file
path and graphics format you want in the dialog
box. The Print to file option supports the
following graphics formats:
· Postscript,
· Encapsulated Postscript,
· CGM,
· HPGL, and
Chapter 10
SiteView Classes and Attributes
SiteView provides an object dictionary that
contains the definitions of the classes discussed
in this chapter. This Chapter describes
¥ SiteView classes and attributes, and
¥ descriptions of SiteView data types.
SiteView supports the following default object
classes--in addition to the iso-shell, surface, and
section line derived classes--for handling
environmental data.
Annotations are created using the Annotation tool
The following table lists the Annotation classO
Attribute Type/Description
Name String.
Boring is based on the Proto Boring class.
SiteView allows you to create Fence Diagrams from
Boring class objects. The following table lists
the Boring classO attributes.
Attribute Type/Description
Name String.
X Distance.
Y Distance.
Z Distance.
DXF layer
Layers are created when importing or exporting DXF
files. The following table lists the Layer classO
Attribute Type/Description
Name String. Each object can have a
Source File String. The DXF file from which
the layer comes.
Name in File String. The name of the layer in
the DXF file.
Monitoring Well
Monitoring Well is based on the Boring class.
SiteView allows you to create Fence Diagrams from
Monitoring Well class objects. The following table
lists the Monitoring Well classO attributes.
Attribute Type/Description
Name String.
X Distance.
Y Distance.
Z Distance.
The following table lists the Sample classO
Attribute Type/Description
Name String. Each object can have a
Source Reference to source object.
X Distance.
Y Distance.
Z Distance.
The following table lists the Measurement classO
attributes. Parametric attributes are noted with
; they are attributes whose values are derived by
SiteView rather than specified by you.
Attribute Type/Description
Name String. Each object can have a
Source Reference to source object.
Attribute String.
Value Float in point number.
Stratigraphy Sample
The following table lists the Stratigraphy Sample
class attributes. Parametric attributes are noted
with ; they are attributes whose values are
derived by SiteView rather than specified by you.
Attribute Type/Description
Name String. Each object can have a
Source Reference to source object.
From Distance.
To Distance.
X Distance. The stratigraphic
sampleOs x-coordinate is taken
from its source.
Y Distance. The stratigraphic
samples y-coordinate is taken from
its source.
Z-From Distance. Z-From is calculated by
subtracting the stratigraphic
sampleOs From value from its
sourceOs z-coordinate.
Z-To Distance. Z-To is calculated by
subtracting the stratigraphic
sampleOs To value from its
Attribute/Mat Type/Description
The stratigraphic materials list, for which
SiteView associates distinct stipple patterns,
Soil Categories Rock/Engineering Geology
SC Clayey sand Andesite Hornfels
SM Silty sand Anthracite Lignite
SP Poorly graded sand Basalt Limestone
SW Well graded sand Breccia Marble
GC Clayey gravel Chalk Peat
GM Silty gravel Clay Porphyrite
GP Poorly graded gravel Coal Quartzite
GW Well graded gravel Conglomerate Rhyolite
MH Inorganic silt of high Crystalline Rock
plasticity Rock Sand
ML Inorganic silt of low Diorite Sandstone
plasticity Dirty Sand Schist
CH Inorganic clay of high Dolomite Serpentine
plasticity Evaporite Shale
CL Inorganic clay of low Felsite Silt
plasticity Gabbro Siltstone
OH Organic clay of high Gneiss Slate
plasticity Granite Talc
OL Organic clay of low Gravel Till
plasticity Greenstone
PT Peat, muck
Value Point
Value Point is an independent Sample. The
following table lists the classO attributes.
Attribute Type/Description
Name String. Each object can have a
X Distance.
Y Distance.
Z Distance.
Sampled Value Attribute Value
Water Level
The following table lists the Water Level classO
Attribute Type/Description
Name String. Each object can have a
Source Reference to source object.
X Distance.
Y Distance.
Z Distance.
Contour label frequency ∙ 50
3 Contour label placement ∙ 49
3D data fields ∙ 22 Contour linear spacing ∙ 48
3D field ∙ 36, 41 Contours ∙ 48
3D view ∙ 3, 13, 46, 50, 53, Contours visible ∙ 48
54 Coordinate Systems ∙ 19
3D Views ∙ 10 Creating object ∙ iii, 21,
22, 40
algorithms ∙ 14, 36, 38 D
analyte ∙ 3, 8, 26 Data Requirements ∙ 37, 46
Anisotropy ∙ 39, 42 Data Types ∙ 17
Annotation ∙ 59 default classes ∙ 16
Attribute ∙ iii, 16, 17, 59 Deleting ∙ 23
AutoCADÖ ∙ 2 derived classes ∙ 16, 17,
27, 59
B Difference ∙ 32, 33
Blobs ∙ 36 DXF ∙ 2, 8, 16, 21, 28, 60
Boolean ∙ 32
Boring ∙ 59 E
Bounding box ∙ 11 Edge color ∙ 55
Edge width ∙ 55
C Edges visible ∙ 55
CAD ∙ 8, 21 Encapsulated Postscript ∙ 58
Cell color ∙ 50
Cell index interpolation ∙ F
50 Face color ∙ 50, 55
Cell quads only ∙ 50 Face pattern ∙ 55
Cells ∙ 50 Faces visible ∙ 55
Cells visible ∙ 50 Fence diagram ∙ 14, 54
CGM ∙ 58 Filter ∙ 31
Classes ∙ iii Find related ∙ 34
Clip ∙ 11 Flat ∙ 14
Color ∙ 13, 43, 44, 50, 51,
52 G
Color interpolation ∙ 43, 51 Gouraud ∙ 14
Color legend visible ∙ 44 Graphic objects ∙ 28
Color Map ∙ 43, 51 graphics file ∙ 57
Color shading auto ∙ 43 gravity interpolation ∙ 38
Color shading factor ∙ 44, Grid spacing ∙ 37
51 Gridding ∙ 37
Color shading min and max ∙
43 H
Color-Shading ∙ 43, 50 hardware ∙ 4, 10, 15
Contour base ∙ 48 Hidden ∙ 43, 47, 55
Contour below base ∙ 48 Horizontal scale tool ∙ 24
Contour color ∙ 48 HPGL ∙ 58
Contour emphasis ∙ 49
Contour emphasis color ∙ 49 I
Contour emphasis every ∙ 49 Import ∙ 26, 27, 28, 40, 53
Contour emphasis width ∙ 49 Importing ∙ iii, 18, 21, 24,
Contour interval ∙ 48
2 Perimeter edges only ∙ 45
install ∙ 4, 5 Phong ∙ 14
Installation ∙ 5 PICT ∙ 58
interpolating stratigraphy ∙ Pixel width ∙ 55
54 Plan view ∙ 14
Interpolation ∙ 38, 43, 44, Planimetric ∙ 10, 14
47 plumes ∙ 3
Intersection ∙ 32, 33 Point tool ∙ 22
iso-shell ∙ iii, 9, 13, 14, Polygon tool ∙ 22
15, 16, 22, 23, 27, 36, Postscript ∙ 58
38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 53 Potatoes in space ∙ iii, 36
iso-surfaces ∙ 36 Preparing Data ∙ 26
Iso-Value ∙ 41 Print to File ∙ 57
Printing ∙ iii, 57
K properties ∙ 10, 14, 36, 40,
keyboard ∙ 6 41, 47, 50, 51, 54, 55
lattice ∙ 37 Rock/Engineering Geology
Light color ∙ 13 Types ∙ 62
Light direction ∙ 13 Rotate ∙ 11
Lighting ∙ 13, 14 Rotation tool ∙ 24
logarithmic ∙ 48
M sample ∙ 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 16,
Max grid dimension ∙ 41 18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 34,
measurement ∙ 8, 18, 19, 26, 35, 40, 46, 53, 54, 55, 61
31, 34, 36, 37, 39, 60 scaling ∙ 12, 15
Microsoft Word ∙ 5 Select_ window ∙ 30
Min/Max Caps ∙ 42 Select by class ∙ 30
Min/Max Planes ∙ 42 Select by value ∙ 31
Monitoring Well ∙ 60 Select objects ∙ 30
mouse ∙ 6 Selecting ∙ iii, 29, 30
Move tool ∙ 22, 23 Selection History ∙ iii, 30,
Moving in and out ∙ 11 32, 33, 34
Moving Objects ∙ 23 site assessments ∙ 2
Mudville ∙ 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 Smooth ∙ 49
Soil Categories ∙ 62
O Solid value below ∙ 42
Object ∙ iii, 2, 16, 18, 21, Source ∙ 18
22, 23, 29, 32 spreadsheet ∙ 2, 21, 24, 25,
object-oriented ∙ 1 26, 27, 40, 53
Onions ∙ 36 Store/recall selection ∙ 35
operating system ∙ 4, 15 Stratigraphic Modeling ∙ 53
overlay ∙ 28 Stratigraphy ∙ iii, 23, 53,
55, 61
P Surfaces ∙ iii, 23, 46, 47
Page Setup ∙ 57
Palette ∙ 21 T
pan ∙ 12 Text ∙ 49
Pattern color ∙ 56 Text color ∙ 49
Transparent ∙ 56
Triangulation ∙ 47
Union ∙ 32
Value Point ∙ 62
Vertical scale tool ∙ 24
Viewpoint ∙ 10, 11, 14
VirtualSite ∙ 1, 2, 9, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31
visualization ∙ 1, 4, 8, 9,
16, 36, 38, 41
Water level ∙ 19, 62
weighted sum ∙ 38
workspace ∙ 8, 9, 10, 11
Z from attribute ∙ 52
Zoom ∙ 12