swCHIP 1991 January
Text File
66 lines
Links are used to connect input and output ports of operators. To create a
link, point at a port (either input or output) of an icon and double click
the left mouse button. Now when you move your mouse, a rubber band wire
will be created between the port and the cursor. Move the cursor to a port
of a different type on another icon and double click the left mouse button.
The two ports attached to the link will disappear. The new link is now
properly created. You cannot connect two ports of the same type together.
You may create an arbitrary path for a link by clicking with the left mouse
button every time you need a corner. Do not worry about making a `pretty'
wire as WIT will straighten it out for you once the wire is attached at
both ends. Use the middle mouse button to backup . When you have backed up
all the way to the port, the rubber band will be deactivated and the port
will be displayed again.
Branches can be created at any point along an existing link. Point the mouse
at somewhere on the link and double click the left mouse button. The link
is split at the point you click, and again WIT goes into rubber banding
mode. You can have as many branches from a link as you want. This is how
multiple instances of an object can be sent to different operators. Again,
you can use the middle mouse button to back up from any incorrect corner
points that you have created. When you back up all the way to the link
junction, the junction is also deleted.
Links can be selected and deleted just like operators. However, when a link
is deleted from a junction, WIT employs some simple logic to determine
whether the junction can be deleted or not. If a junction has only two
links connected to it after a link is deleted, and one link is pointing
towards the junction and the other one is pointing away from it, then the
junction can be deleted, otherwise it is retained. It is therefore possible
for a junction to have only links bringing data to it but no links carrying
them away, or vice versa . Such a construct of course will not run properly,
but is a valid state during the igraph design process.
You can interactive modify a link after it has been created. Move your
cursor to a link corner which you want to modify. Notice the cursor is
square. You only need to position the cursor so that the link corner is
within the square. After positioning the cursor, click and hold the left
mouse button. Now when you drag your mouse, the link corner will move with
the cursor. When you modify links, WIT no longer tries to make the wire
pretty by forcing it to lie along grid lines or 90 degree angles.
It is also possible for a link to become disconnected from everything (for
example, when you delete a node which has some connected links). Such
dangling link ends are displayed with a frayed end on the igraph. You can
connect a link to a frayed end by double clicking the left mouse button at
the frayed end to start wiring, or you can connect an operator port to it
by simply dropping an operator icon on top of the link end, provided the
direction of the operator port is proper.
Another note about making links: the direction of a link is often implicitly
determined by the kind of ports it is connected to. If you attempt to
connect a link between two input ports, or between two output ports, WIT
will warn you and refuse to make the link. When the direction of a newly
created link cannot be determined (e.g. a branch between two links), the data
is assumed to flow in the direction that the link is created, i.e. following
the order in which the points on the link are entered.
Links can be named by entering a string for the name field in its properties
panel. Default link names are not displayed on the igraph, but user names
are. If you do not want a name to be displayed with a link, erase the name
field from the properties panel.
Other options you can select from the link properties panel are: the width
of the link, enabling/disabling probes, and enabling/disabling data-flow along
the link.