swCHIP 1991 January
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258 lines
| This VENDINFO Product Information File contains both readable text |
| and tools-accessible data about a product. See the last text |
| section, below, for more information about VENDINFO and its tools. |
| Because this is not the primary package of this multi-package |
| product, the readable-text portion of this VENDINFO record is |
| somewhat abbreviated. For complete information, see the VENDINFO |
| file in the first package listed below under "Required Packages". |
VENDINFO standard v1.03, produced by VendEdit v1.22, 1-Jan-1995
===== Product Information ==============================
Product: Full Contact
Version: 2.10
Version Date: 1-Apr-1995
Product Type: Software
Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details):
Shareware, freely distributable by all channels
Product Description: FULL CONTACT V 2.1 <ASP> - A TOTALLY
stomizable PIMS with a flexible Hyperinf.
like structure. FC includes:an Address
book;an Agenda Manager with:ticklers,
repetitive appointment,to do's,weekly,
monthly,daily views,sophisticated reports; a
Mass Mailing engine with label and fax
capabilities;Order entry system;a product
data base;Expenses and Sales opportunity
log;internal Backup;DDE server;Dial; Report
Script language and much more.
Reason for version: Performance Upgrade, Internationalisation,
Better Telep. Supp.
Category: Business; Sales aids
Keywords: PIMS, Personal Information Manager
Required Packages: fc021e-a fc021e-b
This Package: FC021E-B
Registration Fee: 59.00
Required Configuration
Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 80386)
Minimum OS: Windows 3.0
Hard Drive Space: 3000K
Hard drive
Address: PsL - Public Software Library
PO.BOX 35705 Houston TX
Toll-Free Phone: 800-2424-PSL
Phone: 713/524-6394
FAX: 713/524-6398
CompuServe: 71355,470
Internet: 71355.470@compuserve.com
Address: PO.BOX 10893
Phone: +55 21 256-2464
FAX: +55 21 256-2464
Internet: fullagenda20@ax.ibase.org.br
===== Packing List =====================================
As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the
following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ:
Filename Size Date Time CRC32
AREALIST.DA_ 389 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 3AF22B72
BCKDATE.DA_ 23 1-Apr-1995 07:17a C222E2FD
COLORREF.DA_ 29 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 5AA0A1EF
DATI.DA_ 46804 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 9327AC72
EXPORT.DA_ 164 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 227EA90D
FONTFILE.DA_ 735 1-Apr-1995 07:17a A449B5BB
OIDMAX.DA_ 110 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 24AC9A2C
SELINFO.DA_ 4463 1-Apr-1995 07:17a DCC46957
STRDATA.DA_ 29401 1-Apr-1995 07:17a FF421806
ACTTABLE.DB_ 553 1-Apr-1995 07:17a B32081D2
AGENDA.DB_ 309 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 4D4112BF
AGRESH.DB_ 525 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 9649B02B
AGTYPE.DB_ 631 1-Apr-1995 07:17a D15CBA1C
CATEG.DB_ 126 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 60B743CA
CATEGORY.DB_ 129 1-Apr-1995 07:17a F4904401
CC.DB_ 2609 1-Apr-1995 07:17a ECB7710C
CLASSIFI.DB_ 129 1-Apr-1995 07:17a BB66880F
CLATABL.DB_ 128 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 5BE20646
COMPANY.DB_ 275 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 415AE5BA
CONNECT.DB_ 84 1-Apr-1995 07:17a FFF3574C
CONNECT1.DB_ 1964 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 9BFBA070
CONTACT.DB_ 346 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 581F4C3E
CREDIT_C.DB_ 129 1-Apr-1995 07:17a C96C42ED
EDITOR.DB_ 139 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 0126105E
ELEMENTS.DB_ 7570 1-Apr-1995 07:17a E492C423
EXPCATT.DB_ 130 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 3AD6F68D
EXPENSE.DB_ 195 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 354CDDF6
EXPPAY.DB_ 210 1-Apr-1995 07:17a BB06484C
FORM.DB_ 1227 1-Apr-1995 07:17a F93C58D8
GWPTABL.DB_ 202 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 4549B039
IND__CLA.DB_ 127 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 0EEE6C60
NAME.DB_ 128 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 2A6C6714
NOTE.DB_ 141 1-Apr-1995 07:17a FD0A7B35
ORDER.DB_ 199 1-Apr-1995 07:17a BE541491
ORDITM.DB_ 344 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 1ED48191
ORDTOTAL.DB_ 188 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 2548C08E
PRODUCT.DB_ 177 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 53833075
SO.DB_ 203 1-Apr-1995 07:17a CCF9D9EF
STATUS.DB_ 129 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 4078FB7F
TITLE.DB_ 204 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 5EF47408
USER.DB_ 405 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 5484B0D9
FILE_ID.DIZ 465 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 7C9340AB
FC2CONT.DLL 232512 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 7C3045F0
FC2FORM.DLL 94208 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 85A03065
FC2MM.DLL 54144 1-Apr-1995 07:17a F98DD80E
FC2ORD.DLL 45440 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 76FCB23A
AGENDA.DT_ 39 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 1C894359
CONTACT.DT_ 40 1-Apr-1995 07:17a AC50EA22
NOTE.DT_ 37 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 5E319DCB
PRODUCT.DT_ 40 1-Apr-1995 07:17a DFE39E12
SO.DT_ 36 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 7A9255A4
DM.EXE 5456 1-Apr-1995 07:17a DD715780
CCM.HL_ 340033 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 7C740B5E
CG.HL_ 21369 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 2DF579CC
TUT.HL_ 28500 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 9288C873
ACTTABLE.MD_ 400 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 15A9961C
AGENDA.MD_ 359 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 196F0069
AGRESH.MD_ 388 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 57D90A0B
AGTYPE.MD_ 397 1-Apr-1995 07:17a E0AEE951
CATEG.MD_ 340 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 8431C358
CATEGORY.MD_ 344 1-Apr-1995 07:17a C3A9E117
CC.MD_ 1200 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 0B2B4378
CLASSIFI.MD_ 344 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 03FB993B
CLATABL.MD_ 346 1-Apr-1995 07:17a F8FD6439
COMPANY.MD_ 346 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 0813BE48
CONNECT.MD_ 492 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 0BA02DCD
CONNECT1.MD_ 6980 1-Apr-1995 07:17a DD45CE7F
CONTACT.MD_ 346 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 1F08F732
CREDIT_C.MD_ 348 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 6BF6A2CA
EDITOR.MD_ 344 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 546C0766
ELEMENTS.MD_ 2304 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 95EDF4FF
EXPCATT.MD_ 346 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 841C992D
EXPENSE.MD_ 346 1-Apr-1995 07:17a F4516680
EXPPAY.MD_ 373 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 144EE179
FORM.MD_ 510 1-Apr-1995 07:17a F8EA8888
GWPTABL.MD_ 374 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 79EAD8F5
IND__CLA.MD_ 344 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 53CD2289
NAME.MD_ 342 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 048559A7
NOTE.MD_ 339 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 313D1BE3
ORDER.MD_ 340 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 0A0BBDA0
ORDITM.MD_ 374 1-Apr-1995 07:17a B668EFCA
ORDTOTAL.MD_ 359 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 26ED8C68
PRODUCT.MD_ 346 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 60D8F7E5
SO.MD_ 341 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 82FC6090
STATUS.MD_ 344 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 8091AF7E
TITLE.MD_ 375 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 321C2BCD
USER.MD_ 363 1-Apr-1995 07:17a 4732D785
===== License for Use and Distribution =================
FC is NOT a public domain program. It is copyrighted by
CSS. This software and accompanying documentation are
protected by United States copyright law and also by international
treaty provisions.
IDA grants you a limited license to use this software
for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed 45 days. If you
continue using this software after the thirty-day evaluation period,
you MUST make a registration payment to IDA.
You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed
program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized
use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to IDA.
The following may distribute FC, completely unaltered, without
further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified
form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby
incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the
distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby
Permission to distribute the FC package is not transferable,
assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to
distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this
limited distribution license.
U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this
package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to
commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of
the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is
IDA 21, St Thomas Street, Bristol BS1 6JS U.K.
IDA may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in
writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to IDA.
===== About VENDINFO Files =============================
Each VENDINFO.DIZ file contains extensive information about a product.
This "human-readable" section is followed by a compressed data record
useable by automated tools. The data record allows BBSes and other
distributors to automate package handling, and provides users with a
wealth of product information. VENDINFO tools (free viewer for users,
free or inexpensive processors for distributors, editors for authors)
are available from many sources, including the originators of VENDINFO:
Rams' Island Software Voice: 303-841-2848 CompuServe: 76244,324
7644 E. Lakecliff Way BBS: 303-841-6269 FidoNet: 1:104/333
Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA FAX: 303-841-6269 RIME: 1235
===== Compressed Data Record Follows ===================