Fonter is a shareware program. You may use this shareware version for a trial period not to exceed 30 days. After that time, if you continue to use the program, you must register your copy. To register, use the Ososoft Program Information command in the Help Menu to print an order form. Send the form with a check in the amount of $20 to the address on the form. Registered users receive full support, the latest version, a printed manual, and upgrade notification. Unregistered users receive only minimal support and are not entitled to telephone support.
Fonter works only with TrueType and Adobe Type Manager scalable fonts.
At the top left of the screen, you'll see the Font Sample window, which displays a sample of the first font in your font list. At the lower right, you'll see a list of the fonts you have available, with a font count. NOTE: Fonter only displays the root font. Because of this, your font count may not agree with that in ATM or the TrueType control panel.
Selecting Fonts
To select multiple, consecutive fonts in the list, click and drag the highlight over the desired font names. To select multiple, non-consecutive files, hold down the <Ctrl> key while you click or drag over the desired fonts.
Add or Delete Fonts
When you start Fonter, it checks its list against the list of actual Windows fonts. If it finds any discrepancies, it will ask you if you want to update the list. Exit Fonter before adding or deleting fonts.
All options are at the lower left of the Fonter window.
[Font Size] To change the size of a font sample, click the arrow on the Font Size drop-down list, then click the size you want. The font size you select will display in the Font Sample Window and will be the font size used in printing font lists.
[Bold] and [Italic] To display or print Bold, Italic, or Bold Italic samples, click the appropriate check box.
[Show Custom Sample] To view specific text in the Sample window, type it in the sample text box at the bottom left of the main screen. Click inside the box, then type your text. Click the [Show Custom Sample] box. Your text will display in the Font Sample window, and will also appear in the Font List printouts.
Text Samples
You can also type directly in the Font Sample window. To do this, click in the window and type away. The Cut and Paste tools in the "Edit" menu work here, as do all Windows cut and paste shortcut keys.
[Full Screen]
Fonter offers a full screen display of characters for any font. To view this, click this button. You'll see a list of the keyboard characters, with ANSI codes.
[Extended Characters] To view codes for foreign language and symbolic characters, click this button.
[Normal Character] To return to the normal character display, click this button.
[Zoom] To view an enlarged character set, click this button on the full-screen display. To view an even larger sample, highlight a character, then click the [Zoom] button again. To return to the normal full-screen view, click the [Normal Size] button.
[Return] To return to the main Fonter Window, click this button.
This main window command button takes you to a display which offers a new view of your font. You'll see a keyboard image, with characters from the currently-selected font in their correct places on the keyboard.
[Upper] and [Lower] options_Use these option buttons to switch between upper or lower case characters.
[Current Font] This drop-down list box lets you select any font for display on the keyboard.
[Zoom Window] To zoom a specific character, press the key for that character, or use the Character Scroll Bar.
[Scroll Bar] Use this scroll bar to move quickly through the entire Windows ANSI character list. The current ANSI code appears near the center of the scroll bar.
[Save as .BMP] Saves the character in the Zoom Window as a Windows BMP clip art image. If you wish, you can edit the filename and path to suit your needs. HINT: Try this feature to create clip art images from symbolic and dingbat fonts like WingDings.
[Return] Returns to the main window.
[Print Form] Prints a copy of the keyboard Window.
[ANSI Chart]
This main window command button opens another window, containing a complete ANSI chart for the current font. You'll see the normal ANSI character above the ANSI character for the fon't you've selected.
To read the chart, read across the top of the grid, then down, to get the actual ANSI code for any character.
You can print a copy of this chart with the [Print Chart] menu command. To return to the main Fonter window, select the [Return] menu command.
While Fonter's on-screen display is useful, the program's main function is to print out lists and samples of your fonts. All printing commands are in Fonter's File menu. All Fonter printouts have a 1.25" left margin.
Printer Information
Fonter always prints to the default Windows printer. Once Fonter is running, you cannot change printers. Be sure to make your printer choice the Default printer before starting Fonter.
PostScript Printers
Some PostScript printers have a limit to how many fonts can be downloaded to the printer. When using TrueType fonts, use the Control Panel's Font/TrueType/Advanced dialog to select Print True Type Fonts as Bitmaps option. If your printer can support the Hewlett-Packard HPCL printer commands, use a PCL driver instead of the PostScript driver.
Print Manager
OsoSoft recommends that you turn Print Manager off while printing with Fonter.
[Print List (All)] Prints a list, with samples, of all fonts installed in Windows for your current printer. Font lists print in the font size selected in the Font Size drop-down list, up to 36 points. Font lists also use the Bold or Italic attributes.
[Print List (Selected)] Prints a list of just the fonts you've selected in the font list. The list is in the same format as described above.
Fonter can create two separate font sample sheets. You select either or both with the check boxes described below.
[Print ANSI Grid] The second sheet contains an grid-like chart of every character available in the font. This chart lets you see the ANSI code for any character at a glance. You'll also see the normal Windows keyboard character or extended ANSI character.
[Print Text Sample] Enables printing a sheet displaying your selected font in several sizes from 3 to 60 points. This sample also displays Bold, Italic, Bold Italic and Underlined sample text, plus a complete list of the font's characters.
[Print Sample (Current)] Prints samples of the current font in the Main Font List window.
[Print Samples (Selected)] Prints samples of all selected fonts.
To abort a multiple font printing job, click the [Exit] button with the hourglass cursor. Fonter will stop after printing the current font.
Fonter can also create font books, which contain both font lists and font sample sheets. Sample sheets print in the same way as described above.
[Print Book (All Fonts)] Prints a font book for all fonts installed.
[Print Book (Selected)] Prints a font book of your selected fonts.
[Fonter Help] You'll see a new window. On the left is a Topic Index. On the right is the Help information. To view help on a topic, simply click on that topic in the Topic Index. To return to Fonter, click the [Exit] button or the Return to Program command.
[About Fonter] View version information about Fonter and to find the OsoSoft access numbers.
[OsoSoft Program Information] You'll see an order form for OsoSoft products. To learn more about a product, click the [Info] button next to that product's listing. To order, fill out the order form. Click the [Print] button to print the form.
[Display ANSI Code] Extends the Font Sample to display the entire list of ANSI codes, along with the characters they represent for the current font.
[Make Current Font the Text Font] Normally, Fonter uses Courier on its printouts for all descriptive text. To change this, select another font, then give this command.
[Custom Font List Text Sample] Checks the [Show Custom Sample] check box and positions the cursor in the sample text editing area.
Defective Fonts
Some public domain and shareware fonts, converted from another format, can cause problems in Windows programs. Fortunately, there's a way to spot these defective fonts in Fonter. See your Fonter manual for details.
Other Problems
See the troubleshooting guide in your Fonter Manual.
OsoSoft and Fonter are not responsible for defective printer or video drivers. If you are having unexplainable problems with Fonter, make sure you have the latest drivers installed.
Fonter is Copyright, 1991, 1992, 1993 by OsoSoft and George Campbell. All rights reserved.