swCHIP 1991 January
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July, 1994
Being a Simpsons fan, I have enjoyed OFF icons made
by other folks out there. However, since none of the icon
collections featured a wide variety of Springfield
characters, I felt it my duty (and pleasure) to bring
to the world the most complete collection of
Simpson icons yet to be found.
At this point I would like to thank Tim Anstine, for the
hours he put in to convert my icon volumes into PC format.
I made my icons on a Macintosh (the 3 volumes in Mac format
can be found at info-mac and its mirrors), and this PC version
would not exist without his generous help and effort.
Thanks much, Tim! Now Windows folks can happily infest their
desktops as well.
I want to thank all the folks out there who have sent me
e-mail and provided me with lots of incentive to keep cranking
out more icons. I've gotten tons of great suggestions for
icons and want to thank everyone for their help. I would
also like to thank the people who sent me pictures, which
promptly got turned into more icons. And I would like to
encourage folks to keep e-mailing me with suggestions and
Unbelievably, the collection still is not complete;
I am at this moment making still more guest stars
and secondary characters. It is a testimony to the
Simpsons show that so many characters have graced
it in the 4+ years it's existed. I will try to get to as
many of them as I can in my fourth volume of Simpsons
icons, which will be released in the future. I will
concentrate mostly on the suggestions that people
have e-mailed me. So it's to your advantage to e-mail
me and give me your ideas for icons (and send me pix!).
These icons are free for your enjoyment. So instead of
asking for money (which I couldn't do anyway, as they
are copyrighted characters), all I ask is that if you like
these icons and keep them, please send me either an
e-mail or a postcard and let me know what you think
of them. I thrive on feedback, and would be interested
in all comments. (And besides, the more e-mail I get, the
faster I'll get the third collection done. And the more
icons will result, as I get suggestions.)
LEGAL STUFF: You may freely distribute this collection of
Simpson icons, provided you distribute them in their
original form with all files intact, give me credit, and
do not charge anything for them.
/ H O W T O U S E T H E S E I C O N S /
1. Extract the *.exe files into a directory on your HD (using pkunzip).
2. Click on the icon you want to change ONCE.
3. Go up to FILE and click PROPERTIES.
4. Select CHANGE ICON.
5. Select BROWSE and locate where you put them.
(If they do not show up, make sure you LIST FILES OF
TYPE *.exe).
6. Select the file you want (bart.exe or whatever).
7. Select OK.
8. Click on the icon you want and hit OK.
9. Hit OK again and there you have it!
10. Exclaim in wonderment at the artistry and subtlety of the icon.
11. Enthusiastically send e-mail or postcard comments to creator.
If you have any problems installing them or any other questions
about the format of these icons, feel free to E-mail me at
Tim Anstine
Send praise, icon suggestions and Simpson pix to:
Jeanette Foshee
1603-13th St.
Boone, IA 50036
Or you can e-mail me at: