This document provides an overview of the Batch Print XTension from Meadows Information Systems, Inc. The Batch Print XTension helps to streamline your printing operation by allowing groups of QuarkXPress documents to be printed automatically. Documents can be output to any PostScript printer supported by QuarkXPress, and Batch Print even supports output to disk file as well.
Batch Print can process hundreds of documents at a time, and will handle every aspect of the printing operation. Simply select the documents you wish to print; establish defautl Page and Print setups to be used for all documents; and go! Batch Print will open and print each document and will even keep a log of all printing activity so you can start printing and let the session run overnight.
How to use this document: You should start by reading the chapter which describes how to load the XTension. Then, select the chapter for the XTension you are interested in. To select an individual chapter, use the Chapters menu. If you would like to scroll through all chapters, use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of this document. Should you wish to print the entire document, please change your Page Setup Options so that the check box for a Larger Print Area has been enabled.