The food of the gods in Greek mythology, Ambrosia epitomizes our commitment to supplying superlative products through an idealistic distribution method known as shareware.
Chiral is shareware; this means that you may use it without paying for it for a reasonable period of time (about 30 days) to ensure that it works for you and is worth keeping. If you do decide to keep Chiral, we ask that you send us $15.
You may also freely copy Chiral, passing it on to anyone you feel might benefit from it. We simply ask that you do not distribute modified copies of Chiral to ensure that everyone gets a complete, unadulterated package.
We spent a great deal of time developing and perfecting Chiral. In return we appeal to your integrity, asking you to pay for Chiral if you decide to keep it and use it. The only way you can ensure that we will continue to support Chiral and develop new products is by sending in the fee we ask.
Simply click on the Register… button to print out the registration form, fill it out, and send it in to us along with your payment.
About Chiral‚Ñ¢
Chiral is based upon the ill fated tale of Molecular Tendencies Laboratories. Trying to develop a new form of “clean energy”, molecular chemists have created a machine that fabricates atoms out of thin air; or in the case of heavy atoms, not so thin air. Unfortunately for the chemists in the lab, and mankind in general, once the reaction has started there is no way to stop it.
The result is the introduction of unattached, unstable atoms into our atmosphere. So much for clean energy, we should have stuck with windmills and water wheels. As an acting participant in this experiment gone wrong, the player must stabilize these newly formed atoms to avoid further turmoil in this already strife ridden world of ours.
Forming bonds between each atom to create inert molecules is the only safe way. After navigating through Ambrosia’s user friendly shareware notice and detailed control panel/title screen a player is confronted with the molecular arena and a glass vial.
The glass vial will quickly (or not so quickly, depending on which of the six difficulty levels has been selected) begin to accumulate atoms. Points are scored by placing the atoms in the arena, building molecules out of the atoms provided. Simple really, until one recalls Sister Halitosis, her lightning quick three foot ruler and the laws of atomic chemistry from 10th grade science class.
Each atom has a dot pattern representing the number of bonds it needs to form. In order to clear assembled molecules from the screen and score points, every atom in each new molecule must be “satisfied.” To be satisfied each atom must have all of its bonds fulfilled. An atom with three dots must have bonds to three other atoms to be truly satisfied, an atom with one bond may only bond with one other atom, and so on.
A doctorate in atomic chemistry is not needed to quickly grasp the strategy of game play. The number matching concept is very similar to dominoes: an atom with four dots needs to be aligned with four other atoms.
There are some things that even dear old Sister Halitosis never taught us about. Some atoms are stubborn, refusing to be moved once they are placed. Other atoms are in a hurry, emitting a loud grunt and expediting game play. Some atoms are secretive and will not divulge how many bonds they require to be satisfied. And some atoms are downright ornery. These atoms destroy whatever other atoms they can attach themselves to, leaving no points behind.
Playing the Game
If you are just starting out playing Chiral, we recommend that you put the skill level on Practice until you get the hang of placing atoms to form molecules; it is a fine art.
Each level in Chiral is introduced by the requirements you need to polish off before you can go on to the next level. This consists of forming a certain number of molecules that are composed of a certain number of atoms. Complete these requirements and you are on your way to the next level!
Atoms drop into the vial periodically (how quickly they fall is dependent on the skill level you have chosen), your task is to place these atoms on the playfield so that they bond together to form molecules. The bottom-most atom the in vial is always the atom that will get put on the playfield when you click the mouse button to place it. Watch that vial though -- if the vial overflows with atoms, the game is over!
There are four different kinds of the basic atoms, each one of which is a different color and requires a different number of bonds for it to be satisfied. For example, the red molecule has two dots on it, which means that it needs to be bonded to two other atoms in order to be satisfied. When an atom is satisfied, the dots on it that indicate how many bonds it takes will disappear.
Atoms bond automatically to other atoms that are on the playfield, you simply need to strategically place the atoms so that they satisfy each other's bonds. A molecule is formed when all of the atoms in that molecule are bonded together and satisfied. When you form a molecule, it is removed from the playfield, and points are added to your score. Additionally if the molecule was big enough (ie if it had enough atoms in it), you'll be that much closer to reaching your goal for that level.
If you click on an atom that is already on the playfield, it is swapped with the bottom-most atom in the vial. This is key to strategy in Chiral, because it allows you to move atoms around after they've already been placed on the playfield.
Special Atoms
There are also several special atoms in Chiral for your molecular pleasure:
Heavy Atoms: These atoms look like granite version of the regular atoms, and they behave the same way in all respects but one: once you have placed one of these suckers, you can't move it later on. Place 'em carefully!
Mystery Atoms: These appear as grey atoms with question mark's on 'em (?). They behave like regular atoms, but you don't know how many bonds they need until you experiment a bit!
Speed Atoms: These atoms are just like the regular atoms, but they have a little bunny embossed on them. Funny thing is, as long as they are on the playfield, the atoms fall into the vial faster! Best get rid of these guys soon by building them into a molecule!
Multiplier Atoms: Once again, these guys are regular atoms with a twist: they have a x2, x3, or x4 embossed on 'em, and if you use them in a molecule, they multiply the score you receive for it!
Radioactive Atoms: These nasty atoms destroy all of the atoms they touch. They can be handy for getting rid of atoms that are cluttering up your playfield, but be careful not to destroy the molecule you've been working so hard to build!
You start off with one Schzapp when you start playing Chiral, and you can earn more later on if you manage to complete the occasional bonus round in time. What is a Schzapp you ask? Well I'm glad you asked. If your vial gets filled to overflowing with atoms, usually the game is over. However if you happen to have a Schzapp or two, it'll blast those atoms to bits and you'll start out with an empty vial, and a bit more time to complete your molecules. Handy things, those Schzapps.
You get points for forming molecules with the atoms you place. The more atoms that are in a molecule, the more points you get for it. You also get bonus points for completing levels successfully, and a speed bonus for clearing the levels quickly.
Your score is also dependent on the skill level you are playing on -- the higher the skill level, the more points you'll score for forming atoms and completing levels.
As you progress to higher levels, you notice that red walls begin to appear on the playfield. These walls are made of a special substance that prevents atoms from bonding across 'em, so you'll have to be crafty in placing atoms.
Special Keys
Caps Lock: Pauses the game in progress
ESC: Aborts the game in progress
Space Bar: Hides/shows the menu bar.
Good luck, and may the atoms be with you!
Contact Information
If you have any problems with this software or if you require additional information, please write or call: