Text File | 1995-06-28 | 974 b | 12 lines | [TEXT/ttxt]
*** Nomis v.1.0 ***
• "Nomis v.1.0" is an HyperCard stack written by a french student, Cyril Moulard, with hyperCard 2.2 on a Macintosh LC II. It is a game that you can play with hyperCard 2.* on your hard disk.
• This memory game is very simple : you must repeat after the computer a sequence of sonorous and luminous signals. When you do it in the correct order, the computer replay the sequence and add another signal to it. You win when you have correctly replayed the 5, 10, 15 or 20 signals of the sequence.
• For more details, report you to the (french) help which the stack contains …
• There is 2 versions of "Nomis v.1.0" : Black and White or Color (256 colors). You have only to choose ...
• If you have criticisms, suggestions or remarks, please, send a mail to " bill@hermes.humana.univ-nantes.fr "… I will enjoy all mail from users.