Over 1,000 Doom Levels
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HOW TO USE ADD-ON Patch Wads FOR DOOM! v1.2 by C. Marcus Bryant
First thing you need to do is copy the <name>.wad file and, if present, the
<name>.lmp file to your DOOM! directory.
The <name>.wad file is referred to as a Pwad or Patch Wad while the
<name>.lmp is a Recording or Demo of the Level.
Often, Pwad creators make .lmp's to allow the user to see heroic actions,
to reveal secret areas, to offer solutions to difficult areas, or to
add-on new music files.
Once you've got the files in your DOOM! directory, you will type:
Doom -file <name>.wad
If you want to load the Demo you type (note: without the .lmp extension):
Doom -playdemo <name>
DOOM! will then begin to load the external Wad, and remined you that you
are using a non-supported product.
The next step is to find which level you loaded. If you didn't find
any documentation with your Pwad, you will have to go fish.
From the beginning, Id Software has requested that people
should not make Episode 1 Pwads, however, there seem to be plenty of
them out there. A legitimate Level will always be on Episode 2 or 3
Mission 1-9. E2-3 M1-9 NOTE: When DOOM! v1.5 Shareware is released,
the -file command paramater will be disabled!
Most Pwads are on E2M1, so to get there you just start The Shores
of Hell and you'll be ready to rumble. Likewise, if you have an
illegitimate Level on E1M1, you can just start off on Knee-Deep in
the Dead.
If for some reason your Pwad creator decided to be tricky or if your
loading multiple Levels, your going to have to Warp to that Mission.
Lets say you've got a Pwad for E1M4. Naughty, naughty!
First thing you do is just start on any level, then
once your in the game you will type on the keyboard: IDCLEV 1 4
this will then take you straight to Hell!
The generic form is IDCLEV <mission> <episode>
Cheat codes...
Finally, I'm going to list all the cheat codes currently available.
Just type them on your keyboard when your in the game.
IDDQD Gawd mode, enough said
IDSPISPOPD No clipping, walk through walls
IDKFA Max weapons, Armor, Ammo
IDBEHOLD <S,V,I,R,A,L> Get special devices
IDCLEV If you don't know by now, whew! Warp to ExMx
IDMYPOS Display position in hex
IDCHOPPERS Get chainsaw
IDDT Typed once in map mode=> Shows unexplored area
Typed again=>Shows all items
Lastly there's a fun code while your in DOOM! Setup.
Hit the F5 key, then type WARP
This give you the choice of -no monsters or -respawning and then takes
you directly into Hell, enjoy!
You can load as many different Pwads as there are missions (27) and
up to ?three? different .lmps at one time, just make sure they don't
overlap i.e. loading two E2M1 Pwads won't work.
Example: Suppose I have Hell.wad a E2M1, Death.wad a E2M2, and
Morehell.wad a E2M3. I also have Hell.lmp a E2M2 Demo and
Megadeth.lmp a E2M1 music replacement. To load this mess i'd type:
Doom -file hell.wad death.wad morehell.wad -playdemo hell megadeth
Final thoughts...
A lot of the Pwads are now starting to have graphics, sound, and music
included in them, thanks to utilities from Bill Neisus and others.
You definitely have to try these out, but most of all try and make your
own levels to see the difficulty that goes in to making one of these
Suggested Downloading...
DMFAQ5_7.ZIP Contains the best frequently asked questions and more.
DMSPEC13.ZIP Contains detailed technical aspects on DOOM!
DMCAD43.ZIP DOOMCAD, My favorite level editor for Windows
Feel free to tack on anything you want to this file and distribute
the HECK out of it, as I don't ever want another person asking me...
How do you load this Wad thing... Arrrgggghhhh! Ack! Ack!
C. Marcus Bryant
Just your average Gen-X DOOMer!
Fidonet 1:382/94
Lockhart, Texas BBS 512-376-5644
"A man with a registered copy of DOOM! is a good man."