The associated program is an implementation of Conway's Life written for the Windows 3.0 environment. The program was created using the Whitewater Groups Actor 3.0, an object oriented programming development tool for Windows. This is my first program for Windows and such is fairly limited. If you enjoy and use the program it would be deeply appreciated if you could see fit to send $10 dollars to the above address so I can upgrade to the new Actor. Further enhancements of this program will be forthcoming and all registered users will receive them free. For you Actor users out there all source code is FREE!
How to use:
When started the program is in edit mode. Use the mouse to change the state of an individual life cell (boundaries given by the grid) by pressing once on the left mouse button. When you are satisfied with the initial state use the mouse to choose the Run option under the Options menu or type ALT-o-u.
A running program can be halted by typing ALT-o-t or ALT-o-e to put it into edit mode.
Other features:
ALT-o-s puts the program into step mode. By pressing s a new generation is calculated and displayed.
ALT-o-p lets the user edit the parameters such as number of life cells and physical dimensions of a displayed life cell.
ALT-o-a lets the user choose from among five standard patterns. Just choose the pattern you want move the mouse cursor to a nice locale and press the left mouse button. Make sure the whole pattern can fit on the screen or else an error message will appear. Try these patterns as your initial state and watch them grow and die. (Fun for the whole family!).
ALT-o-l clears the screen, all cells are dead!
ALT-o-r displays a random selection of cells on the screen leaving the program in edit mode typwe ALT-o-u to get it running.
If you have any comments or suggestions please let me know through one of the modes listed above.