Roller is a pretty basic character generator for AD&D Games under the Windows 3.0 environment (go GUI). Its done in Visual Basic, so you'll need the run-time module with the program to run it (Sorry, I'm still waiting for the rumored standalone version). So enjoy, play around with, maybe use it, probably trash it. This won't stay current long, since the next version is almost ready.
The new version will include (drum roll):
A print function
A window for equipping your character
The ability to create an entire party.
A spell allocator
Some other neat bells and whistles
Program History:
Get real. This is the first version. It was created late at
night by a guy who really needs to stop staring at his computer
screen. I plan to eventually integrate some old Quick Basic
adventure games I've written into Windows versions.
Have fun, guys (and gals, for you politically correct people out there), and remember, never say "Why yes, I am a lonely single person," to a large, sweaty person.