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- ReArm is a simple program that scans the A.EXE file from Dynamix,
- Inc.'s "A-10 Tank Killer" flight simulator, looks for 6 bytes
- that mark the armament loadout table (how many bombs, etc.), and
- changes those bytes supply new values for the number of chaff and
- flare charges and the number of Avenger rounds. ReArm copies the
- data found in the input file (the default is A.EXE), and copies
- it to another file (the default is A.CPY). If the loadout table
- is found, the new values are put into A.CPY in place of the old
- values, otherwise the old values are copied. ReArm finally
- changes the number of Mavericks, LGB's, etc.
- ReArm assumes that A.EXE is on the current drive (e.g., C:) in
- the sub-directory \DYNAMIX\A10\. A.CPY is also written to this
- sub-directory. To change this, ReArm accepts two file specifica-
- tions as arguments. To use ReArm, copy it onto your drive's root
- directory and type:
- ReArm
- or (as an example)
- ReArm will display the input and output file names. If they are
- correct type Y or y to continue. Do NOT type a <RETURN> or
- <ENTER> afterwards! ReArm is only looking for a single charac-
- ter. If the file names are wrong, you may press any key and
- ReArm will stop without changing any files.
- ReArm will then attempt to open the input and output files. If
- the input file doesn't exist or there's a problem with the file
- name, ReArm will terminate with an error message. If the files
- open correctly, ReArm will ask how many Avenger rounds are in the
- input file's table. The default is 3000 rounds. Pressing
- <RETURN> will accept this number. You will then be asked the
- number of chaff and flare charges in the input file. The default
- is 10 and pressing <RETURN> will accept this value. If you type
- the wrong numbers, ReArm will be unable to find the table but no
- harm will be done to the input file. Don't forget to press
- <RETURN> after typing in the number of Avenger rounds and number
- of flare and chaff charges.
- Next you will supply the new values for Avenger rounds. The
- actual A-10 can carry up to 1350 rounds (some guns are limited to
- 1174 rounds), press <RETURN> to keep this number or try another
- number. The actual A-10 carries 480 chaff and flare charges, so
- you may use this default by pressing <RETURN> or try another
- number. You will be given an equal number of chaff and flare
- charges regardless of the number you select; you can't have more
- flares than chaff or vice versa. Using 480 will give you 480
- flares and 480 chaff bundles.
- On current versions of A.EXE (V2.0), the table is in block 353
- and at that point you'll see ReArm slow down as it finally makes
- the full match in each of the five armament loadouts. When it
- finally hits a match, the name of the mission will be displayed.
- You can then hit <RETURN> to go on to the next mission or you can
- type a "y" or "Y" to tell ReArm you want to change the loadout.
- Each type of ordinance is displayed along with the current
- loadout. Press <RETURN> and the data remains the same. Type in
- a new value and hit <RETURN> and that value will be used. The
- values for GAU-8 and flares have already been chosen so there's
- no questions there.
- There are 373 blocks in A.EXE so it'll take a few minutes to scan
- and change A.EXE. When the scan is done, you should have 5 hits
- on the table. If there were no hits, assume that you don't have
- the correct number of flares or Avenger rounds.
- You can run ReArm without discarding A.CPY; it'll be overwritten
- when the program runs. If ReArm ran correctly and wrote out
- A.CPY, you must now copy this file into A.EXE. To avoid
- problems, do the following:
- CD \
- If you've used Dynamix' installer, this should work quite well.
- If you used your own sub-directories, change the CD command
- accordingly. If there is a problem, simply copy A.OLD back to
- A.EXE and try again.
- Version 2.0 Notes:
- Version 2.0 - 31-Mar-90 has two changes. It now scans the first
- 350 blocks much faster than before. Against my better judgement,
- ReArm will now let you cheat and load outrageous amounts of
- missiles, bombs, and so on on your Warthog. GAU-8 and counter-
- SAM loads are still changed as before. I just added a way to
- mess with the Mavericks and so on. Better still, just use
- infinite weapons from the game... Oh, the pictures shown as you
- select a mission type (Counterinsurgency, etc.) won't show the
- 1,000 Mavericks and 500 LGB's slung under the straining wings of
- your overloaded A-10.
- Version 1.2 Notes:
- Version 1.2 - 27-Feb-90 was checked for compatibility with the
- new mission modules and no problems exist. At the same time the
- defaults for GAU-8 and flare rounds was changed to reflect the
- actual values in a 'Hog. The added flares now allow the pilot to
- leave a train of flares or chaff behind; this should offer
- additional relief from SAM's. Short of simply hosing the ground
- down as you roll into an attack, even 1350 rounds in the Avenger
- is quite enough for any mission. And, no, I still won't change
- mission loadouts; go practice your flying to stay alive. But I
- may add a second ECM pod as two pods are loaded when they're used
- (on stations 1 and 11 or the outermost point on each wing). The
- question is: Does "A-10 Tank Killer" recognize two pods and are
- they both lost on a wing hit?
- Version 1.1 - 29-Jan-90 has no operational changes. I cleaned up
- a few variables that should have been removed, and I corrected a
- few editorial rough spots in this file. On reflection, I don't
- plan to alter the loadout tables further. The thought of an A-10
- with 30 LGB's is too far from reality to consider. If you *must*
- have additional ordnance and you are *very* good with file
- editors, look at sector 352. or 353. for the list of loadout
- types. The string starts with "COUNTER INSURGENCY" and goes on.
- Now look for the current number of Avenger and anti-SAM charges.
- For 3000 rounds and 10 flares look for B80B0A000A00. Now back up
- and look for the number of Mavericks and so on in the order given
- just before the loadout list. If you're a true hacker, the way
- to change loadouts will be obvious. If it isn't, you're better
- off improving your flying skills.
- This program was written for personal enjoyment. It is not to be
- sold or included any other package which is sold. Neither the
- author or Dynamix, Inc. assume any responsibility for using
- ReArm or this documentation file or any consequences arising from
- the use of ReArm or this documentation. In short, you're on your
- own.
- (C) Copyright, 1990, Richard B. Emerson, All Rights Reserved.