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- Planet's Edge saved game file editor
- PEUTIL.EXE v1.1, June 22, 1992
- Planet's Edge is Copyright(C)1992 New World Computing
- Features.......................................
- History........................................
- Disclaimer.....................................
- PEUTIL.ZIP file contents.......................
- Execution......................................
- Registration...................................
- Other Information..............................
- o Ability to edit any .SAV file.
- o Ability to duplicate any item you currently have in your
- inventory.
- o Ability to transfer items between players.
- o Ability to edit all of your characters statistics.
- o Ability to stock the warehouse with any of the sixteen different
- minerals.
- o Ability to return items from your inventory to the warehouse.
- o Ability to generate a file containing your characters statistics
- and current inventory.
- o Ability to generate a file containing the current inventory in
- the warehouse.
- o Optional Mouse support.
- o Menu Driven
- v1.0 - First release of PEUTIL.EXE.
- v1.1 - Fixed minor problem concerning the option dealing with
- returning items to the warehouse.
- This product is licensed "as is" without any warranty, either express
- or implied, of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All
- warranties are expressly disclaimed. By using this product, you agree
- that neither the copyright holder nor any related parties will be liable
- to you or any third party for any use of (or inability to use) this
- product, or for any damages arising from the use of this product.
- PEUTIL.EXE - Main EXEcutable
- PEUTIL.DOC - This documentation file
- PEUTIL.FRM - Registration form
- Keyboard users: Use the ALT key + the highlighted character to
- access any menu function. Use the TAB and the
- ARROW keys to navigate around item lists.
- PEUTIL is broken down into the following four main menu headings:
- ≡, File, Edit, and Reports. Below each main heading is a list
- of submenu(s) each of which will be discussed in detail.
- ≡ | Version
- -----------
- This option simply displays a dialog box containing the version
- number of the program. Select OK to close the dialog box.
- File | Open
- -----------
- This option will open a dialog box displaying any file with an
- extentsion of (.SAV). Keyboard users may use the TAB and ARROW
- keys to select the file to open while mouse users may double
- click the filename.
- NOTE: If you wish to edit the MAP.CC file simply enter this name
- inplace of (*.SAV).
- File | Close
- ------------
- This option will close the currently open saved game file.
- NOTE: If you have not saved the file before choosing this option
- all of your changes will be lost.
- File | Change Dir...
- --------------------
- This option will allow you to change to the directory that contains
- your Planet's Edge saved game files. Keyboard uses may use the TAB
- and ARROW keys while mouse uses may double click the directory.
- File | Save
- -----------
- This option will save the currently open saved game file. The file
- automatically closes after the save operation. If you wish to edit
- the file after selecting save you will have to open the file again.
- File | Exit
- -----------
- This option will end the program and you will be returned to DOS.
- NOTE: If there is an open and you have not saved it all changes
- will be lost.
- Edit | Backpacks | Duplicate Items | William Dean
- -------------------------------------------------
- Down to your last Medkit? Do you wish there was a way to duplicate
- this item? Well if you answered "yes" to this question then this
- option is for you. This option allows you to duplicate any item
- in your inventory as many times as you wish (NOTE: Program
- limitations will only allow you to carry 40 items at a time).
- For example, if William Dean has one Medkit in his inventory, you
- need only select Medkit and he will have two. All duplicated items
- will be placed at the end of the inventory list.
- Keyboard users use the TAB and ARROW keys to select items.
- Mouse users just double click the item to be duplicated.
- Edit | Backpacks | Duplicate Items | Osai Tsakafuchi
- ----------------------------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Backpacks | Duplicate Items | Nelson Ngatadatu
- -----------------------------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Backpacks | Duplicate Items | Katya Mershova
- ---------------------------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Backpacks | Transfer Items | William Dean
- ------------------------------------------------
- Tired of having to go to a planet to drop items for another
- character to pick up? This option will allow you to transfer
- items from one character to another.
- When this dialog box is displayed you will see an inventory list,
- four character buttons, and one cancel button. You will also notice
- that one of the four character buttons has been disabled. The reason
- for this is because you do not want to trade with yourself.
- If there are any other disabled buttons besides the current characters
- this means their inventory is full and they cannot accept any more
- items.
- Keyboard users may use the TAB and ARROW keys to select items and
- buttons.
- Mouse users may double click items and single click buttons.
- Edit | Backpacks | Transfer Items | Osai Tsakafuchi
- ---------------------------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Backpacks | Transfer Items | Nelson Ngatadatu
- ----------------------------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Backpacks | Transfer Items | Katya Mershova
- --------------------------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Characters | William Dean
- --------------------------------
- This options allows you to edit any of the following statistics:
- Hit Points
- Intelligence
- Agility
- Luck
- Astrogation
- Ship Beam Weapons
- Ship Bolt Weapons
- Ship Proj Weapons
- Leadership
- Communication
- Diplomacy
- Ship Repair
- Item Repair
- Computers
- Light Weapons
- Heavy Weapons
- Hand Weapons
- First Aid
- Surgery
- Xenobiology
- Edit | Characters | Osai Tsakafuchi
- -----------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Characters | Nelson Ngatadtu
- -----------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Characters | Katya Mershova
- ----------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Warehouse | Stock Minerals
- ---------------------------------
- This option will allow you to stock any of the warehouse minerals.
- You may select a value between 0 and 999.
- Edit | Warehouse | Return Items | William Dean
- ----------------------------------------------
- This option will allow your character to return almost any item
- to the warehouse. As you will notice when the dialog box opens
- not all of your inventory appears in the list. This is because
- of restrictions I have had to place on the warehouse.
- RESTRICTION: Any item you wish to return to the warehouse must
- already exist and there must be at least one on
- hand. For example, let's use a Medkit. If the
- warehouse shows a picture of a Medkit, but there
- are 0 on hand you will not be allowed to return
- any Medkits to the warehouse. If the warehouse
- shows a picture of a Medkit and there is at least
- 1 on hand you may return as many Medkits as you like.
- Edit | Warehouse | Return Items | Osai Tsakafuchi
- -------------------------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Warehouse | Return Items | Nelson Ngatadatu
- --------------------------------------------------
- See Above
- Edit | Warehouse | Return Items | Katya Mershova
- ------------------------------------------------
- See Above
- Reports | Character Inventory
- -----------------------------
- This option will create a file that contains a list of your
- character's statistics and a list of his inventory.
- The filename will be based on the saved game filename. For instance,
- if you are editing a file named "BASE.SAV" the character report will
- be named "BASE.CH."
- You may either view the report using the DOS "Type" command or
- print the report to your printer.
- Reports | Warehouse Inventory
- -----------------------------
- This option will create a file that contains a list of the minerals
- available in the warehouse and a list of items availabe in the
- warehouse.
- The filename will be based on the saved game filename. For instance,
- if you are editing a file name "BASE.SAV" the warehouse report will
- be named "BASE.WH."
- You may either view the report using the DOS "Type" command or
- print the report to your printer.
- PEUTIL is a free program. Contributions, however, will be accepted.
- Contributions may be sent along with the (PEUTIL.FRM) registration form
- to the address below. All contributions are appreciated.
- Even if you choose not to make a contribution please fill out the
- (PEUTIL.FRM) registration form and mail it to the address below.
- Would you like to report a bug?
- Would you like to make a suggestion?
- Would you like to make a comment?
- The author of this program may be reached at:
- Compuserve : 76357,2016
- Prodigy : BJKG63A
- American Online : Pauls208
- - OR -
- Paul A. Schmiege
- 413 E. 110th Terrace
- Kansas City, MO. 64131
- ------------------------ END PEUTIL DOCUMENTATION -------------------------