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- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Space Hulk Interactive Trainer V2.0 │
- │ Author : David Jury │
- │ (c) 1993 David Jury │
- │ aka "Network" │
- │ │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- It took a while but I finally got around to fixing things.This version of the
- Space Hulk Trainer should fix the problems many people had with the Trainer
- input never activating.Included along with this Trainer is a patch program
- to physically write a I/O hook that the Trainer can grab EVEN if this improved
- Trainer engine fails to interface to the game correctly.
- Also a few things have been changed.The Reload function has been replaced with
- an Unlimited Ammo mode.It should work for all Ammo type weapons.In addition
- a new Trainer Mode to affect the nasty Genestealers has been added.In this new
- mode you activate some mysterious power in your charcaters that automatically
- causes the Genestealers to die when they attack you.Lastly for the people that
- have asked I added a feature to keep the Weapons from Jamming (even though it
- almost never happens).
- Happy Training.....
- NW
- What is a Trainer?It's an Interactive Utility that "Hides" in memory that
- allows you to get the "Upper Hand" in those often too-Tough Games.It may
- even,in some cases,make the game more challenging for you "True" gameplayers.
- In either case it is my hope to enhance the Enjoyment of playing these games
- through the use of my utilities.
- The Trainer (Either Loader-TSR or TSR) loads itself into memory and interfaces
- itself into the Game Code.Once the game is running you can access the Trainer
- via "Hot-Key" Trainer Functions that will alter the Game Data/Code in memory
- as it is running.These functions allow you to alter the "Rules" of the game to
- ,hopefully,allow you to enjoy it even more.
- ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
- Copy the Trainer files into your Space Hulk game directory.Switch to the Space
- Hulk game directory and type HULKTRN.The Trainer will load up and you will see
- an opening Trainer screen.Just press any key to display the Options Screen
- next.After you have reviewed the various Trainer functions available to you
- press any key to load Space Hulk.
- During the game use the following Key Combinations to your advantage :
- 1 - Press this key to Activate the Mission Advancement Trainer.When you press
- this key the Trainer sets up code needed to allow you to skip levels.Press
- this key again to turn this OFF and restore the original code.
- 2 - When the above function for Mission Advancement is ON you can press this
- key ANY time during a given Mission to instantly finish all of your Mission
- goals.(Actually it just tricks the game into thinking you have done them
- all!).You will notice sometimes that the Mission review screen reflects
- this fact.
- 4 - Press this key to Turn ON the Genestealers Fear Mode.In this Mode all
- Genestealers will stop dead in their Tracks when facing you or any of your
- fellow Marines.Just blow them away as they sit there helpless.Press this
- key again to Toggle this Mode OFF.Please note that when this Mode is ON
- the following Function will not ACTIVATE.It is an either/or situation.
- 5 - Press this key to Toggle ON the Genestealers Suicide Mode.When this mode
- is ON it appears that you make some Hand to Hand attack automatically when
- any Genestealer approaches you (from any side).As a result of this the
- bad guys just drop dead right near you.Hit this key again to turn it OFF.
- As stated above this function will not work if the '4' Function is ON.This
- is because the code changed by that Function keeps the game from executing
- the particular code involved in making this one work.
- 7 - Press this key once to turn ON the Unlimited Ammo Mode.While this is ON
- all Weapons that use Ammo such as Flamers and Assault Cannons will have
- Unlimited rounds.Tap this key one more time to turn it OFF.
- 8 - Press this Key and all the Weapons of the Space Marines will never Jam.You
- may from time to time see the word "Jammed" flash on the screen when a
- Marine under computer control fires but it vanishes instantly.Press this
- key again to turn this Mode OFF.
- 9 - Press this key to make all Space Marines invunerable to their own Flamer
- Fire.Now you can Flame right through your pals and walk through the flames
- as if they were not there.Press this key again to turn this Function off.
- ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
- To manipulate the Keybeep the PC Speaker makes on Trainer Functions :
- LEFT BRACKET ([) - Press F11 for a Higher pitched keypress feedback.
- RIGHT BRACKET (]) - Press F12 for a Lower pitched keypress feedback.
- SEMI-COLON (;) - Toggle ON/OFF the keypress feedback from the PC Speaker.
- Press these keys any time or as many times as needed to get the desired
- effect.Also note that for Trainer functions that Toggle ON/OFF the ON keypress
- will always be a LOW pitch then a HIGHER pitched tone and the OFF will be
- the reverse (a HIGH pitched tone with and immediate LOWER pitched tone).
- ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
- Ultima Underworlds 2 (PRE-Patch) Ultima Underworlds 2 (POST-Patch)
- Flashback (U.S./SSI Version) Prince of Persia 2 (V1.0)
- Lands of Lore (V1.0) Lands of Lore (V1.1a)
- Wing Commander Academy Might and Magic IV
- Might and Magic V Magic Pockets
- Imperial Pursuit (Final V1.1a) Lemmings 2
- Space Hulk Terminator 2029
- Terminator 2029:Operation Scourge Dune 2 V1.0
- Dune 2 V1.07 Dark Sun (Original)
- Dark Sun (Final Patch) Space Hulk (V2.0 Trainer)
- You can find Network Trainers on Compuserve (GO FSFORUM or GO GAMERS and look
- in the appropriate Library),America Online (Game Hints Library) and on the
- Software Creations BBS "Home of the Authors" (508-365-2359 1200/2400bps V.42/
- MNP,508-368-4137 2400-14.4k HST US ROBOTICS,2400-16.8K V.32/V.42bis USR)
- My next immediate project will be to apply the new ideas this Trainer uses to
- more reliably interface with the game code to Might and Magic V : Dakrside of
- Xeen.People had just as many problems with that as this one.Look for it VERY
- SOON!Also : Betrayal at Krondor,Speed Racer,Pinball Dreams,and given some time
- some Classic Trainers for the Entire Wing Commander series.
- ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
- If you have any problems with the Trainer PLEASE read the ERROR.NFO file
- for more instructions.Send Questions/Comments to :
- Prodigy ID#BGRB28C
- Compuserve ID#71052,1742
- America Online ID=Network1
- Internet Mail to : 71052.1742@Compuserve.com
- Please!If you are on America Online don't send me Internet Mail on Compuserve!
- I WILL reply to your messages addressed to NETWORK1 on AOL.
- For ANY distribution of this work in MASS for on MEDIA or PRINT for profit
- or other you MUST contact the Author (me) for permission.This includes being
- copied and sold for profit or distribution fee via mail,person,book,magazine
- ,catalog,etc.I encourage this sort of thing but only if I am contacted and
- permission is granted to do so.
- If you use this Trainer and enjoyed what it did for you then please send a
- Donation.Without your support this cannot be possible much longer.Many hours
- of work go into the design and coding of these Trainers not to mention the
- continued testing and updating.Games cost alot of money.Keeping up on the
- the Latest,most popular games can be an expensive habit.Add in the time spent
- programming (in my spare time,what little I have) and the money/time resulting
- from Online support through CIS/AOL and this turns to be a major commitment.It
- is my wish to keep offering Full Trainers with your continued support.Please
- send donations ($5+) to :
- P.O. BOX 658
- 02764
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- Trainer Engine Design and Code (c) 1993 by David Jury
- Trainer Module Code for SPACE HULK (c) 1993 David Jury