1,000 Games (Collectors Edition) - Disc 2
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Bomberman 2, Super
Special Password - 1111
Enter this Password for One Player game and Start
with Six Flames, Six Bombs, A Glove and a Detonator
Level Codes:
001. BOMB 021. IRON 041. GOLD 061. TREE 081. VASE 101. SAFE
002. TEST 022. GAME 042. ZERO 062. TWIN 082. NAME 102. ITEM
003. SOAP 023. PASS 043. YOLK 063. TUSK 083. NAIL 103. ISLE
004. RACE 024. WORD 044. YELL 064. TUNE 084. MIND 104. HOST
005. ROSS 025. LEAD 045. OPAL 065. TONY 085. PILL 105. WORM
006. FAIR 026. CUFF 046. YARD 066. SWAN 086. MAIL 106. HOLD
007. QUIZ 027. EPIC 047. WOOL 067. STAR 087. LILY 107. HILL
008. REED 028. DATE 048. WINE 068. SOLO 088. LENS 108. HERB
009. RATT 029. WEED 049. SONG 069. LOVE 089. SPOT 109. NOSE
010. RAFT 030. TIME 050. WIND 070. SOUP 090. LARK 110. HELP
011. OVEN 031. PAIL 051. WEST 071. ROSE 091. KNOB 111. GUST
012. NEWS 032. SHIP 052. WAVE 072. ROOF 092. KNEE 112. GOWN
013. LISA 033. RING 053. FIRE 073. BIRD 093. PALM 113. EYES
014. MULE 034. SHOP 054. WASP 074. ROOT 094. KING 114. GLOW
015. MUFF 035. SIZE 055. VISA 075. REST 095. KIND 115. GIFT
016. DIME 036. TALK 056. VEST 076. READ 096. KILT 116. FUSE
017. DAVE 037. GIRL 057. LAMP 077. TAPE 097. LOCK 117. HAIR
018. DOLL 038. ZOOM 058. UNIT 078. RAIN 098. JUNE 118. FIVE
019. DISK 039. ZONE 059. TYRE 079. NOTE 099. JEAN 119. FACE
020. GATE 040. ZINC 060. TYPE 080. NEST 100. JAZZ 120. EXIT
121. SIGN 122. EASE 123. DOOR 124. CRAB 125. MYTH 126. COPY
127. MAKE 128. AUTO 129. ENDS 130. DEMO
Breath of Fire
See Chun Li (of SFII)
1. In Town of Bleak
2. Give Magician 100 GP
3. When he says to "Look behind you"
4. Answer "No" twice and the "Yes"
5. You will see Chun Li to Special Leg Kick Move
Level Code
Buster Brothers, Super
Stage Select
1. Select Screen
2. Press L R R L Up Down
3. Stage # appears on screen
4. Up or down to select
Castlevania IV, Super
Level Passwords: Do not enter a name on the password screen.
H = Heart, A = Axe, P = Potion, - = Blank Space.
2nd Quest
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
HA-P ---- ---A ---P ---- ----
A--H P--- P--- PP-- P--- PP--
-A-- ---- ---- -P-A ---A -P-A
-H-- P--- H--- ---- PA-- PA--
Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level A Level B Last
---P ---- ---A ---H ---A ---P
PH-- PP-- PP-- PH-- P--- PP--
-H-P -P-P -P-P -H-H ---H -P--
-A-- PP-- HP-- AP-- HH-- -HA-
Bonus Rooms - There are Bonus Rooms on levels 3-1, 6-2, and 9-2,
containing large numbers of powerups.
Invisible Staircase - On the level right before Dracula, there
is a staircase leading into his domain. There is also a massive
drop from the platform into the depths of the unknown. Luckily,
things are not as they seem. If you take a large jump off the
edge of the platform, you will find yourself on an invisible
ledge that will lead down some stairs going to the left. Go as
far as you can to the left and powerups will fall in large
quantities. Collect 99 hearts, a triple boomerang, and the best
whip. Be careful not to fall off the edge when going back.
Be Champion
1. After you win a match
2. When Referee raises you hand
3. Press and Hold A B X Y L R Select
4. While Still Holding Press Start
5. You will see Champions Screen
Choplifter III
Level Passwords
From: anh.nguyen@swcbbs.com
Sector Easy: Normal: Hard:
The Clayfighter Moves List - Version 2
From: awood@lynx.dac.neu.edu (Adam Wood)
Several important changes needed to be made to the list. First of all,
I found out why Blob's Flying Roundhouse was so temperamental. It was,
of course, because I was doing it wrong. To do the move, you must push
away first, then do the "Dragon Kick". In addition, a kind soul named
Christopher L. Schneider helped me discover that none of the other moves
previously listed as "Dragon Punches" needed to be done that way: T,
DT&P would suffice. In addition, he told me that Bonker's Aerial
Shuffle can be done in midair, using a totally different pad motion.
Playing around with this, I discovered an interesting thing about the
way charge moves work; I have added this to the list as note 3, removing
the old note 3 which has become totally obsolete.
So, without further ado, here we go...
Joypad: D=down, U=up, T=towards opponent, A=away from opponent
two adjacent letters represents the appropriate diagonal
hold = hold the pad down in that direction for about 2 seconds
minimum before continuing (except where noted)
Buttons: P=punch, K=kick
Usually, light attack buttons execute shorter or slower versions
of the special moves than when stronger attack buttons are used.
When the effect is radically different, I will specify what happens.
Notes: 1) Commas separate motions that should be done consecutively;
for example, if given D, DT, T, rotate the pad from down to towards,
going through the diagonal. Ampersands (&'s) represent moves to be
done simultaneously. [Just in case you've never played a fighting
game before.]
2) For moves listed as "(can be done in midair)", hold away while
on the ground, then jump backwards (still holding away), then press
forward and the attack button.
3) For charge moves, the direction to be held can be replaced by an
adjacent diagonal [for example, DA may be held instead of D], but
the proper direction must be returned to before the move is
launched. [For example, Frosty's Snow Ball may be done by holding
DA for 2 seconds, then rotating the pad up to A for just a split
second, then going to T and pressing P.]
4) For those moves not mentioned in the manual, I have used literary
license to give them my own names. If you have better suggestions,
email me.
Bad Mr. Frosty
Holds with brutal punch
Frozen Fist: D, DT, T&P
Ice Ball: A, DA, D, DT, T&P
Shoulder Charge: A, T&P
Snow Ball: hold A, T&P (can be done in midair)
Arcing Snowball: hold D, U&K
Foot Slide: D, DT, T&K
Flying Headbutt: T, DT&P
Big Arm Sideswipe Hack [BASH]: hold D, U&P (three second charge)
[By far, the most damaging move in the game.]
Throws with brutal kick, holds with brutal punch
Taffy Whack Punch: A, T&P
Taffy Whack Kick: A, T&K
Two-fisted Charge: hold A, T&P (can be done in midair)
Taffy Tornado: A, DA, D, DT, T&P
Aerial Tornado: T, DT&P
Dizzy Fake: D, DA, A&P
[This makes Taffy pretend he's dizzy. He recovers the instant
an attack button is pressed. Don't ask me what this move is good
for, because I don't know.]
Throws with brutal kick, holds with brutal punch
Sucker Punch: D, DT, T&P
Backfist Whip: D, DA, A&P
Medicine Ball: hold A, T&P (can be done in midair)
Arcing Ball: hold D, U&K
Air Tackle: ???
[Tiny jumps up with his fists extended and says "Whoosh". It looks
like Tiny's light punch in midair, but it IS a special attack.
I know this because a CPU Tiny used it on me for a Super KO. Anybody
else out there figured out this one?]
Holds with brutal punch
Vertical Clay Stomp: D&Brutal kick
Arcing Clay Stomp: T, DT&Brutal kick
[These are not, repeat NOT, special moves. They do no damage if
blocked, and cannot be used for a Super KO. They are listed here
because of the peculiar way they are done. The vertical stomp
goes straight up and down; the arcing stomp does arc forward, but
only ever so slightly.]
Clay Spit: D, DT, T&P
Somersault Headbutt: D, DA, A&P
Slide Smack: A, DA, D, DT, T&K
Buzzsaw: hold A, T&P
Flying Roundhouse: A, T, D, DT&K
[This move must be done rather close to the opponent, otherwise
the backkick won't hit a thing.]
Blue Suede Goo
Throws with brutal kick
Humming Attack: D, DT, T&P
Hair Blade: D, DA, A&P
Hair Slice: T, DT, D&K
Song of Pain: A, DA, D, DT, T, A, DA, D, DT, T&K
Ickybod Clay
Throws with brutal kick, holds with brutal punch
Ecto Ball: D, DT, T&P
Ecto Punch: T, DT&P
Dart Dive: hold A, T&P (can be done in midair)
Teleport: P&K
[The attack buttons must be of the same strength. The light attack
buttons will teleport you to the left side of the screen, the
medium attack buttons to the center, and the brutal attack buttons
to the right side.]
Throws with brutal kick, holds with brutal punch
Viking Ram: D, DT, T&P
Jumping Uppercut: D, DT, T&K
[This move cannot hit someone on the ground; the opponent must
be in midair. Several people mentioned "Armpit of Doom" as an
alternate name for this move. I didn't make this the official
name, but I thought it was at least worth mentioning.]
Yodel: hold A, DA, D, DT, T&P
Valkyrie's Ride: hold A, DA, D, DT, T&K
Throws with brutal kick, holds with brutal punch
Flying Pie: D, DT, T&P
Cruising Pie: D, DT, T&K
Cutting Cartwheel: hold A, T&P
Clown Dive: hold D, U&P
Cream Spray: A, DA, D, DT, T&P
Aerial Shuffle [from ground]: A, DA, D, DT, T&K
Aerial Shuffle [from midair]: hold U, K (one second charge)
[Neither version of the aerial shuffle can hit someone on the
ground; the opponent must be in midair.]
Special thanks to Christopher L. Schneider for Bonker's midair Aerial
Shuffle and for helping to make a correction to all T, D, DT moves.
Adam R. Wood
the Zotmeister
P.S. One additional note: someone told me several "special" moves of
Bonker's where his head pops out on a spring and where he hits his
opponent with a mallet. [Sorry that I didn't reply directly to you,
whoever it was.] These are not special moves, in that they do no damage
if blocked. These are not special techniques, either, which require a
unique button/pad combination. These are close-range moves, different
looking and different acting versions of standard attacks done when
standing near an opponent, but are still standard attacks. For example,
Tiny's brutal punch usually has Tiny sticking both fists out at his
opponent, but when in close, he uses one fist to flatten his opponent so
hard the ground shakes. Since these are not special moves or
techniques, they will not be placed on the list. This list is for those
moves that require a special button/pad combination to execute which is
not apparent.
ClayFighter Tournament Edition
Secret Option Menu
1. At Character Select Screen
2. Choose Character
3. Immediately Press and Hold Select and Left Simultaneously
4. Secret Option Menu Appears
5. Can Change Speed, Difficulty, Timer On/Off and Button Config
30 Credits
1. On Game Over Screen
2. On Controller 2
3. Press and Hold L R and Select until Title screen appears
4. Go to Options Screen
5. Set Credits to 30
10 Credits
1. On Controller 2
2. Press and Hold X A L
3. Reset Game
4. When Title Screen Appears Release Buttons
5. 10 Credits instead of 3
One Round Match
1. On Controller 2
2. Press and Hold A B
3. Reset Game
4. When Title Screen Appears Release Buttons
5. One Round Matches instead of Three
Super Hard Difficulty
1. On Controller 2
2. Press and Hold A B L R
3. Reset Game
4. When Title Screen Appears Release Buttons
5. Enter Options Screen and Set Difficulty to Super
From: dave@blinder.b17b.ingr.com
Passwords for a variety of fighters in the vs mode:
9207 - Play as Bosses Password
Conflict, Super
Stage Select
1. From Map
2. Hold B L X Y
3. Continue Holding B L Y
4. Release X and Press X again
5. Release all button
6. Every time B and L are pressed together
the next area of the map will open up
Computer vs Computer
1. Place Jeep on Unfinished area
2. Press and Hold Select
3. Then Press X
4. Computer Battle begins
Cool Spot
Ending and Credits
1. At Title Screen
2. Press L L R R Up x Down B
3. View Game End and Credits
Cool World
End Credits
1. At Title Screen
2. Press L L R R Up X Down B
3. View End Credits
Get 6 continues instead of 3:
1. At Konami Screen
2. Press and hold L, R, Up, and START
3. At Title
4. Press and release START (again)
Special Napalm Weapon:
Walk through the first mission without shooting anything.
Defeat the boss without shooting the side guns. If you've done
it correctly, your score should be 2800. When the asteroid
level starts, you will have unlimited Napalm. If you get killed
during this mission, you will lose the Napalm, but if not,
you'll have it for the rest of the game. It cannot be
powered-up, so don't waste any P-chips on it.
Peru MBC27-44111 11111-3P121
Kenya GYP74-MGD11 2121K-4R161
Spain NZR78-MRH11 21211-1K179
America V?X8K-MTH11 21211-2C189
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
50 Extra Lives
1. Begin Game
2. At Screen which reads:
"Where there's duck, there's fire"
3. Press Left Left Right Right Up Down Y A B X
4. Voice says Mother to Confirm
Darius Twin
50 ships
1. Plug in both controllers.
2. Go to the player selection screen.
3. Highlight '1 player' or '2 players'.
4. Hold down the L and R buttons on controller 2.
5. Press START and SELECT at the same time on controller 1.
No Enemy Demo - Get the high score and enter your initials as
ZZT. Wait for the demo and there will be no enemies when your
ships appear.
Safe Spot - In the first level, place your ship above the last
three digits of your score and nothing will hit you until you
meet the Boss.
Donkey Kong Country
DYDDY Code - Continue and Bonus Lives
1. Play the Game normally
2. When you have one life left DO NOT enter a Level which you
have NOT Completed. If you Die (End Game) in a Level you
have not finished, then this Code will not work
3. Die and the Game Over Screen will appear
4. Press any button to return to Opening Screen (Gramps & DK)
5. Press Down Y Down Down Y - DYDDY
6. You will now be in a cave, overhead are three of each Icon
for the Animals you can ride in the game, the Rhino, Fish,
Bird and Frog
7. Jump up, grab three Icons and you will play that Bonus Level
8. Play the Bonus Level and grab as many Tiny Icons as you can,
for every 100 Icons collected you get one Extra Life (you
can play these rounds over and over and over)
9. To Exit the Cave Press Pause(Start) then Select
10. You will Return to the area where you left off and continue
(as a matter of fact if you had grabbed a continue in the
middle of a level, you can go back to that point)
Now just be sure that you die on a Level that you've already
beaten or you'll be trapped in the Bonus Room and NOT be able to
BARRAL Code - 50 Lives
1. On Saved Game Select Screen
2. Highlight ERASE GAME
3. Press B A R R A L
4. Tone Confirms
5. Select Game you wish to Start/Continue
6. Play Begins with 50 Lives
Double Dragon, Super
Unlimited Continues
1. Select 2-player A mode
2. Wait for each player to have 1 credit remaining
3. Press START simultaneously on both controllers.
4. When you lose your lives, you will regain 7 continues each.
Double Dragon V
All Codes Must all be done on Menu Screen
Fight as Shadow Master or Dominique
1. Press L R Up L L Down R R
Extra 2 Attribute Points
1. Press L L L R L R L R
Extra 4 Attribute Points
1. Press Up Right Down Left Down Right R R
Extra 6 Attribute Points
1. Press Right Down Down Left Up Right L R L R L R
Nine Continues
1. Left Right Left Right L L R R R
Disable Dizzies
1. Down Down Left Up Down Down Left Up R R L
Disable Throws
1. R Right L L Left Left R R
Desert Strike
Campaign 1: None
Campaign 2: KZ2QL8B
Campaign 3: 432LWKQ
Campaign 4: 48PPF8H
Winner Screen: R9SC9M2
Dragon's Lair
After Two Snake Bosses:
2D 4C 6A 8B
After Large Bat:
1B 2D 7A 8C
After Grim Reaper:
3D 4B 5C 6A
Dragon's Lair:
1A 3B 5C 6D