1,000 Games (Collectors Edition) - Disc 2
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CHAPTER [14]: Tables
The data in these tables are the result of the hard work of Andrew
Griffin and Mike Lee. My many thanks to Mike for his initial field
experiments, and to Andrew for his dedication to cracking that rascally
game.dat file. What a patient guy! Also thanks to Max Ahston
(karon@mnet.medstroms.se) for some time to build values.
[14-1]: Armor
Unit Armor
Level Description
0 very resistant to anti-armor weapons (rockets and cannons); gets
chewed up very quickly by machine guns.
1 recon bike is equipped with this.
2 stealth tank, artillery, hummers, buggy, MRLS, harvester and MCV are
equipped with this. So is the SSM and rocket launcher.
3 flame, light, medium and mammoth tanks as well as the APC are
equipped with this. So is the gunboat.
4 Quite resistant to anti-armor weapons (better than 1-3 but worse
than 0), but bad against the high-velocity machine gun but good
against the minigunner infantry. It is on the Orca and nod attack
Building Armor
There is no solid information on the types of armor associated with
buildings at this time. Building armor seems to be radically different than
unit armor, in that they absorb bullets very well, but are most vulnerable to
artillery and rocket fire. The SAM site has two different armor values for
when it is open, and for when it is closed. While closed, a SAM site can take
200 hits from a minigunner, 25 hits from a bazooka, and 20 hits from a
mammoth tank. Compare this with a tiberium silo that takes 38 minigunner
hits, or 13 bazooka hits, and you may understand a little better why it is
taking so long to figure out the logic behind the armor of buildings.
[14-2]: Weapons
Weapon type : Name of weapon
Weapon ID : Internal ID number of weapon
Damage to armor: Hitpoints damage to units of specified armor
Area damage : Radius of damage area in game squares
Range : Range of weapon in game squares
Reload : Reload rate of weapon in minutes and seconds
Accuracy : Accuracy of weapon. AA is excellent, FF is hopeless.
Weapon Weapon Damage to Armor Area Range Reload
type ID 0 1 2 3 4 Dam. (sq.) (sec.) Accuracy
Sniper rifle 0 99? 4 4 4 ? N/A 6 :05 AA
HV machine-gun 1 22 19 14 6 25 1 3 :05 AA
Pistol* 2 ? ? ? ? ? N/A 1 :25 CC
Minigun 3 15 8 8 4 4 N/A 1 :03 AA
Rocket 4 8 22 22 30 11 ? 4 :06 BB
Flame-thrower 5 26+ ? 24 ? 9 3 2 :05 AA
Tank flame-thrower 6 50+ 35 35 13 ? 2 2 :05 AA
Chemical Spray 7 40+ ? 36 ? 14 3 2 :07 AA
Grenade 8 39 ? 26 13 ? 2 2 :07 BB
70mm cannon 9 ? 19 19 25 ? ? 4 :06 BB
120mm cannon 10 8 22 22 30 15 ? 5 :05 BB
120mm cannon APR 11 10 30 30 40 20 ? 5 :09 BB
Turret cannon 12 10 30 30 40 20 ? 5 :06 BB
Missile pack 13 ? ? ? ? ? 1 5 :07 CC
227mm rocket 14 ? ? ? ? ? 2 6 :09 DD
Ballistic charge 15 ? 112 85 40 ? 1 6 :06 FF
50 cal. machinegun 16 15 8 8 4 4 N/A 4 :03 AA
Gunboat missile 17 ? ? ? ? ? 2 8 :03 DD
Adv. GT Missile 18 ? ? ? ? ? 2 8 :05 DD
Napalm bomb 19 ? ? ? ? ? 1 N/A 12:00 AA
Obelisk Laser 20 ? ? 200 ? ? ? 5 :05 AA
Surf to Air Miss. 21 ? ? ? ? ? N/A 8 :06 AA
Surf to Surf Miss. 22 ? ? ? ? ? 4 10 :24 AA
Ion Cannon 592 578 ? 450 450 1 N/A 15:00 AA
Nuclear warhead ? ? ? ? ? 3 N/A 20:00 AA
There are another 2 weapon types, but they have no sound effects
associated with them, nor a graphic. They are associated with the bite
attacks of the dinosaur units.
* Pistols have a fire rate of about half a second, but take 25 seconds
to reload the 10-round magazine.
*14-3*: Units
Unit Type : Name of unit
Hit Points: Amount of damage absorbed before destruction
Armor : Armor level of unit
Cost : Cost of unit in credits
Weapon ID : Type of weapon carried, according to internal ID numbers.
Tech level: Multiplayer tech level in which unit appears.
TTB : Time to build at slowest gamespeed on Gateway P5-66
'I stopwatched the building time for all vehicles, infantry and buildings and
came to the conclusion, that TTB is linear to the cost except the following
units: refinery needs only 1/3 of the time , heli pad 1/5th (that's
incredible fast!), walls need all the same (as if costing 150 credits), a
harvester needs a little more time (15%), and orcas, attack helicopters need
almost twice the time.'
-Stefan Sautter (t1163ci@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de)
On my system, it takes approximately nine seconds to build 100 credits
worth of units/buildings. The times to build presented here are only meant to
give a rough idea of construction times.
Movement : Lower numbers are faster
Scout : Scouting radius in squares.
Req. : Buildings required for construction.
Unit Hit Weap Tech Mov. Scout
Type Points Armor Cost ID Lvl TTB Rate Rad. Req.
Minigunner 50 0 100 3 1 :10 8 1 Bar
Grenadier 50 0 160 8 1 :10 6 1 Bar
Bazooka 25 0 300 4 2 :25 9 2 Bar
Flame-thrower 70 0 200 5 1 :18 6 1 HON
Chem Warrior 70 0 300 7 7 :25 8 1 HON+Tmpl.
Engineer 25 0 500 N/A 3 :45 8 2 Bar/HON
Commando 80 0 1000 0 7 1:30 6 5 Bar+ACC/HON+Tmpl
Attack Heli. 125 4 1200 1 6 1:15 1 0 Air+Hpad
Orca 125 4 1200 4 6 2:00 1 0 WF+Hpad
Transport Heli 90 ?? 1500 N/A 6 2:20 2 0 WF+Hpad/Air+Hpad
Flame Tank 300 3 800 6 4 1:10 6 4 Com+Air
Stealth Tank 110 2 900 4 5 1:20 5 4 Com+Air
Light Tank 300 3 600 9 3 :50 7 3 Air
Medium Tank 400 3 800 10 3 1:10 7 3 WF
Mammoth Tank 600 3 1500 11/13 5 2:15 10 4 WF+RBay
Harvester 600 2 1400 N/A 2 2:15 7 2 WF+Ref/Air+Ref
MCV 600 2 5000 N/A 7 8:00 7 2 WF+ACC/Air+Tmpl
Artillery 75 2 450 15 6 :40 10 4 Air
Humvee 150 2 400 16 2 :35 3 2 WF
Nod Buggy 140 2 300 16 2 :25 3 2 WF
Recon Bike 160 1 500 4 2 :35 2 2 WF
Rocket Launcher 100 2 800 14 7 1:10 7 4 WF+ACC
APC 200 3 700 16 4 1:00 4 4 Bar+WF
SSM 120 2 750 22 7 1:05 7 4
Visceroid 150 1 ?? 7 ? ?? 6 4 Hacking
T-Rex 750 3 ?? 24 ? ?? 7 5 Hacking
Velociraptor ?? 3 ?? 24 ? ?? 1 5 Hacking
Triceratops 700 3 ?? 23 ? ?? 10 5 Hacking
Stegasaurus ?? 3 ?? 23 ? ?? 10 5 Hacking
*14-4*: Buildings
Building type: Name of unit
Req Power : Power drain in power units.
Power Output : Power generation in power units
Hit Points : Amount of damage absorbed before destruction
Armor : Armor level of building
Cost : Cost of building in credits
Weapon type : Type of weapon carried, according to internal ID numbers.
Tech level : Multiplayer tech level in which building appears.
TTB : Time to build at slowest gamespeed on Gateway P5-66
Req. : Prerequisite buildings before construction
No information on construction yard is available.
No information on armor types is available.
Building Power Hit Weap Tech
Type in out Pts Armor Cost Type Levl TTB Req.
Sandbags 0 0 20 N/A 50 N/A 1 :15 Cyard
Fence 0 0 10 N/A 75 N/A 1 :15 Cyard
Concrete 0 0 70 N/A 100 N/A 1 :15 Cyard
Power Plant 0 100 200 ?? 300 N/A 1 :20 CYard
Adv. Power Plant 0 200 300 ?? 700 N/A 5 :45 Pp
Refinery 40 10 450 ?? 2000 N/A 1 :55 Pp
Silo 10 0 150 ?? 150 N/A 1 :10 Ref
Comm. Center 40 0 500 ?? 1000 N/A 2 1:35 Ref
Helipad 10 0 400 ?? 1500 N/A 6 :20 Bar/HON
Repair Pad ?? 0 ?? ?? 1200 N/A 5 2:00 Pp
Barracks 20 0 200 ?? 300 N/A 1 :20 Pp
Weapons Factory 30 0 200 ?? 2000 N/A 2 3:20 Pp
Guard Tower 10 0 200 ?? 500 1 2 :42 Bar
Adv. Comm. Center 200 0 500 ?? 2800 N/A 7 4:10 Com
Adv. Guard Tower 20 0 300 ?? 1000 18 4 1:35 Com
Hand of Nod 20 0 200 ?? 300 N/A 1 :20 Pp
SAM Site 20 0 200 ?? 750 21 6 1:05 HON
Turret(1) 20 0 600 ?? 250 12 2 :22 HON
Airstrip 30 0 500 ?? 2000 N/A 2 3:20 Ref
Obelisk of Light 150 0 200 ?? 1500 20 1 2:20 Com
Temple of Nod 150 0 1000 ?? 3000 N/A 7 4:50 Com
(1) Turrets cost $250 in versions prior to 1.18
CHAPTER [15]: Internet resources
*15-1*: Third party programs
C&C Editor v1.5
change hitpoints, cost, weapons, power data, tech levels, vehicle
speeds, stealth capabilities and ownership of infantry, vehicles
and structures. For C&C version 1.18.
written by Andrew Griffin (buggy@adam.com.au)
C&C Scenario Editor
With this editor, you can edit the map, the overlays, the terrain,
the structures, units and smudges that occur on the map.
written by Andrew Griffin (buggy@adam.com.au)
C&C Mission selector v1.4
change the mission of a savegame
written by Andrew Griffin (buggy@adam.com.au)
C&C Savegame money editor
add money to savegames
written by ????
*15-2*: World Wide Web sites
Westwood Studios Home Page
This is Westwood Studio's Official site. It also includes a real-time
chat facility.
Andrew Griffin's Homepage and Editor List
Andrew Griffin is the number one name in editor programming. He's
written map editors, savegame editors, and unit data editors for C&C. If you
haven't heard of him, I don't know where you've been for the past two months.
The Command & Conquer Resource Center
Christian has set up the Ultimate C&C page on the Web. There is a message
board here that gets more messages per day regarding C&C than the Usenet
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic newsgroup.
C&C MultiPlayer Page
The Command and Conquer Modem Players List
Command and Conquer
Command and Conquer - HOW TO CHEAT
Opponent Information
The Tankers' Wargaming and Military History Homepage
*15-3*: KALI C&C servers
I don't use KALI myself, and so cannot verify the following information.
I would appreciate some feedback on its correctness!
CastleNet ( is the main C&C server..
"FYI ... The Starlink Kali server has been upgraded to the latest
version ..... 1.2 !!!! (it now plays a much better game!!!)
Thanks, ... Jay Cotton!
*15-4*: Other FAQs and texts
The Official C&C FAQ
by virtualted@westwood.com
available from:
Unofficial Command and Conquer Multi-player Strategy Guide
by gbl1@cec.wustl.edu
available from:
by buggy@adam.com.au
available from:
[16] Bugs, updates, future games
*16-1*: The wishlist
This list is compiled from dozens of Usenet posts and E-mail sent to me
regarding things they'd like to see in the next C&C game. Whether or not they
get them is entirely up to the producer. I'd post his E-Mail address if I
knew it, but I don't. What I will do is send a copy of this wishlist to
A mission builder, or random mission generator
Formation movement
Guarding in place
Improving the harvester AI
Star Wars meets C&C
Ability to dig foxholes with your infantry.
Ability to camouflage units.
Units that can scale cliffs (seal teams)
Mortar infantry.
More units with dual weapons systems (like mammoths)
i.e. A med. tank w/ machine gun, rocket launcher/flamer, etc...
A bridgelayer/combat engineer
A heavy-lift chopper to move vehicles, only light ones
Flak guns
Aerial recon?
A Paris Gun (super long range artillery)
A laser tank (not as powerful as the obelisk)
A purpose-built scout unit (can see stealth stuff?)
A scatter command that actually moves infantry out of the path of tanks
Jetpack infantry (short hops only, takes time to recharge)
Tomahawk missiles, really long range, kill 1 tank or so per shot.
A technician-type unit that can field repair vehicles to 50%
A field hospital!!!! I hate sending nearly dead guys into combat.
Mine detecting/disarming troopers.
Grenade *launchers*
That cool looking one-man robot thingy on the box.
Tiberium growth accelerator?
Bridge builders.
The ability to *destroy* bridges.
That cool vehicle from GI Joe that lays bridges.
The ability to knock over trees.
Let the 'B' key take you to current points of battle.
360 degree sound (via headphones)
Fog of war
Water based vehicles that you can build and control and amphibious
vehicles like hovercraft etc.
And finally...
More of that newscaster chick with the nice rack!
(ROGER'S NOTE: this is a unanimous vote on part of the C&C Men's
Club, Westwood. We won't buy your next game without her.)
[16-2] Questions regarding C&C present and future
*16-2-1*: Mouse problems
'My mouse goes crazy when ever I hold down a key.'
Westwood says they are working on it. From my personal experience, it
only seems to affect PS/2 type port mice (the kind that fit into a special
circular mouse port). Switching to a serial mouse, or using an adapter to
convert the round connector to a serial connector will cure this problem in
most situations.
Christopher J Angel (cja124@engr.usask.ca) wrote
"I have encountered a bug with the mouse while playing a head to head
game over an IPX network. During the game the mouse cursor will all of a
sudden start jumping all over the screen. There seems to be no way to fix the
problem so the game must be restarted. The only computer I can seem to
reproduce this problem on is a NEC Ready P60M. I have not yet played any
single player games on this NEC to determine if the bug is related to the
network play. Any help on this bug would be greatly appreciated. I can not
play multiplayer games because of it, and I have not seen any references to
the problem."
David Byerman (dbyerman@dolphin.upenn.edu)
Chris, try holding down <ALT> while madly clicking both mouse buttons
when this happens. I learned about this solution on this newsgroup, and
damned if it doesn't work every time.
[16-2-2]: Multiplayer savegames
'Why can't I save my multiplayer game?'
Westwood says that they have plans to add save game functionality to
their next C&C game, 'Red Alert.' It will not be provided in the future patch
[to C&C]
*16-2-3*: Mission disk add-ons
Release date: Before Christmas 1995
'What about add-on missions?'
There will be mission add-on for C&C before 'Red Alert' comes out.
*16-2-4*: Red Alert
Release date: March 1996
'Red Alert? What is that?'
The next C&C type game from Westwood is called 'Red Alert'. It is set in
a time period before The Tiberium wars. It is a completely new game, and not
an add on to C&C. It will be released before C&C2 sees the light of day.
There will be numerous engine changes, an 'alternate history'
environment, new units such as guard dogs, bridge building and demolition,
and new wall types.
It will sport six simultaneous players, and larger maps compared to C&C.
*16-2-5*: C&C for Win95
Release date: unknown
Super VGA Windows 95 C&C...
Skip McIlvaine (skipmc@ix.netcom.com)
Westwood plans a Windows 95 version of C & C that is more than just
making sure it works in Windows. The game will actually be window-based, so
that you can resize and move windows around (like the radar map, the building
interface, the playing screen, etc.)
*16-2-6*: C&C 2
Release date: end of 1996
The strong rumor is that C&C 2 is a 3-D first person game. I say strong
rumor, because though I did not hear it from the horse's mouth, I heard it
from the horse's wife's uncle's mouth.
The confirmed information is that C&C 2 will include new missions, art,
rules, special effects, design, storyline, and computer base building.
Kane may not be dead, and because they are doing a complete rewrite of
their development tools, they are "heavily" considering releasing a map
editor for C&C2.
C&C 2 will be Windows 95 only.
Frankly, as far as all games producers are concerned, DOS is dead.
Windows 95 only games have become a growing trend, and everyone will have
Windows 95 by the end of 96, so don't expect to see many DOS games from many
companies after 1996. But I digress.
*16-3*: Update patches
Official C&C patch sites are as follows:
FTP: ftp.westwood.com
WWW: http://www.westwood.com
1.08a This is an unofficial patch to 1.07.
Improves Win95 modem play.
Addresses USR modem connect problems at 14.4k or 28.8k.
Fixes Diamond Viper palette/color problem.
Fixes movies not playing when CD is swapped.
Changes hex offsets in game.dat file. This means that early versions of
popular 3rd party utilities may not work with v1.08a.
Flame-thrower hitpoints increased to 70 from 50.
1.18 This is the first offical Westwood patch to 1.07.
Fixes connect problems with Win95 and modem connections.
Addresses USR modem connect problems at 14.4k or 28.8k.
Fixes palette problem with the Diamond Viper video card.
Fixes movies not playing.
Fixes the silo money bug.
Adjusts cost of Nod turrets to $600.
Fixes problem with nonappearing nuke in last Nod mission.
The patch is fairly new. So far, a few sporadic problems with the patch
have been reported. If you encounter any problems with the patch, E-mail
mail@westwood.com. Some of these sporadic problems are as follows:
C&C crashes with a DOS 4GW error during initial loading.
Nuclear missiles are still unavailable in mission thirteen even with the
retrieval of all special nuke crates on missions six, eight, and twelve.
Weapon reload times are drastically reduced when save games made with
versions prior to 1.18 are loaded.
Changes hex offsets in game.dat file. This means that early versions of
popular 3rd party utilities may not work with v1.08a.
Flame-thrower hitpoints increased to 70 from 50.
Mouse problems were not addressed.
[16-4]: Errors in the C&C manual
First and foremost, the manual seems to be written to be more of a 'good
read' rather than a tech manual. This might explain the exaggerations evident
in some parts of the text.
The armor values for some units are incorrect. For the true armor values
of units, see the tables section of this FAQ.
The power usage values for some buildings are incorrect. For true power
usage values, see the tables section of this FAQ.
CHAPTER *17*: Conclusion
It has been two months since I first started work on the Unofficial C&C
Strategy FAQ and I am not finished yet. It is probably a good thing that I
did not know how time consuming a FAQ like this could be when I started it. I
wash my hair less often now, the sunlight stings my eyes, and I lost half a
pound of body weight, but I believe that the end product will be well worth
the sacrifices made.
I greatly appreciate the help you folks have given me. The C&C Strategy FAQ
is a little thin on multiplayer tactics. If you have any suggestions,
additions, or comments, send E-mail to 'cncfaq@powhq.nildram.co.uk'.
As a further notice, if you are one of those bad guys who are playing a
pirate copy of Command and Conquer, shame on you. You know you really want to
stop being a freeloader. I urge you to save up your lunch money and buy the
game. The authors deserve to be rewarded.
CHAPTER [17]: Revision History
v0.1: First release of the Unofficial Command and Conquer Strategy
(October 1, 1995 GMT)
v1.1: A major revision of the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ. FAQ is
completely rewritten. FAQ explains cheating, mission-trees,
how to do such and such, and contains a section of unsolicited
(October 4, 1995 GMT)
v2.1: Major revision of the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ. All
missions listed. Missions listed according to internal mission
numbers + countries, to avoid 'which mission is this?'
confusion. Most vehicle and infantry entries filled. Building,
vehicle, infantry unit stats added. Discovered more ways in
how the computer cheats.
(October 8, 1995 GMT)
v2.2 Oops. I accidentally posted v1.1 instead of v2.1 to the
newsgroups. To make up for the error, I'm posting this one,
version 2.2. It includes the beginnings of the armor, health,
damage data tables. Added cheating util information. More
multiplayer strategies.
(October 8, 1995 GMT)
v2.7 I'm no longer using tabs for spacing. This should ensure
readability. Some errors were pointed out to me. I should have
read the submissions more carefully. I apologize for the
errors. Phil Lochner submitted his C&C strategy FAQ to me,
which I have absorbed into mine. Some more multiplayer
strategies have been added. I've added the special Nod 'poison
troopers'. Expanded section on exploitable computer bugs. Big
thanks to Andrew Griffin for extracting data from the C&C
(October 16, 1995 GMT)
v3.2 Tables! Tables! Tables! Completed many tables. Complete vehicle
armor values worked out by Andrew Griffin. Added section on
bugs and updates. I corrected a few minor errors. Yet more
multiplayer strategies are added. The 1.08 patch is out.
(October 27, 1995 GMT)
v3.7 Lots of errors in v3.2. So many errors, in fact, that I really
need to apologize for all of them! Added dinosaurs. Changes in
C&C Internet resources. FAQ now available via E-Mail, thanks to
Alvin Jiang. A couple blanks filled in here and there. A little
more information on future C&C products. If you have any
suggestions for reordering elements of this FAQ, please write
to tell me about them. I'm an organizational nightmare!
(November 4, 1995 GMT)
v.3.71 Typo in E-mail server address fixed.
(November 5, 1995 GMT)
v.4.7 Westwood releases 1.18 patch. I find time to update FAQ. I'm
really pooped now, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight.
(December 11, 1995 GMT)