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- No No's happy to see you (No No's always happy to see you!), so ask him
- about the Duplicates again. He'll give you the coordinates to the planet
- where Duplicate 1 was found. (Thanks a lot, No No; maybe a little B-12 for
- that short-term memory loss, eh, buddy?) There's also a chance No No may be
- freaking out by this point, telling you the Duplicates want to kill him. If
- he sends you away and you drop back down and he's gone, that's what's
- happened. Not to worry.
- Time now for a little Tromp run. Contact either Good Unknown or Tubular
- Brain for Kingpak's coordinates (yes, Tubular Brain). After he finishes
- reeling off those stolen credit card numbers or whatever they are, give him
- the Izwal code, and ask him about Kingpak. As it turns out, they're buddies.
- Basically, Kingpak's a joy cruiser who spends most of his time getting high
- on Tromp tails. But he's also into racing, and he can't help but notice
- you've got a pretty cool ship. Race him to the first set of coordinates he
- hits you with. You'll lose, but he's a good sport, and offers you a two-
- out-of-three deal. When you hit that second planet you'll encounter....
- Torka, overdressed as usual. She teleported Kingpak elsewhere, she says, to
- get him out of the way (get those coordinates)..."so the two of us can be
- alone," you might be thinking. But nobody in Hydra takes time anymore to
- stop and smell the roses, so she'll be gone before you can say
- "pneumatically pulchritudinous." Better luck next time. Use the coordinates
- she gave you to catch up with Kingpak.
- By this time, Kingpak's totally stoned, and totally in awe of your prowess
- as an aviator. As you'd expect from someone who enjoys Tromp tails so much,
- he's got a headful of Tromp coordinates, which he'll give you freely. Next,
- he says he's got an important meeting (again, get those co-ords), and
- splits. Follow him to the next planet and offer him a ride in your cool
- ship (he may even ask you before you open your mouth). Put him down on an
- uninhabited planet; he won't like it and will suggest an alternative. Make
- a note of it, tell him you'll catch him later, and hit the darkening skies.
- Now, visit one Tromp and one Robhead of your choice (when you've seen one,
- you've seen them all). They have very different ways of communicating, but
- you'll get the same amount of useful information out of each of them. The
- Tromps only have one thing on their minds, and the Robheads are so spaced
- they make Timothy Leary look like George Bush.
- Next, wracked with disappointment, check your notes for Maxon's coordinates,
- and go there. Incidentally, if you now compare your Kingpak and Antenna
- notes with your old Duplicate 1 notes, you'll discover that those other
- coordinates Duplicate 1 gave you -- in addition to the sets for Trauma and
- the Duplicate's own planet -- were for Tromp 1 and Robhead 1. Just thought
- you'd like to know.
- When you find him, Maxon will be very skittish because of his fear of the
- Duplicates; he won't let you stay long. After he shoos you away, go back
- down and, when he asks you for the Izwal code again, say (all at one time)
- "Code friend friend me know planet Yoko." He should give you some
- coordinates. Unfortunately, they'll be the same coordinates No No gave you
- last time, for Duplicate 1's planet. Evidently, this memory-loss thing runs
- in the family.
- As you pause, suffering from extreme disappointment, a still, small voice
- in the back of your head starts whispering "Kingpak, Kingpak." Either
- you're dying for a Tromp tail, or you just got an idea. Find the
- coordinates for the planet Kingpak wanted to go to and shoot yourself there.
- It's....
- Duplicate 4, with a line of jive as long as an Izwal's tongue. "Small
- nonsense brave not. Rendezvous not not small brave idea warrior. Planet
- warrior destroy destroy. Destroy fear brave warrior. Warrior fear idea."
- Sounds like Tarzan reading the "Bhagavad Gita." Store Duplicate 4 in a cool,
- dry place; take only as directed.
- Okay, we've exhausted most of our information sources except for the
- Robheads, and no one can make heads or tails out of what they're saying. So,
- when you need wisdom, when you need compassion, when you need some deeper
- understanding in full harmony with nature and completely unimpeded by the
- baser instincts, who are you going call? That's right, those Croolis-Var
- and Croolis-Ulv (who were you thinking of?). We haven't talked to, let's
- see here, Bad Crazy, Male Warrior, Insult 4, and Great Destroy. I don't
- know, call me crazy, but I've just got a feeling about that Great Destroy.
- Sounds like class with a capital "K." Punch that hyperspace activator.
- Well "capital" is right. Great Destroy is kind of the Rockefeller of Hydra
- and makes no bones about it: "Me love money." As I mentioned earlier, he's
- an information broker. Give him the usual Ulv-Var song and dance until he
- asks you to search for the Croolis-Ulv. Then, he'll send you up to your
- ship. Go back down to him immediately and give him the names of the three
- Ulv planets you found (Trap 4, Bad Trap, and Insult 80). In return he'll
- supply you with directions to Idea 762.
- On Idea 762 you'll find Small Friend, another Izwal. Now, if you check the
- directory of aliens in the back of your manual, you'll discover there's
- only one race you haven't dealt with yet: the Tricephal. And "Tricephal" is
- an UPCOM word that Small Friend knows. Give him the Izwal code if he drags
- his feet, then coax the necessary coordinates out of him.
- The Tricephal in question is called Good Friend, and he lives on Small Home.
- The "Hints" section of the reference booklet would have you believe that
- Good Friend is one of only two sources for the whereabouts of Brain
- Radioactivity, the Sinox who holds the key to communicating with the
- Robheads. The other is supposed to be our old pal Dead Genetic, but I could
- never get anything out of him, except Yoko and those four Croolis-Var he's
- so obsessed with.
- The situation is complicated by the fact that Good Friend, once you've made
- his acquaintance, seems never to have heard of Brain Radioactivity (also,
- he's a friend of the Duplicates, so watch your step). But he will, if
- encouraged, start talking about someone named Entrax. In fact, if you've
- been paying attention, you'll notice he's the only cat in the galaxy who
- has the Entrax icon in his vocabulary. Entrax lives on a planet called,
- simply, 256. Shoot over there ASAP!
- It turns out Entrax and Brain Radioactivity are one and the same (why the
- pseudonym, I wonder?). He's all too willing to help, but he doesn't know
- where the Robheads are hiding. Give him the stats on all four Robhead
- planets and he'll agree to intercede with them on your behalf. Actually, he
- plans to give them some sort of genetic implant: "Me give great genetic
- Robhead." Then, wend your way back to Robhead 1 on Planet 145, and save the
- game!
- Well, you'll find that the Robheads are making sense now...grim sense.
- Robhead 1, for starters, wants you to kill Maxon. The hints say that once
- the Robheads start talking, you'd better do what they say. But wait a
- minute. Ever heard about those psychology experiments where subjects can be
- talked into giving seemingly painful shocks to pseudo-subjects, simply
- because there's an authority figure (the psychologist) telling them it's
- okay? And remember all those war criminals who were "just doing their
- jobs"? Sit back, friend, friend friend, and take a deep breath.
- We had four beginnings, right? So, what's wrong with a couple of endings?
- After listening to Robhead 1, destroy Maxon's planet. Go back to Robhead 1
- for instructions to see Robhead 2.
- After listening to Robhead 2, destroy the planets of the three Croolis-Ulv
- and five Croolis-Var. (Robhead 2 says four Croolis-Ulv and four Croolis-Var,
- but everybody gets them confused.) Go back to Robhead 2 for instructions to
- see Robhead 3.
- After listening to Robhead 3, destroy the planets of Good Mind and Brain
- Radioactivity. Go back to Robhead 3 for instructions to see Robhead 4.
- After listening to Robhead 4, destroy the planets of Great Bounty and
- Missile Brave. Go back to Robhead 4 for the coordinates to Duplicate 3.
- Duplicate 3 says he has a great rendezvous at hour 320, and pleads with you
- not to disintegrate him until then. But what's that to a tough guy like
- you? Go ahead, fry him.
- Now, all you need are the whereabouts of Duplicate 5 and Torka, right? Hit
- the road, pal. Figure it out for yourself, you butcher.
- Leave Robhead 1 and go straight to Robhead 4. He wants you to kill the
- Migrax. Go to Reproduction 14 and confirm that Great Bounty hasn't come
- back yet. Disintegrate the planet. Then, go to Reproduction 128 and meet
- with Missile Brave. Don't tell him what the Robheads are up to: the Migrax
- are an emotionally delicate race, and you don't want to upset him.
- Instead, start quizzing him about everyone you can think of. Say "Me want
- information Antenna," "Me want information Tricephal," "Me want information
- Tubular-Brain," etc. If he sends you away, go back to him, and start right
- up again. Eventually, probably thinking, "Geez, what a bore this guy's
- turned out to be," he'll beg off with a "Time is money" and a "Bye great
- friend," and leave the planet. After you're sure he's gone, vaporize Repro
- 128, and return to Robhead 4.
- The Robheads are smart, but they're not omniscient (the fact that one of
- them thought there were four Croolis-Ulv has clued us into that). When you
- get back to Planet 403, Robhead 4 will think you've wasted the Migrax and
- react accordingly, giving you the coordinates to Duplicate 3.
- Duplicate 3, as noted above, will say he has an important rendezvous at
- hour 320 and beg you not to fridge him until then. Give him a break, give
- yourself a break: Go get a sandwich and come back when the ship's clock
- says 320. He'll still be there. And he'll capitulate like an honorable man.
- Maybe these Duplicates aren't as shifty as we thought they were. Maybe
- they're just trying to get by, like the next guy. In defense of non-
- violence, Albert Schweitzer said, "I am life that wills to live, in the
- midst of life that wills to live." I guess that could be said for all those
- Duplicates, too -- even old Duplicate 1, the bozo with the erroneous
- coordinates.
- Or were they? He said Duplicate 5 would be at coordinates ____/____ (fill
- in the blanks). But he didn't say when, did he? Check it out now.
- "You've searched for me, Blood. I will give you some great information. You
- must destroy me, yes Blood. You go search for Torka. Torka loves you. You
- teleport Torka. Yes Blood. You are a great warrior. Bye Blood. Torka loves
- you. Torka's planet is Corpo. Coordinates ____/____. You are I. I am you.
- You and I both love Torka. You-equal-I equals great genetics."
- Head for Corpo and receive the hero's welcome you're entitled to. Then,
- move Torka to your ship. As the reference booklet promises, she doesn't
- stay in the fridgitorium.
- I hope you and the Ondoyante have a hundred little Bloods, just like she
- says, and live happily ever after. (Just don't let her start eating too
- much.)
- Since you're playing against the clock, the great unknown quantity in this
- game is the time factor. The manual says you have 2.5 real-time hours
- between Duplicates before your arm starts shaking so badly you can no
- longer function. I have no idea how a different computer speed might affect
- your info-gathering efficiency in this regard.
- Where there's been a choice, I've tried to order the steps of the walkthru
- in a dramatic way, but it may be that some of you simply can't complete all
- the steps to the first Duplicate in time because of hardware limitations.
- So keep in mind: Some things have to be done in a certain order, others can
- be switched around. Use your common sense.
- It becomes obvious after a certain point that you would never have found No
- No unless you moved Yoko first. On the other hand, you can take advantage
- of those "unidentified" coordinates from Good Unknown as soon as he gives
- them to you if your arm is going berserk. The bottom line is: If your arm
- keeps going bad on you too soon, study the whole walkthru to get the big
- picture, and make a game plan, spacing out the disintegration of the
- Duplicates so that you're always in good health.
- You can actually -- and this is one of those things you find out on your
- own when the chips are really down -- maneuver around Hydra fairly well
- with a palsied arm. In the first stages of V.F.D. (vital fluid drain), you
- simply wait for those intervals when the shaking stops, then take care of
- business quickly. But even after the arm's completely whacked, you can
- still do a number of things. You can set coordinates on the galaxy map:
- Watch how the line alternates between two numbers once you've fingered it,
- adjust it so the desired coordinate is one of those numbers, then be quick
- with the old trigger finger. You can travel, pilot an OORXX (totally
- unaffected by arm rot), and -- to some extent at least -- communicate
- (icons with blackened-out neighbors are easiest, because you're not as
- likely to select the wrong one). I mention this only because it illustrates
- what my old yoga teacher meant when he said, "Despair is almost always
- premature."
- CAPTAIN BLOOD only allows for one saved game. But it is possible to explore
- alternative plot lines and not have to start from scratch every time. When
- you get to a point where you want to save, hit the save icon, and quit
- (which, at least in the IBM version, means rebooting your computer). Then,
- transfer the BLOOD.GAM file (the only saved game the program recognizes) to
- a new subdirectory or floppy, and give it a name that's unique to that game.
- This way, you can build a catalogue of different games-in-progress. When
- you want to pick up with one of them, copy its file back to the
- subdirectory or floppy with the BLOOD program files, and change its name
- back to BLOOD.GAM.
- I think there's an evil genius behind all this: the Sinox Brain
- Radioactivity (aka "Entrax"). After all, the Robheads are just a bunch of
- helpless hippie kids -- until Brain Radioactivity finds out their locations
- (which you, of course, unwittingly give him), and then proceeds to tinker
- with their genes. I think he programs the Robheads to order you to kill
- everybody else so that he can be the master of Hydra. Then, of course, in
- classic B-movie style, the creature turns on its creator: Robhead 3 tells
- you to kill both Sinoxes, not just Good Mind, as Brain Radioactivity wanted.
- Anyway, it helps explain the alias. Time equals money. Me go. Bye great
- friend.
- CAPTAIN BLOOD is published by Infogrames and distributed by The Software
- Toolworks.