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- Might and Magic: World of Xeen CD-ROM
- With this hint/cheat you can pump up your statistics as well as
- money and experience.
- Here's how to do it. On the WOX CD there's a file called
- SAV2WOX.EXE. This is the file you need. What it does is it edits
- your saved game file and converts it to be compatible with World
- Of Xeen (if you have a Clouds or Darkside of Xeen saved game it
- will convert it to World of Xeen so you don't have to replay ths
- missions).
- But first, go into your WOX savegame file directory and
- rename your savegame files to *.SAV. Your savegame files should
- be called: DARK01.WOX and XEENOl.WOX. Rename BOTH to *.sav.
- Run the sav2wox.exe program on the CD.
- NOTE:Don't pay attention to what it says. If you've already
- completed a certain mission and have the award, you don't have
- to do it again. (but you can't cheat this way!!)
- Step ONE- Say you are in Sandcaster on-the Darkside of Xeen, and
- you have to defeat Xenoc and Morgana. Nake sure you have strong
- characters and a Lloyd's Beacon item like a whistle or gem
- Recharge Item spell, and at least 100,000 gold. Visit Astra the
- Good Sorcerress and she tell you about Xenoc and Morgana. Consult
- your hint book that came with your game- Go into the Sandcaster
- sewer and goto Arnold's Gym- He'll charge you 50,000 or 60,000
- gold to enter. If you have Lloyd's beacon item you'll only have
- to pay this once- Go into the gym and you have access to a Night
- potion and and Endurance potlon. These are good for six sips and
- add +10 to might or endurance. Glve the Lloyd's Beacon item to
- your first character and cast it and set it.
- Afterwards go to Morgana's room- Defeat her and her guards and
- give the Lloyd's Beacon ltem to your second character and cast it
- and set it there. Then goto Xenoc's room and kill him and his
- guards. Drink the intellect increaser potion and give the Lloyd's
- Beacon item to your third character. Cast it and set it there.
- Look in your Darkside hintbook- There are many rooms with stat
- increasers in that area. Finally, go to Astra. She will give
- your party alot of gold and ALOT of experience. (2,000,000!!!!) Look
- in your hintbook once more, and you will see three corridors with
- secret doors you can break. One room has a speed increaser and
- the other has intellect. The third has the grate that leads down
- to the sewer. You don't need to use this entrance because there's
- another somewhere else somewhere inside the town.
- Step TWO- Save your game and rename your savegame files to *.sav
- and run the SAV2WOX.EXE program again. tYou have to do this over
- and over again in order to cheat.)
- Special thanks to Pete Sekula for this one, who's laser printed letter
- let me test out the OCR software that came with my new scanner... :)