201 Games 4 You
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C/C++ Source or Header
524 lines
* I. ARIT 1992 Hidirbeyli,AYDIN,TR. 09400 Golden, CO, USA. 80401
* Copyright (C) 1992 Ismail ARIT
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any
* warranty. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for
* the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular
* purpose or works at all.
* Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute this file
* under the following conditions:
* Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute copies of the source
* code, either as received or modified, in any medium, provided that all
* copyright notices, permission and nonwarranty notices are preserved, and
* that the distributor grants the recipient permission for further
* redistribution as permitted by this document.
* No part of this program can be used in any commercial product.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "definiti.h"
extern int WhiteBallOut, BlackBallOut;
extern void
extern Distance ThisMuch;
extern void
Force_ToObject(Ball * first, Distance * TheirDistance, int type);
extern Distance *
DistanceChecker_Between(Ball * ThisBall, Ball * ThatBall);
setbkcolor(int color);
extern int
get_color(char *name);
extern void
setcolor(int color);
Fillcircle(int x, int y, int rad);
extern void
Fillrectangle(int x, int y, int xx, int yy);
extern void
extern Ball *
new__Ball(double Mass, double radious, float initX, float initY, double initVx, double initVy, double initVr);
extern void
static void
Coordinator__ShowStaticPosition(Coordinator * this, HDC hdc)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects; i++)
this->Objects[i]->Show(this->Objects[i], hdc);
static void
Coordinator__HideStaticPosition(Coordinator * this, HDC hdc)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects; i++)
this->Objects[i]->Hide(this->Objects[i], hdc);
static void
Coordinator__OpenSpaceForObjects(Coordinator * this)
/* eliminate this */
* this -> Objects = (Ball *) malloc (this -> NumberOfObjects *
* sizeof (Ball));
static int
Coordinator__RegisterThisObject(Coordinator * this, Ball * AnotherBall)
if (this->ObjectCounter > this->NumberOfObjects) {
printf("To many Objects\n");
this->Objects[this->ObjectCounter] = AnotherBall;
this->Objects[this->ObjectCounter]->MyID = this->ObjectCounter;
return (this->ObjectCounter);
static void
Coordinator__GetTime(Coordinator * this, Timing time)
int i;
this->mytime.currenttime = 0.000000000;
this->mytime.totaltime = time.totaltime;
this->mytime.dt = time.dt;
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects; i++) {
this->Objects[i]->mytime.currenttime = this->mytime.currenttime;
this->Objects[i]->mytime.totaltime = this->mytime.totaltime;
this->Objects[i]->mytime.dt = this->mytime.dt;
static void
Coordinator__AllowableBump(Coordinator * this, float bump)
this->AllowableDmax = bump;
static void
Coordinator__UpDateObjectsInitials(Coordinator * this)
int i;
/* dprintf ("Coordinator::UpDateObjectsInitials()..\n"); */
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects; i++) {
this->Objects[i]->CurrentF.x = 0.00000000;
this->Objects[i]->CurrentF.y = 0.00000000;
static void
Coordinator__GetBoundary(Coordinator * this, Space limits)
this->myspace.xmin = limits.xmin;
this->myspace.ymin = limits.ymin;
this->myspace.xmax = limits.xmax;
this->myspace.ymax = limits.ymax;
/* I 'll just use ball class to create pockets */
this->Pocket[0] = new__Ball(0, POCKETRADIOUS, this->myspace.xmin, this->myspace.ymin, 0, 0, 0);
this->Pocket[1] = new__Ball(0, POCKETRADIOUS, this->myspace.xmin, this->myspace.ymax, 0, 0, 0);
this->Pocket[2] = new__Ball(0, POCKETRADIOUS, this->myspace.xmax, this->myspace.ymin, 0, 0, 0);
this->Pocket[3] = new__Ball(0, POCKETRADIOUS, this->myspace.xmax, this->myspace.ymax, 0, 0, 0);
this->Pocket[4] = new__Ball(0, POCKETRADIOUS, this->myspace.xmin + (this->myspace.xmax - this->myspace.xmin) / 2, this->myspace.ymin, 0, 0, 0);
this->Pocket[5] = new__Ball(0, POCKETRADIOUS, this->myspace.xmin + (this->myspace.xmax - this->myspace.xmin) / 2, this->myspace.ymax, 0, 0, 0);
/* these are for debuging , they don't mean anything */
this->Pocket[0]->MyID = 20;
this->Pocket[1]->MyID = 21;
this->Pocket[2]->MyID = 22;
this->Pocket[3]->MyID = 23;
this->Pocket[4]->MyID = 24;
this->Pocket[5]->MyID = 25;
static void
Coordinator__DrawPockets(Coordinator * this)
* int i; LayTheFloor(); let's draw table
* Fillrectangle(this->Pocket[0]->CurrentL.x - POCKETRADIOUS,
* this->Pocket[0]->CurrentL.y - POCKETRADIOUS,
* this->Pocket[3]->CurrentL.x + POCKETRADIOUS * 2,
* this->Pocket[3]->CurrentL.y + POCKETRADIOUS * 2);
* for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) Fillcircle(this->Pocket[i]->CurrentL.x,
* this->Pocket[i]->CurrentL.y, this->Pocket[i]->radius);
* SyncDisplay();
static void
Coordinator__CheckPockets(Coordinator * this)
int i, j;
Distance *theDistance;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) /* we got 6 pockets */
for (j = 0; j < this->NumberOfObjects; j++) {
theDistance = DistanceChecker_Between(this->Pocket[i], this->Objects[j]);
/* this is where we check the balls with the pockets */
if (theDistance->amount > this->Objects[j]->checkRad) {
this->Objects[j]->In = NO; /* you are out Pal!.. */
/* just put it away */
this->Objects[j]->CurrentL.x = this->Objects[j]->MyID * 40 + 1000;
this->Objects[j]->CurrentL.y = 1000;
this->Objects[j]->CurrentV.x = 0.000;
this->Objects[j]->CurrentV.y = 0.000;
static void
Coordinator__GetGameType(Coordinator * this, int Type)
this->GameType = Type;
/* if (this->GameType == SIXTEENBALL){ */
this->CheckCondition = Coordinator__CheckPockets;
this->DrawPockets = Coordinator__DrawPockets;
* } else { this->CheckCondition = Coordinator__CheckHits;
* this->DrawPockets = Coordinator__DummyFunction; }
static void
Coordinator__CheckInitialLocations(Coordinator * this)
int j, i;
Distance *theDistance;
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects - 1; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < this->NumberOfObjects; j++) {
theDistance = DistanceChecker_Between(this->Objects[i], this->Objects[j]);
if (theDistance->amount > 0) {
printf("Overlaping objects %d and %d \n", i, j);
static void
Coordinator__AdvanceOneStep(Coordinator * this)
int j = 0, i;
Distance *theDistance;
/* dprintf ("Coordinator::AdvanceOneStep()..\n"); */
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects - 1; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < this->NumberOfObjects; j++) {
theDistance = DistanceChecker_Between(this->Objects[i], this->Objects[j]);
if (theDistance->amount > 0) {
/* if (theDistance->amount > 5)
printf("too much overlap %d %d \n", i, j);
/* apply reaction */
Force_ToObject(this->Objects[i], theDistance, REACTION);
/* apply action */
Force_ToObject(this->Objects[j], theDistance, ACTION);
static void
Coordinator__CheckObjectsForTheSpace(Coordinator * this)
int i;
/* don't get confused, this is just to confine balls on the table */
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects; i++) {
if (
(this->Objects[i]->CurrentL.x + this->Objects[i]->radius) >= this->myspace.xmax ||
(this->Objects[i]->CurrentL.x - this->Objects[i]->radius) < this->myspace.xmin
this->Objects[i]->CurrentV.x *= -1;
if (
(this->Objects[i]->CurrentL.y + this->Objects[i]->radius) >= this->myspace.ymax ||
(this->Objects[i]->CurrentL.y - this->Objects[i]->radius) < this->myspace.ymin
this->Objects[i]->CurrentV.y *= -1;
static void
Coordinator__CheckSpeedsAndCalculateK(Coordinator * this)
float MaxSpeed = 0.00000, CorrespondingMass = 0.00000;
int i;
if (this->AllowableDmax == 0.0000000) {
printf("\n Missing Dmax, Not able to calculate K, Exiting....\n");
CorrespondingMass = PAYLOAD;
this->kConstant = CorrespondingMass * pow(MaxSpeed, 2.) / pow(this->AllowableDmax, 2.);
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects; i++)
this->Objects[i]->kConstant = this->kConstant;
dprintf("Max Speed = %f kKons %f Dmax %f \n", MaxSpeed,
static void
Coordinator__ShowObjects(Coordinator * this, HDC hdc)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects; i++)
this->Objects[i]->MoveToNextLocation(this->Objects[i], hdc);
/* another quick fix to mix the balls */
int which[15] = {2, 15, 3, 14, 4, 13, 5, 12, 1, 11, 7, 10, 8, 9, 0};
static void
Coordinator__ArrangeBalls(Coordinator * this)
int i, j, counter = 0, ii;
/* this is what happens when you click on 'newgame' */
/* for white ball */
this->Objects[0]->CurrentL.x = 460;
this->Objects[0]->CurrentL.y = 180;
/* black ball will be somewhere in the middle */
this->Objects[6]->CurrentL.x = 200;
this->Objects[6]->CurrentL.y = 180;
/* for the others */
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ii = (j == 0) ? (i + 1) : (-i - 1);
this->Objects[which[counter]]->CurrentL.x = 200 - (i + 1) * 16;
this->Objects[which[counter]]->CurrentL.y = 180 - (ii) * 14;
this->Objects[which[counter]]->CurrentL.x = 200 - 32;
this->Objects[which[counter]]->CurrentL.y = 180;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ii = (j == 0) ? (i + 1) : (-i - 1);
this->Objects[which[counter]]->CurrentL.x = 170 - (i + 1) * 16;
this->Objects[which[counter]]->CurrentL.y = 180 - (ii) * 14;
this->Objects[which[counter]]->CurrentL.x = 135;
this->Objects[which[counter]]->CurrentL.y = 180;
static void
Coordinator__StillMoving(Coordinator * this)
int i;
int Movelist = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects; i++) {
if (this->Objects[i]->Stopped == NO)
if (Movelist)
this->AllStopped = NO;
this->AllStopped = YES;
static void
Coordinator__InitConfig(Coordinator * this, HDC hdc)
int i;
if (this->GameType == SIXTEENBALL)
this->ShowStaticPosition(this, hdc);
for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfObjects; i++) {
this->Objects[i]->Stopped = NO;
this->Objects[i]->In = YES;
this->Objects[i]->ShowOut = NO;
this->Objects[i]->NeedOneMoreDrawing = YES;
WhiteBallOut = BlackBallOut = NO;
static void
Coordinator__StartAction(Coordinator * this, HDC hdc)
int Counter = 0;
int CounterForPocket = 0;
this->mytime.currenttime = 0.000;
this->AllStopped = NO;
/* dprintf ("Coordinator::StartAction()..\n"); */
while (!this->AllStopped) {
this->CheckObjectsForTheSpace(this); /* table boundaries */
this->UpDateObjectsInitials(this); /* init forces */
this->AdvanceOneStep(this); /* do checkups and advance */
this->mytime.currenttime += this->mytime.dt;
this->ShowObjects(this, hdc); /* show balls */
if (!(CounterForPocket % CHECKPOCKETDENSITY))
this->CheckCondition(this); /* new locations in pockets ? */
if (!(Counter % CHECKMOVEDENSITY))
this->StillMoving(this); /* make sure everybody
* stopped */
Coordinator *
new__Coordinator(int HowManyObjects)
Coordinator *A_Coordinator;
if ((A_Coordinator = (Coordinator *) malloc(sizeof(Coordinator))) == NULL) {
A_Coordinator->NumberOfObjects = HowManyObjects;
A_Coordinator->AllStopped = NO;
A_Coordinator->ObjectCounter = -1;
A_Coordinator->Counter = 0;
A_Coordinator->AllowableDmax = 2.000000;
A_Coordinator->GetGameType = Coordinator__GetGameType;
A_Coordinator->UpDateObjectsInitials = Coordinator__UpDateObjectsInitials;
A_Coordinator->GetTime = Coordinator__GetTime;
A_Coordinator->OpenSpaceForObjects = Coordinator__OpenSpaceForObjects;
A_Coordinator->RegisterThisObject = Coordinator__RegisterThisObject;
A_Coordinator->CheckInitialLocations = Coordinator__CheckInitialLocations;
A_Coordinator->AdvanceOneStep = Coordinator__AdvanceOneStep;
A_Coordinator->StartAction = Coordinator__StartAction;
A_Coordinator->GetBoundary = Coordinator__GetBoundary;
A_Coordinator->CheckSpeedsAndCalculateK = Coordinator__CheckSpeedsAndCalculateK;
A_Coordinator->CheckObjectsForTheSpace = Coordinator__CheckObjectsForTheSpace;
A_Coordinator->ShowObjects = Coordinator__ShowObjects;
A_Coordinator->AllowableBump = Coordinator__AllowableBump;
A_Coordinator->ArrangeBalls = Coordinator__ArrangeBalls;
A_Coordinator->ShowStaticPosition = Coordinator__ShowStaticPosition;
A_Coordinator->HideStaticPosition = Coordinator__HideStaticPosition;
A_Coordinator->DrawPockets = Coordinator__DrawPockets;
A_Coordinator->CheckCondition = Coordinator__CheckPockets;
A_Coordinator->StillMoving = Coordinator__StillMoving;
A_Coordinator->InitConfig = Coordinator__InitConfig;
return (A_Coordinator);