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256 entry palettes in the RISC OS sprite format
The RISC OS sprite format provides for pictures with and without palettes in
1, 2 and 4 bits per pixel. For 8 bits per pixel a picture with no palette is
dealt with rationally, but a picture with a palette will end up with 64
(pairs of) palette entries. (The pairs of entries are for the possibly
flashing colours). The reader of the format must know how VIDC1's 16 entry
palette works in 8bit mode and apply the necessary bit reordering.
By stepping gingerly around the sprite operations and using ColourTrans
appropriately, sprites with 256 entry palettes can be created and
displayed on all RISC OS machines. Of course, this ability to create and
process a sprite with (say) 256 grey levels in it does not magically
endow the hardware with the ability to display 256 grey levels! The display
will be as close as possible i.e. 16 grey levels with standard hardware;
unless the machine has been hardware extended (e.g. the PCATS Graphics
Format of a 256 entry palette sprite
A 256 entry palette sprite is precisely like a 16 entry palette sprite, save
that there are 256 palette entries, each one consisting of a pair of
"palette entry" words of the form &BBGGRR00 as for ColourTrans. All bits of
the entry are significant.
Creating a 256 entry palette sprite
If you use OS_SpriteOp 15 to create a sprite with a palette, the OS will
create a 64 entry palette as before. The best thing to do is to create a
sprite with no palette and then to add 2048 to the following entries:
word 1: offset to next sprite
word 9: offset to sprite image
word 10: offset to sprite image/transparency mask
of the sprite and then to add 2048 to
word 4: offset to first free word
of the sprite area control block.
Then write the 256 double words of palette entries starting at word 12
of the sprite, keeping both items in a pair identical:
Manipulating a 256 entry palette sprite
All sprite operations work on the 256 entry palette sprite. One can even
switch output to it and generate 256 grey level output into it (with
appropriate care over the GCOL and TINT values required by the OS). Sprite
areas containing 256 entry palette sprites may be loaded, saved etc.
Testing to see if a sprite is a 256 entry palette sprite
After creation, the 256 entry palette sprite behaves just like all the
others, so its important to be able to distinguish it on the occasions when
it is needed (for example, when displaying it on the screen).
A 256 entry palette sprite will have the lowest of words 9 and 10 of the
sprite control block equal to 2048+44 (&82C). (If it is already known that
the sprite has no transparency mask, then one can test only word 9).
Displaying a 256 entry palette sprite
The call "ColourTrans_SelectTable" takes a 64 entry palette sprite (and 2, 4
and 16) and returns a pixel translation table as needed for OS_SpriteOp 52.
For a 256 entry sprite, one needs to build a similar pixel translation
table directly. The following code will compute a pixel translation table
for any sprite (which hasn't a transparency mask):
IF sptr%!32=44 THEN
FOR grab%=0 TO 2048-8 STEP 8
IFsptr%!32=44+2048 THEN
SYS"ColourTrans_ReturnColourNumber",palptr%!(Q%<<2) TO pixtrans%?Q%
SYS "ColourTrans_SelectTable",m,palptr%,-1,-1,pixtrans%
spx%=-1:FORQ%=0TO255:IFpixtrans%?Q%<>Q% spx%=pixtrans%
spx% is either -1 (if no translation needs to be done - this speeds up
OS_SpriteOp 52 a lot!) or pixtrans%; it is passed to OS_SpriteOp 52 in
register 7.
The ability to store, process and display 256 entry palette sprites
represents a small but useful gain for the RISC OS desktop. Common formats
can be converted to sprites without any loss of information and meaningfully
displayed. (Greater fidelity of display can be had with !ChangeFSI (which
can read and generate 256 entry palette sprites) or !Translator)
It is still a good idea to use the default desktop palette whenever possible.