Acorn User 3
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<!-- Welcome.html -->
<meta name=description content="This is the default home page for
ArcWeb distributions. This text is held in a meta tag which you have
viewed by either looking at the HTML source, or by clicking More Information
in the About this page dialogue box, or clicking ADJUST on the info icon on
the toolbar. The contents of <meta> & <link> tags will
be displayed here">
Welcome to ArcWeb
<img src="manual_spr" align=center width=40 height=42><a href="arcweb">User Manual</a>
<!-- If you think that I'd put my credit card details into this sprite, you must think I'm totally daft :-) -->
<img src="credit_spr" align=center><a href="credits">Credits</a>
<a href="#acornlinks" <img src="#switcher" align=center border=0></a>
<a href="what'snew">What's <img border=0 src="new_sprite" alt="NEW!" align=center>
<img src="#!arcweb" align=center><a href="extensions">HTML Extensions</a>
<H1 align=center><img src="#!arcweb" align=center>
Welcome to ArcWeb</h1>
<strong>ArcWeb</strong> is a World Wide Web browser for Acorn RISC OS
computers. It is a constantly evolving piece of software, which is updated
fairly frequently. If you want to be informed about the release of new
versions, then there is a <a href="maillist">mailing list</a> to which you
can subscribe in order to receive announcements via e-mail. There is a page
listing <a href="What'sNew">what's new in recent versions</a>, including new
features such as <a href="interedit">Interactive Editing</a> and <a
href="ftpupload">FTP uploads</a>.
You can now view page meta information by clicking Adjust on the
<img src="#sm!help" alt="small info icon"> on the toolbar.
If you come across a problem with your version, please check
first whether you are using the latest version or not. You can do this by
checking the <a href="http://ftp.dsse.ecs.soton.ac.uk:8080/ftp/ArcWeb/">primary
FTP site</a> at my lab at the <a href="http://www.soton.ac.uk/">University of
Southampton</a>. If you need to send me a bug report then
please first read the <a href="bugreports">bug report instructions</a> as
this will tell you how you can enable me to find your problem much faster.
Please feel free to send in suggestions for enhancements. You might like
to check out the <a href="hintsntips">hints & tips</a>.
<h2 align=center>Beginner's Guide to the Web</h2>
This is a <a href="index">hypertext</a> link to the manual index page. Under
a default desktop palette, the text is black and the hypertext is blue. This
can be changed by choosing the <em>Colours ...</em> item on the Options menu.
You will notice a much higher quality of rendition if you use a screen mode
with 256 or more colours, since the anti- aliasing provided by the RISC OS
Font Manager is able to do a much better job with more colours available. If
you are using RISC OS 3.70 and switch on the background font blending, then
you will notice an extremely high quality rendering against background images
as the Font Manager's dynamic anti-aliasing comes into action. NOTE: If you
enable this and you have Virtualise® running, you must NOT make the Dynamic
Area called "Inverse Table" virtual, unless you want everything to
be unreadable.
ArcWeb provides facilities for browsing documents on your own local system
and over the Internet. ArcWeb can be used for viewing resources whose URLs
start with local, http, <a href="ftpinst">FTP</a>, news, nntp, mailto, telnet,
finger, gopher and
WAIS with Acorn TCP/IP or FreeNet. All but the last is supported natively,
as WAIS requires a <a href="proxy">proxy</a> such as that found at
wwwcache.ja.net or www-cache.demon.co.uk. <em>telnet</em> requires
either <a href="http://www.xargle.demon.co.uk/2020/freeterm.html"><img border=0 alt=FreeTerm align=top src="#!freeterm"></a> or Acorn's <img
align=top alt="!VT220" src="#!vt220"> or to be loaded and running.
ArcWeb integrates with many other programs, including <img src="#!changefsi" align=middle
alt="ChangeFSI"> and Clares' <a href="http://www.stcoll.ac.uk/clares/MISC/virt.html">
Virtualise <img border=0 src=virtsprite align=middle></a>
<h2 align=center>Starting Points</h2>
<h3>Acorn Links</h3>
I have listed a few pages that are good places to start browsing the World Wide Web.
Firstly, there are a few starting off points of interest to Acorn users in particular:
<a name=acornlinks></a>
<li><a href="http://www.acorn.co.uk/">Acorn Computer Group</a> home page
<li><a href="http://www.arm.com/">Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.xemplar.co.uk/">Xemplar Education</a>
<li><a href="http://www.poppyfields.net/acorn/">The alternative Acorn users' home page</a>
<h3>Search Engines</h3>
Sometimes it is difficult to find the information that you are looking for on
the web. This is where <em>search engines</em> help. When you connect to the
search engine, it allows you to enter a keyword and it will return a list of
sites which <em>may</em> be contain relevant information. There are several
around, but some of the most well known are linked to from this page. Many
even carry links to other search engines!
<li><strong><a href="http://www.yahoo.com/">Yahoo!</a></strong> (USA)
<ul><li><a href="http://www.yahoo.co.uk/">UK & Ireland mirror</a> for Yahoo</ul>
<li><strong><a href="http://www.lycos.com/"><img alt="Lycos" src=lycos_logo
width=79 height=33
align=center border=0></a></strong>, USA
<li><strong><a href="http://webcrawler.com/">WebCrawler</a></strong> at America Online
Inc., California USA.
<li><strong><a href="http://www2.infoseek.com/">InfoSeek</a></strong> provided by
Infoseek Corporation
If you need to search UseNet news, then there are two major sites
which support this: <ul><li><strong>
<a href="http://www.dejanews.com/">DejaNews</a></strong>. This is an extremely
powerful search engine and very useful for looking up subjects that
have been discussed in a particlar newsgroup (or set of groups) in the
past.<li><strong><a href="http://www.altavista.digital.com/">Alta Vista</a>
</strong> is the other one, hosted by Digital Equipment Corporation, and can
search either UseNet or the Web. This also has a <a href="http://www.altavista.telia.com/">
European mirror site</a> which may be quicker for European users to access.
<hr align=center width="50%" size=2> </body> <address>
S.N.Brodie@ecs.soton.ac.uk <br><a href="http://www.dsse.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~snb94r/">
http://www.dsse.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~snb94r/</a> </address>