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# #
# QUAKE: Hints, tips and secrets #
# #
# Compiled by Stuart Painting #
# (stuart@zedtoo.demon.co.uk) #
# #
# Version 1.6 (07 Jun 1997) #
# #
Legal preamble
Quake is a trademark of id Software Inc. All other trademarks acknowledged.
None of what follows is approved by id themselves, and if you use any of it and
mess up your game, your computer or your life, that's YOUR problem, not mine.
Real preamble
Having trouble getting Quake to run? Maybe you want some tips and tactics?
Or perhaps you want to know all about the secret areas and cheat codes?
Then this is the file you've been looking for!
What follows is intended as an aid to PLAYING the game. The design of Quake
is such that it is very easy to to add extra facilities by using the
"QuakeC" compiler and the various level-editing utilities (available in the
public domain) but I felt that further discussion of those utilities was
outside the scope of this document (see section 6 for where else to look for
further information, should you need it).
1. Additions to the user manual etc.
1.1 Control keys, etc
(UK Keyboards, "zoom lens" key, "no automap?", crosshair aiming,
speeding up the game, scrolling up and down in the console,
"best key layout")
1.2 Files, terminology etc.
(using .cfg files, user-defined maps, frags and telefrags,
hints on constructing aliases)
1.3 Hardware issues
(running on a 486, "best hardware", sound card problems,
"no music?")
1.4 Additional notes for multiplayer games
(starting a game, serial port not working, Hayes ESP ports,
modem play, Internet play using the DOS PPP stack,
setting up an IPX Ethernet network under DOS,
recording multiplayer demos)
2. Playing tips
2.1 Playing hints
2.2 Other things to try (Oddities of the game)
3. Console mode commands (including cheat codes)
4. The secrets list!
5. Differences between the various Quake releases
6. Where to go for further information about Quake
A note about "spoilers"
I have grouped all of the cheats and secrets towards the end of the file.
If you don't want to see any of them, stop reading when you reach the
"SPOILER WARNING" message roughly half-way through the file.
This document contains items retrieved from a variety of sources.
I can only hope that the following people are not too annoyed I've collected
their work together:
James Ariz (moebius@netcom.ca)
Bowfonz (102375.524@compuserve.com)
Brandon Fish (brafish@stomped.com)
Jordan Gratrix
Kyle R Hofmann (rhofmann@crl.com)
Mark Hughes (kamikaze@kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu)
Greg Kopff (kopff@zeta.org.au)
Niklata (nichd@norfolk.infi.net)
Hamish Rodda
Mackey McCandlish
Mike Strong (Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc)
Jeremy Thom (thomdc@nbnet.nb.ca)
Justin Ward (ward@stealth.net)
plus the following CIXen: (<name>@cix.compulink.co.uk)
albert, andrew_mcp, ccomley, cjamesb, gazzle, glordos, hgyton, horton,
ids, ivorb, jimhearne, jpchase, libra, magsys, nmiddleton, paul_w,
pholden, sleee, swittams, tstark, xix.
A special mention for Ivor B (ivorb@cix) and his "Ridiculous Things To Do In
Quake" compilation.
1.1 Control keys, etc.
1.1.1 UK Keyboards
Quake expects to find a 101-key US keyboard. If you're using a 102-key
UK keyboard (and most of you will be), a few of the keys are different:
* To get to the console, press the ` (grave accent) key
top left of keyboard, instead of the ~ (tilde) key.
(That's where the tilde is on a US keyboard).
* Likewise, "mouse look" is on the # key, above the right shift key.
* The backslash (\) key won't work (it counts as the 102nd key).
Using "BIND \" in a ".cfg" file will actually bind the # key.
While in the console, several characters are in different places:
To display the backslash, press the # key.
To display the # character, press SHIFT/3.
(note there is no "pound sign" key on a US keyboard)
To display the @ character, press SHIFT/2.
To display the " character, press SHIFT/'
(in other words, " and @ have swapped places)
1.1.2 "Zoom lens" control key
Press F11 for a "zoom lens" view of the world. Press F11 to toggle off
again. This plays merry hell with your mouse sensitivity, so be warned!
1.1.3 Where's the "automap" key?
There is no automap.
Quake is a 3-D environment: any attempt to produce a map would be extremely
difficult to decipher on-screen.
You can get a bird's eye view by using the "no clipping" cheat code (see
section 3) and moving upwards, but it's not the same thing.
1.1.4 Crosshair aiming
If you want, you can have your aiming point marked by crosshairs. Simply go
to the console and type CROSSHAIR 1.
A minor bug in v1.01 of Quake means that the crosshairs appear in the wrong
place when you're underwater. This is fixed in version 1.05 of Quake.
1.1.5 Speeding up the game
Quake is very demanding on the PC hardware: it may run jerkily on slower
machines (i.e. anything below a Pentium-90).
The best way of speeding up Quake is to upgrade your hardware
(see section 1.3 below).
If you can't afford to upgrade, here are some things which might help:
* Don't select the "more detailed" video modes. On most systems, Quake runs
fastest in mode 0 (320x200).
* Try reducing the screen size (using the + and - keys). Each reduction
in screen size will result in roughly 10% speed increase.
* If you aren't using a joystick, start Quake with the "-nojoy" parameter.
This will speed things up by 1 or 2 percent.
* If running from Windows 95, read the "Win95" section of techinfo.txt -
it contains several hints for speeding up Quake under Windows 95.
* Enter the console command "D_MIPSCALE 4". This will make the wall
textures very blocky but will give about 5% speed increase.
* Try starting Quake with the "-nosound" parameter. However, playing
without any sound at all may not be to everyone's taste.
* If you're utterly, utterly desperate (and I really do mean DESPERATE)
try issuing the console command "R_DRAWFLAT 1". This switches off the
texture-mapping of walls etc., but the resulting display can be VERY
confusing. On the plus side, it does result in a 25% speed increase.
1.1.6 Scrolling up and down in the console
Sometimes the messages flash onto the screen too fast for you to read them.
If you pull down the console, you'll be able to read the last few messages;
pressing the PAGE UP key allows you to "scroll-back" in the console so you
can see even earlier messages. As you would expect, pressing PAGE DOWN
moves you forward to later messages (assuming there are any).
Note this is different from pressing the "cursor up" or "cursor down" keys
in the console (that merely displays previous COMMANDS, not messages).
1.1.7 What's the best key layout?
This will depend very much on personal preference, but here's a couple of
From Nemesis (nmiddleton@cix):
Mouse button 1: fire
Mouse button 2: walk forward (set to have run always ON)
Keys: (I find it useful to be close to the weapon keys)
a: strafe left
d: strafe right
w: jump
s: backpedal
Ctrl: mlook (I'm left handed with the mouse so this may be a tricky
From tstark@cix:
bind INS "impulse 7"
bind SHIFT "impulse 22" ; this is grapple hook
bind CTRL "impulse 8"
Then I have
bind UPARROW +jump
bind DOWNARROW +back
bind LEFTARROW +moveleft
bind RIGHTARROW +moveright
The mouse is for forward attack and snipe (when I use the 3btn logi)
Note: The "grapple hook" is one of those add-on features that I said I
wasn't going to mention (oops....)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.2 Files, terminology etc.
1.2.1 Using ".cfg" files
If you use a ".cfg" file copy it to the ID1 directory and rename it as
"autoexec.cfg": it will then be run automatically when you load Quake.
This is preferable to using config.cfg, as it keeps "your" settings
separate from those decided by the Quake program itself
(i.e. they won't get overwritten).
1.2.2 User-defined maps
The registered version of Quake allows you to add extra maps (to create
these maps you'd need a map builder, but that's another story).
For example, there's a map file called TEST1.BSP which is a copy of the
first level from the "Quake Deathmatch Test". This won't be much use to
owners of registered Quake (since it already appears as the first of the
Deathmatch levels) but it does illustrate the method to be used:
* In the "ID1" subdirectory (the one with CONFIG.CFG and PAK0.PAK
in it), create a MAPS subdirectory.
* Copy TEST1.BSP to this MAPS subdirectory.
* Start Quake, then from the console, type: MAP TEST1
If you've got shareware v0.91 or v0.92, the TEST1.BSP map mentioned above
will work, but other user-defined maps almost certainly won't work.
1.2.3 Frags and Telefrags
In a multiplayer (Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch) game, if you kill an
opposing player you are awarded a "frag". The frag scores for each player
are displayed: (a) at the end of the level, (b) whenever you are killed, or
(c) by pressing the TAB key during play.
Should you commit suicide (e.g. by falling into some lava, or by standing
too close to one of your own grenades), a frag is deducted from your score.
If you go through a slipgate and materialise on top of someone else, you
will kill them. This is known as "telefragging": it is a good idea to get
well clear of a slipgate pad if you want to avoid this fate. One exception
to this rule is if you happen to have the Pentagram of Protection then you
cannot be telefragged (the other guy gets telefragged instead).
One final point: If the server has the NOEXIT parameter set, no-one is
allowed to exit the level. Players trying to jump through the exit will
find they have committed suicide instead. You Have Been Warned.
1.2.4 Hints on constructing aliases
Aliases are a powerful way of assisting your gameplay: the file
"techinfo.txt" contains an example of an alias which will fire a rocket then
switch back to the double-barrelled shotgun, and another which allows you to
set multiplayer parameters by pressing a single key.
However, the system is not infinitely flexible. In particular, you should
avoid redefining the same alias(es) or they will eventually stop working
(or, to put it another way, the game will eventually crash).
For example, should you want to define a key that toggles between two
actions, you might decide to do it like this:
alias hit1 "impulse 4 ; +attack ; wait ; -attack ; alias hitcycle hit2 ;"
alias hit2 "impulse 6 ; +attack ; wait ; -attack ; alias hitcycle hit1 ;"
alias hitcycle "hit1"
bind y "hitcycle"
The trouble is, the above aliases will give you grief after a number of
uses, because you keep redefining the aliases. A much better idea is to
define the aliases ONCE, then switch between them by using the "bind"
command instead. For example:
alias hit1 "impulse 4 ; +attack ; wait ; -attack ; bind y hit2 ;"
alias hit2 "impulse 6 ; +attack ; wait ; -attack ; bind y hit1 ;"
bind y hit1
Well, you get the general idea.
1.2.5 More about aliases
You may have noticed that the multi-command aliases in the previous example
all had an extra semicolon before the closing quotes. That semicolon
ensures that the last command does actually get executed (under certain
circumstances the last command of a sequence will not execute until you do
something else: adding a semicolon means that a "null" command now appears
at the end of the sequence).
A related trick can be used at the BEGINNING of a key binding. As the
documentation makes clear, if the first command of a multi-command key
binding is one of the "+" commands (e.g. +mlook, +moveleft), the
corresponding "-" command is executed when you release the key.
So, a binding such as:
bind s "+mlook ; +speed ;"
will switch on "mouse look" and start you running when you press the S key,
but when you let go of the S key, mouse look will be switched off. To have
them both switched on permanently, add an extra semicolon at the start:
bind s "; +mlook ; +speed ;"
Note also that there is a bug in some versions of Quake: the key bindings
stored in "config.cfg" (in the ID1 subdirectory) get an extra space added to
the end of the command every time you run Quake. So, after you've run the
program 20 times, there will be 20 extra spaces tacked onto the end of every
key binding. If this causes trouble, just edit "config.cfg" to remove the
excess trailing spaces (you only ever need ONE trailing space, if any).
This bug was fixed in version 1.05 of Quake.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.3 Hardware issues
1.3.1 Will Quake run on a 486?
The short answer is "Yes, but rather slowly."
Reports suggest that a DX4/100 manages roughly 8 frames per second (fps) at
320x200 screen resolution, "not great but playable".
Quake runs MUCH better on Pentium systems. Here are some examples:
P120: 21fps (320x200, #9GXE video card)
P166: 31fps (320x200, Diamond Stealth 64 video card)
The minimum realistic spec for Quake is a P60: this should achieve roughly
11fps at 320x200 screen resolution: noticeably faster than a DX4/100!
Note that these figures are highly dependent on factors such as the video
card being used. In other words, Your Mileage May Vary.
1.3.2 What's the best hardware setup for running Quake?
This list comes from Jim Hearne (jimhearne@cix):
* Don't buy a Cyrix cpu, they are no good for Quake due to the less
optimised floating point maths instructions. This means a Cyrix P166+
gives a lower FPS than a P100 in the same system.
* If only playing from Dos a high spec Windows accelerator video card,
e.g. Diamond Stealth Video Vram or a Matrox Millenium will be slower
than a medium spec card, e.g. a Diamond Stealth Dram or Video Dram.
So far a Stealth Video Dram has the highest FPS in Quake under Dos
(I've not tested under Win 95 yet).
* Anything more than 12 ish meg memory won't make Quake run any faster,
it may stop it swapping to disk but it won't give you any more FPS.
* Upgrading from a Pentium Triton FX chipset to a Triton 2 VX or HX
chipset will only give a 1 or 2 fps increase.
* Don't buy a Cyrix cpu.
* Upgrading from 256K Async cache to 256K pipeline burst cache will make
approx 20% speed increase.
* Upgrading from 256 K PBC to 512 K will make approx 10% speed increase.
* Don't buy a SIS chipset Pentium motherboard, these are slower than a
Triton, especially if you only use one simm in them.
* Stick to Pentium cpus that have the bus running at 66 mhz, eg 100mhz,
133 mhz, 166 mhz and 200 mhz, the others have the bus at 60 mhz which
will negate most of the performance increase you would expect between
say a 100 mhz and a 120 mhz cpu.
* Nearly forgot, don't buy a cyrix cpu.
* A Soundblaster 32 or AWE 32 will not give you any better sound than a
SB16 in Quake (or most other games).
1.3.3 Sound card problems
No sound in Quake? Or white noise instead of sound effects?
Early versions of Quake (v0.91 and v0.92) suffered from two problems, both
relating to Soundblaster card settings (the SET BLASTER parameters needed to
be in uppercase; also the "D" and "H" parameters had to specify different
DMA channels). These problems were fixed in version 1.01 of Quake.
Certain Gravis Ultrasound cards (specifically the Ultrasound Max, and the
Ultrasound PnP) will work with version 1.01 of Quake, but there are still
some bugs. Note that the Ultrasound Ace is not supported, and the
Ultrasound Classic may not work properly. Version 1.06 of Quake improved
the Ultrasound Classic support, but it's still not 100%.
Finally: some PnP sound cards will need special settings in AUTOEXEC.BAT to
set them up to behave in DOS mode. Check your hardware manuals.
1.3.4 I'm getting sound effects but no music. Why?
However, if you put a music CD into the CD-ROM drive before loading Quake,
audio tracks from that CD will be played.
If you change CDs while Quake is running, it will not automatically
recognise the new CD: use the console command "CD RESET" to get things going
Various other CD-related commands are available: see techinfo.txt for
The registered version of Quake has audio tracks on the CD-ROM, but if you
prefer you can change that for any music CD as described above.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.4 Additional notes for multiplayer games
1.4.1 Before you start
It is advisable that all the players have the same version of Quake.
Although different versions of Quake may well work together, they could
produce odd results (especially if the server is running the later version).
Many people will probably have version 1.01, but version 1.06 was also
widely available, and Mission Packs 1 and 2 upgraded the program to versions
1.07 and 1.08 respectively. If you want to connect to an Internet game, a
later version (1.07 or 1.08) is highly desirable.
If you want to play a user-defined level (or a Mission Pack level), then
every player must have that level (or Mission Pack) installed on their PC.
1.4.2 Starting a game
This is done using the "Multiplayer" menus (surprise, surprise): if you're
connecting to a game, rather than hosting it, you'll need to follow the
"Join a game running at..." menu option.
Don't forget to set your options (e.g. shirt colour) before connecting.
Once connected, you'll be in "observer" mode: press your JUMP key to get
into the action!
1.4.3 Serial port not working?
For multiplayer games across modem links (or direct serial cables), Quake
may not work properly if your serial port (or modem card) is fitted with the
older 8250 or 16450 serial driver chips. If you've got a 16550 serial chip
fitted, all should be well.
There are three ways of telling which sort of serial driver chip you've got:
(a) If Quake is running, type the console command COM1 (or COM2 if your
modem is on COM2). Quake will tell you what sort of chip it can see.
(b) From the DOS prompt, run a diagnostic program such as MSD. There is a
similar facility built into Windows 95 (under Control Panel perhaps? Sorry,
I haven't got W95 myself).
(c) Have a look at the chips on the circuit board (alternatively, ask your
supplier to confirm what sort of serial chip it is).
If you've got an 8250 or 16450, buy another serial port (or modem card)
with a 16550 fitted. Most ports/cards made in the past 2 years will have a
16550 fitted.
1.4.4 Hayes ESP serial ports
Here's a tip from Mike Strong, of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc:
Some people may be experiencing problems getting the DOS PPP stack to work
with a Hayes ESP card. This seems to be because the stack does not recognise
the ESP as a genuine COM port. This can be resolved by running the ESPCA
utility to discover the I/O address and interrupt that the ESP is actually
using and making appropriate changes to your NET.CFG file.
ESPCA reveals ESP card has an I/O address of 03E8 and is on IRQ 9
# This file was created by PPPMENU
BUFFERS 8 1500
PORT 03E8 <=== ESP I/O address
INT 9 <=== ESP IRQ
BAUD 115200
DIAL 901812960303
MODEM NAME "Hayes V34"
SCRIPT1 "name:" "<yourname>\r" 5
SCRIPT2 "word:" "<yourpassword>\r" 5
SCRIPT3 "ster>" "ppp <youripaddress>\r" 5
1.4.5 Modem play (1)
If you want to use serial/modem connections, you are STRONGLY advised to
upgrade to Quake v1.01 or later. This has appeared on practically every PC
magazine cover CD of late, so there's no real excuse for trying to use an
older version.
Here's a suggested method for modem play using version 1.01 of Quake,
from NNet:
* Disable error correction and compression in your INIT string. For the
USR Sportster, try "AT&F1&K0&M0" which sets to hardware handshaking
defaults and disables ec and compression.
* Let the faster machine be the host. Didn't matter for us but good
practice in general. Also set baud rate to 38400 but don't think
it matters.
* **VERY IMPORTANT** on the host side, you MUST set the SYS_TICRATE
variable to 0.1 in the console. Just hit the ~ (tilde) key and enter
"SYS_TICRATE 0.1". To verify your setting just enter SYS_TICRATE" and
it should say "SYS_TICRATE is '0.1'"
The normal SYS_TICRATE is 0.05, or 20 updates per second. Setting it
to 0.1 halves the number of system updates to force the host more in
line with what the client's getting in terms of updates. It also
reduces bandwidth requirements, as half the number of updates need to
be sent through the modem.
* Have the host start the game, and have the client dial in. When you
connect, hopefully the connect string will verify the lack of error
control and compression: on a USR Sportster the string you should get
* That's it! My game had almost *no* key lag, a first for any Quake
modem game so far, and the host didn't seem to have a tremendous
advantage due to greater number of screen updates.
Please note: Your Mileage May Vary. In particular, it might be worth
leaving modem (V.42bis) compression switched ON, but I have not tried this.
1.4.6 Modem play (2)
If doing a head-to-head modem game (i.e. with a listen server, not a
dedicated server) and the client gets jerky you should ask the server player
to downsize their screen. Apparently this helps (perhaps because the server
treats screen updates as more important than network traffic).
1.4.7 Internet play using the DOS PPP stack
If you've got Windows 95, you already have (most of) the necessary software
to play Quake across the Internet, so you can skip the rest of this section.
If all you've got is DOS, you'll need some extra software. Oh, and be
prepared to do quite a bit of tweaking.
The software is contained in two files called BWTCP.ZIP and QKEPPP20.ZIP,
available from bulletin boards (and most of the FTP sites listed at the end
of this document). Unfortunately, the instructions that come with the
software is not that easy to follow and can result in the game not working,
or producing strange results.
Fortunately, all is not lost. Here's one way of getting it to work,
courtesy of horton@cix:
This is not the most efficent/quick method, but its how i got it
working (and there are no counter/message errors with 1.01..)
1) extracted QKEPPP20.ZIP (quake/files) into C:\QUAKEPPP
2) the net.cfg file (in c:\quakeppp) should look something like this..
--<snip> (don't include this line)--
# This file was created by PPPMENU
BUFFERS 8 1500
PORT <comport>
BAUD 57600
DIAL <servertel>
MODEM NAME "Hayes Accura 28.8"
MODEM INIT1 "<initstring>"
SCRIPT1 "name:" "<ipname>\r" 5
SCRIPT2 "word:" "<password>\r" 5
SCRIPT3 "ster>" "ppp <ipaddress>\r" 5
--<snip> (don't include this line)--
Replace these bits with:
<comport> The COM port your modem is attached to (eg COM2)
<servertel> The tel number of your IP server (i use 01582647249)
<ipname> eg: if your address is "blah.compulink.co.uk", put "blah"
<password> Your IP password (case sensative)
<ipaddress> Your IP address, number format (eg
3) made a file called INITPPP.BAT (in c:\quakeppp), that looks like
(replace <ipaddress> with your IP address eg )
--<snip> (don't include this line)--
@echo off
echo Setting QuakePPP stuff..
LH lsl
LH ppp
LH pppstate wait ip
LH pppwat
LH ipstub
slipip <ipaddress>
--<snip> (don't include this line)--
4) made a file called SHUTPPP.BAT (in c:\quakeppp), that looks like
--<snip> (don't include this line)--
@echo off
echo Shutting down QaukePPP stuff..
ipstub unload
ppp u
lsl /u
--<snip> (don't include this line)--
5) Installed the BWTCP.ZIP package into c:\qppp and followed the
installation instructions according to the included install.txt (you
don't have to deal with the script.ppp file though..)
Whenever i want to log on:
a) run initppp.bat in c:\quakeppp
b) in the menu, i choose connect and then press return twice
c) once the modem connects and back to the menu, press alt-s
d) quit the prog
e) run quake and use the command CONNECT
when you've finished playing, run shutppp.bat in c:\quakeppp
N.B. The above instructions were for connecting to the CIX Quake server.
Certain details (e.g. telephone number, IP addresses, "SCRIPT" entries to
detect username and password while logging-on to your service provider) will
of course need changing if you're using a different service.
1.4.8 Setting up an IPX network under DOS
The manual (and "techinfo.txt") only contains information on how to get your
network going under Windows 95. What follows is for you lucky people with
DOS and an Ethernet card in your sweaty palms.
First off, if you've got your network card working for multiplayer DOOM,
exactly the same setup should work for Quake. Stop reading and start
We'll start with the basics. You need one Ethernet card per machine, and
either an Ethernet hub (if using UTP cable) or some T-pieces and terminators
(if using "thin Ethernet" coaxial cable). Ethernet hubs tend to be quite
expensive, so unless you've already got a hub you'll find Thin Ethernet a
cheaper proposition.
Many Ethernet cards have more than one socket on the back, for the different
cable types (Thick/Thin Ethernet etc). Make sure the "right" socket is
enabled: some cards do this automatically, but sometimes you need to change
switch settings on the card or run a setup program. Check your hardware
manual for details.
Now we come to putting it all together. An Ethernet hub merely requires you
to wire each of the cards to the hub using UTP category 3 (or category 5)
patch cables.
There's a bit more to "Thin Ethernet" coaxial. Here's a diagram, showing a
3-computer network:
T-piece T-piece T-piece
| | |
| RG58 cable | RG58 cable |
--------- --------- ---------
| Card | | Card | | Card |
| on PC | | on PC | | on PC |
--------- --------- ---------
The asterisk (*) at each end of the cable indicates a 50-ohm terminator.
As can be seen from the diagram, for 3 PCs you need 2 terminators, 2 pieces
of RG58 co-axial cable (fitted with BNC connectors), and 3 T-pieces.
Extra PCs can be added by introducing an extra piece of RG58 cable and an
extra T-piece (make sure the two terminators always live at the extreme ends
of the co-axial cable run).
IMPORTANT: You must use RG58 (50-ohm) coaxial cable, and the terminators
must be 50-ohm (Ethernet) terminators. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE RG59 CABLE, OR
Now we come to the tricky bit: setting up the software!
The instructions below assume you're using a Novell NE2000 card (this is a
popular card, and many other cards have an "NE2000 compatibility" mode).
Firstly, you'll need three pieces of driver software: LSL.COM, IPXODI.COM,
and the card driver (e.g. NE2000.COM). The card driver is usually supplied
on a floppy disc with the card itself (the driver you want is usually in a
directory called DOSODI or something similar). If you're lucky, you'll also
find LSL.COM and IPXODI.COM there as well, but if not you can download them
from Netwire or maybe even the site you downloaded Quake from (failing that,
check out the list of FTP sites near the end of this document).
If you're not using a "real" NE2000 card, the card driver may well have a
different name (for example, a "plug'n'play" card I bought in PC World has a
driver called PNPODI.COM).
Now, create a new directory on your hard drive to hold the above 3 files,
plus a couple more described below. I suggest you call it something snappy
like \NET.
Besides the above 3 files, you'll also need a file called NET.CFG in your
\NET directory. This is a text file, and for an NE2000 card would look
something like this:
PORT 300
Frame Ethernet_802.2
Protocol IPX E0 Ethernet_802.2
Note the indentation of the lines: it's important!
Obviously, if your NE2000 card is using a different interrupt or a different
port address, you should use those values instead (and if it isn't a real
NE2000 card you may not need those two lines at all). Also note that the
name on the "LINK DRIVER" line must agree with the name of the card driver
program: for the plug'n'play card I mentioned previously, it would say "LINK
Just to confuse matters, an IPX network can be set up to use different
Ethernet frame types. The example above was for "802.2" frames. If you
wanted/needed to use the (less common) "802.3" frame type instead, the last
two lines would look like this:
Frame Ethernet_802.3
Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3
Either frame type will work equally well, but all PCs in the network must be
using the SAME frame type!
(Any systems using Ethernet_II or Ethernet_SNAP frame types should be taken
outside and shot).
The last(!) thing you need to do is to set up a batch file to load
everything up in the right sequence. I suggest you call it NET.BAT, and it
should contain the following lines:
NE2000 (or your card driver, if different)
Once you've finished playing, you may want to unload the network drivers.
The following sequence of commands will do just that:
NE2000 /u (or your card driver, if different)
LSL /u
An alternative (albeit rather drastic) way is to reboot your PC.
1.4.9 Recording multiplayer demos
From albert@cix:
First and foremost, it does NOT appear to be possible to record a game
client-side. So recording deathmatches on the CIX server seems to be out of
the question. Secondly, the dedicated server console does not accept
"stop", "record", "playdemo" etc as valid commands. So that appears to be
out too - only a machine with the graphics subsystem initialised can record.
That leaves listen servers, which we all gave up years ago (except for
serial-based games). This requires a bit of fiddling as well, because
typing "Record Test.DEM E1M1" causes it to spawn a local server. To let
other players join, I needed to type "Listen 3" or whatever number of
players I want.
After that, it seems to work OK. But no player switching or anything.
2.1 Playing hints
2.1.1 Ogres, Zombies and Shamblers
In Nightmare mode, the ogres are so busy throwing grenades at you that they
don't bother moving around much. This means that you can pick them off at a
distance using your shotgun(!) Use the single-barrelled shotgun as
(amazingly enough) it has a longer range than the double-barrelled one.
The best all-round technique to use against the Ogre (and the Shambler, come
to that) is to get sufficiently close that they stop firing their long-range
weapon and try to rip you apart instead. Now just keep retreating as you
fire so that you're *just* out of range of their chainsaw (or claws).
The best way to destroy a zombie is a direct hit from a grenade. If you use
a shotgun or nailgun they'll fall over, but after a while they get up again.
With a Quad Damage powerup you can finish them off with a shotgun, but a
nailgun is still no good even with Quad Damage.
Shamblers are cunning beasts and absorb energy from explosions. This halves
the damage done by grenade/rocket launchers. A lightning gun will polish
one off in short order: the next best weapon is the Super Nailgun, but it
takes a lot of ammo.
2.1.2 Strafing and circle strafing
In Quake (as in other games such as DOOM), strafing is an important skill to
master: you can (usually) dodge incoming fire with a well-timed strafe, and
it alows you to quickly duck behind a pillar and re-emerge, guns blazing.
Even if you're using a mouse it's a good idea to have specific keys on the
keyboard set up to do "strafe left" and "strafe right".
"Circle strafing" is a technique where you strafe in one direction while
turning in the opposite direction: the net result is that you circle a given
spot while always being able to fire at whatever is in the middle. This is
a really useful ploy against monsters that take a lot of shots to kill.
Mouse users will have an easy time of it (use the keyboard to strafe and the
mouse to aim) but keyboard-only players can also use the technique (e.g. by
setting up special keys that strafe left AND look right).
Here's some circle strafe aliases for a keyboard player, from James Ariz
(moebius@netcom.ca). These change your forward speed so you can spiral in
by pressing the "forward" key at the same time:
alias +cs_r "cl_forwardspeed 180;+moveright;+left;"
alias -cs_r "cl_forwardspeed 425;-moveright;-left;"
alias +cs_l "cl_forwardspeed 180;+moveleft;+right;"
alias -cs_l "cl_forwardspeed 425;-moveleft;-right;"
2.1.3 "The two-shot rocket launcher death"
Shoot rocket launcher at deadmeat's feet shouting "PULL!" in an upper-class
accent. Deadmeat will fly into the air helplessly, unable to do anything
but rotate and shoot, in an easy-to-understand projectile arc. Take
deadmeat out with another rocket shot aimed perfectly to intercept him
before he lands. Works OK on normal gravity but obviously lower gravity
will allow more shots before deadmeat lands (usually in separate bits) in
case the boy is carrying extra armour/health.
N.B. The more adventurous amongst you might like to try switching to a
shotgun after the first rocket shot.
2.1.4 Sniper mode
Hamish Rodda's sniper mode alias makes for easy killing fun:
alias +snipe " fov 75 ; wait ; fov 60 ; wait ; fov 45 ; sensitivity 6 ; +mlook ;"
alias -snipe " fov 60 ; wait ; fov 75 ; wait ; fov 90 ; sensitivity 12 ; -mlook ;"
Bind "+snipe" to an easily accessible key, for example "A". When you
hold this key down, the screen will zoom in reasonably smoothly, change
sensitivity to lower, and turn on mouse freelook. Letting go will do the
reverse. The smooth zooming ensures you will not become disoriented.
N.B. The sensitivity is set purely by personal preference and your mouse
type. The above commands assume sensitivity 12 for normal view.
2.1.5 A quick rocket inbetween
Mackey McCandlish provides us with this set of aliases to quickly fire a
rocket: press the middle mouse button to fire the rocket launcher and then
return to your current weapon.
alias rock1 "impulse 7 ; +attack ; wait; impulse 1 ; -attack"
alias rock2 "impulse 7 ; +attack ; wait; impulse 2 ; -attack"
alias rock3 "impulse 7 ; +attack ; wait; impulse 3 ; -attack"
alias rock4 "impulse 7 ; +attack ; wait; impulse 4 ; -attack"
alias rock5 "impulse 7 ; +attack ; wait; impulse 5 ; -attack"
alias rock6 "impulse 7 ; +attack ; wait; impulse 6 ; -attack"
alias rock7 "impulse 7 ; +attack ; wait; impulse 7 ; -attack"
alias rock8 "impulse 7 ; +attack ; wait; impulse 8 ; -attack"
alias at01 "impulse 1 ; bind mouse3 rock1"
alias at02 "impulse 2 ; bind mouse3 rock2"
alias at03 "impulse 3 ; bind mouse3 rock3"
alias at04 "impulse 4 ; bind mouse3 rock4"
alias at05 "impulse 5 ; bind mouse3 rock5"
alias at06 "impulse 6 ; bind mouse3 rock6"
alias at07 "impulse 7 ; bind mouse3 rock7"
alias at08 "impulse 8 ; bind mouse3 rock8"
bind 1 "at01"
bind 2 "at02"
bind 3 "at03"
bind 4 "at04"
bind 5 "at05"
bind 6 "at06"
bind 7 "at07"
bind 8 "at08"
2.1.6 An Axe That Packs A Punch
Deathmatch players will already know that they can't tell which weapon an
opponent is holding, unless it happens to be the axe: if you see someone
carrying an axe, they're probably out of ammo and hence are easy meat.
It might be possible to turn this to your advantage. A minor modification
to the macros for "A Quick Rocket Inbetween" will arrive at a set of macros
which will fire the chosen weapon and then immediately switch back to the
axe. Other players will find out you're carrying an axe that can shoot
shotgun pellets, or whatever... :-)
alias +axe4 "impulse 4; +attack ;"
alias -axe4 "-attack; wait; impulse 1 ;"
(repeat for other weapons)
alias ax04 "impulse 1; bind mouse1 +axe4 ;"
bind 4 "ax04"
(repeat for other weapon selection keys)
2.1.7 Rocket-assisted jump
You will have noticed by now that firing a rocket at an opponent will often
cause them to be thrown into the air. You will also have noticed that it
throws them further into the air than they can get just by jumping. So, it
follows that if you can fire a rocket at yourself you should be able to
perform prodigious leaps. And so you can. Just aim the rocket launcher
down at the ground, then simultaneously jump and fire. Costs you 55 health,
so use sparingly.
Or if you prefer, here it is as an alias:
alias +launch "cl_pitchspeed 1000; impulse 7; +lookdown; long_wait; +jump;
wait; +attack; +forward;"
alias -launch "-lookdown; -jump; -attack; cl_pitchspeed 100; centerview;
alias long_wait "wait; wait; wait; wait;"
Just bind "+launch" to a handy key.
2.1.8 Super Sniper Spot
This one is in Castle of the Damned (E1M2):
Your starting point is the 100% health (you can reach it with either of two
teleporters, it is above the doorway which leads to the exit...) Get armed
to the teeth, 150% armour and 200% health, then do a rocket-assisted jump
(see above) onto the rafter which is right above the 100% health item.
See those two big brown blocks to your left & right abovethe two
teleporters? That's where you're headed ;-). Step right back, along the
"edge", and take a running jump across to one of the two ledges that lead up
to the huge "block". Then with your back against the "block", do another
rocket-assisted jump up to the roof.
It's a long way down from there, so watch your step ;-)
Once there, the F11 "zoom" key should come in very handy.
This is not as messy as it sounds: starting with 150% armour and 200% health
you can get 5 or 6 jumps before your health runs out. If you've practised
enough, you can get to the roof in 2 jumps most of the time.
2.1.9 Lurking
Some players take to lurking inside closed rooms. If these rooms contain
ammo and health, the player can be extremely difficult to dislodge. On the
minus side (as far as the lurker is concerned) if no-one ever enters the
room they won't get much of a score.
The best way of dealing with a lurker is to leave them alone. However, in
order to leave them alone you'll need to know where they're likely to be.
Here's one popular place:
E1M6 (The Door to Chthon) - In the room with the level exit, there is
a Super Nailgun, Health, Big nail box and yellow armour. This is a
deathmatch start spot, so a lurker will collect a modest score from
killing players as they respawn.
2.1.10 Changing your trousers
An amusing little trick to change the colour of your player while you move -
it won't give you an edge in play but it's good for laughs and for the
WTF!!! reaction of other players the first time you do it.
Simply bind a colour change to all of your movement controls. This causes
you to constantly shift colour as you change your direction of movement.
This is a suitable config for a mouse and keyboard player:
bind w "+forward2 ; color 12 13"
bind s "+back ; color 13 12"
bind a "+moveleft ; color 12 13"
bind d "+moveright ; color 13 12"
bind W "+forward2 ; color 12 13"
bind S "+back ; color 13 12"
bind A "+moveleft ; color 13 12"
bind D "+moveright ; color 12 13"
bind mouse2 "+attack ; color 12"
Simple colour shifts are best if you plan to do this all the time, that way
you are still identifiable. Otherwise chaos reigns supreme :-)
You can also do "color +1" to move to the next colour - handy for that
really psychedelic effect :-)
Ivor B (ivorb@cix) has said that one of his more ridiculous things to do was
to bind a trouser-change toggle to a key while in teamplay. This allowed
him to go renegade on the rest of his team.... :-)
Note: Many servers have applied a patch which stops you changing the colour
of your uniform after you've joined, so the above trick won't always work.
2.1.11 A turn of speed
It's a good idea to tick the "ALWAYS RUN" checkbox on the options menu (or
set up some aliases to ensure that "+speed" is always engaged). This is
especially important in multiplayer.
If the other players are still moving much faster than you, it's possible
that the server has changed the "maximum player speed" parameter
(sv_maxspeed). To make sure you don't get caught out by this, use the
following lines in your "autoexec.cfg" file:
cl_forwardspeed 9999
cl_backspeed 9999
cl_sidespeed 9999
cl_upspeed 9999
While on the subject of speed, here's a series of aliases that give you
"fast attack" capabilities to the side or to the rear (from Brandon Fish's
list, as usual):
alias fastleft "impulse 3; cl_yawspeed 1280; +left; wait; +attack; -left;
wait; -attack; cl_yawspeed 140;"
alias fastright "impulse 3; cl_yawspeed 1280; +right; wait; +attack; -right;
wait; -attack; cl_yawspeed 140"
alias fastback "impulse 3; cl_yawspeed 2670; +right; wait; +attack; -right;
wait; -attack; cl_yawspeed 140"
Note: Your Mileage May Vary. Personally I find these values for cl_yawspeed
to be distinctly on the low side: I've been experimenting with values as
high as 7000 and _still_ not getting a 180-degree turn. In practice, the
amount you turn seems to be governed by external factors, so don't expect
the last word in aiming accuracy.
2.1.12 Looking round corners
I'm not sure if this gives you an edge in deathmatch play, but just in case
it does:
It is possible to alter your viewpoint slightly, thus allowing you to look
(a bit) round corners. The effect is rather like moving your head to one
side (i.e. your weapon shifts in the opposite direction, and your aiming
point is likewise off-target). The amount of movement afforded is truly
modest, and it's up to you to judge whether it's any use:
alias +peekright "scr_ofsy 14 ; scr_ofsx -14 ;"
alias -peekright "scr_ofsy 0 ; scr_ofsx 0 ;"
alias +peekleft "scr_ofsy -14 ; scr_ofsx -14 ;"
alias -peekleft "scr_ofsy 0 ; scr_ofsx 0 ;"
2.1.13 Multiplayer tactics
If it's your first visit to a server, stay in "observer" mode for a while
and watch the other players in action. You'll pick up quite a few hints
that way.
If your PING time is substantially higher than other players on the server,
you'll be playing at a disadvantage. If you're playing via the Internet,
it's most likely to be a network problem (e.g. congestion) rather than any
hardware deficiencies at your end. Either try again at another time (when
the congestion may have eased) or else find another server.
Some players lurk near the deathmatch start spots. Get ready to run out of
the way as soon as you respawn. It's a good idea to get clear of the start
spot anyway, to avoid being telefragged by someone respawning after you.
The best time to send messages to other players is when you're dead.
Failing that, find a *quiet* spot to hide in: remember you're a sitting duck
while you're composing a message.
In teamplay, remember that it's the TROUSER colour that determines which
team you're on. Some devious players change their SHIRT colour to that of
the opposing team: the more gullible won't notice the deception until it's
too late.
From andrew_mcp@cix:
Good tactics involve stuff like...
(1) Keep moving (running!) at all times
(2) When reincarnated don't pause to gather your wits
(3) Don't run in straight lines
(4) Jumping confuses people... or makes them laugh and lose
concentration :-)
(5) Learn the common DM levels. Find a route which gets you the good
gear as quickly as possible.
(6) *Never* miss picking up a backpack
(7) If necessary hide until you've got a decent weapon.
(8) Take out decent life insurance
(9) Ignore all the above and like, go with the flow, man :-)
From John Romero and American McGee of id Software (via Brandon Fish):
* Never stop running- Never be anything less than a quick erratically
moving target to your opponents.
* Learn to Strafe and attack simultaneously- This keeps you out of
harms way while you rack up the frags.
* Learn each level and establish a path that lets you collect all the
weapons, health, and armor- Stick to this path, but vary it once in
a while in order to avoid being ambushed by observant foes.
* Listen closely to your surroundings- Learn which sounds come from
which parts of the level. Then when you hear a certain sound or
pattern of sounds, you'll know exactly where your foes are and
you'll be prepared for them. Your buddies will swear you have ESP.
* Learn free-look and make it a second nature- Remember that Quake is
true 3-d, and your buddies can jump you from above as well as attack
you from below.
* Develop proficiency with the rocket launcher- This is the most
powerful weapon in Quake, aside from the lightning gun. If you can
use it well, you're guaranteed to score many frags.
2.1.14 Deathmatch tips for specific levels
From the list compiled by Brandon Fish:
Welcome to Quake
"The red armour (200) is available on the Welcome to Quake Deathmatch level.
You simply fall into the pool at the fourth episode entrance backwards, and
sitting in front of you is the red armour in a little alcove." - Chuck Dale
E1M1 - The Slipgate Complex
"As soon as you materialize, run to the biosuit! Avoid invitations to
battle for now, your goal takes priority. (If a 100 health powerup is
between you and the biosuit, take the time to get it). As soon as you get
the biosuit, jump in the slime. This will discourage pursuit. Swim for the
secret area in the slime. When you get there, scoop up all the powerups you
need and take the slipgate to the kick-butt sniper ledge. Notice that
Pentagram next to you? That's the ace up your sleeve. So don't use it yet!
Wait until someone a) teleports beside you or b) engages you or c) goes for
the quad. You should use the Pentagram only when you have your prey in
sight. This will ensure that you get at least one frag outta that powerup.
When the urge to battle finally entices you off of that ledge - after you
gib your silly victim, go for the quad damage quickly. There's nothin like
quadding with 666 armor! Use this special time to make cameo appearences at
other places on the level. Go get the lamer who is hogging the rocket
laucher! He'll be there, he _always_ is. When you start to sober up, make
your way back to the biosuit as fast as your fat little feet will carry you.
Start another iteration of the cycle of death!" - (Ted_Koppel)
E1M2 - Castle of the Damned
"There is a location where two underwater tunnels lead up into a small room,
from which there is a small flight of stairs. This location has a
respawning rocket launcher, bullets, and two health packs. My favorite
strategy is to grab everything in the room, and then back into a corner and
wait. This room is also an area for people to teleport into the game or
teleport after they have been killed. You can usually spread their various
body parts around the room without much trouble. Players will also pop up
from the two underwater tunnels. Unless they have a nail gun or a rocket
launcher themselves, it usually not too hard to annihilate them with the
rocket launcher, also. Since the rocket launcher is respawning, you
shouldn't run out of ammo, and the health packs are available to mend any
damage done by either the rockets or the other players. There are
really only four ways to be forced out of this location: (A) Telefrag
(B) Being attacked by two or more armed people at once (C) Having the rocket
launcher respawn and the other person grabs it before you do (D) Having
someone pop up with a nail gun or rocket launcher and your first four shots
don't hit them." - Virginia Eveland
E1M5: Gloom Keep
"Right above the only rocket launcher, there is the highest platform which
has a elevator leading up to it. I've devised a strategy that gave me 20+
kills in under 5 minutes. Get the rocket launcher and ride that elevator up
to the highest level. Then wait for people to try to get the rocket
launcher, or on the bottom, if I see people fighting, I just intervene and
kill them both by aiming down and kill them like sitting ducks. Then when
somebody rides up the elevator to get you, simply shoot them right when they
come up, simple but efective!" - (mjarecki)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2.2 Other things to try
Some oddities of the game. These usually require you to enter console
2.2.1 Multiplayer fun
From Greg Kopff - kopff@zeta.org.au - A man with a ridiculous bent :)
"As I was playing a 12 player deathmatch in Ziggurat Vertigo, I had an idea.
As we were playing, someone would keep going to the dedicated console and
changing the gravity. It got to a point when you might jump, float, get
pulled to the roof (- gravity), and then rocket towards the ground. Not
knowing what the gravity was about to do was kinda fun.
PS. Try making SV_FRICTION negative. It's hard to control - you accelerate
instead of stopping."
2.2.2 Looking at the locked-off areas (shareware version only)
At the console, type REGISTERED 1. This will get rid of the messages and
unlock the doors to the other three episodes. But if you try to go through
the illegal slipgates the game will hang.
Also, when in the level choice area (not the difficulty choice area) go to
the console and do a NOCLIP. Use the "D" and "C" keys to go up/down.
Through the floor you will find the stairs leading to the entrance to the
final level (Shub-Niggurath's Pit). As before, the game hangs if you do try
to enter the level itself.
An alternative method of viewing the entrance to Shub-Niggurath's Pit is
given in the "Secrets" section, under level E1M7 (The House of Chthon).
2.2.3 Getting the lightning gun (shareware version only)
Type REGISTERED 1 at the console, then play the start map (MAP START) in
deathmatch mode. The lightning gun is just lying around waiting to be
picked up, by the slipgate to episode 3.
2.2.4 Bug with "reload saved game" in v1.01
Here's a rather peculiar bug, from Jeremy Thom:
Go to Multiplayer and select "New Game". You will of course be on your own
(no monsters, no other players). Now call up the "Single Player" menu and
load a saved (single-player) game. All the grunts will look like Quad
Damage, all the dogs will look like boxes of NIN, and so on. The level
itself may also look "like a level that hasn't had its nodes rebuilt"
(if you understand DOOM terminology) and may fail completely after a while,
with a screenful of error messages.
2.2.5 Bug in END level with v1.01
The "official" method of killing Shub-Niggurath is explained in section 4.
Thanks to a bug in version 1.01, it is also possible to kill Shub-Niggurath
by shooting her, but you need to use rather a lot of cheat codes to do so
(even with Quad Damage it'll take nearly 100 rockets).
Should you persevere in this task, one of two things will happen.
The "interesting" one is that you get to see an animation which assumes you
used the "official" method of killing her.
The "boring" one is that the game might crash (I haven't seen this happen
myself but other people have reported it).
To correct this bug, anyone with the QuakeC compiler could make the
necessary 6-line modification to "oldone.qc" and recompile PROGS.DAT
themselves (above the "self.th_die" line there should have been a
"self.th_pain" line referencing a new routine which reset "self.health" to
its initial value - in other words ordinary weapons should have no effect).
The bug was "officially" fixed in version 1.05 of Quake.
A full list of console commands appears later in this document. Here are a
few of the more interesting ones.
Demo recording/playback: (just type them in and the syntax is given)
RECORD Start recording demo
STOP Stop recording demo
TIMEDEMO Displays stats about specified demo
PLAYDEMO Plays back specified demo
STOPDEMO Stop playing back demo
Miscellaneous commands:
CROSSHAIR 1 Display crosshairs for aiming.
FOV <n> Sets field of view. Default 90, usable range 10-120.
Low values give you a "binocular-style" view similar to
pressing F11, while large values give a "fisheye lens" view,
and your current weapon disappears from view.
RESTART I'll give you three guesses...
SENSITIVITY <n> Sets mouse sensitivity. Default is 3, although you might
want to experiment with higher values (e.g. 12 or 20).
SHOWTURTLE 1 Displays a "turtle" icon if frame rate drops below 10fps.
SKILL <n> Set skill level (0=easy, 3=nightmare)
TIMEREFRESH Find out how fast your system is - does a 360 rotate, then
displays the time and frame rate (in FPS).
VID_DESCRIBEMODES Lists all available video modes & resolutions.
VID_MODE <n> Sets the display to the specified mode.
See techinfo.txt for a full description.
Multiplayer commands:
MAP <name> Starting episode (e.g. MAP E1M7 or MAP START).
Use it on the server.
CHANGELEVEL Like MAP (q.v.) but can be used mid-game.
COLOR <shirt> <pants> Set colour of uniform. In team play, pants colour
controls which team you are on.
CONNECT <name> Connect to a server
COOP <0/1> Set "cooperative" mode. Default 0 (deathmatch).
DEATHMATCH <0/1> Set type of deathmatch (deathmatch/altdeath)
FRAGLIMIT <n> Set number of frags at which server quits.
HOSTNAME <name> Set name of server
KILLSERVER Closes down server
LISTEN <n> If 0, no more clients can join the game.
MAXPLAYERS <n> Maximum number of players allowed in game
NAME <name> Player name
NOEXIT 1 If a player tries to exit a level, he gets telefragged.
PAUSABLE <0/1> If 0, players cannot pause the game.
PING Measures network delay for multiplayer games. This will
show the delay for all players, not just yourself, so you'll
be able to see who has the fastest connection.
SLIST List all available servers
STATUS Display hostname, map, players and frag scores.
SYS_TICRATE <n> Rate at which server sends out updates. Default is 0.05
(i.e. 20 updates/sec) but for a modem/serial game you are
advised to alter this to 0.1 (i.e. 10 updates/sec).
TEAMPLAY <0|1> Set team mode. Default 0 (deathmatch).
TIMELIMIT <n> Set amount of time game will last before quitting.
Also, check out the SV_ commands in the main list, some of which (for
example SV_FRICTION and SV_GRAVITY) can make for an interesting time if used
mid-game <evil cackle>.
* *
* The cheat codes start immediately after the list of episode names *
* given below. *
* *
* If you don't want to see any cheat codes, STOP READING NOW! *
* *
Episode names in shareware version:
Name Title
START Entrance (i.e. difficulty/episode selection level)
E1M1 Slipgate Complex
E1M2 Castle of the Damned
E1M3 The Necropolis
E1M4 The Grisly Grotto
E1M5 Gloom Keep
E1M6 The Door To Chthon
E1M7 The House of Chthon
E1M8 Ziggurat Vertigo
Extra episodes in registered version:
E2M1 The Installation
E2M2 Ogre Citadel
E2M3 Crypt of Decay
E2M4 The Ebon Fortress
E2M5 The Wizard's Manse
E2M6 The Dismal Oubliette
E2M7 Underearth
E3M1 Termination Central
E3M2 The Vaults of Zin
E3M3 The Tomb of Terror
E3M4 Satan's Dark Delight
E3M5 Wind Tunnels
E3M6 Chambers of Torment
E3M7 The Haunted Halls
E4M1 The Sewage System
E4M2 The Tower of Despair
E4M3 The Elder God Shrine
E4M4 The Palace of Hate
E4M5 Hell's Atrium
E4M6 The Pain Maze
E4M7 Azure Agony
E4M8 The Nameless City
END Shub-Niggurath's Pit
Deathmatch levels (registered version only):
DM1 Place of Two Deaths
DM2 Claustrophobopolis
DM3 The Abandoned Base
DM4 The Bad Place
DM5 The Cistern
DM6 The Dark Zone
* *
* *
* Here come the cheat codes! *
* *
* Don't say I didn't warn you..... *
* *
Cheat codes:
GOD Toggle GOD mode.
FLY Toggle FLY mode. Use "d" and "c" to go up and down.
NOTARGET Toggle targetting mode (i.e. monsters ignore you)
NOCLIP Toggle "no clipping" mode (you can walk through walls)
R_FULLBRIGHT 1 Turns on the lights (no more dark corners...)
R_DRAWORDER 1 Gives you (limited) X-ray vision.
This display can be confusing so you might want to set up
the corresponding R_DRAWORDER 0 to turn it off again.
IMPULSE 9 All weapons, ammo & keys
IMPULSE 11 Gives you one of the "runes" (OK, it's not that useful...)
IMPULSE 255 Gives you Quad Damage
GIVE 3 Gives you the double-barrelled shotgun.
GIVE 4 Gives you the nailgun.
Likewise "GIVE 5" thru "GIVE 8" gives you the other weapons.
GIVE S nnn Gives you nnn shotgun shells
GIVE N nnn Gives you nnn nails (flechettes)
GIVE R nnn Gives you nnn rockets (grenades)
GIVE C nnn Gives you nnn power cells
GIVE H nnn Gives you nnn health
N.B. The GIVE command will set the value of the attribute directly.
In other words, if you had more shells (or whatever) to begin with, it will
reduce your holding. If you omit the value, zero is assumed.
Also, check out the following commands in the main list below:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Alphabetical list of console commands
Based on the list produced by Mark Hughes, with additional entries from Niklata.
_cl_color <value>..........Player colour
_cl_name <value>...........Player name
_vid_wait_override <0|1>...If one, forces vertical sync wait in all modes
_vid_default_mode <vidmode> Specifies default startup video mode
alias <alias> <command>....Define a console alias. Multiple cmds can be
separated by semicolons.
ambient_level <value>......Adjusts volume of ambient sounds
ambient_fade <value>.......Adjusts level of fading for ambient sounds
begin......................(will not work from the console)
bf.........................Screen flashes bright a moment.
Used when you pick things up.
bgmvolume <0.0-1.0>........Set background music (i.e CD audio) volume
bind <key> <command>.......Set a keyboard key to a specific action
key :=
any printable ASCII char except semicolon,
F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, MOUSE1, MOUSE2,
command :=
+attack, +jump, +forward, +back, +speed, +moveleft, +moveright,
+strafe, +mlook, +lookup, +lookdown, +left, +right, +showscores,
+moveup, +movedown, +forward2 or "command [; command]..." or ""
If the first character in <command> is "+", a "-command" to turn the
effect off will be produced when the key is released, but only for the
first command, if more than one is given.
See techinfo.txt for examples.
cd <on|off|reset|play|loop|stop|resume|eject|remap|info>...See techinfo.txt
centerview.................Revert to looking straight ahead
changelevel <map>..........Changes to specified map. Can be used mid-game
in multiplayer (use it on the server).
cl_anglespeedkey <0.0+>....Degrees to turn with each press of an angle key -
left, right, lookup, lookdown. Default 2.0.
cl_backspeed <value>.......Set your backward movement speed.
Default 160, max =sv_maxspeed.
cl_bob <0.0-1.0>...........Amount weapon bobs up & down. Default 0.02
cl_bobcycle <0.1+>.........Time between each bob of weapon. Default 0.6
cl_bobup <0.0-1.0>.........Set amount of bobbing - 0 induces sea-sickness,
1 is none. Default 0.5.
cl_forwardspeed <value>....Set your forward movement speed. Default 200,
max =sv_maxspeed.
cl_movespeedkey <0.0+>.....Set how much move keys move you. Default 2.0.
cl_nolerp <n>..............??? Default 0
cl_pitchcenterspeed <n>....How fast to recenter view when you move.
Default 400.
cl_pitchdriftspeed <n>.....Default 40.
cl_pitchspeed <n>..........Keyboard lookup/down speed. Default 100.
cl_rollangle <n>...........Amount that screen rolls when moving. Default 2.0
cl_rollspeed <n>...........Speed that screen rolls when moving. Default 200
cl_shownet.................Show how many network buffers remain
cl_sidespeed <value>.......Set your sidestep/strafing speed. Default 320.
cl_ticrate <n>.............??? Default 0.03
cl_upspeed <n>.............Set how much the up key makes you jump.
Default 200
cl_yawspeed <n>............Default 140
clear......................Clear console buffer
cmd <filename>.............Executes a QuakeC script?
color <shirt> <trousers>...Set your colour in the game. Valid colours 0-15.
com1|com2 [options]........Connect to com port
[enable|disable] [dial|answer] [reset] [port <port>] [irq <irq>]
[baud <baudrate>] [8250|16550] [-cts|+cts] [-dtr|+dtr] [-cd|+cd]
[startup <initstring>] [shutdown <shutdownstring>]
connect [<name>]...........Connect to a server
New in v1.06 - You can specify the port number:
"connect" - WITH THE QUOTES -
will connect to port 26010 on server
coop <0|1>.................1=cooperative mode, 0=deathmatch
crosshair <0|1>............Display crosshairs for aiming
d_mipcap <0|1>.............If one, forces use of non-detailed mip textures
d_mipscale <value>.........Controls detail of mip textures. Default 1,
usable range 0 - 4. The higher the value, the
lower the detail (and the better the framerate).
Values above 4 reduce detail still further but
give no noticeable increase in framerate.
d_subdiv16 <0|1>...........Texture mapping detail control <see techinfo.txt>
deathmatch <0|1>...........Set deathmatch mode (deathmatch/altdeath).
demos......................Start playing next demo
disconnect.................Disconnect from the current server
echo <text>................Display a message on your own screen
edict <n>
edicts.....................List all edicts in the current map
entities...................List all entities in the current map
exec <filename>............Execute a configuration file
fly........................Toggle flight mode.
Use "d" and "c" to go up and down
fov <angle>................Set field of view. Default 90, usable range
10 - 120. Low values will produce a "telephoto
lens" effect similar to pressing F11, while
values above 90 produce a "fisheye lens" effect,
and your currently-selected weapon disappears
from view. Values above 120 can be entered, but
screen distortion will be intrusive.
fraglimit <value>..........Set the amount of frags at which the game will
quit . Default 20.
(note: at v1.06 there is NO default)
gamma <0.0-2.0>............Set gamma correction (screen brightness).
Default 1.0
give <number>..............Gives you the corresponding weapon
e.g. 4 = nailgun.
give <item> <value>........Sets your holding of item to the given value, or
to 0 if no value is given. Valid items include:
H (health), S (shells), N (nails), R (rockets),
C (cells).
god........................Toggle god mode
help.......................Show ordering info
host_framerate <0-0.01>....Change the speed of the game. Default 0.
To go slower, use 0.01.
host_speeds <0/1>..........Display host speeds (milliseconds)
hostname <name>............Set the name of this server
impulse 1..................Switch to Axe
impulse 2..................Switch to Shotgun
impulse 3..................Switch to Double Shotgun
impulse 4..................Switch to Nailgun
impulse 5..................Switch to Perforator
impulse 6..................Switch to Grenade Launcher
impulse 7..................Switch to Rocket Launcher
impulse 8..................Switch to Lightning Gun
impulse 9..................Get all weapons, ammo and keys.
impulse 10.................Switch to next weapon (cycle weapon forwards)
impulse 11.................Gives you one of the runes
impulse 12.................Cycle weapon backwards (new in v1.05)
impulse 255................Quad damage powerup
joybuttons <value>.........Number of buttons on joystick
joystick <0|1>.............Joystick support (1=yes, 0=no)
kick <clientname>..........Kicks someone out of the game
kick # <clientnumber>......Alternative to "kick <name>" (new in v1.06)
kill <playername>..........Commit suicide / kill specified player.
killserver.................Kills server and ends the game
listen <value>.............Similar to the "-listen" command-line parameter,
this changes your server mode from "local" to
"listen": <value> = number of players allowed,
up to a maximum of 16 players.
load <filename>............Load game from <filename>
lookspring <speed>.........Make your "freelook" button auto-center.
Default 0.
lookstrafe <0|1>...........In "mouse look", sideways mouse movement does a
strafe (=1) or look (=0).
m_filter <0|1>.............??
m_forward <value>..........Adjusts forward/back sensitivity of mouse
m_pitch <value>............Adjusts look up/down sensitivity of mouse
m_side <value>.............Adjusts strafe left/right sensitivity of mouse
m_yaw <value>..............Adjusts turn side/side sensitivity of mouse
map <name>.................Start on specified map (e.g. MAP E1M6)
maxplayers <value>.........Maximum number of players allowed on server
menu_keys..................Display "customize keys" menu
menu_load..................Display "load game" menu. Usually bound to F3.
menu_main..................Display main menu. Usually bound to ESC.
menu_multiplayer...........Display "multiplayer" menu. Usually bound to F5.
menu_net...................Display "networking" menu (v0.91/v0.92 only)
menu_options...............Display "options" menu. Usually bound to F4.
menu_save..................Display "save game" menu. Usually bound to F2.
menu_setup.................Display "multiplayer setup" menu
menu_singleplayer..........Display "single player" menu.
menu_video.................Display "change video mode" menu
messagemode................Everything you type until ENTER will be sent to
the other players.
messagemode2...............As for "messagemode" (?)
name <string>..............Set your name in the game
net_messagetimeout <seconds> How long to wait for messages before breaking
connection. Default 180.
net_stats..................Network statistics
net_speeds <0/1>...........Display transfer rates?
noclip.....................Toggle noclipping mode - walk through walls
and ignore gravity. Use "d" and "c" to go up
and down.
noexit <0|1|2>.............Prevent players exiting a level (new in v1.01)
"Noexit 2" (new in v1.06) allows a player to exit
from the START level but still prevents exit from
any subsequent level. Note that you MUST set a
timelimit or fraglimit before using "noexit".
nosound <0/1>..............If 1, no new sounds will be started. Default 0.
notarget...................Toggle notargeting mode - if notarget is on,
monsters will ignore you unless you attack them.
numchannels <channels>.....Set number of software sound channels
pausable <0/1>.............Set whether or not "pause" works
pause......................Pause the game
ping.......................Measures network delay for multiplayer games.
This will show the delay for all players: the
lower the number, the better the connection.
play <filename.wav>........Play a .wav file (filename can be a full path,
relative to ./sound/, or just the basename).
Multiple sounds can be specified, and they will
be played simultaneously.
playdemo <demoname>........Plays back specified demo
playvol <filename.wav> <volume 0.0-1.0> ...
prespawn...................(will not work from the console)
profile....................Quake debugging info
quit.......................Quit Quake
r_aliastransadj <value>....??
r_aliastransbase <value>...??
r_ambient <value>..........Adjusts ambient light level
r_clearcolor <0-255>.......Change color of dead space outside a map.
Default 2.
r_drawentities <0/1>.......Draw entities (weapons, monsters)?
r_drawflat <0/1>...........Draw view as flat-colored polygons or
texture-mapped polygons
r_draworder <0/1>..........Draw order 0=correctly or 1=backwards
(i.e. 1 = you can see through walls/floors)
r_drawviewmodel............?? Default 1.
r_dspeeds <0/1>............Show video timings
r_fullbright <0/1>.........If one then everything is drawn at maximum
light level
r_graphheight <n>..........Height of r_timegraph. Default 10.
r_maxedges <value>.........Max no. of edges to be displayed at a time
r_maxsurfs <value>.........Max no. of brush planes to be displayed at a time
r_numedges <0|1>...........Shows number of edges displayed at a time
r_numsurfs <0|1>...........Shows number of brush planes displayed at a time
r_polymodelstats <0|1>.....Displays number of polygon models shown
r_reportedgeout <value>....??
r_reportsurfout <value>....??
r_speeds <0/1>.............Display drawing speeds
r_timegraph <0/1>..........Display a graph of how fast the system is
running - like xload.
r_waterwarp <0|1>..........If zero then there is no wave effect while
under water
reconnect <servername>.....Reconnects to a server
record [<demofile>] [map]..Start recording a demo - defaults to "demo.dem"
registered <0|1>...........Sets "registered" status (suppresses the
"register now" messages, unlocks doors to
episodes 2-4).
restart....................Reload map
save <filename>............Save game to <filename>
say <text>.................Just like typing "t<text><ENTER>"
say_team <text>............Like SAY, but only goes to your team.
sbinfo.....................SoundBlaster debugging info
scr_conspeed <value>.......Speed that the console scrolls up/down
scr_ofsx <value>...........Adjusts viewpoint x offset (forward/back)
scr_ofsy <value>...........Adjusts viewpoint y offset (left/right)
scr_ofsz <value>...........Adjusts viewpoint z offset (up/down)
Default 0, usable range -14 to 14.
Offsets outside this range are now ignored.
screenshot.................Save screenshot as a .PCX file.
sensitivity <value>........Set your mouse sensitivity. Default 3.
showpause <0/1>............Show the [PAUSED] graphic. Default 1 (on)
showram <0/1>..............Show the "short on memory" ram chip.
showturtle <0/1>...........Show the "slow machine" turtle. Default 0 (off)
sizedown...................Just like hitting "-" (viewsize -= 10)
sizeup.....................Just like hitting "+" (viewsize += 10)
skill <value>..............Sets skill level (0 = easy, 3 = nightmare)
slist......................List all available servers
snd_noextraupdate <0|1>....Messes up sounds; may speed up slower computers
snd_show <0|1>.............Shows all playing sounds
sound [speed <n>] [bits <8|16>] [channels <n>] [reset]
soundinfo..................Display current "sound" settings
soundlist..................List all sound samples in the .pak file
and their speed & bits
spawn......................(will not work from the console)
startdemos.................Start playing selected demos
status.....................Display hostname, map, players, and frag scores.
stop.......................Stop recording demo(?)
stopdemo...................Stop demo playback
stopsound..................Stop all sound effects
sv_accelerate <accel>......How quickly you accelerate - at 0, you can't
start walking. Default 10. Higher values seem to
have little effect.
sv_aim <fuzz>..............Auto-aiming fuzz factor. Default 0.93
sv_friction <friction>.....How quickly you stop moving after you stop
holding down the move key: 0=ice skating,
1=slick, 4=normal, 8=sticky floor. Default 4.
sv_gravity <gravity>.......How much the universe sucks. <=200, you can fly;
800=normal; at 3200 you can barely hop up a stair
sv_idealpitchscale <0.0-1.0> Auto-pitching for stairs, slopes.
Default 0.8.
sv_maxspeed <speed>........Change the maximum speed of the player.
Default 320.
sv_maxvelocity <speed>.....Maximum speed limit of the universe.
Default 2000.
sv_nostep <0/1>............If 1, you do not automatically go up stairs -
you have to hop up them one at a time.
sv_stopspeed <n>...........Change how quickly you come to a stop.
Default 100. Doesn't seem to be as effective
as sv_friction.
sys_ticrate <rate>.........Rate at which server sends updates to clients.
Default is 0.05 (i.e. 20 updates/sec).
See techinfo.txt for more info.
teamplay <0/1/2>...........Set team mode. Default 0 (deathmatch).
tell <playername> <message> Says a message to just one player
timedemo <demofile>........Displays stats about specified demo
timelimit <value>..........Set amount of time the game will last before
quitting (or moving to next level: see "noexit")
timerefresh................Find out how fast your system is - does a 360 in
place, and displays the time and FPS.
toggleconsole..............Pull the console up or down - usually bound to ~
togglemenu.................Displays the main menu. Usually bound to ESC.
unbind <key>...............Removes command from a key
unbindall..................Removes all custom key bindings
v_idlescale <value>........??
v_ipitch_cycle <value>.....??
v_ipitch_level <value>.....??
v_iroll_cycle <value>......??
v_iyaw_cycle <value>.......??
v_iyaw_level <value>.......??
v_kickpitch <0.0-1.0>......Pitch (forward/back) when wounded. Default 0.6
v_kickroll <0.0-1.0>.......Roll (lean over) when wounded. Default 0.6
v_kicktime <seconds>.......How long kick lasts. Default 0.5
version....................Display exe version date & time
vid_describecurrentmode....Lists the description for current video mode
vid_describemode <mode> ..Lists the description for specified video mode
vid_describemodes..........Lists descriptions for all available video modes
vid_mode <mode>. .........Sets the display to the specified mode
0: 320x200 1: 320x200 2: 360x200
3: 320x240 4: 360x240 5: 320x350
6: 360x350 7: 320x400 8: 360x400
9: 320x480 10: 360x480
VESA modes, if available, start at 11.
vid_nopageflip.............Disable VESA page flipping
vid_nummodes...............Reports the number of modes available
vid_testmode <mode>........Switch to the specified mode, then returns after
5 seconds
vid_wait <wait type>.......Sets the type of waiting:
0: no waiting
1: wait for vertical sync active
2: wait for display enable active
viewsize <n>...............Size of the visible window. Default 100
volume <value>.............Sets sound fx volume
wait.......................Pauses between commands
zoom_in....................Binocular-style zoom. Equivalent to "FOV 10".
zoom_out...................Return to normal view. Equivalent to "FOV 90".
"Official" secrets are marked in the list with a "#" sign and are numbered.
Other hidden (or hard-to-find) areas are marked with a "+" sign.
Episode 1 secrets were taken from the list compiled by Bowfonz, with
additions/amendments from the (separate) lists compiled by Brandon Fish and
Kyle R Hofmann.
For episodes 2, 3 and 4: Secrets marked with the attribution "slp" were
discovered by yours truly. Other secrets were taken from the list compiled
by Brandon Fish, and are given with the name of the original contributor.
N.B. Secrets for Mission Packs 1 and 2 don't appear below. Instead, I have
created a separate "Quake Mission Pack Secrets" file.
Level: Introduction
There are no official secrets. However, two areas are of note:
+ How to reach Nightmare Mode.
From the start of the level, enter any one of the difficulty selection
slipgates. Walk towards episode 4. There will be a pool of water. Fall
into the pool and duck underneath the platform you were just standing on.
Drop through the water. You will land on a beam of wood above the floor.
Walk along the beam into an archway. Walk through the archway and along
another passage to the slipgate to reach Nightmare mode!
+ The 'Super Secret'.
id have let it be known there is a "super secret" triggered by an action
taken in the introduction level. If you shoot the wall decoration in the
passage leading to Nightmare skill level, you are presented with the
In fact that DOESN'T trigger the secret: you can access the secret without
shooting anything here. See level E2M3 below for further details.
Level: E1M1 - The Slipgate Complex
#1 - Forward and to the right of the start is a ledge with flashing lights.
Shoot the wall nearest the start on that ledge (the one with the red design
on it). There will be a box of shells behind it. Also, the guys at id are
nice enough to tell you to shoot this one if you try to use it.
#2 - Underneath the first bridge you come to is a river. It flows into a
cavern. Swim through the cavern. You will find a set of steps containing a
100% health item and a door to the end of the level (note the door can only
be opened if you've already visited the end-of-level area). At the far end
of the cavern is a lift taking you back up to the blue armour at the start.
Another way of getting this secret is to go to the very end of the level and
stand at the top of the ramp, facing the slipgate. Now shoot the wall to
your right.
#3 - Past the first bridge is a door. Enter the door and kill the monsters.
To the right of the entrance is a column and a ledge. Stand beneath the
ledge on the far side of the column and look up at the column. You should
see a globe rotating: shoot it to be lifted up onto the ledge. Turn to your
right and there is another globe. Shoot it. It opens, revealing a quad
damage item. Another way of getting this item is to go to the top of the
slope with the switches (see #5 below). In the corridor leading to the
slope you will notice that a wall panel on the right has a different
texture: shoot it. Although there are two ways to the quad damage item, you
will only see one corridor to the item itself unless you have already found
(but not necessarily opened) the other entrance.
#4 - To the left of the door past the bridge is a large hall. Follow it to
the right. There is a large, shallow pool of slime and a button on the
wall. Push the button and a platform will slide out from the wall. Halfway
across the platform, turn to your left. There will be a red target in a
depression slightly above your the level of your head. Shoot it and turn to
your left. A door in a wall will open, revealing a double barreled shotgun.
#5 - On the third switch on the slope, look up and to your left. You should
see a hole in the wall (and a bad guy if on hard+ skill level). Jump on to
the edge of the slope, on to the light, then on to the switch. In front of
you, you should be able to see some steps, jump for the lowest one (this can
be a tough jump: save game first!). Follow them up and in the room is a
health pack.
#6 - Go all the way down the walkway. There will be a door. To the right
and behind a column will be a biosuit. Take it. You can't dawdle now, as
the biosuit doesn't give you much more time than you need. Jump into the
slime. Swim underneath the door. Follow the tunnel to where it opens into
a slightly larger area. Swim up. There should be a platform with yellow
armour and some health on it. The slipgate goes to the area over the door
past the bridge (back around secret #3).
Level: E1M2 - Castle of the Damned
#1 - In the room with the yellow armour (and the switch you have to shoot to
release the armour) fall into the slime directly in front of the switch.
A door will open under the switch, leading to a room with 25 health, a box
of nails, and a slipgate to the ledge with the blue armour (back in the
room with the BIG red symbol). You're now in the right place to go for
secret #2 below.
#2 - In the room with the BIG red symbol, fall into the slime. In the wall
directly opposite the red symbol (and underneath the central walkway) you
will find a small submerged room. A ramp in the far left corner leads to
a room with shotgun shells and some health. The exit is up the stairs to
your left.
#3 - From the start, cross over the centre bridge, turn right, go through
the door. Go straight up the stairs. Behind the centre column on your
right, a brick is sticking out. Fix that. Turn right and see the door
open, revealing a Quad Damage item.
Level: E1M3 - The Necropolis
#1 - Take the stairs down. When you come to the bridge, fall off to one
side. But first<g> kill the zombies. There is a secret room down here.
#2 - In the slime lake with the gold key, one area of the wall is slightly
different from the rest: the lake is deeper at this point, allowing you to
swim under the wall and up to a small room containing a Ring of the Shadows.
#3 - Kill the two monsters above you on the platforms to get rid of the bars
blocking access to the yellow armour. Get the armour and shoot the back
wall. The slipgate leads to the platforms the monsters were on.
Level: E1M4 - The Grisly Grotto
#1 - At the very beginning, shoot the red switches on either side of the
room. Not very secret for a secret if you ask me, but anyway.....
#2 - Let's say you're standing on the bank of the lake with the blue key in
front of you on the bridge in the middle of the lake. Walk into the water.
Turn right. See the hole in the wall across the lake. Well, somewhere
between you and that hole is a small square hole. Go in it.
#3 - Eventually you'll come to a room with five floor switches. After
stepping on all the switches, two holes will open up on either side of the
room. Pick one, drop down. Press the switch on the wall. Go back up and
drop down the other hole. Again, press the switch on the wall. It tells
you that a cave has opened up. Go back to the lake the way you got here.
Swim out to the open water and turn right. Follow the outside wall. The
cave is huge, you can't miss it. Inside the cave is a secret exit to a
great low-gravity level called "Ziggurat Vertigo" (E1M8).
Level: E1M5 - Gloom Keep
#1 - At the very beginning, turn to your right, and jump in the water.
Forward a little on the outside wall to your right is a small cave.
Go in there.
#2 - Where you come out of the water is a door, take that door. Jump on the
wall adjoining the stairs. Then jump over to the tall skinny wall.
Now you can get on top of the brick structure where the chainsaw guy was
hassling you.
#3 - Eventually you'll came to a dark room that is open on one side.
There is a lit up column in the centre. On the side of the column facing
out there is a flame on the wall. Walk up to the column and jump up to
hit the flame holder with your head. Now look behind the column. You'll
find a room with yellow armour.
#4 - There is a teleport gate that is set away from the wall enough for you
to walk behind it. Enter the gate from the back side. This teleports you
to a ledge containing a Quad Damage item.
#5 - When you fall down the passage to the exit slipgate, turn around.
There is a section of wall with a skewed texture. Shoot it. This reveals a
slipgate back to the gold key doors.
Level: E1M6 - The Door to Chthon
#1 - When you first start this level you'll step on a floor plate in the
main room that opens a door down a hallway in the distance. When you go
that way, you'll come to a room with two yellow lights on the floor in the
corners. Stop. Look up. Shoot the red switch on the wall above. This
opens a door in front of you. Go up the elevator. At the top count the
lights in the floor. Stop at the third one and turn around. Look down.
See the ledge below. Jump on it for a Quad Damage powerup.
#2 - You'll come to a spiked wall that comes towards you down the hallway.
Get behind it and enter the gate there.
#3 - Eventually you'll drop into a room with a short set of steps leading to
a door. Facing that door, on your left is a door on the other side of some
water. To your right, a pillar. Behind the pillar is a room with a switch.
When you hit that switch, the pillar will now have a red switch on it.
Shoot the switch. That lowers the stairs there, revealing a secret room.
Go into that room and wait.
#4 - When the stairs rise. Another secret room is revealed, with a slipgate
in it.
Level: E1M7 - The House of Chthon
This level has no secrets.......or so they would have us believe.
+ To kill the boss:
Although not an "official" secret, the way to kill the boss may not be
obvious. Don't bother shooting him: he's impervious to ordinary weapons.
Go round the outside of the lava till you come to the health pack, and a
lift. Go up the lift, and walk forwards onto the pressure pad - you'll see
electricity above you. Walk round the left hand side till you reach a
pressure pad, you'll see one of the conductors lowering. Do the same on the
right-hand side and then press the one in the middle to electrocute him!
How many times you need to do it depends on the skill level - 1 for easy,
2 for normal, etc.
+ Looking at the end-of-game entrance (Shub-Niggurath's Pit)
More of a cheat than a secret, but here goes anyway.
Having disposed of the boss, type IMPULSE 11 three times to give yourself
the remaining 3 runes (you'll need to exit the console after each IMPULSE 11
otherwise you'll only get one rune). If playing the shareware version, type
REGISTERED 1 at the console as well. Having done that, walk through the
end-of-level slipgate. After a couple of messages have scrolled across the
screen (one of which reveals that Shub-Niggurath is female, for what it's
worth) you'll find yourself back in the level selection room. Note that the
floor has now opened up to reveal the steps leading to the end-of-game
entrance (Shub-Niggurath's Pit). If you haven't actually got the full game
yet, falling into the pit itself will cause the game to hang.
Level: E1M8 - Ziggurat Vertigo
This level is reached from the "secret" exit on E1M4 (The Grisly Grotto).
#1 - In front of the pyramid is a Pentagram of Protection. Get it. WALK
into the lava and drop down. It's very hard to see down here, but it's down
here. Move forward some and turn towards the ouside wall away from the
pyramid above. Swim up and you're there.
#2 - Behind the silver key door, there is a passage forward and to the left
and one to the right. Take the one on the left. Follow it to the end.
On your right should be a wall with a dark border on one section. Shoot
that section. A door in the wall will open, leading to two boxes of nails.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The remaining levels do NOT appear in the shareware version.
Level: E2M1 - The Installation (7 secrets)
#1 - Near the very beginning of the level, you come to a room with a
barricade, the way leading to the gold key door, and the way leading to a
huge room with lots of water and a bridge. Go to the bridge...and walk
across the bridges half-way. Turn left, and hop in. As you sink, you'll
notice a section where the ceiling is lower than the surface of the water.
Swim to the far corner of the area with the low celing, and look up. You
should see a tunnel leading up. Swim up it, and at the top will be a red
armour. - SirGarland
#2 - In the room with the gold key, look at the sloping barriers. One of
them has a set of steps cut into its right-hand-side. Jump up these steps
and jump through the back left corner of the wall for 100% health. - slp
#3 - Also in the room with the gold key, go for a swim in the water. The
underwater tunnels lead (eventually) to a teleporter and ammo. - slp
#4 - Opposite the door opened by the gold key is a large lake. On the floor
of this lake is a drain cover. Shoot it open and follow the underwater
passage. At the bottom, you'll see another grate. Hit the grate (this
opens secret #5 below), and then follow the path. This leads you to a room
with a teleporter, a grenade launcher and some ammo. - slp
#5 - In the room with the goodies mentioned in #4, stand facing the
teleporter. There is a Pentagram of Protection hidden behind the wall to
your left. If you hit the second grate, it should already be open. If you
didn't, go back and hit it. - SirGarland
#6 - Go to the area with the huge steel cage and the bunch of boxes piled up
inside. The passage the dog runs out of (when you push the switch) has some
shells at the end. Shoot the left-hand wall here for Quad Damage. - slp
#7 - This last one is in the huge cage. Once you are at the top, and you're
walking around the top of the cage, there is a section with some bars that
are farther apart, and you can squeeze through. Go to the bottom of the
cage, and you'll find a yellow armour. - SirGarland
Level: E2M2 - Ogre Citadel (3 secrets)
#1 - Near the start you'll reach a moat with 2 shootable buttons that extend
the drawbridge. Fall into the moat and go left. You'll find an elevator to
a 100% health box. - slp
#2 - From the 100% health mentioned in #1, hug the wall to your left (i.e.
ignoring a second elevator to your right). This waterway will eventually
lead to some steps up, with a grenade launcher at the top. - slp
#3 - At one point inside the citadel, you have to leap over a gap to operate
a (booby-trapped) switch. Go back to the gap and jump out of the window:
you'll land on a ledge. Follow the ledge to some yellow armour on a bridge,
and beyond that a room with 100% health and a teleporter. - slp
Level: E2M3 - The Crypt Of Decay (4 secrets, plus "Super Secret")
#1 - Fall into the central lake (or the lake near the start) and swim around
until you find a half-submerged arch in one of the flooded passages. This
leads to a room containing red armour and a slipgate. - slp
#2 - Shoot the zombie on the platform on the far side of the lake (aim the
grenade launcher WAY above its head). To the left of the doors opened by
the gold key a passage opens up, leading to the zombie platform. This
contains some rockets. - slp
#3 - In the room where you find the gold key, there are 3 alcoves. Shoot
the back wall of the right-hand alcove to reveal a ledge with 100% health.
That is the actual secret, but if you fall into the water here you'll see
the entrance to an underwater passage: this entrance is barred until you
collect secret #4 below. Once the bars are removed you'll be able to reach
a teleporter to an extra level (E2M7 - Underearth). - slp
#4 - Walk across the top set of walkways. To your right is the level exit:
instead turn LEFT and look for a switch mounted in the ceiling. This opens
a door to a room containing 100% health and another switch which opens the
underwater entrance mentioned in secret #3 above. - slp
+ THE SUPER SECRET ("The Well of Wishes")
After you've collected secret #4, walk back over the upper set of walkways
across the lake. On either side of the far archway are some alcoves (you'll
know you're in the right place because a wall-mounted flechette gun will be
shooting at you). Jump across to the alcove on the right: the one with the
quad damage powerup (this is a tricky jump: stand next to the archway and
jump at right-angles to the platform). Once in the alcove, you'll notice a
narrow ledge leading away round the corner. Walk along this ledge and jump
up into the opening at the end of the ledge. At the end of this corridor
you'll find a large hole. This is the Well of Wishes. Fall in and follow
the submerged tunnel. You'll reach a submerged room with a Pentagram of
Protection, a biosuit and a "Dopefish Lives" message (the picture on the
wall is of the Dopefish itself: see note below). Follow the passage behind
the biosuit and go through the door that opens. This brings you out next to
the underwater barrier mentioned in secret #3. - slp
NOTE ON THE "DOPEFISH" - Quake contains a few references to other games,
and this is one of the more obvious. If you were to play a game called
"Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle" (one of id's earlier efforts) you
would find a location called "The Well Of Wishes" and a character called a
"Dopefish". Other games (e.g. Duke Nukem 3D) also have hidden "Dopefish"
messages, but Commander Keen is the grand-daddy of them all. - slp
Level: E2M4 - The Ebon Fortress (4 secrets)
#1 - From the start go hop into the water and rub against the wall to the
right of the island with the zombie and the grenade launcher. In the corner
of the lake, you will start to sink into an area with Quad Damage and Yellow
Armour. - Matt McClure
#2 - From the parapet overlooking the lake mentioned in #1, go down the
stairs. The corridor to the right leads to the door opened by the gold key,
and the rest of the level is straight ahead. Instead, continue round (as if
there were another flight of stairs to your left): you'll notice that the
floor slopes down just before it reaches a wall. Shoot that wall for some
rockets and 100% health. - slp
#3 - From #2, go up the stairs and to the right where there is a wooden
floor that is slanted against the wall. Go to the far end of the slanted
section and look out across the gap. At the far right end of the wall
ahead, there should be a wooden section that you will shoot. It will open
and there is a tiny ledge along the wall to the left that will enable you to
get there. A Pentagram of Protection awaits. - Matt McClure
#4 - Step off the moving platform at the first stopping point and walk up
the first (short) flight of stairs. The path turns left and up a second
flight of stairs, with an acid-filled channel on its right. Fall into the
acid and swim round the corner to your left. At the end, jump up to get red
armour and a biosuit. - slp
+ On reaching the silver door, don't go through it yet, but continue along
the corridor. At the end you will see (but not be able to reach) some
goodies behind some bars in the distance. Step right up to the edge of the
gap. You'll hear the sound of a door opening behind you. Go back to the
silver door and look out from one of the two windows opposite the door. A
shootable button is now visible high up on the wall. Shoot it and head back
down the corridor. The locked bars will now be open (and the floor raised),
allowing you to grab the goodies. The quad damage could come in handy when
tackling the shambler up the spiral staircase behind the silver door. - slp
Level: E2M5 - The Wizard's Manse (2 secrets)
#1 - Jump into the first water you reach, close to the central pillar.
Swim round the pillar to find a submerged entrance to an elevator inside
the pillar. - slp
#2 - After getting the gold key, turn back around go back the way you came.
When you turn right, look to your right again and you will notice that the
texture of the wall doesn't continue in one section. Shoot it to enter, and
get the Armour AND the Quad Damage! - BraFish
Level: E2M6 - The Dismal Oubliette (2 secrets)
#1 - After getting the message "The second floor is accessible", travel up
the elevator and walk along the corridor. You'll notice that one of the
walls on your right is recessed slightly. Shoot it. This reveals stairs
down to 100% health and a Pentagram of Protection. - slp
#2 - When you go into the room with water in front of two out post like
snipering cages up above to the right and the left, soon as you get the bar
open on the opening to the left after you have gone underwater and into the
structure, go past where the bar was and hop into the water. Then go down
and turn around under water. Head towards the wall and turn to see a Quake
Power. -Matt McClure
Level: E2M7 - Underearth (2 secrets)
This level is reached from the "secret" exit on E2M3 (The Crypt of Decay).
#1 - To the left of the door opened by the gold key, a brick is sticking
out. Fix that. This reveals a Quad Damage in an alcove to your left. - slp
#2 - In the shallow acid lake just past the door opened by the gold key,
look for a circle on the underside of the walkway. This marks the position
of an underwater tunnel leading to some red armour. - slp
+ Shoot all the gargoyle faces once. On the first shot, they bleed. Once
they have all been shot, go back to the second niche in the long flashing
corridor and shoot the wall. It opens revealing a small room similar to the
Dopefish on E2M3. It has Tim Willits's initials inside. - themok
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Level: E3M1 - Termination Central (5 secrets)
#1 - From the start, after you go down the elevator and down the first ramp
to the left, shoot the darkened part of the wall on the right. It will open
up, revealing the red armour. - BraFish
#2 - At one point you travel up a short elevator: to your left is the area
with the gold keycard, to your right is a collection of blocks (piled up
rather like the "crate" puzzles in DOOM) and beyond them, the Gold Door.
Jump up to the top level of these blocks and shoot the side wall. Enter the
tunnel thus revealed. - slp
#3 - With your back facing the Gold Door, go past the blocks (already
mentioned in #2), hop to the left of the elevator and hop into the shadows
ahead. There is a thin ledge on the wall in the shadows, once you have
gotten on it, turn left to find the Quad Damage. - Matt McClure
N.B. When you "hop into the shadows" you will, like as not, fall down to the
corridor below. Fortunately there's an elevator down there (it's the sunken
plate) which will raise you back up to the platform. In fact you might find
it easier to jump from the elevator... - slp
#4 - In the main slime area, go underwater and look up towards the surface.
What you're looking for is the bottom of 2 walls, parallel and very close
together. Swim up between these parallel walls to get your position just
right, then fall straight down. An elevator will lift you up into an area
containing yellow armour and rockets. - slp
#5 - Also in the slime (not far from the entrance to #4) look for an
underwater passage at the bottom of one of the side walls. Swim through to
an area with assorted ammo and a teleporter. That is the actual secret, but
the teleporter takes you to a corridor, the far end of which (i.e. NOT the
other teleporter) allows you to fall onto a ledge with 100% health: this is
the ledge you can see through the window near the start. - slp
Level: E3M2 - The Vaults of Zin (3 secrets)
#1 - Turn down the first passageway to the left. There will be a passageway
to the right where you have to jump to the Grenade Launcher. After getting
the weapon, turn around and look down. Just past the lava near your feet
are some zombies and a 100 Power-Up that you can grab. - BraFish
#2 - Shoot the wall to the right of the "jesus" wall decoration (roughly
level with its knees) for a Ring of Shadows. - slp
#3 - In the area at the same level as the entrance to #2, there is a texture
on the right that looks a little wrong. Shoot it and open up a teleporter to
the walkways above. - BraFish
N.B. The location could better be described thus: Stand facing the "jesus"
wall decoration and walk into the large room on your right - check out the
right-hand end of the wall on your right. - slp
+ If you shoot the small skull on the wall in the room where you have to
drop down on the button surrounded by lava (you know the place) it will give
you a quad damage, but won't register a secret. - BraFish
Level: E3M3 - The Tomb of Terror (2 secrets)
#1 - After going up the stairs that come out of the lava, look up and to the
right and you will see a big "Q" switch that you can shoot, opening up a
teleporter below. It takes you above the lava room to the awaiting red
armour. - BraFish
#2 - Fall into the small moat by the angled supports with bright red runic
decorations. You'll find a 100% health box under the water. - slp
Level: E3M4 - Satan's Dark Delight (4 secrets)
#1 - After activating the bridge to get across to the rocket launcher,
continue going all the way across to the other side. After turning the
corner to the left, and down the ramp into the room, you'll notice a ledge
just above you. To get up there, go up the other ramp out of the room. On
the right side of the ramp on the wall, you'll notice what looks like blocks
that will come out and be stairs. Actually, you can walk right up them as
if they were stairs. There's a few goodies up there. - BraFish
#2 - While riding the platforms in the water chasm, it will go past several
ledges. One small ledge in particular is the last one to pass before the
moving platform goes to the "crushing" area where the button to raise the
bridge is. Jump on this small platform, and walls will open up that will
take you to a LARGE assortment of goodies. - BraFish
#3 - Inside the secret to area #2 shoot the light farthest to the left in
the base of the wall on the left side of the room. It will open a small
closet with a Pentagram of Protection. - grifter
#4 - After fiddling about with the moving platforms, you'll ride a long
elevator to a room with a floor switch by the entrance. One of the ceiling
lights is a different colour: shoot it for a Pentagram of Protection. - slp
+ From the room mentioned in #4, proceed along the exit passage, down the
steps and pick up the Thunderbolt. If you look at the lava on either side
of the steps you'll see some narrow walkways. Walk along one of these and
jump into the narrow chimney in the middle of the lava, directly under the
steps. This takes you to the secret level (E3M7: The Haunted Halls). - slp
Level: E3M5 - Wind Tunnels (4 secrets)
#1 - After travelling in the second tube you'll find yourself in a corridor
lit by flashing lights. Check out the right-hand side of the corridor:
there's a small hole in the floor at one corner. Fall through to a box of
nails and a teleport which takes you the the Quad Damage where the Death
Knights were shooting you from. - slp
#2 - When you are on the ledge above a second ledge above a pool (the whole
thing is like a ribbed funnel in a way), go to the far side of the ledge
from the entrance and face the entrance. On one of the girders overhead
there is a Quake symbol. Shoot it and a door will open next to the
entrance. - William Shubert
#3 - In the room with stairs out, a small wind tunnel overhead, and a moat
around the edge of the room, jump in the moat and go under the room. The
pool here has two exits. One of them leads to a secret room.
- William Shubert
#4 - In front of the end-of-level slipgate, shoot the square plate in the
floor to reveal another slipgate below you. Fall down onto the side of that
slipgate and pick up the ammo. - slp
Level: E3M6 - Chambers of Torment (2 secrets)
#1 - In the room next to the area with the silver key, there is a button on
the ceiling (which you must shoot) that will open the door leading to the
armour that you could see behind the mesh earlier, and to a Quad Damage.
- BraFish
#2 - Once through the silver door you get to ride an elevator. Shoot the
red switch above the elevator. This allows you access to the grating area
where the ogres were hassling you. - slp
Level: E3M7 - The Haunted Halls (4 secrets)
This level is reached from the "secret" exit on E3M4 (Satan's Dark Delight).
#1 - Section with grated walkway over lava. Shoot the left-hand square
panel (window?) at the side of the room for a Quad Damage powerup. - slp
#2 - Short elevator that goes up & down near a recessed shootable button
that opens an adjacent door. Get UNDER the elevator (i.e. persuade it to go
up, then fall into the hole) for a 100% health pack. - slp
#3 - After running through the nail trap, there is button on the wall to the
left to lower the elevator. Look up above the ceiling there, and there is a
small Q button that you can shoot to open a door to some armour and the Quad
Damage. - BraFish
#4 - After running through the nail trap, press the button on the wall to
the left to lower the elevator. Go up to the bridge on the upper level and
look down to the right. You should see a cage. Jump on top of the cage and
a door will open in front of you leading you to the Invulnerability.
- BraFish
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Level: E4M1 - The Sewage System (4 secrets)
#1 - At top of elevator, turn right and shoot the wall with computer
monitor, revealing yellow armour and quad damage. - Ron Crisco
#2 - In room with biosuit near exit slipgate, above the door is a (+) that
you shoot. This opens a wall just outside this room with a teleporter that
takes you to the yellow floorplate near the gold key door. - Ron Crisco
#3 - Just beyond the gold key door, there is a ramp where behind you a wall
opens letting dogs out, a ledge with quad damage is to your left. Above you
are three hanging fluorescent lights. Run up the ramp and jump into the 3rd
light. You won't be able to hit the light unless you're running up the ramp
towards it. It will open the way to the quad damage. - Ron Crisco, BraFish
#4 - In the last underwater room before getting to exit slipgate, look up
and to your left to see a secret room. - Ron Crisco
Level: E4M2 - The Tower of Despair (5 secrets)
#1 - Shoot the red window near the start. This opens a door to a switch
that opens the 2 cages on the far side of the room. The one with the
double-barrelled shotgun is the actual secret. Note the guys at id are kind
enough to telegraph this one in "easy" skill level... - slp
#2 - After the first room, turn right and go all the way to the end. Shoot
the wall at the end and find a room with Ring of Shadows and another knife
plate. -Ron Crisco
#3 - Push this knife plate, shoot the door to reopen it and a hole has
opened in the floor outside with armour, leading to the ledge in the first
room. - Ron Crisco
#4 - There is a suspended platform with an Ogre in front of another red
emblem which opens to reveal a passage. To get to this platform you must
either teleport from another location or jump and navigate some narrow
beams. If you are navigating these beams, and are in the position to run
and jump on the suspended platform, turn to your right instead to get to a
secret area. Jump onto the beam to get health. - Ron Crisco
#5 - After going through the red window from #4, you'll see another knife
plate. Turn right and shoot the wall to drop in on another secret area.
- Ron Crisco
Level: E4M3 - The Elder God Shrine (3 secrets)
#1 - In the room where you have to run/jump over the water in order to ride
the elevator to the upper level (i.e. NOT the room with the pool leading to
the graveyard), walk into the right-hand stained glass window. - slp
#2 - Follow the corridor to the right of the door opened by the gold key,
and turn left at the end of the corridor. In the far corner of the
corridors thus reached is a switch. Push it, and the floor drops to reveal
a double-barrelled shotgun and a quad damage powerup. - slp
#3 - While in secret room #2, the centre platform is an elevator which takes
you to the second button (and the way out). Underneath that elevator is a
teleporter which leads to the red armour that you can see when in the scrag
room of secret #1. - Ron Crisco
Level: E4M4 - The Palace of Hate (5 secrets)
#1 - Up ramp to first room, shoot the dagger/sun symbol above the archway in
front of the large red window, then turn around fast to kill the demon who
jumps out at you. Get the pentagram of protection where he was hiding.
- Ron Crisco
#2 - The "healing pool" counts as a secret. - slp
#3 - From the steps with the view over the moat (i.e. the area guarded by
the guillotine booby-trap), walk back along the corridor and keep going
straight. When you reach the far end, a wall to your left will drop down.
Dash in there to be lifted up to an area with a quad damage powerup. - slp
#4 - The red armour under the steps counts as a secret. The trick is to get
the nearby elevator to go up, then duck underneath the elevator. - slp
#5 - Near the silver key is a portal which you can rocketjump into for this
secret. Either shoot the rocket launcher straight into the ground and jump
at the same time, or drop a grenade into the hole underneath and jump when
it explodes. - Ron Crisco
Level: E4M5 - Hell's Atrium (4 secrets)
#1 - In the maze leading to the silver key, examine the alcoves that open
up. One of them has an odd look to the brickwork: shoot it and ride the
elevator. At the top (where the Death Knight is), fall into the slime for a
Pentagram of Protection. - slp
#2 - From the Death Knight's position in secret #1, run across the ledges
you see to get to this secret. First, run left and jump over the break.
Then turn right and you'll see a wall - go to the left of this wall but
don't turn, just stay next to wall. Then turn left and jump over break to
get to a secret area: this leads to the opening that you can see later in
the room with wooden arches - from there you can jump on arches for more
goodies. - Ron Crisco
#3 - Secret #2 leads to a beam, and jumping from beam to beam takes you to a
cell, which is a secret. - Ron Crisco
#4 - In the room behind the gold door, step on the floorplate in the middle
of the room to activate an elevator. Ride this elevator up and shoot the
red sun symbol to activate a floor section in front of you. Jump across
this to get to a secret room. - Ron Crisco
+ At the end of the level, you need to the silver key to lower a bridge to
get across to the exit. DON'T activate the bridge. Instead, hop across on
the sticks sticking out of the lava (It ain't easy. Save early, save often.
I've only been able to actually do it once). Once you're safely across turn
to your left and you'll see a gigantic door that you need the silver key to
open. (You did bring it with you after all that didn't you?) It takes you
to the Secret Level E4M8. - BraFish
* Just before exiting the level, I get a message saying "You left behind
something important." Any clues as to what it is I'm missing here?
Level: E4M6 - The Pain Maze (4 secrets)
#1 - In the room that you drop down into from the beginning, look behind the
blue columns to find a star push plate. This reveals a room and an elevator
in front of you. - Ron Crisco
#2 - Jump into the pool. There's a long underwater passage to the room with
the wooden beams, but there's also a short underwater passage to a small
room with a lightning gun. This is the actual secret. - slp
#3 - In the room with the wooden beams, getting the red armour high up on
the pillar counts as a secret. Get on the beam by the wall nearest the red
armour, and then shoot the large circle in ceiling. The beam you're on
rises higher and you can jump to the red armour. - Ron Crisco
#4 - In the same room as secret #3, underneath the main elevator (activated
by the gold key) is a secret room. To get there, shoot the greenish
coloured wall underneath the water. - BraFish
Level: E4M7 - Azure Agony (9 secrets)
#1 - You'll run after a Quad Damage and be dropped into slime. You'll see
a portal as exit, but run to the right instead to find a second portal.
This takes you to red armour. - Ron Crisco
#2 -In the big room with the cross of land, and water at the sides, go into
the water and shoot the wall underneath the area where the Pentagram of
Protection was, it will open a section where you'll find some rockets.
- BraFish
#3 - Also in that same area under water, shoot the wall underneath the area
where the Quad damage was. It will open a portal. - Ron Crisco, BraFish
#4 - Getting to the area through portal from #3 is counted as another
secret. - Ron Crisco
#5 - From the ledge in #4, look down and to the left, you'll see a slot that
you can see through. (And hear a vore on the other side). Shoot inside to
kill the vore and activate a button, to let you in. - BraFish
#6 - Jumping down from #4 counts again. It can also be accessed by
shooting a switch underneath a staircase nearby, which then raises to that
ledge. - Ron Crisco
#7 - There is a button underneath the water that opens a secret area near
the biosuit in the area of "red bricks". Ron Crisco
#8 - The same area as #6 has a darkened area just ahead of secret #4. There
are two brightened spots there. Shoot one of them to open a door. - BraFish
#9 - Shoot the other as secret #8 to open a symmetric door. - BraFish
Level: E4M8 - The Nameless City (4 secrets)
This level is reached from the "secret" exit on E4M5 (Hell's Atrium).
#1 - Follow the passage that starts underneath the platform with the gold
key on it. Take the passage that goes to the right and follow it up the
small ramp. Just to the right, you'll see a button on a wall over a
passage. Run and jump to press the button. This will open up a wall with
zombies. Just past where the zombies are is a platform that will take you
up to a small room with a shambler. Jump down the small hole in the room,
and it will drop you onto a small ledge which leads you to the red armour.
Whew! - BraFish
#2 - In the room that the ramp leads to from #1, there is a large hole that
overlooks another hole with a small ledge around it. Jump to the ledge and
look down. You should see some water at the bottom, but a small ledge with
some health (and a Quad!) half-way down. Jump to the small ledge and get
the goodies. - BraFish
#3 - Jump down into the water after secret #2. Press the button on the
right side of the room to lower the walkway into an elevator. Ride the
walkway up to th rest of them. Jump into the square cage in the middle of
the room. Activate the button inside. The cage will lower into a room
filled with zombies. Shoot the switch on the wall to get out. Follow the
passageway out of the dark room and press the switch at the end to activate
the elevator. Ride the platform up to the top and jump through the window.
Follow the short passageway until you can see the gold key in front of you.
Jump to get the gold key. Hop down and go to the gold doors at the end of
the long hall. Go inside and collect. I know what you're thinking, all
that for that?? - BraFish
#4 - After entering the silver door, turn right and go up the ramp. Kill
the zombies below the mesh. To get under there, you can drop down through
one of the triangle shaped openings. Press the button to get out. - BraFish
+ At the ledge overlooking the hole from secret #2, shoot the wall with
the same texture as the floor. It opens to a room with a few odds and ends.
- BraFish
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Level: END - Shub-Niggurath's Pit (1 secret)
#1 - There are two pathways in the main cavern: the one you start out on,
and one running below you for part of the way, at just above the level of
the lava. If you fall down onto this lower pathway (don't just leap off the
side: check there IS a pathway there first!) you can walk round to a secret
room with a quad damage powerup and a teleporter back to the top pathway.
+ The upper teleporter apparently takes you to a random point in the level.
In fact your destination point is marked by that floating spiked ball you
can see moving about. Sometimes this will teleport you to the lower path,
thus giving you an alternative way of collecting the Quad Damage. However
you are just as likely to teleport into the lava.
+ Although not an "official" secret, here is how to kill Shub-Niggurath.
The key word here is TELEFRAG. If you watch that floating spiked ball
you'll notice it passes *through* Shub-Niggurath at regular intervals.
What you have to do is step into the upper teleporter just as the ball
passes through her.
- Thanks to a bug in version 1.01 of Quake, you *can* kill Shub-Niggurath
by using some of the cheat codes to get extra weaponry (and a quad damage
powerup). It's a VERY slow process (between 84 and 100 rockets even with
quad damage) and there is a risk that the game will misbehave when you
finally succeed. This bug was fixed in version 1.05 of Quake.
There are no "official" secrets in the deathmatch levels, but there is one
thing you might want to know:
Level: DM1 - Place Of Two Deaths
+ The switches in the corridor alcoves at each end of the big "Christ room"
with the lava trap floor will *SQUISH* any lurkers against the bars of the
little side rooms.
Version 0.91 (21/06/96)
* First shareware release.
* Major bugs:
Zombies can get stuck: you can't kill them and they can't attack you.
Player can get stuck in a wall
"View centering" sometimes stops working
Serial/modem menus don't work properly
SoundBlaster initialisation problems
SoundBlaster DMA problems
Assorted multiplayer bugs too numerous to mention.
Version 0.92 (25/06/96)
* Added joystick support
* Bugfixes:
IPX now works under Win95
VESA screen redraw fixed
Now correctly uses COM port settings from menu
Teams now correctly set according to pants colours.
Version 0.94 (limited beta)
* Additions:
Moveup/movedown in water
Crosshair aiming ("crosshair 1" from console)
Totally rewritten menus
COM3/COM4 now explicitly supported from menus
Status command now shows server's IP and/or IPX address.
Coloured chat messages with notify sound
* Bugfixes:
Many SoundBlaster problems fixed
Allow console in intermission/finale
Changelevel with no (or nonexistent) map no longer crashes server
Modem initialization from menu now works
"Stuck zombie" problem now fixed
Can now play demos from command line
Stopdemo (with no demo playing) no longer crashes system
"Connect during intermission" no longer crashes server
Version 1.00 (10/07/96)
* This was a "faulty build": several multiplayer features didn't work.
It was swiftly withdrawn and replaced by version 1.01 (see below).
Version 1.01 (12/07/96)
* First commercial release.
* Additions:
Gravis Ultrasound audio support (still has bugs)
More deathmatch start spots on E1M6 and END
New console variable "noexit" (so that no-one can exit a level)
* Bugfixes:
Joystick "run" button fixed
User-defined maps no longer allowed in shareware version.
Modem code fixed (i.e. v1.00 problems sorted)
Fraglimit and timelimit now work (also from v1.00)
Version 1.05 (beta, 13/09/96)
* Additions:
WINDED (Windows 95 dedicated server) now supports IPX.
External controllers (Spaceball, Assassin) now supported.
"Teamplay 2" added (you lose a frag for killing a teammate).
IMPULSE 12 (cycle weapon backwards) added.
* Bugfixes:
Deathmatch games won't get stuck in START or END levels.
There is now only ONE way to kill Shub-Niggurath.
You can't "kill" secret doors (this caused a server crash).
Won't pick up cell ammo if you already have max holding.
Crosshairs now appear in correct place when underwater.
Stopped trailing spaces being added to key bindings in config.cfg
Version 1.06 (01/10/96)
* Additions:
"Noexit 2" added: you can exit from the "start" level ONLY.
Now supports GUS Classic (but still has bugs: see below).
Notify what weapon picked up in backpack.
Can now "kick" a player by number (instead of by name).
* Bugfixes:
The lightning gun isn't your "best" weapon when underwater.
"Timedemo" now correctly shows timings.
Respawn now looks for an unoccupied start spot.
Modem code tweaked.
"Port number" box on "join game" menu works now.
* Known bugs:
Classic GUS code not initiating properly; works only after running
something that does it right (i.e. a Gravis utility).
Version 1.07 (31/01/96)
* Modified to support Mission Pack 1.
Version 1.08 (11/03/96)
* Modified to support Mission Pack 2.
There are a number of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) files available on
the Internet.
FTP sites include:
ftp.cdrom.com (directory /pub/quake or /pub/idgames2)
ftp.stomped.com (directory /pub/quake)
The above sites might be rather busy. A good "mirror" site (i.e. one
which holds copies of all files, albeit a day or so out-of-date) is
sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk - look in /packages/idgames/idstuff and
/packages/idgames2 and their subdirectories.
The best Web sites to visit are:
id Software's very own Web site.
"The Quake Stomping Grounds"
This contains a host of Quake-related stuff: extra patches,
new deathmatch levels, hardware benchmarks etc.
An absolute "must-see" for Quake fans.
Other sites worth a look include:
If you have any comments to make on this file, my email address is:
Stuart Painting
07 June 1997