Code, sound and graphics by Stephen Scott 1993-1998
(c) tapestry multimedia 1998
Jaw Wars is my first 'solo' game for the Acorn platform, alongside a
version I am creating for the PC and Macintosh (and perhaps Acorn) using
Macromedia Director 5 or 6. I know that - as it stands - the gameplay is
rather boring, but again, this is where you come in. I would appreciate all
kinds of feedback on how the game can be improved. Refer to the end of this
document for contact details.
This version, and all subsequent versions, are programmed on a 32mb Risc PC
600, with Arm6 processor.
I look forward to hearing from you!
version 0.984 (6th April, 1998)
(sounds! plus a fancy title screen)
version 0.983 (3rd April, 1998)
(better startup screen, altered sprites)
version 0.981 (16th March, 1998)
(Slight fix - spacebar not returning to desktop now!)
version 0.98 (1st March, 1998)
(Preliminary beta release, versions prior to 0.98 were not released)
version 0.96 (10-13th February, 1998)
(Development version)
version 0.95 (9th November, 1997)
(Development version)
version 0.91 (17th August, 1997)
(Development version, versions prior to this had no number or date)
The last release was 0.984, which featured new sampled sounds. This new release, 0.9841beta (13th April, 1998) incorporates Risc PC mode detection, using the GameModes module. It took time though, because of the strange dimensions of mode 49 (1280x960) as opposed to old mode 13 (1280x1024). This meant having to alter the graphics and positioning slightly to allow for this.
I did promise that the next release would have better gameplay, but this stop gap release I just had to do, as the letterboxing was annoying me big time, and I knew I had to get round to it sooner or later, so it might as well be now. Then I can get down to the nitty gritty of that holy grail called erm, gameplay. Any ideas? Send 'em in...
On my Arm600 machine, I have noticed slowdown in the gameplay as a result of using GameModes. This may be my programming at fault, but if you dont like it, then, using a backup copy of the game;
Rename !JawWars.!Run to any other name.
Find the !JawWars.!Run2 file, and rename it to !Run.
This new !Run file will force the game into using mode 13, which is faster in operation. I will add a user selectable option for mode choice in a later version.
I am currently studying the code for Bunny Race, Philip Mellor's latest game (available from Acorn Arcade,, as its sound handling appears nice and clean. I am also looking at The Archimedes Game Makers Manual, by Terry Blunt (Sigma Press 1992, ISBN 1-85058-241-6). This book, despite being well written, is starting to show its age, and is badly in need of a second edition. Dont ask me why, it just needs it!
If you are having sound problems, then check its not your configuration playing up. If my samples are really screwing around, then give me a bell, explaining everything thats happening, and I shall try to sort it out.
This release of my game is meant for the purpose of user feedback, since it
is still in development. It is protected by copyright, and legally my
property. I have decided not to reveal my intended method of release for the full version, until much later. I have received an offer to have it included on an Acorn User cover disc, but I want to leave this business until later in the year when the game is finished.
Jaw Wars will run on any Acorn machine, because it is written in Basic, and
uses normal spritefiles. The only likely problem will be that of speed on
the lower (or higher!) end machines. Version 0.9841 onwards uses mode 49 on the Risc PC, which shouldnt effect the speed too much, despite the fact that the mouth graphic is scaled to double height in mode 49. If you dont have Risc OS 3.5 or later, then the game will play in mode 13. I will get round to incorporating speed features in a later release. Bunny Race, mentioned earlier, contains a canny routine for speeding up older machines, which I may use in Jaw Wars in the future, but I'll ask his permission first before anything happens.
If you own a StrongArm, then the game is likely to be very fast. As yet, I
have not included any time delay code for SA owners, because I dont own one,
and cant judge how slow I should make it. Again, contact me if you have
problems here, and suggestions as to how I should fix it.
The size of the main sprite file has been reduced to around 350k, owing to
the removal of certain sprites. Despite this, I still do not
know whether the game will run on a 1 meg machine without complaining. If it
does happen, use the task manager to try and free as much memory as possible
e.g. removing RAM disc, reducing font and sprite areas to 0k, and so on...
If you still have problems, contact me, and I will see to it that the game
can run within these constraints.
Jaw Wars is a simple point and destroy game, but is very addictive (I hope!)
It's space invaders in the confines of the mouth, if you haven't already
This is my first 'solo' game on the 32 bit Acorn, and it may be the last.
But if I get enough correspondance from you guys and gals out there, then
maybe I can give the game a few upgrades here and there, and may even be
encouraged to write more games for this platform.
I am also developing a version of this game on Macromedia Director 6
as one of my final year projects at university, ready for show in June this
year. I'd better get this code working properly!
Here's how it goes. The mouse controls a pointer shaped like a toothbrush.
You must use it to brush off the evil germs which appear on the teeth. Hold
down the left mouse button to do the brush action. The longer you leave the
germs alone, the more damaged the teeth become. If fourteen of the sixteen
teeth become totally decayed, then the game will end.
To make things a little more difficult in this version, you have a limited
supply of toothpaste at any one time. This is shown as a bar at the foot of
the screen. While the mouse button is pressed, toothpaste will be used. If
you run out of toothpaste, then germs cannot be killed. You must release the
mouse button to slowly 'recharge' your supply of toothpaste before you can
wipe off germs again. So, be careful.
If you do run badly short of toothpaste, you may be able to catch a tube of
toothpaste which sits on the tongue. But it wont stay for long, so catch it
quick. If you do catch it, then your supply increases dramatically.
At the moment, the game is rather basic. There is not much sound, or fancy
bits put in yet. But I'd rather get the playability correct, before
venturing onto garnishing extra code!
I ain't sayin! Ha! Ha!
In October 1997, I showed version 0.91 of the Acorn version to lecturers at
my university, and after that meeting, it was decided that a version of Jaw
Wars should be made using Macromedia Director 5 or 6, with a view to
creating a Shockwave game for playing over the internet from my website.
At present, the Acorn version is being used as a testing ground for
routines, before the code is applied to Director, using its Lingo language.
There may come a time when development on the Acorn version will be halted
temporarily, as the Director version is now technically coursework, and
therefore has priority. Once the Shockwave version is completed in time for
a graduate show in June 1998, development on the Acorn platform will be
In early April 1998, I got the Lingo version working to a decent enough state to bother showing to lecturers at college. They were impressed, although the colour palettes vary wildly across platforms, so my mouth went a funny colour. Blasted x-platforming balls-ups!
At this present time, I have the following features planned for later
- more control over the game (how many teeth, mouth type (baby mouth,boxer's
mouth! etc.) via a main menu (either from desktop, from within game, or
- Speed control, depending on Arm chip
- Difficulty ratings
- Education option, showing how to brush teeth!
- Perhaps a total rewrite, using Gamesuite (looking increasingly likely!)
- Compressing the sprites with Gamesuite's FastSpr module, as the present
file is large enough already!)
- getting the game compatible with all Acorn machines (if it doesnt do that
If, when you play the game, an error is reported, try re-running the game,
resetting the machine etc. (just in case another program in memory is
clashing for some reason or other - sounds a bit Win95 that one!). I think my code is good enough to kill the sound modules, but if you think otherwise, well...
If you still have problems, then contact me. The details are below.
Versions prior to version 1.00 are development versions, so are likely to
have the odd bug here and there that has escaped me.
Here is how you can contact me, in order of preference;
E-mail: (until end of June 1998)
For the moment, I can provide this postal address for any written queries.
Please enclose a SAE if you wish to receive a reply;
Snailmail: 17 Northcroft Villas
TW20 0DZ
United Kingdom
I have set up a special Jaw Wars download page at my Cybercuse website stored at Geocities, where you can get hold of the latest release of the Acorn (and soon, Director/Shockwave) versions;