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From Raymond.Anderson@Eng.Sun.COMWed Jan 17 11:03:22 1996
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 09:18:41 +0800
From: Ray Anderson <Raymond.Anderson@Eng.Sun.COM>
To: nec-list@ee.ubc.ca
Subject: NEC executables on the net
It appears that there are some new subscribers to the list who
may not be familiar with the NEC material currently available on the
The following list shows what is currently available on
ftp.netcom.com/pub/ra/rander/NEC (and also mirrored on
(Added note: there are several international addresses with MiniNec
and NEC information. Try ftp.funet.fi as an example. RPH)
If anyone has additions and/or updates for the archives let me
know at rander@netcom.com .
Ray Anderson Senior Signal Integrity Engineer
raymonda@radium.eng.sun.com VLSI Engineering Dept.
Sun Microsystems Inc.
NEC (Numerical Electromagnetic Code):
All files with .Z prefix compressed with UNIX compress
NEC Source Code and Executables:
NEC2 executable for the Macintosh (in compressed .hqx format)
from Barry Newberger (bsn@fusion.ph.utexas.edu)
Document file for Mac version of NEC2
NEC2 executable compiled to run on PC 386/486
Compiled with 32-bit Lahey Fortran. Requires
80x87 math coprocessor. Needs at least 2.4 MByte
memory to run.
from Jozef Bergervoet (bergervo@prl.philips.nl)
NEC2 executable for DOS. Runs on 286 or better
processor. Requires math coprocessor.
from Malcolm Packer (from Malcolm_Packer@cpqm.saic.com)
SUN4 executable (dynamically linked) of NEC2
compiled for 1000 segments (Modified for interactive
input/output filename specification)
from Weston Beal (weston@lisboa.eng.sun.com)
SUN4 executable (statically linked) of NEC2
compiled for 1500 segments
from John Boyer (john.boyer@rd.eng.bbc.co.uk)
IBM RS/6000 executable of NEC2. Runs under AIX 3.2
from Doug Braun (dbraun@iil.intel.com)
Document file for RS/6000 version of NEC2
Fortran 77 source code for nec-81. (modified for
3000 segments) (Previously listed as nec3, but renamed to
alleviate confusion with the real nec3.)
(from Petri Kotilainen OH3MCK)
Readme file for nec-81 modeling program.
Fortran source code for NEC2
NEC2 source code in C. Converted from Fortran
with f2c.
(from ucsd.edu archive)
NEC2 executable for Linux. Compiled with g77
from Jim Cronin N2VN (jdc@cci.com)
NEC2 source code in Fortran hacked to compile with 'g77'
Contains nec2a.f and secnds.f (a dummy version of secnds)
Builds with the following command line under Linux:
g77 -o nec nec2a.f secnds.f
from Jim Cronin N2VN (jdc@cci.com)
BASIC source code and DOS executable for mininec3
from NOSC
Help file covering the use of the Mininec antenna
modeling program. Of particular use to those not
having access to a copy of the Mininec manual.
(contributed by Jeff Jones AB6MB, jeffj@cbnewsm.cb.att.com)
A short text file giving document #'s and order address
for MININEC documents.
NEC Utilities and Related files:
Perl script to create NEC input files from parameterized
physical descriptions.
from Doug Braun (dbraun@iil.intel.com)
Creates polar plots from NEC output.
MS Quick Basic source code.
from John Boyer (john.boyer@rd.eng.bbc.co.uk)
Reads NEC output files and plots radiation patterns.
Written in Visual Basic and runs under Windows 3.1
in a PC DOS environment. (Revision 1.5 of 5/12/94)
written by John Boyer (john.boyer@rd.eng.bbc.co.uk)
DOS utility for verifying correctness of NEC models. Checks
adherance to rules and provides 3-D display of model.
(from ACES archive)
Article from the ACES newsletter outlining the history
of the various versions of NEC.
eam_demo.zip EAM (electromagnetic antenna modeling) demo by
SAIC (Science Applications International Corp.)
Runs under Windows 3.1 (DOS).
EAM is a graphical user interface to NEC and BSC.
Demo version has limited capability but allows
visualization and inspection of small to medium
size input deck and output files.
(from Malcolm_Packer@cpqm.saic.com)
nec-win.zip Demo version of NEC-WIN Basic from Paragon Technology,
Inc. Runs under Windows and requires math coprocessor.
Provides graphical user interfaces to view antenna
geometry and radiation patterns. Geometries input
via spreadsheet style interface. Save function disabled
on this demo version.
(Provided by Paragon Technology, Inc.)
Provides info on ordering official NEC2 documentation
from the government.
wiregrid.zip WIREGRID is a NEC2 pre-processor for DOS PC's that
was developed for modelling metallic structures using
a mesh of wires. It has powerful automatic facilities
for controlling the density of the mesh once the structure
has been broken down into a number of polygons. It can
also be used as a general NEC2 pre-processor. It was
originally written by C.F. du Toit. Note that the code
uses its own data format, and unfortunately CANNOT import
an existing NEC2 model file, but it can of course export
the model to a standard ASCII file. A description of the
pre-processor has been accepted for publication: "WIREGRID:
A NEC2 preprocessor", C.F.du Toit & D.B.Davidson, Applied
Computational Electromagnetic Society (ACES) Journal.
(To appear.) A draft version of the paper (minus
illustrations) is contained in the ZIPfile. The code was
compressed using PZKIP version 2.04g.
(wiregrid.zip Version 4.00 A now online 9/8/94)
from Dr. D.B. Davidson (davidson@firga.sun.ac.za )
This collection of NEC2 input data files is provided
courtesy of the Internet and Raymond Anderson. These input
files may be used for the NEC-PC programs, I've tried them
on both, but have been using NEC2D primarily. NEC2D was
provided by Jozef Bergervoet. I tried to give enough
examples so that the control cards for input would be self
explanatory. Also most types of antennas have been included
such as log periodic, monopole, rhombic, deltaloop, Quad and
the YAGI. These files are easily adapted and modified with
the DOS edit function, using the search and replace features.
Good Luck on your antenna designs- Clyde Edgar WA6DCM
from Clyde Edgar WA6DCM <Edgar@courier1.aero.org>
This file contains the FORTRAN source code for the
SOMNEC utility described in the official NEC2
documentation, as well as a sample output file
and a brief text file containing a general discussion
of the program.The SOMNEC program generates grids used by
the NEC2 program for the Sommerfeld-Norton approximation
to realistic grounds.
contributed by George Christianson <gchristianson@pppl.gov>
This is the text file contained in somnec.tar that
provides a general discussion of the program.
contributed by George Christianson <gchristianson@pppl.gov>
GAMTOZ is a program to convert MicroSmith .GAM files (such as
produced by ELNEC and EZNEC as well as by MicroSmith) to comma-
delimited files containing impedance values. Both source code
(GAMTOZ.BAS) and a compiled (DOS) version (GAMTOZ.EXE) are
included. (This copy virus free!)
from Roy Lewallen W7EL
lpcad.zip LPCAD is a program to design log-periodic antennas. Antenna
specifications are input and the program calculates the
physical lengths and spacings. A NEC or NEC for Wires input
file is then automatically created. lpcad.zip unzips to
produce LPCAD1.EXE and BRUN30.EXE.
(contributed by the author Roger Cox WB0DGF)
Directory containing contributed EZNEC antenna description