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%C%%H2%PipeDream 3 for RISC OS
%C%© Colton Software, 1989,1990
%L%Last updated:
This file provides additional information to that in the PipeDream 3 User Guide. Topics
covered are:
%H2%1. Acorn licence
The program !Chars and the modules Clib (the Shared C Library) and FPEmulator are owned
by and have been provided by Acorn Computers Ltd for your use with PipeDream 3. We
would remind you that their use is subject to the conditions of the standard Acorn End User
Licence Agreement as well as the conditions of the PipeDream licence agreement. Copies of
this are provided with the Archimedes computer and RISC OS or can be obtained directly
from Acorn.
We would like to thank Acorn for its help and cooperation in providing these materials for
your use.
%H2%2. Fonts
The PipeDream 3 User Guide implies that specifying fonts within your text only has effect on
the printer and has no effect on the screen. This is not the case. Fonts are also displayed on
the screen.
To be able to display or print characters in fonts other than the system font (the system font is
the one used in the title bar of every window) the Archimedes needs to have information
about the shapes of all the letters. This information is supplied on disc and is read from disc
when needed. The directory !Fonts on Applications Disc 1 contains some fonts and others
may become available from Acorn or other sources.
To speed up the operation of drawing fonts, RISC OS reduces the number of disc accesses by
keeping as much font information in memory as it can. The area of memory used for storing
fonts is called the font cache and you can vary the amount of memory available for the font
cache in the Task display accessible from the Archimedes 'A' icon bar menu. The memory
that you allocate to the font cache becomes unavailable to the rest of the system so it is best to
keep it small. However, if you find that fonts take ages to display because they are
continually being read from disk you will need to give the font cache a little more memory.
In order to show RISC OS where to find the directory !Fonts it is necessary to catalogue the
disc or directory which contains it. Then, whenever RISC OS needs to read more font
information, it will automatically read it from that disc.
The file Readme_f in this directory contains a copy of this document formatted in the font
Trinity.Medium. Try loading that file into a window to compare the text with that in the
system font. If you have a dot matrix or laser printer and a suitable RISC OS printer driver,
you can try printing Readme_f . You may find that to obtain a reasonable speed in the display
of fonts you need to allocate a lot of memory to the font cache and that to print at a reasonable
speed on a dot matrix printer you need to allocate a lot of memory to the Module area.
Printing with RISC OS drivers works best when using version 1.12, or later, of the RISC OS
printer drivers which should be available from your Acorn dealer. These drivers do not
require you to allocate memory to the Module area before printing; they will use whatever
memory is free in the computer.
%H2%3. Graphics
Pictures (in the form of !Draw files) and images (in the form of sprites) can be included in
PipeDream documents and displayed on the screen and printed. To include a picture, position
the caret in a blank slot at the top-left of where you would like the picture and then drag the
picture file from the disc directory into the PipeDream window. The picture should then be
drawn in the window.
Once inside the PipeDream window the picture can be rescaled. The picture is represented in
the PipeDream document as a filename, like this
(Note that you should use only a single @@ at the start, a double @@ is used in the above slot to
display the filename.)
To rescale the picture insert the scale factor after the filename like this
This would rescale the picture to 70%PC% of its original size. To delete the picture, move the
caret onto the slot containing the reference and delete the reference. To move the picture,
delete the reference and paste it into another slot.
%H2%5. Highlights in headers and footers
Highlights can be inserted into headers and footers (and the title) by inserting ^n where n is the
highlight number (similar to search and replace). For example ^4 would switch on italics.
%H2%6. Loading multi-file documents
The description given on page 211 of the PipeDream 3 User Guide on loading multi-file
documents is incorrect. Sorry!
To load a multi-file document drag the list file's icon to the PipeDream icon on the icon bar.
This loads the first file of the multi-file document into a window.
To load the list file itself for editing click Select on the PipeDream icon on the icon bar to
open a new empty window and then drag the list file's icon into the new empty window.
%H2%7. Macro files
The sample macro file given on page 325 of the PipeDream 3 User Guide is incorrect. It
should read
@F:Corpus.Medium@\Cdk|i 35 |i "¢" |m
@F:Corpus.Medium@\Cdf|i "F1" |i "\R|m" |m
@F:Corpus.Medium@\Cdf|i "Shift F2" |i "\CGS |i C3 |m" |m
@F:Corpus.Medium@\Cdf|i "Ctrl F3" |i "\Q|m\Z|m" |m
@F:Corpus.Medium@\Cdf|i "Ctrl-Shift F1" |i "\FH|m" |m
Note the different way in which the function keys are specified. It is always easiest to
generate macro files using the Record Macro File command (Ctrl-FY) which is on the long
cursor menu. Also if you need to know the syntax of macro files precisely, use the macro
recorder and then load the resulting macro file by dragging it to the PipeDream icon on the
icon bar.
%H2%8. Printing formulae
If you want to print your spreadsheet with the formulae showing rather than the resulting
values first convert the slots from numeric slots to textual slots by using the Number <> Text
command (Ctrl-ENT) which is available on the long Blocks menu. After printing you will
probably want to convert back to numeric slots by using Ctrl-ENT again.
%H2%9. Z88 Filing System
The Z88 Filing System provided on the PipeDream 3 disc enables you to connect a Z88
computer to the Archimedes and load files from it and save files to it as if it were a disc drive.
In order to do this two extra pieces of hardware are required - a Z88-Archimedes lead and the
PC-LINK EPROM card plugged into the Z88. Both of these components are available
separately from Colton Software.
To use the Z88 filing system, double-click Select on the Z88 icon on the PipeDream 3 disc.
The Z88 Filing System will load and install its icon on the icon bar. Ensure that the lead is
connected securely to both computers and that the PC-LINK EPROM card is inserted and
running in the Z88. Now click Select on the Z88 icon on the icon bar. A directory viewer
should appear showing the devices available on the Z88. Click Select on one of the devices
and a directory viewer will appear showing the files and directories currently in the device.
If you receive the message "Failed to synchronise with the Z88 (Is PC-LINK running on the
Z88?)" check that the lead is connected securely in both computers, and that the PC-LINK
EPROM is correctly inserted and running in the Z88. (To start PC-LINK press []L (square L)
on the Z88.)
With the Z88 Filing System running you can copy files between a directory on an Archimedes
disk and a directory in the Z88. You can create selections in directories on both the Z88 and
Archimedes and copy the selections. You can also copy files from the Z88 to PipeDream 3
running on the Archimedes either by dragging the file to the PipeDream 3 icon on the icon bar
to load the file, or by dragging the file into a PipeDream window to insert it into another
document. Similarly you can save a file from PipeDream 3 to the Z88 by dragging the file
icon from the Save dialog box to the Z88 directory viewer.
You can also drag files from the Z88 to other, but not all, applications. For example you can
load files from the Z88 straight into Edit by dragging files in a similar way to that described
above for PipeDream 3. Some applications will not be able to load or save Z88 files directly
and the data will be corrupted when it is displayed in the application's window. Of course,
you can copy the file into a directory on an Archimedes disc first, and then load it into the
application. (For the technically minded, this is because the PC-LINK EPROM does not
support random access, just sequential access.)
Not all of the filing system operations are supported by the Z88 Filing System. You cannot
use the Access, Delete or Rename commands on the Filer Selection sub-menu to operate on
Z88 files. Neither can you create directories on the Z88 from the Archimedes; you must do
this on the Z88 itself, using its own Filing System.
%H2%10. Printer Drivers
Three PipeDream printer drivers are provided. These are %H2%fx80%H2% for Epson compatible dot
matrix printers, %H2%juki%H2% for daisywheel printers, %H2%HPjet%H2% for Hewlett-Packard Laserjet and
compatible printers and BJ10 for Canon BJ10 and compatible printers. They are in directory
!PipeDream (which you can open by pressing Shift whilst double-clicking on !PipeDream).
These drivers are for PipeDream type printing only. For RISC OS type printing use the
appropriate driver available from the Application disc or RISC OS Extras disc.
%L%%H2%11. Printing with RISC OS printer drivers from 1Mbyte computers
A number of people have asked how to print using the "fancy fonts" and the RISC OS printer
drivers on dot matrix printers from an Archimedes having only 1Mbyte of memory.
The general problem is that optimal use of RISC OS requires more than 1Mbyte of RAM.
This is true not just for usage of PipeDream but also true for usage of most other Archimedes
applications. 1Mbyte is generally sufficient for a single application to run but expectations
constantly rise about fonts, screen and printer resolutions and document sizes, and it is also
desirable to have several applications running together now that applications are starting to
communicate between themselves intelligently. Currently 2Mbytes is fine for most users,
enabling several applications to be run concurrently, with many documents loaded, and
generous caches for fonts and printer drivers and so on. Given past trends it may be expected
that some time in the future 2Mbytes will seem cramped and 4Mbytes or even more will
become the norm. Decisions about upgrading are subjective and depend upon need and
finance but, at present, much more can be done in 2Mbytes than 1Mbyte. After loading
PipeDream 3 you can expect 250K free on a 1Mbyte computer or 1,250K free on a 2Mbyte
computer. Note that memory for a font cache and a RISC OS printer driver has to be
allocated from this area. Remember that using the system font on screen and PipeDream
printer drivers to print does not require any font cache or extra memory for a printer driver.
We recommend you use PrinterDM 1.12, or later, which is available on the RISC OS Extras
Disc and FontManager 2.42, or later, together with the outline fonts which are available on the
Acorn Fonts disc or from Acorn Desktop Publisher. All of these should be available from
your Acorn dealer.
The key to printing with RISC OS drivers is to have memory free for the driver to use as a
buffer. The more memory the faster the print.
A reasonable configuration for your computer is as follows. Perform
and then do a Ctrl-Reset. Your memory allocation in the task display should now be
Next, catalogue the disc containing !Fonts and then load PipeDream onto the icon bar.
Version 3.07 of PipeDream requires 432K and there should now be about 160K free. Load
PrinterDM onto the icon bar, select the appropriate printer type and then select Quit on
PrinterDM's menu. There should now be about 128K free. Load/create your document and
Extra memory can be recovered by unplugging the Percussion, Stringlib, Wavesynth,
SoundChannels and SoundDMA modules which yields about 24K. Printing in modes 0 or 1
will free a further 56K for the driver buffer. Printing sprites is best done in mode 1.
%H2%12. New features in PipeDream 3.07
%H1%Print scaling%H1% A new option in the print dialog box enables you to specify the size of print to
be used. Note that this only works with the RISC OS printer drivers.
%H1%Grid printing%H1% The grid can now be printed. The print is not quite as slick as the screen
display as vertical lines are drawn through overlapping text. However printing numerical
documents with the grid can make a vast difference to the presentation.
%H1%Editing in fonts%H1% If you have a printer font selected the current line is also now displayed on
the screen in that font. If you find that your monitor is not of a sufficiently high resolution for
the editing to be readable use the system font for editing and switch to your favoured font
before printing.
%H1%Caret colour%H1% The colour of the caret can now be changed in the colours dialog box.
%H1%Saving%H1% Clicking Select on Save in the Files menu will now cause PipeDream to save the file
without prompting with a dialog box if it can. If the filename is ambiguous (ie there is no
directory path) PipeDream will put up a dialog box in the usual way. This is a feature of
RISC OS and gives you the option of repeated saving with or without changing the filename
and with a minimum of mouse operations. (On other systems these are known as "Save..."
and "Save as...".
%H1%Define command (Ctrl CDC)%H1%
Define Command enables you to redefine the Ctrl key sequences. For example if you wanted
Ctrl-C to perform a Copy Block command you would specify
Command to define: C
Define as: BC
Think carefully before redefining the Ctrl sequences in this way. Remember that PipeDream
uses the letters F E L P B C and S as the first character of multiple commands and so if you
redefine any of these you will be affecting a lot of commands.
%H2%13. New features in PipeDream 3.10
%H1%Border colour%H1% The current row and column borders can be drawn in a different colour to help
the eye find the current slot more easily. This colour can be set in the colours dialog box.
%H1%Overlaying pictures%H1% Graphics files in Draw format can now be overlaid by text in PipeDream.
An example of this is Whatif which is provided in the examples. In this example boxes have
been created in !Draw and these are used to highlight slots in PipeDream. This feature is very
good for creating form templates.
%H1%Slot references%H1% Slot references can now be put into header and footer fields. (Highlights can
also be used in headers, footers, searching and leading and trailing character fields; use ^1 to
^8 to specify highlight 1 to highlight 8.)
%H2%14. New features in PipeDream 3.12
%H1%International Spelling Checker%H1% The spelling checker can now cope with characters other than
A-Z, hyphen and apostrophe. The list of characters, sorting sequences and endings is given in
a file in !PipeDream.Dictdefn. There is one file for each type of dictionary. We recommend
that you do not try to modify these files and support may not be given for problems that occur
if you do.
When creating a user dictionary there is a new option in the Create User Dictionary dialog
box for you to specify a type of dictionary. This is taken from the files in Dictdefn. Normally
you would just leave it set to English.
A new command (User Dictionary Options - Ctrl-SQ) has been added to enable you to make
user dictionaries read-only. This prevents you adding new words to the dictionary. It is of
most use to Econet users who can now have read-only user dictionaries accessable by multiple
%H1%DTP Export
A new DTP Export has been written and can be accessed from the Save dialog box. The old
DTP Export has been renamed as FWP export. The new exporter exports paragraphs and
tabular data more appropriately for Acorn DTP than before as Acorn DTP does not cope very
well with paragraphs and tabular data in First Word Plus files.
%H2%15. Known problem with printing
PipeDream is unable to correctly print multi-file documents with many RISC OS printer
drivers. PrinterPS works okay, as do the newer versions (1.12 upwards) of PrinterDM and LJ
if enough memory is available for a full page buffer.
1. Acorn licence
2. Fonts
3. Graphics
5. Highlights in headers and footers
6. Loading multi-file documents
7. Macro files
8. Printing formulae
9. Z88 Filing System
10. Printer Drivers
11. Printing with RISC OS printer drivers from 1Mbyte computers
12. New features in PipeDream 3.07
13. New features in PipeDream 3.10
14. New features in PipeDream 3.12
15. Known problem with printing
*configure spritesize 0
*configure fontcache 48K
*unplug SoundScheduler
Screen memory
System heap
Module area
Font cache
6 September 1990
Define function key
Define function key
Define function key
Define function key